Your Chinese Horoscope for Each and Every Year
Your Chinese Horoscope for Each and Every Year

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Napoleon Bonaparte

What you ardently and constantly desire, you always get.

Napoleon Bonaparte

Ideals are like stars; you will not succeed in touching them with your hands. But like the seafaring man on the desert of waters, you choose them as your guides, and following them, you will reach your destiny.

Carl Schurz

I will act as if what I do makes a difference.

William James

I am in earnest – I will not equivocate – I will not excuse – I will not retreat a single inch; and I will be heard.

William Lloyd Garrison

I do not know anyone who has got to the top without hard work. That is the recipe. It will not always get you to the top, but it should get you pretty near.

Margaret Thatcher

One only gets to the top rung on the ladder by steadily climbing up one at a time, and suddenly all sorts of powers, all sorts of abilities which you thought never belonged to you, suddenly become a possibility and you think, ‘Well, I’ll have a go, too.’

Margaret Thatcher

Live your beliefs and you can turn the world around.

Henry David Thoreau

I have learned that if one advances in the direction of his dreams and endeavours to live the life he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.

Henry David Thoreau

Men are born to success, not to fail.

Henry David Thoreau

The Tiger

31 January 1938–18 February 1939 — Earth Tiger

17 February 1950–5 February 1951 — Metal Tiger

5 February 1962–24 January 1963 — Water Tiger

23 January 1974–10 February 1975 — Wood Tiger

9 February 1986–28 January 1987 — Fire Tiger

28 January 1998–15 February 1999 — Earth Tiger

14 February 2010–2 February 2011 — Metal Tiger

1 February 2022–21 January 2023 — Water Tiger

19 February 2034–7 February 2035 — Wood Tiger

The Personality of the Tiger

With their stripes and stealth, Tigers are impressive creatures. They are noticed and command respect. And those born under the Tiger sign also have great presence and can make their mark in many ways.

Tigers are born under the sign of courage. They are adventurous and have keen, eager natures. Not only are they capable of coming up with many ideas – Tigers are creative and inventive – but they are innovators. If something new comes along or an appealing opportunity presents itself, they are sure to pursue it. However, their quest for the new can lead to moments of recklessness. Tigers do not always think through the consequences of their actions. They are risk-takers and sometimes their haste does not always lead to the most favourable of outcomes. In life, they will experience knocks and reversals, but they are quick to learn and their unquenchable spirit will lead them forever on.

With their zeal and belief in themselves and their ideas, Tigers are natural leaders. They are enthusiastic, compelling and action-driven, although, curiously, at times indecisive, perhaps bewildered by the choices in front of them. They are honourable in their dealings with others and public-spirited. Many have championed causes, fought injustices or helped others in times of need. Tigers are noble. And they have a rebellious streak and will take a stand against authority should the situation warrant it.

With their enquiring natures, Tigers have a great many interests and involve themselves in a myriad of activities. They are rarely still and usually to be found leading busy and fulfilling lifestyles. However, because they thirst for the new and are keen to experience a great deal, there are times when they lack commitment and move from one thing to another. Tigers can be restless, and if they were to be more persistent, their levels of success would sometimes be greater. Also, as they like to be self-reliant, they do not always seek out or listen to advice from others, and sometimes this can be to their disadvantage. There will be times when Tigers learn the hard way.

Being adventurous, Tigers are often keen to travel and to see new places. They also have a wonderful gift of relating to others. They are lively, stimulating company and usually have a wide social circle. They are also very open and upfront in their dealings with others. They have a dislike of falsehood and hypocrisy and speak as they find. There is no pretence with Tigers – they are genuine, honest and personable.

With their independent spirit, they often leave home at a young age, and many will quickly settle down and establish their own homes. As a partner, they can be caring, protective and generous. If a parent, their enthusiasm and wide interests will do much to encourage their children’s development. Tigers make fine teachers.

In many ways, Tigers like to impress. Not only have they a vibrant, friendly personality, but they take care with their appearance. Whether wearing smart fashionable clothes or adopting a more flamboyant and striking style, they know what suits them. This is a talent of both male and female Tigers, although the female is possibly more socially aware than her male counterpart. She is observant and perceptive and has a happy knack of getting on well with most people. She empathizes, is attentive and, when it comes to entertaining, makes a marvellous hostess. She cares, and this is what makes a difference.

