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Best Man Under The Mistletoe
“I’m not worried about Daniel,” Gabe said as he put his truck in gear. “As much as I’d love to continue this cheery conversation, I have other things to get done. Even in death, my uncle is ruining my reputation.”
Shane blew out a sigh. “Sorry, man. I wasn’t thinking.”
“No reason to be sorry. You and Brandee were victims, as well.”
Hell, there was hardly a member of the TCC who hadn’t been affected somehow by his uncle. Gabe still had no clue as to his motives, but he knew Dusty Walsh had been denied membership to the exclusive club three times over the years. And when women had been admitted, it had only made Dusty’s grudge worsen.
Perhaps this was his uncle’s way of getting back at the club because of the board’s decision. Who knew? All Gabe did know was that it would continue to impact his reputation for some time and he’d have to stay on top of things to keep his security business running.
“Just try to calm down with the public displays,” Shane warned. “Chelsea is dealing with enough and I’d really like this wedding to go off without drama.”
Gabe knew exactly what Chelsea was dealing with and he cursed himself for putting her in such a position. But, damn it, when he was around her, all logical thinking just vanished.
“Your wedding will be drama-free,” Gabe assured his best friend. “Go kiss your fiancée and let her know Chels and I have everything under control.”
He disconnected the call before Shane could question him further. As much as Gabe wanted to concentrate on Chelsea, on the memory of her sweet body pressed against his and her zipper parting beneath his touch, he had a high-dollar client to see.
Business first. Business always came first. Then he’d check up on his girl.
* * *
“I’ll make sure they’re delivered here if you don’t mind being on hand to put everything away in the freezer. They’ll come packaged with instructions for how long they need to sit out to thaw and the exact way they should be marinated and cooked.”
Chelsea was going over the to-do list for the joint bachelor/bachelorette party with Rose, her contact in the TCC kitchen. Rose smiled and nodded as Chelsea ticked the items in her head off on her fingers.
“I’m sorry,” Chelsea said. “I’m sure you know how to cook a steak and this isn’t the first party you’ve done, but this is my company and my best friend we’re talking about.”
Chelsea may have been the CTO of Hunt & Co., dealing with the computers and the technical end of the business, but she knew how to handle steaks, as well. There were good steaks and then there were Hunt steaks. Chelsea wanted absolutely the best for her friends and that could only come from her family’s company.
Rose patted Chelsea’s arm. “It’s quite all right, dear. I understand.”
Chelsea smiled. “Thanks. I promise I’m only neurotic because I want this to be perfect for them.”
“And it will be,” Rose assured her. “I’ll take care of everything.”
Chelsea headed from the kitchen area. Since her workday was essentially done, she figured she’d take advantage of her club membership and go riding. She needed the break from reality and being on the back of a horse was always so freeing. It helped to clear her head.
She definitely needed her head cleared because for the past two days she hadn’t been able to focus on anything other than Gabe Walsh. The stubborn man wouldn’t leave her mind. He took up entirely too much real estate in her thoughts. She’d tried throwing herself further into the wedding planning. She’d tried reading books. She’d even resorted to her old hacking skills and messed with her brother’s social media accounts for fun. But nothing had taken away the memory of the dressing room.
The Dressing Room.
It was like the title of an epic romance she couldn’t put down. For one, she’d never had a public make-out session. Two, she hadn’t allowed any man to wrap her up so tight she feared she’d spring any minute. And for another, damn it...she just wanted to hate the man. Was that too much to ask? He was egotistical, arrogant...and too damn sexy for his own good.
But she couldn’t bring herself to hate the way he kissed, the way he’d touched her. How was it even possible that he had this hold on her? How could one man invoke so many emotions?
Chelsea headed toward the stables. The fresh winter air filled her lungs. She couldn’t wait to spend the next few hours just relaxing and enjoying her ride.
When her cell vibrated in her pocket, she ignored it. Nothing was going to get in the way of this much needed alone time. Whoever wanted her could leave a message. If it was Daniel again, she’d get back to him. Any Hunt business could wait since it was after hours. And there was nothing pressing for the wedding at the moment.
In no time, Chelsea had chosen a gorgeous chestnut mare and was on her way. Getting back in the saddle felt so good. It had been too long since she’d taken advantage of the amenities TCC had to offer. Maybe she should schedule a massage and some sauna time after the wedding and holidays were over. She could use a good day of pampering.
Chelsea was just thankful they’d started allowing women to join a few years ago. There was a time when only men were members, but everything had changed when they’d opened the doors and their minds to the ladies.
