Полная версия
Claiming The Drakos Heir
Popi paused to take in the view. She’d worked closely with Lea to plan this wedding down to the finest detail. Lea had told her not to push so hard, but Popi needed to focus on the wedding. Working was her way of dealing with the loss of her sister. The work kept her grounded when everything around her felt as though it was spinning out of control.
All the outdoor white tables with their colorful umbrellas had been removed to make room for rows of white folding chairs. Lea had opted for wildflowers, which included locally grown orchids. Popi hadn’t been sure about the idea, but now seeing them in arrangements throughout the venue, she had to admit it looked stunning.
There was little more than an hour until the wedding—time that would be needed to get the bride ready. Though Lea had moved to the island little more than a year ago, she was embracing the Greek culture, and the older women on the island had filled Lea’s head with all the wedding traditions. Lea was excited to merge some of the old ways with some of her own traditions. It would make for a beautiful wedding.
After inspecting the venue preparations, Popi took off for Lea’s bungalow. Thankfully there was a golf cart at the offices. She planned to acquire it, as her feet were getting tired and the event hadn’t even begun. Carrying around an extra human was taxing.
She placed a hand on her aching lower back. “Not that I’d have it any other way. We’ll make your parents proud.”
She sat in the cart and then set off down the familiar path. One of the first Greek traditions they’d dealt with was setting the wedding date. When the elders on the island had heard the wedding was to be in August, they immediately spoke up. They advised that if the wedding must be in August, then the first two weeks of the month should be avoided at all costs, as they were reserved for religious reasons.
Neither Lea nor Popi were very religious, but, they reasoned, why tempt fate and the ire of the elders? As such, they planned the wedding for the last weekend in the month. Everyone seemed pleased with the decision, as Xander had arranged for a cruise ship to take everyone from the island for a Mediterranean cruise right after the reception.
The plan was, while they were all off on a two-week cruise, followed by temporary lodgings in Athens, the island would undergo extensive renovations. When the citizens were allowed to return to their bungalows, everything would be updated and the crews would be out of their way. It was quite an amazing gift from the bridegroom to his new extended family.
A couple of minutes later, Popi pulled to a stop in front of Lea’s bungalow. The bridegroom wasn’t there. He was bunking with the island’s handyman, Joseph, until the wedding. In the time Xander had been on the island, the older man had taken him under his wing, like a father would do.
When Popi entered the bungalow, she was surprised to find so many women rushing around. But she didn’t see Lea among them. And then her name was called. She glanced around, finding Lea waving her to the guest room.
Popi made her way to Lea. Once inside the room, she closed the door. “What are you doing in here instead of your room?”
Lea rolled her eyes. “The elders are so caught up in the wedding. They think my soon-to-be husband is in line to be a saint for all he’s doing for them that they don’t want to jinx anything.”
“Do I dare ask what that means?”
“They’re preparing the marital bed... Um...what did they call it? Oh, yes, to krevati.”
“What?” She’d heard of the tradition but she’d never heard of anyone actually doing it. “You mean like with the rose petals, ribbons and money?”
“And rice. Don’t forget the rice. They’ve been here cleaning and putting fresh linens on the bed. I had to talk them out of rolling an infant on the bed. I told them we didn’t need any help in the fertility department.” Lea ran a loving hand over her own expanding midsection.
Popi burst out laughing. “Definitely not. But they could have just rolled you around on the bed.”
“Don’t give them any ideas.” Lea shook her head. “So I’ve been hiding in here.”
“You don’t have time to hide. It isn’t long until you say ‘I do.’ I’ll just go get some makeup and I’ll be right back.”
Popi was the maid of honor, or koumbara, and it was her responsibility to see that the bride was ready on time. The rest of the bridal party soon showed up, including Lea’s assistant and her soon to be sister-in-law, Stasia. Because an odd number of attendants was good luck. And three attendants were the best.
Together they worked until Lea was all done up with her long hair pulled up with just a few strategically placed curly wisps of hair softening her face. A wreath of fresh flowers was clipped into place.