In their early working life in particular, Tigers are apt to change jobs quite frequently, as they are always trying to improve their lot. And because of their quick wits, their integrity and their willingness to take on responsibilities, they can do well. If their work encourages creativity and nurtures (rather than stifles) their abilities, many can rise to positions of authority. They enjoy challenge and will keenly pursue targets or objectives. Their communication skills can make them effective advocates, campaigners or politicians, as well as inspirational teachers. Humanitarian work could also appeal, as could careers in the arts, media and commerce, all of which would allow them scope for creative input. With their energy and competitive spirit, they could also find sporting careers tempting. Tigers have many skills and considerable potential.

Their earning abilities are considerable too, but they would be advised to remain disciplined in financial matters. Tigers like to live for the moment and can spend freely. They are also generous, and their money can come and go all too easily. Setting funds aside for specific requirements and saving for the future could be to their advantage. Also, if embarking on anything risky, they need to be careful and aware of the implications involved. Trusting to luck can provide some salutary and sometimes painful lessons.

Nevertheless, Tigers are certainly special, as well as generous, inventive and courageous. Some of their endeavours may end in disaster and some of their dreams will never materialize, but they will succeed in a great many things and lead lives that are fulfilling in so many ways.

The poet John Masefield was born under the Tiger sign and he wrote:

Most roads lead men homewards,

My road leads me forth.

This is so very true of Tigers – they are always keen to venture forth.

Top Tips for Tigers

 You have great enthusiasm, but sometimes get carried away in the excitement of the moment and commit yourself to undertakings without thinking through all that is involved. Sometimes less haste and more planning would lead to better results, and often less pressure too.

 You may have a rebellious streak and consider certain rules and restrictions unnecessary. However, pitting yourself against authority (including employers) will not necessarily do you any favours. You would do well to think through the implications of your words and actions rather than be over-hasty.

 You have many interests, but spread your energies widely. If you were to focus more on specific areas, your level of expertise would be higher and your results often more substantial. Curbing your sometimes restless nature could be to your advantage.

 Your inventiveness is a real strength. You are an original thinker and should have belief in yourself. Make the most of your special talents, for they may take you far.

Relations with Others

With a Rat

Active, lively and sharing many interests, these two get on well.

In work, their inventiveness, energy and skills make them a formidable and potentially very successful team.

In love, the Tiger will delight in the Rat’s charm and personable manner as well as value their skills as a home-maker. Their different attitudes to money will need addressing, with the Tiger not always meeting the Rat’s thrifty standards, but, with goodwill and adjustment, this can be a reasonably good match.

With an Ox

The cautious and measured ways of the Ox do not sit comfortably with the Tiger. Relations between them do not tend to be good.

In work, the Tiger is a pioneer, taking risks and pushing barriers, while the Ox is a traditionalist. Their different approaches will inevitably cause difficulties.

In love, the Tiger will recognize the Ox’s many qualities, particularly their sincere and dependable nature, but these two live their lives at different speeds and, as both are strong-willed, tensions are inevitable. A challenging match.

With another Tiger

With all their Tiger energy, ideas and desire for action, which of these two will prevail? With both being self-willed and driven, relations between two Tigers can be tricky.

In work, they may be enterprising and enthusiastic, but each will want to take the lead – and credit. They are too competitive to work well together.

In love, Tigers are passionate and exciting and have much to offer. But they also have a lot of restless energy and like to have their own way. Two Tigers are too vibrant and strong-willed to live in harmony. A difficult match.

With a Rabbit

Their personalities are very different, but these two signs like and respect each other and relations between them are often mutually beneficial.

In work, the Tiger will value – and benefit from – the Rabbit’s orderly and methodical approach and their very different skills can make them an effective team.

In love, the Tiger will be very much attracted by the kindly and companionable ways of the Rabbit and there will be a strong physical attraction too. These two are good for each other and each will benefit from the other’s strengths. A fulfilling match.

With a Dragon

These two lively, outgoing signs respect each other, and while sometimes their self-willed natures will clash, relations between them are generally positive.

In work, with both being enterprising, resourceful risk-takers, they generate great dynamism. Anything is possible for them, especially when luck is on their side.

In love, there will be hopes, plans and so much to share. Life will be lived to the full, with the Tiger finding the Dragon a loyal and loving companion. They are both strong-willed and value a certain freedom of action, but provided they can forge a good understanding and agree on a division of responsibilities, they can make an exciting match.

With a Snake

The Tiger is open and upfront and finds it hard to understand or relate to the reserved and sometimes perplexing Snake.

In work, their approaches are very different and the Tiger will feel inhibited by the cautious and guarded tendencies of the Snake. With little trust or understanding, they will prefer to work in their separate ways.

In love, the Tiger may be enchanted by the Snake’s quiet and seductive charm, but they live their lives at different speeds and the Tiger’s outlook will often be at odds with that of the Snake. A difficult match.

