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Little Cowgirl Needs a Mum / Once Upon a Proposal: Little Cowgirl Needs a Mum
Gracie looked up at him with a sparkle in her eyes that he hadn’t seen in a long time. He had trouble taking a breath. Did it take so little to make her happy?
“Maybe we can make time tomorrow,” he said.
“Yes, really,” he promised.
He leaned down to take her sweet hug. Her arms felt so good. “Thank you, Daddy,” she whispered.
“You’re welcome, Gracie.” He released her and she went off with her new friend.
He stood and caught Jenny watching him. He could see that she approved of what he’d done.
“Seems my daughter’s social life has picked up since you’ve come to town.” He looked into her eyes. Suddenly he was pulled into those dark depths. “Don’t expect mine to do the same.”
“Look out, Rafferty, you’ve already started by accepting the Casalis’ invitation. Just try to enjoy yourself.”
He wasn’t sure he remembered how to enjoy himself, but he suddenly realized he was looking forward to tomorrow.
The next day was sunny when Jenny arrived at the A Bar A Ranch. Okay, maybe this wasn’t a good idea. As much as she’d tried to stay out of the Raffertys’ life, she was smack in the middle of things again. She wanted to blame it on Allison, but she could have made an excuse not to come today. Instead, she’d been looking forward to it.
After climbing out of the car, she headed for the barn as Brian Perkins came out of the corral.
Just a hair under six feet tall, he had that slow, deliberate walk of a man who knew where he was going. His cowboy hat was cocked over his eyes, his sandy hair cut just above his ears.
It had been nearly nine months since she’d last seen him, but it seemed like yesterday. He smiled and lines crinkled around his hazel eyes, showing his forty-plus years. But he still was a handsome devil.
“Hey, pretty girl,” he called. “It’s good to see you.”
She expected that familiar feeling to tighten in her chest, but nothing like that came. She was only glad to see a friend. “Hey, cowboy. You, too.”
She was caught off guard when he pulled her into a big hug. “I’ve missed you.”
“That’s nice to know.”
He released her. “Do you still hate me?”
She blinked at his frankness. “Let’s not beat around the bush.”
He sobered. “It was never my intention to hurt you.”
They’d dated for a few months nearly two summers ago when she’d been working on Allison’s cable TV show. It had been pretty intense, but there had always been something missing between them. She had been the one with the forever fantasies. When the breakup came, it had been more pride than her heart being involved. She’d gone back to San Antonio and her teaching job.
“Don’t worry, Perkins, I got over you a long time ago. So get over yourself.”
He tossed her that grin she’d once been so crazy about, but it didn’t affect her the way it used to. Suddenly she realized what Brian had tried to tell her: they were headed in different directions. As a divorced father, he wanted time with his nearly grown kids, and she wanted to start a family.
“I’m wounded.” He clutched his chest dramatically. “Was I so easy to forget?”
She fought a smile. “I guess I was, too.”
“No way.” His gaze locked on her. “I just wasn’t the guy for you.” Brian reached out and touched her cheek. “There’s a lucky man who’s gonna win your heart.”
Before she could say anything, she heard her name. She turned around to see Gracie running toward her, followed by a stoic-looking Evan Rafferty.
“Hi, Gracie,” she said.
She hugged the girl as her father walked up. “Hello, Evan.” She glanced over her shoulder, suddenly feeling uneasy. “Brian Perkins, this is Evan Rafferty and his daughter, Gracie. Brian’s the ranch foreman and Alex’s partner in his cattle business.”
The two men exchanged handshakes. “Evan. It’s a good day for a ride.”
Evan gave a curt nod. “Yeah, it is.”
This wasn’t going well, Jenny thought, not knowing why. “Brian and Alex also breed quarter horses.” She filled in the silence as the two men stared at each other.
“Rafferty. Is that Rafferty’s Vineyard?”
Evan nodded.
Thank goodness, the Casalis were walking toward them, Cherry hurrying on ahead. Her limp was barely noticeable these days. How great was it that a kid could go from a wheelchair to walking in barely two years?
“Morning everyone,” Allison called.
“Hi, Mrs. C,” Gracie said.
Cherry grabbed the girl’s hand and led her toward Alex. “Dad, this is Gracie Rafferty. She’s my new friend.”
“Hi, Mr. C.,” Gracie said shyly. “Thank you for letting me ride with Cherry today.”
