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Book-1 Tir novella
– Hand over to rent better and part of the gray sheep pasture. After all, it royal land, and you, though a poor man, but the owner.
– That’s just this is all that I have left and will remain for life, no matter what happened, how you do not understand? In the end, mother and son, as usual, tied quarrel. For Den hassle harnessed horse in wheelbarrow and became one pass sheep out of the barn. His hands were buried in the soft curly hair of animals unprecedented color. At first glance, it seemed that the hair decked in bright golden yellow color. But the reddish hue from a distance creates impression resemblance to gold. Dan uploaded a cart, covered it with a piece of carefully colored cloth in bright red and green stripes. From this truck immediately stood out against the gray stealth objects of the yard. Finally, everything was ready. And Naa went into the house to call the children. Omar ran the first in a short dark blue jacket and the same color of the pants. On his head he wore a straw hat with a rolled-up fields. On the feet – beautiful blue shoes with leather sole. It is easy, as do the characters in adventure films, jumped on the box to his father. Then, on the threshold of the house seemed to Jeannette. It was fitting slender girlish figure, the red jumpsuit. Flirty hair curled strands. She was carrying a handbag woven from straw, with a picture of her three red flowers. Outfit combined with a well-matched color, with taste and went to face the girl. On her feet shod leather sandals. Fingernails and toenails were cast pearly pale pink polish. Father first saw the nail polish on her daughter: – A is not it a little early, Jeannette?
Girl blushed crimson paint, sitting back on a soft seat. Dan thought ruefully, “It is eighteen. And who would marry her without a dowry?”
With a sigh, he looked at his mother. That clattering keys, carefully locked the house and barn. Then she untied the thoroughbred watchdog. He immediately with the same barking rushed for balls that barely having time to dive under the porch hen house, peeking out of there now, catching the last glimpse of Omar. Carts, full of master’s long line stretched street of the village. The air was filled with laughter, jokes, neighing horses and sheep Blenheim. Lightweight crews with festively dressed young people having fun sped by. Dana heart was filled with anticipation of good luck: he foresaw a profitable sale, the ability to close Wealth tickled nerves. Imagination painted a rosy picture of happy future. The mood was rising, kneading and more on the experience of the sebaceous travel liners from which at Jeannette flushed cheeks and dropped his eyes.
At a specially designated area, allocated parking for crews. The hosts live unload the goods, throwing each other unfriendly attitudes and wary of malevolence. Dan put his crew on the space next to droshky drawn by a white stallion in apples. His nag looked donkey next to the thoroughbred horse.
– Dad! – Asked Jeannette! – Can we go with Omar walk?
– All right, kids! – Gentle voice he said! – Go only if you get lost, then stand at the exit to the auction if you do not get lost, it was waiting for us here. Do you understand me?
– Yes, Dad. – Responded daughter. Holding hands, they ran away. The auction was just beginning, and there were free lockers – a fenced place for sheep intended for trade. Viewers and buyers gradually took place under a huge canopy for bargaining, on benches, stepping stones goes under the canvas roof. In the center of the canopy was erected square observation deck, strewn with yellow sand. On both sides of this site, which is closely adjacent to each other, are located cabins-stall. Dan moved his sheep into the booth, auction officials said, after the shepherd gave him a purchased ticket. Old Naa smoked a pipe in the cart. Around her, a crowd of onlookers.
Even the most seasoned dealers, who have eaten dog for sale of the best breeds of sheep, not Mark, and have not seen anything like this. They excitedly called the price. Naa handkerchief nervously fingered. Of such amounts she did not dare to dream even in the days of his youth,
when, resplendent youth, turned the heads of local herders, and they were ready to put all his wealth for the possession of her rare majestic beauty. Doubts about the success gradually dissipated in the soul of the mother, giving way to confidence in anticipation of the successful tenderer.
Bargaining began with the battle gong. The manager called the auction room lockers, and a host of displaying the next sheep, loudly shouting the price But the price of sheep, sheep farmers do not exceed these amounts. This bargaining was not. Everybody is looking forward to something. Finally, it came to Dan. Managing struck the gong. Shepherd led the first sheep. The audience jumped up. Swept through the ranks hum of voices, Dan wrung the price that all sellers dumbfounded gaped in astonishment and envy, the other in a frenzy began lash whips are not sold their sheep. Still others, who removed elk somehow sell their goods, slyly smiling, exchanging glances with each other.
