Полная версия
How To Get Your Man

Bonnie wasn’t thinking so much about Mark lately.
In fact, as she spent an hour getting ready, she found herself thinking more about concocting a reason to stop at Dalton’s on her way out—once she was all dressed up. Which was how she finally settled on a red sleeveless cocktail dress that fit like a dream….
“You are smoking in that dress….” Dalton said. “This is your chance, right…? With Mark.”
“Yes. That is what I was thinking,” Bonnie said.
“Sweetheart, if you’re dressed like that…” He gave a shake of his head. “This is your big night.”
If she’d imagined, even for a moment, that Dalton wanted her for himself, this clinched it. He didn’t. “You think so? For me and Mark?”
Three heartbeats passed between them….
Dear Reader,
We’re deep into spring, and the season and romance always seem synonymous to me. So why not let your reading reflect that? Start with Sherryl Woods’s next book in THE ROSE COTTAGE SISTERS miniseries, The Laws of Attraction. This time it’s Ashley’s turn to find love at the cottage—which the hotshot attorney promptly does, with a man who appears totally different from the cutthroat lawyers she usually associates with. But you know what they say about appearances….
Karen Rose Smith’s Cabin Fever is the next book in our MONTANA MAVERICKS: GOLD RUSH GROOMS continuity, in which a handsome playboy and his beautiful secretary are hired to investigate the mine ownership issue. But they’re snowbound in a cabin…and work can only kill so much time! And in Lori’s Little Secret by Christine Rimmer, the next of her BRAVO FAMILY TIES stories, a young woman who was always the shy twin has a big secret (two, actually): seven years ago she pretended to be her more outgoing sister—which resulted in a night of passion and a baby, now child. And said child’s father is back in town… Judy Duarte offers another of her BAYSIDE BACHELORS, in Worth Fighting For, in which a single adoptive mother—with the help of her handsome neighbor, who’s dealing with a loss of his own—grapples with the possibility of losing her child. In Elizabeth Harbison’s hilarious new novel, a young woman who wonders how to get her man finds help in a book entitled, well, How To Get Your Man. But she’s a bit confused about which man she really wants to get! And in His Baby to Love by Karen Sandler, a long-recovered alcoholic needs to deal with her unexpected pregnancy, so she gratefully accepts her friend’s offer of her chalet for the weekend. But she gets an unexpected roommate—the one man who’d pointed her toward recovery…and now has some recovering of his own to do.
So enjoy, and we’ll see you next month, when things once again start to heat up, in Silhouette Special Edition!
Sincerely yours,
Gail Chasan
Senior Editor
How to Get Your Man
Elizabeth Harbison

To Nancy Nesbit Preston
Cool Chick Extraordinaire
has been an avid reader for as long as she can remember. After devouring the Nancy Drew and Trixie Belden series in grade school, she moved on to the suspense of Mary Stewart, Dorothy Eden and Daphne du Maurier, just to name a few. From there it was a natural progression to writing, although early efforts have been securely hidden away in the back of a closet.
After authoring three cookbooks, Elizabeth turned her hand to writing romances and hasn’t looked back. Her second book for Silhouette Romance, Wife Without a Past, was a 1998 finalist for the Romance Writers of America’s prestigious RITA® Award in the Best Traditional Romance category.
Elizabeth lives in Maryland with her husband, John, daughter Mary Paige, and son, Jack, as well as two dogs, Bailey and Zuzu. She loves to hear from readers and you can write to her c/o Box 1636, Germantown, MD 20875.
Fall 1980
INTERIM REPORT for Bonnie Jane Vaness
Tappen Elementary School—
Teacher: Dinah Perry—Grade 2
Bonnie is doing wonderfully academically. Her handwriting is coming along beautifully and she seems quite gifted in both English and science. She is very organized.
Unfortunately, Bonnie does need to exercise control socially. She sometimes talks in class with her friend Paul Czarny, and often bickers with classmate Dalton Price. I have separated the two of them on numerous occasions but they always end up together, arguing.