Popi stepped back and took in Lea’s dress. It was truly breathtaking. White tiers of Chantilly lace, tulle and ribbons adorned her. There was a V-shaped neckline with delicate straps over her shoulders and satin ribbon wrapped around her waist. She truly looked like a Greek goddess.
“You’re perfect,” Popi announced. And the other young women readily agreed.
“Not quite.” Lea slipped off her white heels.
“What are you doing?” Popi frowned. “Is it your shoes? Is something wrong with them?”
Lea shook her head. “Does someone have a pen?”
“I do.” Stasia pulled a fine black marker from her purse.
Popi watched as Lea wrote the names of her bridal party on the bottom of her shoes. Lea had written her name first, before Popi could tell her not to do it. It was another Greek tradition that the names of the single ladies be written on the bottom of the bride’s shoes. The names that are worn off by the end of the evening will soon be married. Popi was certain that her name would still be there, because there was no chance she was getting married anytime soon. She already had her hands more than full with the little bundle of joy inside her.
As though the baby sensed her thoughts, it kicked. Once. Twice. And the last kick was swifter than the others, sending Popi bending over. She pressed a hand to the area where she’d been kicked.
“Are you okay?” Lea asked, concern written all over her face, as well as the other ladies.
Popi drew in a deep, soothing breath and straightened. “Yeah. I think I have a footballer in there.”
“Oh.” Lea smiled.
“Don’t smile,” Popi said. “Your time is coming.”
Lea continued to smile as she pressed a hand to her baby bump. “It’ll all be worth it in the end.”
Popi smiled. “You just keep telling yourself that when the baby starts tap-dancing on your bladder.”
Lea’s smile dimmed. “I hadn’t thought of that.”
Popi went to the door and opened it a crack. On the other side was the photographer. After glancing around to make sure the coast was clear of the groom, Popi admitted the photographer. It was almost time to head to the Hideaway.
After today, their lives were going to change dramatically. Her friend would be married, with a baby created from that love already on the way. It didn’t get any better than that. Popi was so happy for her—for all of them.
Sometimes Popi wondered if the baby she was carrying would feel like they’d missed out on something by not having a father. But then again, they most certainly would feel cheated by never knowing either of their biological parents. A sadness filled Popi. If only she could change the past.
She recalled her last conversation with her sister. Neither suspected it would be the last time they spoke. And the conversation had gone totally sideways.
Popi blamed herself for the heated exchange...for Andrina and Nile being on that boat at that particular time...for them needlessly dying. Popi’s throat tightened. Her breath caught in her lungs. If only she’d said something different—if she’d had more patience—then they’d both still be alive. If that conversation had gone differently, her sister and brother-in-law would be here, anxiously awaiting the arrival of their first child. She was positive of it.
The photographer bumped into her, jarring her from the emotional black hole that threatened to swallow her whole. The man turned to her. “Sorry. Would you mind helping the bride with her hair so I can get a few photos?”
Not trusting her voice, Popi nodded.
Today was not the time to contemplate her sister’s death. Today was about smiles, hopes and good tidings. Popi choked down all her worries and smiled. Lea deserved nothing but happiness on her big day.
* * *
He didn’t want to be here.
But on this small island, places to wait for Popi were limited. And the wedding appeared to be taking place in a common area of the village.
Apollo found himself standing off to the side. No one seemed to make a big deal of him being there. They acted as though he was just another wedding guest. Some even shook his hand and greeted him.
Up until now, Apollo had done nothing but make one mistake after the next since the day he was born. He thought he’d have time to fix things—to change his ways. After all, he was young. There was plenty of time to make up for the past, but then suddenly out of nowhere he’d been blindsided when time had run out for Nile and his wife, Andrina. And now he owed it to his brother not to mess things up where the baby was concerned.
As he thought of Nile, the breath hitched in Apollo’s throat. It wasn’t supposed to happen this way. He was the adventure seeker—the daredevil. If something bad had to happen, it should have been to him. Not his brother. None of this made any sense.