– One hundred thousand and two hundred. Times! – Loudly notifies the manager, striking
electronic chime in with a rubber mallet. Blow, reinforced multi-multiple amplifiers, and came from the loudspeakers installed under the roof of the pavilion.
– One hundred thousand three hundred! – Shouted from the audience. Wave swept over the rows of excited babble of voices.
– One hundred thousand three hundred! Times! – Monotone voice to the beat of the gong
heralded manager. He sat in the middle of the court at the little table next to the selling. And every time that you wrote down, after announcing the price, in a notebook, which lay next to the gong and microphone.
– Two hundred thousand! – Getting up, fat man shouted with cigar in hand. On the index finger of his right hand flashed a diamond in the gold ring.
“The whole state will be” – to determine Naa, glancing around the burning of unprecedented gaming excitement, expensive ring on the finger of the fat man next to a smoking cigar clamped.
– Two hundred thousand! Times! – Managing paused. Hall was buzzing as disturbed hive. The unprecedented auction attracted spectators from other sites Auction. Hall virtually empty at a cattle pavilion and equestrian. The crowds of shepherds squeezed forward, trying to take places closer to the ground.
– Lord, Who is the greatest? – Managing looked expectantly to the bit-com packed hall. Fat man with an expensive ring and little cigar be seen. Just stuck his mustache in a sea of flushed faces.
– Who has more? – Sounded the voice of the manager. But the hunters are. Little by little, in the hall of oppressive silence reigned. All waiting for the outcome. Call anyone worth more? Will buy anyone else?
– I take away all seven to two hundred thousand for each! – Shouted the fat man, and then his voice was drowned in the new loud explosion exclamations.
– All seven, two hundred thousand each! Times! – The voice of the manager
from the loudspeakers was louder hum loudly. – … Two! … Three!
– Barely pausing between account, as still equal millionaire sheep farmer from the Southern Hemisphere, Sylvester, according to the riches there. The manager of the Auction ended his account with the words: – SOLD!
And Dan was a millionaire. His stern face touched children good-natured smile. Sheep moved by a nagging Naa corral buyer. Dan, pushing the latter into the opening paddocks, said:
– Mother, you are always dissatisfied, even now when words are not necessary, and so everything is clear.
– You sold too cheap, stupid. A year later, you would be able to help out in
twice the amount. I told you, do not hurry.
– You wanted us to be robbed. After all, could Omar Shake. Jeannette, and you’re quick on the tongue.
– What do you unleash on children. What I do not understand that for the sheep we have…
But a fight is brewing stopped the farmer came to the rescue. Swaying from side to side, he approached his sheep are: – I am very glad to meet you! – Holding out his hand, he said.
Den embarrassed, blushed like a young man. He has long been brought so easily talk to a millionaire. And he reached out timidly.
– Sylvester!
In rough calloused hand Den found ourselves soft pads groomed fingers. Cold hard Signet tickled her palm.
– Den! – Ingratiating smile, introduced himself. Naa cast an angry look on his son.
– This is my mother.
– Very nice. – Curves thick lips in a welcoming smile, Sylvester dropped and turning to the shepherd, said: – I ask you to rise to the office of bargaining. It is necessary to make
some documents. They are gone, and the old guard remained in Naa stall, with a viewing platform could be heard shouting manager Auction: – Every twenty-five thousand! Two!..
– Omar! I want to take a ride on the roller coaster, let’s go! My brother has not had time to respond, as Jeannette pulled him by the arm to the Raced at breakneck speed on a steep turn booths. In the little window offices, she bought two tickets, and putting their employee sat
They drove up to the booth behind her slowly climbed into the front Omar seat.
– Ah-ah-ah! – Jeannette cried, tight clutching his torso brother with both hands! – This cabin rushed from the scene in the “gap” descent.