With a Horse

The Tiger admires the lively and spirited Horse and relations between the pair will be good.

In work, both are ambitious, hard-working and enterprising, and the Tiger will draw strength from their redoubtable and purposeful Horse colleague. An effective combination.

In love, their passion and many shared interests (including travel) will bind these two together. The Tiger will especially value the Horse’s judgement. They are well suited and can make a successful and lively match.

With a Goat

These two like and understand each other and, with both being easy-going, relations between them are good.

In work, both are creative and each will be an encouraging influence on the other. To be successful, however, they will need to be disciplined, especially with finances, and channel their efforts well.

In love, passionate, fun-loving and sharing many interests, these two can find much happiness. The Tiger will particularly value the Goat’s caring and supportive nature and home-making skills. As both signs are spendthrifts, they will need to manage their finances well. Overall, though, a good match.

With a Monkey

Both are lively and they will share many interests, but there can still be a certain wariness between these two.

In work, they are probably the most enterprising and inventive signs there are, but the Tiger could have misgivings about the Monkey’s approach and guile. With this lack of trust, their shared potential is not likely to materialize.

In love, the Tiger could delight in the Monkey’s lively, optimistic nature, but, as both have a huge amount of restless energy and like to have their own way, they will often clash. A challenging match.

With a Rooster

These two may be outgoing and keen socializers, but they are also frank, forthright and strong-willed. Relations can be tricky.

In work, both have great skills, but are competitive and will want to take the lead. To realize their potential, there will need to be a clear division of responsibility.

In love, they both enjoy an active lifestyle, but their redoubtable and forthright natures will invariably clash. Also, the Tiger could find the structured lifestyle of the Rooster inhibiting. A difficult match.

With a Dog

The Tiger and Dog appreciate each other’s qualities and relations between the two will be good.

In work, they can combine their talents effectively and the Tiger will respect the Dog’s level-headed and stalwart approach.

In love, their relationship will be mutually beneficial, with the Tiger valuing the Dog’s love, loyalty, support and often grounded opinions. These two can be good for each other and can find much happiness together.

With a Pig

With their zest, shared interests and fondness of the good life, Tigers and Pigs enjoy each other’s company.

In work, both are enterprising and the Tiger will appreciate the Pig’s good business acumen and hard-working ways. By channelling their efforts and remaining disciplined, these two can accomplish a great deal.

In love, these strongly passionate and sensual signs can find much bliss together. They can be very close, with great trust and understanding, and with the Tiger valuing the Pig’s thoughtfulness and wise counsel. A splendid match.

Horoscopes for Each of the Chinese Years

Tiger Fortunes in the Year of the Rat

Tigers like to be involved in a great many activities, but in the Rat year they should adopt a more measured approach. To be impulsive or hasty could lead to problems and disappointment. If they can bear this in mind and exercise greater patience, the year can be smoother and ultimately more rewarding for them.

In work, Tigers should concentrate on the areas in which they have most experience and look to build on their current skills. Additional training or the chance to extend their present duties can be very much to their advantage. In addition, by immersing themselves in the life of their workplace and seizing any chances to network, they can do a lot to help their future prospects. However, they do need to stay focused and avoid going off on tangents or being diverted into unfamiliar or less helpful matters. This is a year for concentrated effort and using skills to advantage.

Similarly, Tigers who decide to move from their present employer or are seeking work should consider areas in which they have experience and which also offer the chance to build on their capabilities. Success this year will come from steady and dedicated effort in the areas that Tigers know best.

Finance also requires a steady approach. Tigers should watch their sometimes impulsive nature and take their time when making purchases. There will be many temptations to spend, but hurried decisions could be regretted later, and without discipline, spending levels could creep up. Also, if tempted to speculate or enter into any agreement, Tigers should check the facts and implications and take sound advice. Vigilance is advised this year.

A particular strength of Tigers is their ability to enjoy good relations with many people, and their personable nature will again serve them well this year. In view of some of its vexations, Tigers will value being able to turn to others for advice and should avail themselves of the support and knowledge available to them. If they are concerned by any matter, they should not feel alone.

In addition, Rat years bring good social opportunities and Tigers will enjoy going out and extending their social network. Certain interests can bring them into contact with other enthusiasts and some good connections and friendships can be made. Tigers who are feeling lonely would find joining local groups worth considering. Rat years encourage the development of personal interests and involvement with others. In addition, with their future in mind, Tigers would do well to consider courses of study and other ways in which they could develop their skills and knowledge. What some start this year could bring later (often substantial) rewards.