A flurry of motion drew Apollo from his thoughts. The wedding guests took their seats. Not wanting to stand out any more than he already did with his casual attire, Apollo took a seat in the back. The classical music started. Two pretty women started up the aisle.
And then Popi appeared at the end of the aisle, holding a bouquet of teal blossoms. She looked radiant. Her smile lit up her whole face. All he could do in that minute was stare at the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen in his life. It was the same sort of stunned reaction he’d experienced at her place, when he’d found her in the very short, very revealing pink robe. He couldn’t decide which look he preferred on her. Both looks had their alluring qualities.
It was in that moment her gaze lifted, meeting his. The breath caught in his chest. Her big brown eyes were mesmerizing. He felt as though he were being drawn into her chocolate-brown depths. His heart beat faster, as time felt as though it had been suspended.
She was looking right at him as she stepped forward. His mouth grew dry. He should turn away, but he couldn’t. She was amazing in every way.
And then she passed by him and kept going to where the priest and groom waited. Apollo didn’t take an easy breath until the bride moved to the end of the aisle.
The wedding proceeded slowly and they had finally come to the blessing of the rings. The wedding bands were exchanged three times. Apollo rolled his shoulders. He willed the wedding to hurry up and end, but they were just now taking three sips of wine as a symbol of sharing for the rest of their marriage. He’d forgotten about three being such a significant number in Greek culture.
When they made it to the traditional readings, he resisted the urge to squirm in his seat. He’d done far too much sitting on planes in order to get to this little, out-of-the-way island as fast as he could. And his injuries were not taking all the sitting in one position well.
When the ceremony finally ended and the guests were directed to the garden area next to the café where the reception was being held, Apollo fell in step with everyone else. He was surprised when he only received a few odd glances at his choice of casual attire. How was he supposed to know when he’d ventured to Infinity Island that his trip would include a wedding?
He kept trying to catch Popi alone, but she was forever talking with this person or that person. He just wanted a brief word with her. He hoped once she knew he wanted custody of the child that she’d withdraw her petition. And in the meantime, he’d pay for her medical expenses and anything else she needed. Could it be that simple?
Apollo didn’t miss how Popi spoke to everyone she passed. There were a lot of hugs and smiles. Everyone was enjoying themselves. He was impressed with how this group of people could act like one big, happy, functional family, whereas his own blood relatives had never experienced anything close to this easiness with each other. Not that he ever needed a close-knit family. He did fine on his own.
Apollo’s father had had two loves in his life while Apollo was growing up: the family business and his bottle of bourbon. Nile inherited their father’s passion for the family business. Apollo never forgot Nile’s obsession with all things Drakos. The thing Apollo never figured out was whether his brother’s interest in the business was an effort to please their demanding father or if Nile just loved the business world to the exclusion of all else—until he’d met Andrina.
Everything had changed after Nile fell for Andrina. It was evident in his phone calls with his brother. Nile’s voice had been full of happiness and he’d grown excited about the future, which was no longer centered on the business, but instead Nile was excited about the family he and Andrina were creating. However, Apollo didn’t believe that happiness lasted.
And then he’d been proven right, again. The news of their deaths was like a one-two punch to the kidney. Emotionally it had knocked him out.
In a blink, his brother had been stolen away. Even now the pain of loss emanated outward from Apollo’s chest. He didn’t know how Popi was holding it all together—maybe it was due to the baby. She was being strong for it. He had to admire such strength and courage.
It was then that Popi approached him. And by her stiff posture, he was certain she was not happy about him crashing this wedding. Maybe this hadn’t been such a great idea after all, but he was there now so he might as well stay and get this over with.
He was propped against a tall white column. He didn’t move, as Popi was headed straight for him. “What are you doing here?” Her gaze narrowed. “You aren’t part of the moving crew, are you?”
“Never said I was.”
“But you let me believe you were.”
“As I recall, you were in too much of a hurry to get the details.”