– And, and, and! – Softly she screamed when they threw up again to throw in a bend even steeper. Omar as a man held in chair, as if his father’s saddle horse to chase the sheep. Cowardice sister makes him proud of the man’s origins. He wanted more and more time on the amazing roller coaster ride. But the cabin stood. Approached employee helped her sister out. Omar got out himself. They walked down the ride on the wooden stairs. We bought ice cream and curiously turned his head around, marveling at the abundance of recreational facilities. Their attention was drawn to the pneumatic shooting range shooting. Had its various prizes for good shooting. Omar longed to shoot. He persuaded his sister and they came closer. The attendant, an elderly man with a kind smile, offered Omar a gun and a handful of cartridgesю Omar was aiming for a long time, choosing the target. Eyes scattered from a variety of animals and all sorts of sizes of dots in which to get. I wanted to immediately hit the most small, but the thought: “What if not on target”! – Stopped, and he chose the circle bigger. He was aiming for a long time, then gently holding my breath, pulled the trigger hook. Dry cotton shot and hit the goal. He shot the first time in my life. Jeannette burst into laughter. Omar proudly looked at his sister, then took aim again, and again hit the goal. He looked at Jeannette, and just noticed next to her tall young man with a beard and mustache, sleek, cleverly wounding him, Omar target. The boy flew into a rage. To tears felt sorry for myself, for my sister, “How could she cheat, and even laugh. Oh wait, I’ll teach you, cat!” – He thought gleefully. And the girl that time has forgotten about his brother and chirped merrily with a stranger. Lobster disassembled in a conversation that my sister called stranger Orth. Lobster
looked curiously at Ort. He was a young man of noble appearance. Straight aquiline nose and large sensitive brown eyes gave the person calm, courageous expression. He smiled snowy infectious smile and so trustingly looked at Omar that he stopped sulking and introduced himself:
– Omar.
– Very nice, young man. Ort!
They shook hands. The “iron hand” Ort for a moment, like a vise, squeezed a narrow palm boy. From this handshake Omar suddenly felt a man’s self-confidence and pride that such a strong person has given him, the little little man, the man’s attention. Orth had come with her sister, and when all three of them pretty tired suggested: – Jeannette, let’s explore the city.
– Let’s just here. – She blushed, glancing at his brother.
– And, Omar, so he’s coming with us.
The girl sighed in relief. They came out with entertainment site and found ourselves in the parking lot of crews. There among the tents, droshkies and carts stood red pearl color passenger car. His body shone in the sun and was dazzling nor beautiful background motley wheeled transport. Jeannette trying to guess the crew Ort’s, but he led them farther and farther away, closer to the car. The girl’s heart flutter, she was scared, and it turns out that this car Ort’s. Her movements were not as fast, it slowed down, still doubting his hunches. Meanwhile, Orth-farming opened the door, inviting them to sit down. Jeanette looked in dismay at his brother. Orth first climbed into the front seat and looked admiringly at the white-toothed welcoming smile Ort’s. He filed Jeannette hand, breaking definitively hesitant girls. Girl with a sinking heart, sat on the back seat.
– Yes, I almost forgot! – The young man said, opening the lid of the box, built into the dashboard. Out of the box he took a piece of blank paper and quickly wrote something on it,
then put it in an envelope.
– Dear Janet, I ask you, please, tell, please it’s your father. – He handed her an envelope! – I do not want to He was worried, and we wait for you with Omar. The girl took the envelope and climbed out: “Could not send the Rock! – She thought resentfully! – Though one hand, I quickly find my father. “calmed herself so she rushed headlong to the shed bargaining. My grandmother showed her the direction in which the father left with Sylvester. Jeannette found them in the bar is already pretty tipsy, with the extreme bar table in a corner, the left from the exit.
– Ah! Jeannette! – Babbling drunk father tongue! – On Sylvester, this is my daughter. Sylvester pursed smile and tried to link what is not could not. Vodka struck, as seen in his head.
– Dad! – The beginning of a daughter! – I want to take a ride on a beautiful car with a young man, and with Omar. Let. Ah! Here He asks you for permission.
My father seemed to instantly sobered up. He took the envelope from her daughter. Jeannette immediately wanted to run, but at the last moment Dan held her hand.
– But Daddy! – Stamping his foot with impatience, exclaimed, Daughter: – They’re waiting for you!
– Nothing can wait. – Medley father. He slowly pulled a folded sheet of paper from the envelope. Jeannette nervously fingered handbag, patiently waiting for the word father. Den suddenly from all the mama slammed his fist on the table. Daughter flinched in surprise, covering his face with his hands. Mugs with unfinished jumped over the table and began to roll on the table, spilling the contents of which formed puddles thin stream ran on expensive suit trousers Sylvester. Millionaire fast asleep.