Smiling, Alex bent down to speak to the child. “It’s my pleasure, Gracie. Any friend of Cherry’s is always welcome here.” He went to the adults and hugged Jenny. “Jenny Collins, it’s been far too long between visits. The twins want to know when you’re coming to read them stories again.”
She liked Alex, especially since he treated his wife like a princess. “I figured since you were outnumbered by women as it was, you didn’t need another one giving you trouble.”
Alex laughed. “I like that kind of trouble.” He looked at Evan. “It’s good to see you again, Evan.”
“Alex. I appreciate you inviting us. My daughter has been looking forward to this.” So was he. The A Bar A Ranch was an incredible operation.
Evan glanced at Jenny beside the foreman, recalling how cozy they’d been earlier. So what? It didn’t bother him who her friends were.
“Come on, girls,” Alex called. “Let’s get our horses.”
The giggling twosome held hands all the way into the corral. Allison and Alex hurried after the girls and Jenny fell into step beside Evan. “Do you ride much?” she asked.
“Don’t worry, I’ll manage to keep up,” he told her.
“I only meant that since you work the vineyard, you probably don’t have time to ride.”
“I’ve done my share of cowboying over the years.” He nodded toward Perkins. “Is your boyfriend going with us?”
Without so much as a glance in his direction, Jenny kept walking. “Probably not.” Then she hurried on to catch up with the group.
Evan cursed. Why did it matter if Jenny Collins had a boyfriend? He had no time to care about what she did. Too bad she’d managed to get into his head anyway. How the hell did that happen?
EVAN headed for the corral and spotted the line of horses saddled and ready to ride. Today was about spending the afternoon with his daughter.
“That’s Cinnamon,” Cherry said, pointing at a little chestnut filly. “She’s my horse. And there’s Speckles for you.” Gracie’s horse was a small black-and-white paint.
“Oh, she’s pretty.” Gracie looked back at Evan. “Daddy, is it okay to ride her?”
Evan knew his daughter was far from an expert rider. Brian came up beside the horse. “She’s real gentle. I saddle-broke her myself.”
“That’s reassuring, but I’ll be close by to make sure everything will be okay,” Evan said.
Brian smiled. “I would do the same if Gracie were mine. Your horse is Diego.” He nodded toward a large black gelding. “He’ll give you speed if you want, but he’s also good on the trail.”
“Did you break this one, too?” Evan asked, unable to keep the sarcasm out of his voice.
“I’ve worked pretty much every horse on this place.”
After Evan checked his horse, he found the foreman watching him.
“Since you’re wondering,” Brian began, “Yes, Jenny and I dated a while back. We’re still friends and I care about what happens to her.” His gaze locked with Evan. “I wouldn’t want to see her hurt. Her family has done enough taking advantage of her, so her friends look out for her.”
The meaning was clear and Evan nodded. “Too bad you blew your chance.”
After a long stare, the man walked off to help the other riders. Evan let out a breath. Where had that come from? He walked around the animal and checked the cinch. “Hell, I don’t have the time or energy to care,” he muttered.
Hearing laughter, he glanced at the pretty blonde on her horse. His body stirred as Jenny turned to him and smiled.
“Get moving, Rafferty,” she called. “We have places to go.” He suddenly realized that everyone was waiting for him.
Gracie waved him on. “Yeah, Daddy, hurry up.”
He mounted the horse and moved up with the group. “Okay, what are we waiting for?”
Gracie grinned at him. “It’s going to be so much fun.”
He felt his chest tighten, realizing his daughter hadn’t had much to smile about for a long time. He glanced at Jenny. Maybe he needed some help with that, after all.
About twenty minutes later, they arrived at a creek. The sound of rushing water took them to an ancient oak tree arched over the water’s edge, forming a natural canopy. Large rocks and boulders were piled on either side along the winding stream.
Jenny had only been here once before, but she’d never forgotten it. She also knew that this was a special place for Alex and Allison. She glanced at the couple who were whispering between themselves.
She got the funny feeling that she was intruding, remembering all the stumbling blocks that the two had gone through to get to a happy ending. And they were obviously happy.
Would it ever be that way for her? She glanced at Evan. He was helping the girls down, but he caught her gaze. There was definitely something there. Did he feel it, too? No! This was not the man for her. Besides, it was too soon for him, and definitely not the time or place for her.