Popi crossed her arms and glared at him. “Who are you?”
He cleared his throat. “I tried to tell you back at the bungalow—”
Just then there was the tinkle of a glass as people were called to take a seat for dinner. The bride motioned for Popi to join her at the head table.
Popi signaled that she was coming before she turned back to him. “I have to go.”
Without waiting for him to respond, she turned her back to him and walked away. His gaze naturally followed the sway of her hips.
“This isn’t over.” The gentle breeze carried his words, but Popi was too far away to hear him.
He’d walked away from his brother, not intending for it to be forever, but that’s exactly what had happened. He would never again speak to Nile, argue with him or take comfort in his brother’s concern for his well-being. Without Nile, he utterly felt adrift in this great big world.
And then when he’d been informed about Nile’s child—his last living link to his brother—Apollo knew in that moment that he had to set things right. Or as right as was possible. He owed Nile that much and so much more.
In the next breath, the attorney had informed him that Popi was seeking custody. If he didn’t stop her, he would lose a tangible link to his brother—his only chance to do the right thing as far as his brother was concerned.
Apollo had vowed then and there to never walk away from the baby. It was all the family he had left. He would learn from his past and not make the same mistakes again—the stakes were too high.
Apollo was generally straightforward, but with a baby involved perhaps a gentler approach was in order. His father had been a very blunt man. Apollo knew how it felt to be on the receiving end of that bluntness. He wouldn’t wish it on anyone.
Maybe a bit of charm and a few kind words would smooth the path to claiming his niece or nephew. He didn’t know if it’d work, but it was worth a try. He didn’t want to make this harder on Popi than it needed to be. But in the end, he intended for the baby to live with him at the Drakos estate.
POPI BARELY ATE her dinner at the reception.
Her gaze kept moving over the crowd of well-wishers, searching for the strikingly handsome man. He seemed so familiar to her and yet she was certain they hadn’t met before, but how could that be?
And what did he want with her? If he was a disgruntled client, he would want to speak with Lea, as she was the owner of the island and the wedding business. But Popi hadn’t noticed a wedding ring on his finger.
Lea leaned over. “Is everything all right?”
Not wanting to alarm the bride on her big day, Popi said, “Yes, of course.”
Lea’s brows drew together. “Then why haven’t you eaten?”
Popi glanced down. At one point, the food had looked appetizing, but now her stomach was a twisted-up ball of nerves. “I...um...was just distracted.”
Lea arched a fine brow at her. “Distracted, huh? With that handsome guy I saw you chatting with?”
Popi’s gaze searched the area, not finding any sign of him. She didn’t know what to say to Lea. She didn’t want the bride worrying about the mystery man.
She turned back to the bride. “He’s, um, with the movers. There was some kind of mix-up and he showed up a day early. I hope him crashing the wedding hasn’t upset you.”
A look of disappointment skittered across Lea’s face. “So he wasn’t here at your invitation?”
Popi gave a firm shake of her head.
“I’ll have him escorted off the island—”
“No. Don’t.” There was something about his serious tone and the feeling she should know him that had her anxious to learn his story. “I’ve got it.”
Lea looked hesitant. “You’re sure?”
Popi nodded. The truth was she wasn’t sure about anything—especially why this man was so eager to speak with her.
Lea let the subject drop. And with the mystery man now gone, Popi forced herself to eat a few bites of food. The evening moved along with the groom, Xander, dancing the traditional zeibekiko. The crowd clapped as Xander’s arms rose over his head. He snapped his fingers as he moved in a tight circle. He stopped in front of Lea and dropped to his knees, still waving his arms over his head. The crowd loved it, most especially Lea. The smile on the bride’s face lit up the whole room.
One dance led to another. The bride and groom were all smiles, as they had eyes only for each other. Popi considered this wedding a success. She took her first easy breath.