INTERIM REPORT for Dalton James Price
Tappen Elementary School—
Teacher: Dinah Perry—Grade 2
Dalton is a spirited child. He is very capable, but seems to have trouble applying himself. He’d rather pick on his classmate, Bonnie Vaness, than pay attention to the lessons. Though I separate the two of them, they somehow seem to manage to find each other again….
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
“…Our guest today is Leticia Bancroft, author of the controversial book, How To Seduce Your Dream Man. Leticia, tell me about the reception your book has gotten.”
“It’s setting women back fifty years,” Bonnie Vaness said to the television, dabbing her sore, red nose with a tissue. “Of course it’s getting a great reception.” She threw the covers back to look for the television remote, but only found more tissues. It seemed like every November she got a raging cold just before Thanksgiving, and this year was no exception. She must have been through at least four boxes of tissue in the past three days.
“As far as I’m concerned,” Leticia said, “the reaction to the book has been fantastic. But don’t take my word for it. Let’s talk to some of the women in the audience.”
The audience erupted into applause.
Bonnie cursed and moved the pillows aside searching for the remote.
“Honestly, I didn’t think it was going to work,” a woman who actually looked normal was saying. In fact, she even looked a little embarrassed to be talking into the microphone.
Bonnie stopped her search and looked at the TV.
“When I first heard about the book, I was a little offended. I figured it would set women back fifty years—”
“Exactly!” Bonnie cried, pointing at the screen.
“—but, then again, laying it all on the line wasn’t getting me very far either. So I decided to read Leticia’s book. I put on a disguise and went to a bookstore in another town and bought it.” The audience chuckled.
Bonnie sneezed.
“I had a really bad romantic history. Lots of boyfriends, lots of breakups. I sometimes felt like I couldn’t find the kind of guy I really wanted, so I’d have to settle for less. But then I found the guy. And he didn’t even know I existed.”
Bonnie sat up and listened. This woman could be her. String of lousy boyfriends, equally long string of lousy breakups, fear that she’d have to lower her standards or end up alone, and then—this was the kicker—finding the man of her dreams only to have him be completely oblivious to her.
“But this book…” The woman paused, her voice filled with emotion. “This book gave me ideas for getting his attention that I could use immediately. Actual, you know, techniques. Not a lot of academic philosophizing. Before I knew it, the man who hadn’t known I was alive for six months was asking me out.”
“Tell them the rest,” Leticia interjected excitedly, then turned to the hostess. “You’re going to love this.”
Bonnie sniffled and moved forward to hear better.
The woman held up her left hand, displaying a glittering stone the size of a cupcake. “We’re getting married next month!”
The audience squealed with delight and erupted into applause again.
Bonnie wrote down the name of the book.
Chapter One
Men are very visual creatures. Discover his favorite colors and swathe yourself in them. This will make you a soothing, comfortable presence to him, though he won’t realize exactly why. This is the first step in our Plan of Seduction.
Remember, color is very powerful and, just as you want to wear his favorites, you must avoid those he doesn’t like. An unpleasant association with a color you wear can make you someone to avoid, rather than someone to adore.
—Leticia Bancroft, How To Seduce Your
Dream Man
“Joining the army or something?”
Bonnie Vaness stopped in the middle of locking the dead bolt of her apartment and glanced impatiently behind her at Dalton Price, the building manager. “What are you talking about?”
“That outfit you’ve got on. It’s the third ugly green thing you’ve worn this week.”
Bonnie automatically put a hand to the new olive-green suit she’d gotten from Delaney’s Department Store over on Quince Street. It had cost half a week’s paycheck.
“Not that you wouldn’t make a great soldier,” he went on, raking a hand through black hair. “Temper like yours…”
“Shut up, Dalton.”
He laughed. “Hey, I’m just saying—”
“I know what you’re saying. You’re saying I look horrible in this. Thanks.”
He gave a broad shrug. “Now did I say that? I didn’t say that. It’s not you, it’s the outfit. I’d think you’d be glad for the objective opinion, before you go trotting off into the world looking like that.”