Chelsea had jumped at the chance to join such an elite club. Who wouldn’t want to be part of all of this? The clubhouse sat on gorgeous acreage, the amenities were absolutely perfect and everyone worth anything in this town was a member. Perhaps that’s why Dusty was never admitted. Chelsea didn’t know him personally, but his actions before his death had proved the guy to be a grade-A bastard.
Settling into an easy rhythm with her horse, Chelsea found a trail and rode off, thankful that with evening falling, there were no other riders. The stables closed at nine, so she had a couple hours to enjoy the open air, the peaceful evening, and to start figuring out her Christmas shopping list because she still had a few people she hadn’t bought for. Online shopping was going to be her best friend in these last days leading up to Christmas.
With all the wedding planning, she’d dropped the ball on—
“And here I thought I’d be all alone.”
Chelsea cringed at the familiar voice, her grip tightening on the reins. “Then take another path.”
Gabe’s laughter floated around her as he came up beside her horse. “Now, what fun would that be?”
His thigh brushed hers as he kept a steady gait. Chelsea didn’t want any part of his body touching hers. Okay, that was a lie, but if she kept repeating it over and over, maybe the words would penetrate her stubborn heart.
“I came out here to think and be alone,” she told him, refusing to look his way. She knew what he looked like—all brooding and sexy—without tormenting herself any further.
“Then by all means, think,” he stated. “You won’t even know I’m here.”
“Are you kidding me?”
She pulled her horse to a stop, not at all surprised when he did the same. Now, she did glance his way. Yup. Just as sexy as two days ago when he’d been wrapped all around her, driving her out of her mind. His black hat shielded his eyes, but not enough that she didn’t see that sexy gleam.
“You think I can have a peaceful moment when you’re right next to me?”
“Well, darlin’, I’ll take that as a compliment.”
Chelsea narrowed her eyes. “Why won’t you go away?”
He rested his forearm on the saddle horn and shrugged. “I haven’t seen you for two days. I went by Hope Springs and worked more on the arch, thinking you’d show up and lend a hand, but you never did. I’d say you’ve had plenty of space.”
“Not enough,” she muttered.
“You can’t hide from me forever, Chelsea. We’ve got work to do and this tension between us isn’t going anywhere.”
Why did he have to be so blunt and just lay their attraction right on the table like that? It wasn’t often she was speechless, but the man was bound and determined to throw her off her game, and damn it, it was working.
“You seem angry.” He offered her a killer smile. “I’d say this fresh air will do you some good. Come on. Ride with me and we’ll talk. Not about the dressing room or the fact you want me, and don’t deny it. We’ll do small talk. We can do that, right? The weather is always a good topic, but so predictable. Maybe we could discuss if you’ve put your Christmas tree up yet. I haven’t.”
Was he seriously turning into some chatterbox? She wasn’t going to ride along beside him and talk like he was some girlfriend she was comfortable with. Gabe Walsh made her anything but comfortable.
“I don’t want to engage in small talk with you.” Chelsea pulled the reins and turned her horse back toward the trail. “I can’t stop you from riding, but shut up.”
Again, his laughter swept over her as he came to an easy trot next to her. Chelsea concentrated on the rocking of the horse, the smell of the fresh air, and not the man a mere foot from her.
“There’s something I’ve been curious about.”
She never knew where his thoughts were headed, but it was obvious he was going to keep going no matter what she said, so she just remained quiet.
“Why computers?”
Chelsea turned toward him. “Excuse me?”
“Just wondering why you got into computers.”
She should’ve known he wouldn’t honor her wish for silence. But work she could discuss. That was one topic where he wouldn’t make her a stuttering, turned-on mess of emotions.
“I’ve always been interested in how things work,” she told him. “When I was little, I tried picking locks. I actually got quite good at it by the time I was seven, but then I grew bored. Dad was always talking business, so I knew we were being raised to take over. When I wasn’t learning fast enough, I tried getting into his computer when he was asleep one night. By the time I figured out his password, I’d gotten a little thrill and decided to see what else I could do.”
“How old were you then?”
Gabe swore under his breath. “And here I’ve pissed you off. Are my bank accounts safe?”
Chelsea couldn’t stop the smile from spreading across her lips. “For now.”
“Did your father know you’d gotten into his system?”
“Of course. I was sloppy, as all beginner hackers are.” Chelsea brushed her hair back from her face, wishing she’d thought to put on a headband. “You know, I really don’t like that term. It makes me feel... I don’t know...illegal.”