Tigers will also see much activity in their home life this year and there will need to be good liaison between family members. But, amid all the activity, there will be some pleasing occasions too. Whether celebrating an achievement or a personal milestone, enjoying a holiday (Rat years can offer good travel possibilities) or sharing quality time together, there will be much for everyone to appreciate. Also, by encouraging openness, Tigers can be helped and advised and benefit even more from the good rapport they share with those around them.

Tigers have a talent for coming up with ideas and this year will see no shortage of projects they would like to get underway. However, these do need to be planned and costed carefully and Tigers should be careful not to commit themselves to too many undertakings all at the same time. Rat years require care, focus and discipline.

Tigers like to get on with things, but despite their noble intentions, results could be slow in coming through this year. This is a time for proceeding steadily and for building on their position and knowledge. Rush and risks could backfire and, especially in money matters, care is advised. However, by drawing on the support and goodwill of others, Tigers can be helped in both their current and future activities. This may not be the easiest of years, but it can be a constructive one, particularly as it will enable Tigers to acquire greater knowledge and skills.

Tips for the Year

Proceed carefully. Think through your decisions and focus on your priorities. Also, seize any chances to add to your knowledge. Liaise well with others and take note of their viewpoints and advice.

Tiger Fortunes in the Year of the Ox

Ox years favour tradition and the action-oriented Tiger may be frustrated by the length of time things seem to take as well as the paucity of opportunities. However, while this may be a challenging year, there is good reason for Tigers to take heart. Next year is their own year and what they do now can prepare the way for better times ahead.

Also, while the slow workings of the Ox year may not always suit their personality, there are ways that Tigers can counter some of the more awkward aspects. In particular, they should control their rebellious streak, otherwise there is a risk it could undermine their position as well as reduce the level of support they enjoy. In any tense or awkward situation, they should watch their words and be considered in their response.

At work, Tigers will, as always, be keen to get on with things and get results. But, as many will quickly find, wheels turn slowly in Ox years and they may be frustrated by delays, bureaucracy and petty irritations. Progress will not be swift, but by concentrating on their duties and doing their best in often difficult situations, Tigers will not only have the chance to prove their capabilities, but also to gain valuable insight into their industry. In addition, if training courses or extra duties become available, even if just covering for an absent colleague, they should take full advantage of them. By developing their knowledge and skills, they will be better positioned to benefit when further opportunities arise. With their own year following, effort made now can prepare them for future success.

For Tigers who are seeking work, or a change in their situation, this can be a significant time. Although obtaining a position will not be easy, by widening the scope of what they are considering, they may be able to obtain a position that can extend their experience as well as offer future possibilities. Things tend to happen for a reason in Ox years and developments (and lessons) now can prepare the way for more rapid advance in the Tiger’s own year.

In money matters Tigers again need to be careful, watching spending and making early provision for larger outlays. This is a year for discipline and good management. Also, Tigers should attend to financial paperwork with care. Lapses and delays could work to their disadvantage as well as sometimes be difficult to rectify.

In view of the pressures they may face during Ox years, Tigers should also give some consideration to their own lifestyle and well-being, including their diet and level of exercise, and, if necessary, seek advice on ways to improve. Preserving time for interests and recreation can also be of benefit. Any interest-related skills or additional knowledge gained now can give Tigers the chance to do more in the future.

With their wide interests and engaging manner, Tigers enjoy company and here the Ox year can bring some special times. Many Tigers will find their circle of acquaintances growing and will enjoy the chance to meet new people and attend interesting social occasions. They can build good connections and friendships this year.

Tigers enjoying romance, or who find it this year, will also find that any additional time and attention they can give to the relationship can help strengthen it. However, with the aspects as they are, they need to be careful of lapses and, should a difference of opinion arise, watch their words. Disagreements or a loss of temper could sour relations. Tigers, take note.

In their home life, shared activities and spending time together can make a difference. While Tigers (and others) may be juggling with many commitments, well-planned projects and mutual interests can often be pleasing. A family holiday, too, could do everyone good. However, rather than concentrating everything around a particular time, projects should be spread out over the year and ample time allowed to complete them. Ox years do not favour hurry. Their home can be a valuable sanctuary for Tigers this year, but their domestic life does require good organization and a willingness to adjust as situations require.

In general, the Ox year will have its awkward moments, but with patience and care, Tigers can do much to minimize its more troublesome aspects. It is a year for tact, patience and for Tigers to curb their sometimes rebellious tendencies. But, frustrating though some of the year may be, by adding to their skills, making the most of situations and spending time with those around them, Tigers can see their efforts being rewarded. While not an easy year, this one can nevertheless lay the foundations for better times ahead.

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