“Come on, Jenny,” Gracie called. “We’re going to eat.”
She climbed down and walked to the clearing where Allison had spread out a blanket on the ground. Alex brought over two cloth bags that had been tied to his saddle.
“I wonder what Tilda packed for us,” he said.
Tilda Emerson had been adopted into the Casali family years ago. The one-time housekeeper and bookkeeper was now Alex’s partner in Cherry’s Camp for disabled children. Best of all, she was a great cook.
Gracie and Cherry sat down on the blanket. Alex handed a bag to each girl. They found chicken salad and peanut butter sandwiches along with chips, fruit and soft drinks.
Everyone chose a shady spot among the rocks. Jenny watched as they all paired off, leaving her with Evan.
“Relax,” Evan said. “I won’t bite.”
Jenny wasn’t sure about that as she took the spot next to him. It was quiet while everyone concentrated on food. The girls giggled over silly things, Alex and Evan talked, trying to skirt any business topics but not doing too well.
“I hear you’re still running a cow/calf operation,” Alex said.
Evan shrugged. “My plans changed when my brother came back from the army. We’re partners for now. He’s started a cattle-transport business, too. My main focus is still the vineyard.”
“Are you ever going to produce your own label?”
Evan nodded. “Someday.”
Jenny could hear the pride in his voice.
Finally Allison stepped in. “Whoa, guys. There’s no business, remember?”
Soon the girls finished their sandwiches, then asked permission to go and walk along the edge of the creek.
“Just keep in eyeshot, Cherry,” her father said.
Once the girls took off, Alex removed his hat and laid his head on his wife’s lap. “This is the life,” he sighed.
Listening to the soothing sound of the water, Jenny thought she wouldn’t mind a nap, too. She stole a glance at Evan. He wasn’t relaxed at all. She wanted to reach out and help ease the tension from his back.
He turned to her. “What’s wrong?”
Soon Alex stood up and reached for his wife’s hand. “I think we’ll go for a walk.” He nodded toward the girls. “We’ll be close by.”
The couple walked off, but Jenny wanted to call them back. She had a feeling that her friends had planned their departure so she’d be alone with Evan.
“How do you like the view?” she asked.
Evan finally looked at her. “It’s nice. Everything about the A Bar A is nice. Of course, when you have money you can have a showplace.”
She laughed.
“What’s so funny?”
“If you only knew where Alex came from.”
“I hear he has family in Italy.”
“His mother was American, but she wasn’t around much for her twin sons, Alex and Angelo. They pretty much lived on the streets. Alex has gone hungry enough to appreciate the good life. And now he has Allison and the kids.”
Evan glanced out at the stream. “Hard work is easy when you have someone to share it with.”
Jenny hugged her knees to her chest, hearing the distant tone in Evan’s voice. Was he thinking about Megan? Of course he was. They’d loved each other. “It has to be hard to move on after losing the one you shared your dreams with.”
He glanced toward the creek. “Sometimes sharing is overrated.” He glanced at her. “How serious were you and Perkins?”
Jenny was caught off guard. “Brian? We dated a while back.” She knew now that she’d tried to make it more, but Brian had been right, they made better friends. “It ended when I returned to San Antonio.”
He looked at her with those deep blue eyes. “You’re a teacher.”
She nodded. “High-school English.”
He grimaced. “Not my favorite class.”
“I bet I could have helped change your mind.”
His gaze grew intense. “If you’d been my teacher I would have tried harder.”
The tremor in his voice caused her to shiver, and she had to look away.
“Why aren’t you still in San Antonio?”
“I’m on a leave of absence, but I hope to go back.”
“What happened?”
She wasn’t ashamed about what had happened. “I felt that one of my students was unfairly expelled and lost a chance for a scholarship. I tangled with the principal, and we both decided I needed some time to regroup.”
She felt his heated gaze. “That doesn’t surprise me.”
“What? That I’m in trouble?”
His mouth quirked at one corner. “No, that you put a kid first.”
She shrugged. “It’s my job, Evan. Someone has to be on their side.”
He touched her hand, his broad fingers moving over the backs of hers. “Who’s on your side, Jenny Collins?”
Between his voice and his touch, she had trouble putting together a thought. “My friends, Allison for one.”
“So there’s never been anyone special, except Perkins?”