She didn’t look at him. She didn’t want him to see he was plucking away at her raw nerves like a bad street musician on a broken banjo.
Of course, Dalton Price had been plucking at Bonnie’s nerves since second grade at Tappen Elementary School in Tappen, New Jersey, when he’d been the only one close enough to hear her accidentally call Mrs. Perry “Mommy.” He’d spent years tormenting her about that and every other stupid thing she was unfortunate enough to do in his presence. His imagination was limitless.
“Don’t you have something better to do than critique my clothing?” she asked him, uncomfortably aware that he might be right about the outfit. When she’d tried it on, she told herself the greenish tint to her face was from the fluorescent lighting in the dressing room, but now she was starting to think it was the reflected olive green bouncing off her skin.
She wasn’t about to let Dalton know of her doubts.
“Isn’t there a hairy sink waiting for you somewhere around here?” She clicked the lock in place and turned to face him.
Though she said it lightly, her curiosity about his job had been piqued for some time now. Ten years ago, Dalton had gotten a football scholarship to some college out west and everyone in town was abuzz about what a success he’d made of his life, and how he’d become an investment banker and married an actress from some since-canceled sitcom. Then, about four months ago, Dalton was suddenly back, divorced and with a nearly adolescent daughter in tow. Stranger still, despite his proximity to New York City, he wasn’t working as an investment banker. He was working as a super in what was a nice old building but certainly not fancy.
Bonnie wondered if he’d ever really been successful or if that was his mother’s fantasy.
At first she’d been sympathetic toward him, but he hadn’t been in town two days before he started giving her the same old guff he’d always given her. And she gave it right back.
Some things never changed.
He leveled a blue-eyed gaze at her now. A gaze which had, she knew, reduced many foolish women to quivering puddles of submission.
It only ticked Bonnie off.
“I fix everything that needs to be fixed,” he said, in answer to her question.
“Yeah?” She dropped her keys in her bag. “Then fix my shower. It’s been dripping since Carter was president.”
“Carter who?”
Bonnie’s mouth dropped open just as Dalton gave a sly smile.
“Man, you’re such a sucker,” he said.
“I am not, I just…” She stopped. Yes, she was. He’d suckered her over and over. Someday she’d learn.
“Don’t you have a bus to catch?” he asked her, interrupting her private reverie.
“Oh! Yes.” Why did she find Dalton’s presence so disconcerting? “Paula’s waiting downstairs and she’ll kill me if we miss the bus into town because I had to stop and fight with you again.”
He smiled and slipped a wrench out of his back pocket. “I’ll be around later. You can yell at me then. Meantime, I’m gonna go fix Mrs. Neuhouse’s leaky faucet.”
“And my shower…?”
“It’s on the list,” he said over his shoulder as he walked away.
“I’d like to see this list.”
“Come by later tonight.” He didn’t look back. “I’ll show it to you. It’s under my pillow.”
It was hard to believe he got women with that kind of line. Bonnie figured there were a lot of girls out there who were so blown away by his looks that they didn’t care about anything else. Idiots. “Just fix the shower, all right?”
“Daddy!” A young girl with pale gold hair came running around the corner. “Wait! Daddy!”
Elissa. His nine-year-old daughter.
Bonnie paused and watched the two of them together. She couldn’t help it. Not only was she enchanted by the girl—she had been ever since she’d first laid eyes on her—but she was also captivated by the sweet interaction between father and daughter. Bonnie’s own father had passed away in a car accident before she was old enough to know him, and she had always had a soft spot for good father-daughter relationships.
For all Dalton Price’s faults, even Bonnie approved of his parenting.
“I thought Mrs. Malone took you to school already,” he said to his daughter, with that tenderness that never failed to tug at Bonnie’s heart.
Nelly Malone was an elderly neighbor who lived in the building. She was practically like a grandmother to Elissa and loved to spend time with her. Bonnie sometimes wondered if Elissa was doing more for Nelly than the other way around.
“I forgot my lunch money again,” Elissa told Dalton.
“Ah, okay.” He reached into his pocket for his wallet and pulled out a single. “That enough?”