Gabe tossed her a look with one arched brow. “It pretty much is illegal.”
With a shrug, Chelsea forced her attention to the smooth path in front of her. “Maybe, but I’ve never done anything terrible with my knowledge. I more do things to see how far I can get and to educate myself.”
“So you’ve never done anything risky or wrong?” he asked.
Chelsea pursed her lips. “I may have changed a couple grades when I was in high school.”
“And?” he prompted.
She swallowed. Was she really going to get into this with him?
“I might have hacked into one bank account to add some funds.”
“You think hacking into a bank isn’t illegal or bad?” he asked, obviously shocked at her admission.
“I admit it was wrong, but hindsight won’t change the past.”
Silence settled between them and Chelsea figured she shouldn’t have told him. It was years ago and nobody had ever figured out what she had done. It had been her first real victory and, illegal or not, she wasn’t sorry she’d done it. In fact, she was rather proud of herself.
“Are you going to finish the story or leave me hanging?”
Chelsea came to a stop and glanced toward a nearby cypress grove. Restless energy had her dismounting and tying the reins around a sturdy tree trunk. Gabe did the same and when he propped his hands on his hips and continued to stare at her, she figured she may as well tell him everything.
Sweet, innocent-looking Chelsea had shocked him, but he was more than ready to hear what she had to say. If she claimed her hacking was for good reason, he believed her. He’d built the foundation of his career on reading people and was pretty confident she wasn’t vindictive. And he wanted to continue spending time with her. She was opening up. Apparently when they weren’t discussing the scandal that had rocked the town, she let her guard slip. He only hoped he could wipe his uncle’s actions out of the picture for good.
“There was a husband and wife who worked for Hunt back when I was a teen.” Chelsea tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear and turned to rest against a tree away from the horses. “He had a gambling problem. She was pregnant with their first child, but tried to stick by him despite his addiction. I know my father offered to pay for help if the guy would just go. But, in the end, life became too much and he left her. She couldn’t make the mortgage payments on her own and lost her house.”
Gabe heard the compassion in Chelsea’s tone. This was a whole new side to her he hadn’t seen and it only made him want to uncover even more. He’d always figured she was giving, caring, selfless. His instincts hadn’t proved him wrong before and they were dead-on now.
“She had her own income, but considering she was pregnant with no home, I couldn’t stand it anymore.” Chelsea’s mouth twisted into a half grin. “I may have hacked into his private account and removed funds. And those funds may have found their way into her account.”
Gabe honestly didn’t know what to say. The woman was constantly a doer. She cared for others and wanted to see everyone around her happy. But he’d never thought once that she’d use her skills for something like this.
“Had you gotten caught—”
Her eyes met his. “At the time, I felt it was worth the risk. Now that I look back, I know it wasn’t right to do that, but I got caught up in the moment and acted with my heart instead of my head.”
She gave a slight shrug before she continued. “I just thought, what was he going to do? Tell the authorities? Most of his money was obtained illegally, because I uncovered that he was betting on cock fighting. He wouldn’t want to open that can of worms and be subjected to proving where his income came from.”
Chelsea’s eyes misted. “All of that happened around the time when we’d just lost Mom. Actually, she ran off, but she may as well be dead because I haven’t seen or heard from her since. I knew what that felt like, what being abandoned does to your soul. I couldn’t stand it, Gabe.”
Why did she have to have such a vulnerable side that made resisting her impossible? He’d promised himself when he’d seen her riding up ahead that he’d keep his hands off, but the sorrow lacing her words only had him closing the gap between them.
“You shouldn’t touch me. I’m emotional already and if you touch me...”
Her words were barely a whisper and he saw tears swimming in her eyes.
“This is just one friend consoling another,” he explained.
Gabe wrapped his arms around her and she instantly returned the gesture. “We’re not friends,” she argued.
Smiling, he rested his chin on top of her head. “Maybe not, but we’re something. I don’t think they’ve created a label for us yet.”
When she continued to just be still and let him hold her, Gabe figured she must be gathering her strength. She just needed a minute and he was all too willing to comfort her. As much as he wanted to get her into his bed, he could be patient. Chelsea would be worth the wait.
Hell, his job was based on patience and taking his time, being methodical. And he knew she was much more important than a job. Damn it. When had he let that happen?
Chelsea eased back and glanced up at him. “I’m not sure I can trust you.”