And the next thing she knew, she was being led around the dance floor by the best man, Roberto, who was also Xander’s close friend and second-in-command. She’d met him more than once, and though Lea was anxious for them to hit it off, it wasn’t going to happen. Popi couldn’t put her finger on why. He was definitely handsome and successful, but neither one was into the other. They were becoming fast friends, but that’s all it would ever be.
Partway through the song, there was a tap on Roberto’s shoulders. Popi’s gaze followed the finger up the arm and then her gaze settled upon the sexy stranger’s face. Apparently it was time for their talk. She had to admit that she was anxious to learn his identity and what he had to tell her.
“Can I cut in?” The stranger wore a serious expression.
Roberto, looking caught off guard, stopped dancing. “Um...” His gaze moved to her and she nodded. “Thank you for the dance.” Roberto turned back to the other man. “She’s all yours.”
The man took Popi in his quite capable arms, but there was no escaping their closeness with her protruding abdomen. No one had long enough arms to allow for much room between them—not even this man.
“What are you doing?” Her voice came out in a heated whisper.
“Dancing. With you.” He led her around the dance floor.
“But I don’t know your name. I don’t even understand why you’re at the wedding—”
“Shh... I’ll answer all your questions after one dance. That seems like a fair bargain, doesn’t it?” He smiled at her, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes.
His words were smooth, but she got the impression there was more going on here than him trying to pick her up. Although, a man with his striking good looks being interested in dancing with a woman almost nine months pregnant was an offer she couldn’t turn down.
She nodded her consent.
His muscled arm moved to her waist while he took her hand in his and held it to his chest. Her heart was racing madly. She assured herself it was the physical activity and nothing to do with the handsome man holding her in his arms.
His gaze met hers and held it. She wasn’t able to read his thoughts, but that didn’t keep her heart from continuing to race. Was it wrong to acknowledge that he was the sexiest man at the wedding? On the island?
As she stared into his blue eyes, she was caught off guard by a glimmer of pain lurking just beneath the surface. Normally when she looked into someone’s eyes, there was a light there, but in this mysterious stranger’s case, it was as if that light had been snuffed out. Someone had hurt him—hurt him deeply. Sympathy welled up in her. She was all too familiar with pain that balled up inside and made it difficult to eat, sometimes to inhale a full breath.
He glanced away, breaking the contact. So he wasn’t into sharing either, not that it was any of her business. But she couldn’t help but be intrigued by him. Again, she was struck by his familiarity, but she was certain they hadn’t previously met. There was no way that she would forget someone as good-looking as him.
The song playing in the background was a classic: “Moondance.” As the singer’s deep voice wafted through the air, Popi’s dance partner guided her around the crowded dance floor. White twinkle lights were strung overhead, casting a soft glow over the area.
But all Popi had eyes for was the handsome man holding her in his arms as though she belonged there. For just this moment, reality, with all its sorrow, rolled away.
When his gaze met hers once more, there was something different reflected in his blue eyes. Was it interest? In her? Her heart skipped a beat. How could he desire her in her current condition? Impossible. Wasn’t it?
For this one dance, she allowed herself the luxury of pretending that he was her lover. What could it hurt? It’d been so very long since she’d felt anything but the heavy weight of guilt and the darkness of grief.
For this one dance beneath the starry sky, she’d allow herself to be happy.
* * *
It’d been a long time since he’d danced.
And he was surprised to find he enjoyed holding Popi close.
Realizing he was enjoying it too much, Apollo guided them off to a quiet corner of the dance floor. His intent was to have a serious conversation with her, but this close contact was detrimental to his thought process.
He drew in a deep breath, but it did nothing to cool his heated blood. There was something about this woman that got past his practiced defenses. And right now, talking was the last thing on his mind.
Blindly following his desires was how he’d gotten himself into a number of jams in the past, from angry fathers with shotguns to returning to camp, where a tribal leader and anxious bride awaited him. He was older now, more responsible. But that didn’t make Popi any less enchanting.
Get it together. He mustered up an image of the legal documents—papers that would steal away his last link to his brother. Suddenly his heated blood cooled and his thoughts became more focused.