“Daddy, it’s a dollar sixty just for lunch. You know that. And dessert is extra.” She shook her head but smiled. “We should just set up an account at the school like all the other kids do.”
“You don’t need to start living on credit this early.” He took out another two dollars, handed them to her and ruffled her hair. “Here you go, baby. Get an ice-cream sandwich for dessert. I love those things.”
“Okay! Thanks!” She threw her arms around him and hugged him before clambering down the stairs like a toy that had been wound up in his hands.
With an ache in her chest, Bonnie watched her go, then watched Dalton sigh, shake his head slightly, and go up the stairs toward Mrs. Neuhouse’s apartment.
Five minutes later she and Paula Czarny walked down the chipped sidewalk of Tappen Avenue toward the bus that took them to Hoboken, where they took a ferry into Manhattan every morning. It was a balmy fall morning, close to seventy degrees but in the sun it felt warmer. Bonnie was already sweating in her suit.
“So tell me why you’re wearing this horrible drab color all the time lately, even though it’s hideous and makes you look like you’re seasick,” Paula said.
“You don’t like it either?”
“Hate it.” She frowned and looked at Bonnie. “What do you mean ‘either?’”
Bonnie gave an exasperated groan. “Dalton Price. Couldn’t let me leave today without giving me at least one thing to feel self-conscious about. God, I hate him sometimes.”
“I think he’s hot.”
This made Bonnie impatient. “You’ve always had lousy taste in men.”
Paula shrugged. “At least we’ll never fight over one. So, seriously, about this outfit. And the silk one yesterday. Is this what you’re doing with all the money you get from that fancy ad agency? Buying the most hideous clothes you can find?”
Bonnie sighed. It wasn’t her first choice in colors either, but she had a mission. She’d bought these clothes with the single purpose of winning over Mark Ford, the new vice president of marketing at her company. He’d started working there four months ago and Bonnie had been…intrigued…ever since.
He was the kind of guy you saw in cologne commercials, gliding across a sea of blue glass in a big white sailboat, his dark blond hair mussed by the wind, his face kissed golden by the sun. He was a modern Prince Charming whose smile promised a lifetime of happily ever after.
Bonnie wanted a lifetime of happily ever after.
“You’re missing the big picture here.” Bonnie stepped gingerly over a pile of what she hoped was only mud. “The reason I’m wearing this color is because Mark Ford likes this color. No, he loves this color. His entire office is painted this color.”
Paula stopped and gave her friend a look that mingled disbelief and disapproval. “And you want to look like his office. This is your grand scheme to seduce him, to blend into the walls of his workplace.”
Bonnie shook her head. It did sound stupid, put that way. “Leticia Bancroft says men have a powerful subconscious reaction to color. Wear a color he likes and he’ll be drawn to you like…” She searched for the perfect analogy but came up short. “A magnet. A really strong magnet.”
They started walking again and Paula stepped squarely in what Bonnie was now fairly certain wasn’t mud, muttered an oath and scraped the stiletto heel of her shoe on the curb before saying, “I don’t think you ought to want a man who loves drab green.” She finished scraping her shoe and they resumed their walk down the hill toward the bus stop. “Sounds like some sort of latent militia thing to me. Like those guys out in the Midwest. Is it the Midwest? Or the Northwest?”
“He is not the militia type,” Bonnie said, increasing her gait. She didn’t want to miss the bus again. She had a meeting at ten with, among others, Mark, and she did not want to come in late, soaked in sweat from running to Hoboken to catch the ferry to lower Manhattan. “He’s the blond, blue-eyed, captain of the football team type. The weekend house in the Hamptons type.” Definitely not the type to sneak into a closet with another woman at the office Christmas party; probably not the type to pass out on the front sidewalk after a night out with the guys; and absolutely not the type to fixate on buxom young blondes. No, Mark Ford was a grown-up. It was about time Bonnie went out with a grown-up. She would have sighed longingly if she weren’t running. “The marry-me-and-father-my-children type.”
“Sounds dull.”