– I knew it! – Yelled a voice not his father. Sylvester chewed thick lips, without waking up. Jeannette hurried rush away. The frightened girl sought out old Naa. She fumbled in Van, giving final instructions to the movers, Georgia sold sheep.
– Hey, man, be careful! – She shouted at thein the reception.
– They’re not yours. – He threw one back.
– Would have been like for them as for small children, would know how to contact with the poor animals. – She babbled, looking with pity at bleat in a van, huddled together animals. Working slammed lined metal door closed van. Poor Naa hardly tore moisten eyes off slam door and just now noticed to run to her with all his Jeannette. The heart of sensing something was wrong, she quickly moved toward her.
– What happened to Dan?
The girl, sobbing, told him everything.
– Again, under-the-table, the bastard! – Powerful, deep voice growled Naa. Then he took on his hips, elbows sharp thorns pierced Air: – Well, let’s go! The bar was not the father. It was not in the office and trade, and only in the branch of the National Bank of Den sat at the table and what is the diligently brings to the bank letterhead. As they approached, he finished writing.
– What does it all mean? – Since the beginning of the threshold Naa.
Den, oblivious mother, folded form four times and held Jeannette. The mother attempted to take the letter. But Dan pushed her over back: – For, be conveyed is Ort’s. He is waiting on the bridge, – the old Naa frantic thrashing Dan fists on the back.
– Where you are sending it, you scoundrel! She’s not going anywhere! Screamed a woman in a high falsetto.
– Go, go, girl! – Ordered the Den. Jeannette in fright ran to the door.
– Wait, my daughter, do not go! Do not go anywhere! – Yelled Naa. Den both hands to hold his mother was…
– … What do not we go further? – Omar said in Ort’s, when car stopped on the bridge.
– Here we’ll wait for your sister.
– Ah! – Knowingly handed Omar.
Dragged agonizing minutes of waiting. Orth, without ceasing, chatted language, told amazing stories. The main characters in them were animals, birds, habits so much like people. Omar laughed to tears. Time passed so quickly that at first he did not even know who says Orth. It was only a moment later I saw my sister. Orth at this time unfolded the paper and read the scribble his father in the banking form. On the face of it slipped slightly perceptible cold smile. He looked absently Omar in the face, then opened the door and a strange voice commanded: – Get out of the puppy! – Lobster blinked in surprise. Bitter lump in his throat, caught his breath. Eyes with plenty of moist.
– Let’s wait! – Shouted at him impatiently Orth. Omar got out of the car and rushed to his sister. Jeannette put her head to his brother. Blazing facing in the rays of the evening sun, the machine
dashed on showering poor children exhaust. Do not understand, they went toward the crew. Father gloomily silent, waiting for their return. Old Naa was shaking all body. Such her Omar has ever seen. Peaked in minutes, facial features. Under the eyes are indicated by black circles. She nervously puffed tube. Came home late. Father is not in this unharnessed Night Horse…
Old Naa sick the next day. She hire eyes, and every day it got worse. The poor old lady has selected it. Lobster with pity and fear looked at it as an unfortunate, rotating bulging eyes, tried to say something, but and could not utter a word until his death. She died a week later. Strongly handed and Den. Naa buried at the village cemetery, and the house seemed deserted. But Dan did not give up. He worked hard, whole months spent in the pasture, and almost did not come home. Lobster helped him. Jeannette hosted in the house. Sometimes visited his brother and father. So. flowed days after day, month after month, invisible string of years passed, Jeannette married a neighboring shepherd. Omar was quite an adult guy. My father had aged considerably. He
never told the children that happened that day, a memorable day of the Auction.
Chapter 3
The capital Lakiya Narfi located on a peninsula, rocky horseshoe-shaped plateau, like growing into the waves of the Southern Ocean. Warm temperate climate, lush vegetation and blue waves
washing the narrow sandy beaches, the city created the glory of the tourist capital of the world. From all over the war-scorched planet gathered in Narfi generals and members of governments, and other dignitaries of the warring countries. Some fled from the terrible everyday war, others treat your tired nerves to the new charge passionate hatred rush into the hell of war. It calmed down for a while passions calmed deadly enemies, and not noticing the neighborhood of each other peacefully rested, treated, exchanged visits and not a word was said about the war.