Gabe smoothed her hair back and framed her face. “You will.”
“Are you always so arrogant?”
Gabe smiled because her tone was light, but her question was genuine. “Confident,” he corrected. “I know I did nothing wrong where you’re concerned and, in time, you’ll realize that, too.”
Her eyes darted to his lips and he knew he’d just knocked another brick off that barrier she kept around herself. She still clung to him and Gabe’s last shred of control snapped.
He eased closer, keeping his eyes on hers as he lowered his head. “You plan on stopping me?” he whispered against her mouth.
“Not yet.”
The second he covered her mouth, she melted against him. There was no other way to describe the way she simply let go and let him take the lead. But he wasn’t naïve. Chelsea held all the power here. As much as he wanted her and was more than ready to seduce her up against this tree, she would ultimately have to give the green light.
Gabe rested one hand on her hip and thrust the other through her hair as he shifted his head and dove back in for more. More was the theme where Chelsea was concerned. He wanted as much as she would give...then he wanted even more.
She arched against him, groaning into his mouth. Gabe trailed his lips across her jaw and down the column of her throat. The neckline of her tank top mocked him, tempted him. So much exposed skin to explore...and still not enough. But he had to tread lightly. Chelsea wasn’t just any woman, and their situation was extremely delicate.
“Gabe, please.”
Easing back slightly, he took in her flushed cheeks and decided he couldn’t leave her hanging. He was a gentleman, after all, and as gently as he needed to treat her, he also planned on giving in to her every desire.
“You don’t have to ask twice.”
Sliding his hand beneath the hem of her tank, Gabe kept his eyes locked on hers. If she showed the slightest bit of hesitation, he’d stop. But the way she bit on her lower lip and kept her eyes shut, he had to believe he was doing everything right.
He flicked the closure on her jeans, pleased when her hips surged forward. Glancing over his shoulder, he made sure no one was taking a late ride. But they were hidden behind the horses and around the side of a large cypress.
Gabe slid his hand inside the waistband of her panties and kicked her feet apart with the toe of his boot. He rested his forearm alongside her head, against the tree, and dipped his fingers into her heat. The moment she cried out, he covered her mouth with his.
Yes. Finally, this. He had wanted to see her come apart, had wanted to experience every bit of it, and now she was seconds away. He didn’t want to just feel it, he wanted to taste it.
Chelsea’s fingertips dug into his shoulders as she jerked her body against his. Then she exploded. There was no other way to describe it. She tore away from the kiss and tipped her head back, her mouth open in a perfect O as she clung to him.
Chelsea Hunt was letting every single guard down and giving in to her desires, and it was absolutely the most erotic thing he’d ever seen. He wished he could watch her forever, but he quickly pushed the idea aside. Forever wasn’t in his vocabulary.
As she came down and her trembling ceased, Gabe knew for certain that he needed her in his bed. His entire body was wound so damn tight, but he’d have to wait. This was about Chelsea, about her needs and getting her to see that he was serious about this all-consuming need to have her.
But most of all, he wanted her to realize that he wasn’t a liar and had never done anything to hurt her or to tarnish her reputation.
The horses shifted behind him and Gabe started to lean forward to kiss her, but she pushed against his shoulders. Her bold green eyes lifted to his and he instantly saw regret.
They’d made too much progress for her to have those walls come back up. Little by little, he was going to make sure she pushed beyond her fears. Why did she have to start letting her doubts and reality sink back in?
He removed his hand and stepped back, giving her a chance to right her clothes.
“I’m not going to apologize.”
Her hands froze on the snap of her jeans as she glared up at him. “I didn’t ask you to.”
“You’re angry.”
“With myself. Not you.”
Well, that was something. But he didn’t want her in any way angry about this situation.
“Are you upset because you let yourself feel or because you hate me?”
She finished straightening her clothes and shoved her hair behind her ears. That defiant chin lifted an extra notch as she squared her shoulders and focused solely on him.
“I don’t hate you,” she retorted. “I just don’t make a habit of getting involved with people I’m still on the fence about.”
Raking a hand through his hair, he turned away and headed back to his stallion.
“You’re not going to say anything?” she called after him.
Gabe tugged at the reins and freed his horse from the tree before glancing back over his shoulder. “You want to fight? You’ll have to look elsewhere. A beautiful woman just came apart in my arms. I’m not feeling much like arguing. I want to be here for you, Chelsea. Not because my uncle tried to ruin you and so many others, but because I can’t ignore this pull between us or what just happened.”
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