She fought a shiver. “No one worth mentioning. And Brian is still a friend.”
Another hint of a smile. “They’re all blind then. You’re a beautiful woman and distracting as hell.”
She laughed trying to keep it light. “You have such a way with words, Rafferty.”
“I’ve never had a way with words.”
She doubted that. She also knew she couldn’t give this man anything. That didn’t mean she didn’t want to, but he was too dangerous. “Are you flirting with me?”
Suddenly, he pulled back. Any hint of playfulness was gone. “Just making conversation.”
The sound of the girls caused them to turn. Cherry and Gracie came running toward them, followed by Alex and Allison.
Gracie dropped to the blanket. “Daddy, Cherry asked if I can spend the night at her house.” The girl took a breath. “We don’t have school tomorrow and her mom and dad said I could if it’s okay with you.” Her blue eyes widened in anticipation. “Please, Daddy.”
Jenny could see Evan fighting with an answer. “Are you sure it’s okay with her parents?”
Allison appeared. “It’s fine. The girls are about the same size, so Gracie can borrow something to wear from Cherry. And I’ll bring her home tomorrow morning.”
Both girls turned back to Evan, wide-eyed, silently waiting for his answer. He knew Jenny was watching for his reaction, too. He nodded. “Okay, you can stay the night.”
Gracie jumped up and down along with Cherry, then she hugged him. “Oh, thank you, Daddy.” Just as quickly she released him and returned to her new friend.
“Can we go back now?” Cherry asked. “We want to play in my room.”
Alex took charge. “Then let’s clean up and get going.”
The girls began to pack things in the bags as Alex came up to Evan. “The first time is the toughest,” he said. “We want to protect our little girls, and all they want is to be independent.” Alex looked at him. “It’s no secret you and Gracie have had a rough couple of years. It’s good to let her get out on her own.”
“She’s never wanted to before,” Evan admitted. “Now, she’s asking for things I have no idea how to give her.”
Alex shook his head. “Females. They’re hard to figure out sometimes.” He suddenly grinned. “But they sure make life interesting.” The man turned and shared a glance with his wife. “Oh, yeah, very interesting.”
Evan couldn’t stop looking at Jenny as she helped the kids gather things. She must have sensed his gaze because she turned around. When she smiled, a warm heat shot through him, settling low in his gut.
He tore his gaze away and found Alex watching him. “Jenny’s a special person with a big heart. I’d hate to see her hurt again.”
The message was clear. “I don’t plan to hurt her,” Evan said, knowing the only way for no one to get hurt was for him to stay away from the woman.
He was going to do his darnedest to accomplish just that.
Later that evening, Evan sat on a stool at Rory’s Bar and Grill as his dad worked behind the bar, drawing beers from the tap and mixing drinks. Rory’s wasn’t usually busy on a Sunday night and Evan was glad. He took a drink of his beer and listened to a Carrie Underwood ballad on the jukebox.
Too restless to sit around the house alone with Gracie gone to the Casalis’, he’d surprised himself when he got into his truck and drove into town.
His dad came over. “Can I get you another one?”
Evan stared down at his half-empty glass. “No, I’ll nurse this one for a while.”
Sean nodded. “You should come around more often.”
“I’ve never been the type to hang out in bars. And I usually have Gracie.”
Sean studied his son. “And you were married young, and then Gracie came along.”
Yeah, she’d arrived seven months after the wedding. Evan thought back to those days when Megan had returned from college, fresh with her degree and so many dreams.
He’d been working the Merrick Ranch and saving for his own place. They’d dated only a few times before spending the night together. A few months later, with Megan pregnant, they were standing in front of a preacher. After Gracie’s birth they’d moved into the foreman’s cottage at her parents’ vineyard.
“Socializing seemed to get me into trouble.”
His father smiled. “I think you’re older and wiser now. Besides, you can’t regret that beautiful child.”
“I regret a lot, but never her. She’s the reason I’m working so much. I know I don’t show her the love I should, but it’s hard.”
Sean placed his hands on the bar. “And I don’t like to speak ill of the dead, son, but Megan didn’t help you bond with your daughter.”
Evan took a long drink of his beer. He didn’t want to rehash the past. “Maybe if things had been different …” He knew that he had tried to get close to his wife. Maybe if they had been head over heels in love to start with they could have worked harder at being a couple, a family. He’d tried, but Megan was unreceptive to the idea.