Ordinary soldiers were not here. Emaciated, desperate, they were cold in the trenches, died of wounds, and the only salvation for these poor wretches was a hospital…
In the royal palace guards were busy in the red front form. They rushed up and down the red carpet parade stairs, rattling sabers and spurs, others marched on the parade ground.
All this buzzing, gleaming and thundered, woven into the palace brass orchestra, which plays smoothly military marches. At the gates of escort vehicles lined up, surrounded by a guard of honor on antigravity motorcycle. In all felt the approach of the solemn event great national importance. Suddenly there was silence. In the silence abruptly rang the team, and before the main entrance of the palace were frozen in a clear build Guardsmen. The sounds of drums broke the silence, drowning out the noise leaves in the trees of the old park. With the sounds of the drum, accompanied by two guards, dressed in ceremonial green form of personal protection and raspberry berets, on the red carpet the grand staircase appeared Monarch. It was no longer a young tall man, lean and taut, kept the traces of manly beauty. Delicate features and intelligent brown eyes, strong-willed fold at the bridge of the nose and a high forehead open from afar merged into a single harmonious portrait, enlivening solemn stern expression. Measured pace, all three of them proceeded to the royal armored limousine black. Right bodyguard opened the door and stood still. The second first got into the back seat, for it squeezed into the cab king, followed – opened the door guard, he also slammed it behind him. To the sound of military burst out march of the royal escort marched through the streets of Narfi towards the capital’s airport. The streets were thronged with crowds of jubilant people. Idly dressed townspeople waving flags and bouquets of flowers, Welcoming your pet and revered by the people of the king.
At the airport he was waiting for a different military honor guard and orchestra. The king stepped onto the red carpet spread on the tarmac. Accompanied by the same guard took a few steps toward the descending on the utility ladder gray-haired man dressed in a black suit and a white shirt with a black tie. The man came down with a big smile, moved to the king. When they approached each other and shook hands, the king said:
– Good to see you. Vic, what brings you to me?
– I, on behalf of his country, bleeding, welcome your people and wish prosperity and welfare.
– Thank you, Vic. On behalf of my people, I salute you.
– I have a very important visit, I was commissioned on behalf of the Organizing Committee for the Truce lead the Union to offer you a truce.
– What does that mean?
– In a word, we have decided to offer you clean up in the world and you have put forward a candidate for the leadership position of the Union Truce.
– So do not answer right away. – The king said thoughtfully.
– Laky, you take your time, think it over everything and give the answer later.
– Yes, yes, of course. – Agreed to the king and continued
– Stay with me, rest, and I think when I can Sway to give an answer.
– That’s good. – Posted by Vic.
All of a sudden burst of martial music. To high personages chased step approached the chief guard of honor. The report of it was brief. Ceremony of President Arkii Vick has begun…
The visit of the President was coming to an end. It was the culmination of reception hosted in honor of Lakiem’s visitor. The reception took place in the great hall of the palace of gold, which usually gave the balls. Attending pre-sent invitations, on which approach was passed into a palace. With scattered, dazzled jewelry women’s jewelry, he flashed, filling the festive excitement of the heart. Here in this moment to decide important questions of world politics. Moved billions of dollars of capital, went to the deaths of thousands of people have died in the mines hundreds of diamond miners, obeying fleetingly dropped word congregate on the lips of beautiful women, or a wave of a shaggy eyebrows one manager, who did not like the other, or the whim of the ladies who desire to look richer rivals. Reception usually ended ball. Young people danced, got acquainted, to conclude the deal. Particularly valuable was considered acquaintance for such reception. Friendship persisted for many years and no argument could not break the bonds pledged by the royal reception. The Parties recalled the fleeting moment of the meeting, and the quarrel is forgotten, went in the trash of the past, and the world is happy and glitter fresh as on that memorable evening. The ball was in full swing when Laky, dressed in a black business suit, approaching Vick said: – I ask you to come into my apartment.
Both went unnoticed in a corner of the hall door and found ourselves in the office carpet, which usually spoke the King, in the so-called “lobby” with the politicians of the world. Care was not seen. Friends and enemies of all stripes gathered in groups around the room, not paying no attention to the dancing couples, engaged in a discussion of the event.