“You can’t change the past, Evan,” his father continued. “So it’s time to move on. Don’t give up on finding someone else.”
“What I need is to concentrate on Gracie.”
“A loving relationship with a woman would be good for your daughter. You’re only thirty-three. It’s a normal thing to want to be with a woman.”
He really didn’t want to hear this. “Didn’t we have this conversation when I was thirteen?”
Sean laughed. “You didn’t listen then either.” His smile faded. “Just don’t give up on making a life for yourself, son.”
He met his father’s gaze. “How come you never found anyone after Mom left us?”
Sean shrugged. “I guess I wasn’t looking, or there wasn’t the opportunity.” He glanced to the doorway. “Not like you.” A slow smile creased his face. “How lucky can you get when that special one walks in the door?”
Evan turned his head and found Jenny standing at the entrance. He didn’t need her here. He didn’t need his heart racing, or his gut tightening into knots at the sight of her, either. Yet lately that seemed to be a common occurrence whenever she was around.
That meant big trouble for him.
Jenny had called herself crazy as she changed out of her comfortable sweats and into a pair of jeans and a cotton T-shirt. Then again when she slipped on a pair of heeled sandals and hurried down the steps of her apartment and out the back of the shop.
She told herself she was wanting a barbecue sandwich and some fries. That was her story and she was sticking to it. Spotting the Rafferty ranch truck from her window had nothing to do with it.
Telling herself she needed to stay away from Evan hadn’t slowed her progress as she crossed the nearly deserted street toward the neon sign of Rory’s Bar and Grill. She took a breath, and walked into the dimly lit room.
A wooden L-shaped bar ran nearly the length of the space. Against the side walls were a half dozen high-backed booths, mostly empty tonight. It was a nice place with a warm atmosphere.
“Hi,” she said, too breathless. Evan looked good, freshly shaved and wearing a starched Western shirt and nice jeans.
He nodded. “Jenny.”
She glanced away. “Hello, Sean,” she called as the older man came around the bar to greet her with a hug.
“Hi, lass. You look mighty pretty tonight.”
She couldn’t even remember if she’d put on any makeup. “Thank you.”
“So you finally decided to check the place out?”
“My own cooking brought me here. I hear you serve a great barbecue sandwich.”
Sean winked at her. “It’s the best. What else can I get you?”
“Some fries and make it to go.”
Sean frowned. “You can’t go home and eat alone.” He glanced at his son. “Evan was about to eat. Go and sit in a booth. Share some conversation and I’ll bring you your food. What do you want to drink?”
Jenny wasn’t sure this was a good idea. “I’ll have whatever Evan’s drinking.”
Sean hurried off, and she heard Evan say, “We’d better do as he says. You’re not getting out of here until you eat.”
“I didn’t intend to interrupt your evening.” She was such a lousy liar, but he didn’t look too happy to see her. “I mean, you don’t have to babysit me.”
“Have you heard me complain?” He led her to a booth and she scooted in.
“I’ll be right back,” he said and went behind the bar to draw a beer from the tap. He walked back and set both glasses on the table, then slid next to her.
She took a sip of beer. “Okay, Rafferty. Is this how you spend your night off?” She knew Gracie was sleeping over at the Casalis’.
“Geez, do you think I’m out chasing women?” He turned toward her, giving a hint of a smile. “Sorry to disappoint, but I’d rather have a quiet evening, enjoying a drink and talking with my dad.”
She nodded. “Being single sucks, huh?”
He locked those baby blues on her. “From where I’m sitting it doesn’t look so bad.”
She felt a warm shiver go through her. “Oh, I bet you say that to all the ladies.”
“This is Kerry Springs, not San Antonio. A social life is pretty limited.”
“I’m sure you draw the attention of a lot of females in this town.”
He took a long drink from his mug. “You’ve mistaken me for Matt. I don’t go out much.”
She sobered when reality hit. “You still miss your wife.”
He didn’t acknowledge her statement. “My concern is Gracie. We hadn’t exactly been close. Not like she and her mother were.”
Jenny toyed with her glass, envying any relationship between a mother and daughter. “And you’ve been working on that. You’ve helped her get to class.”
“And you’ve talked me into letting her have a sleepover, which you’re helping with. You must have caught me at a weak moment.” He turned to her. “Thanks for volunteering to help.”