Bonnie looked at her. “It’s not dull. It’s mature. Logical instead of just chemical. Unlike this thing you have for Mister Parker….” Mr. Parker was Paula’s boss. His first name was Seamus, but Paula thought it was “sexier” to call him Mr. Parker. “Or are you trying to tell me that’s love?”
“No way, baby, that’s lust. Good ol’ lust. Oh, crud, there goes the bus!”
Bonnie looked up just as the bus rumbled away from the curb at the bottom of Tappen Avenue.
“Hey!” Paula shouted, pulling her shoes off so she could run faster. “Hey, wait a minute!”
Bonnie, in more sensible, though olive-green, shoes, pounded down the sidewalk after her.
Paula shouted an expletive and the bus jerked to a halt and the door shuddered open.
Bonnie caught a glimpse of an old woman in a scarf looking out the window, and she winced. “Paula, have a little respect.”
“You’re such a goody two-shoes,” Paula said to her, climbing the steps. “Seven-forty,” she snapped at the driver when she reached him. “This bus isn’t supposed to leave until seven-forty. It is now—” she thrust her wristwatch in front of the driver’s face “—seven thirty-seven. Thanks to you, I’ve probably got runs in my stockings and I’m gonna look hideous when I get to work.”
“I didn’t tell you to run around widout your shoes on,” the driver said in a thick Jersey accent.
He couldn’t have been more than twenty or twenty-one, Bonnie thought. He had no idea what he was up against. She’d known Paula since kindergarten and she’d never known her to let go of an argument until some sort of blood was spilled. Hopefully humiliation and an abject apology would suffice.
Paula drew up her petite frame. “The West Hudson County transit authority, who issues your paychecks by the way, employs you to follow the schedule that they’ve set forth. When you drive away before your appointed pickup time, you are, in fact, breaking your employment contract. Which is grounds for termination.” She narrowed her eyes at the driver. “Which means you’d be sacked. Got it?” She rifled through her large handbag and pulled out a pad of paper and a pen. “Now what’s your name?”
“Don Vittoni,” he said miserably.
She wrote and said, “Okay, listen, Don Vittoni, I’ll let it slide this time, but if you do it again, I’m gonna have to write a letter to your boss. Got it?”
He nodded.
“Good.” She smiled and turned to Bonnie, who was now cringing with embarrassment as the entire bus had gone quiet. “Let’s find some seats.”
Three men scrambled to their feet, vacating their seats.
“Thank you, gentlemen,” Paula said sweetly, pulling Bonnie down the aisle with her.
They sat and the bus thundered away from the curb. Paula tapped the face of her watch. “Seven-forty. Right on schedule.”
“I think poor Don Vittoni nearly wet himself,” Bonnie commented as they rumbled down the rough road toward the city.
“That’ll teach him. Now, where were we?”
“Oh, yes, green—”
“Do we have to talk about this?”
“—it’s not slimming, you know.”
“What are you saying, I look fat in this?”
“Well…yeah. Not that I think you should lose weight or anything.”
“Really?” Hope surged. For as long as she could remember, Bonnie had been ten pounds over the insurance chart weights for her height.
“Yeah. I think you’d look weird skinny.”
Bonnie’s heart sank.
“I just think, you know, you should wear clothes that flatter you,” Paula said. “Like black.”
“Because it’s slimming?” Bonnie glared at Paula. It wasn’t the first time she’d called attention to the extra padding Bonnie carried around with her. She’d been doing it since seventh grade. And all that time, Paula had stayed infuriatingly thin, with a tiny waist and the kind of heart-shaped butt that men loved.
“No, because with that pale blond hair of yours it’s really striking. Red, too. And red would give your cheeks a little color.”
“God, now I’m pale. Look, Paula, I have a meeting with Mark this morning. This is just the kind of pep talk I don’t need, all right?”
Paula raised her hands. “All right, all right, I’m just trying to help.”
“Well, you’re not.”
“Okay. I won’t say another word.” Paula pantomimed locking her lips and throwing away the key.
A split second of silence passed.
“Except to say this: if you want to seduce this guy, you ought to throw away that book and use your brain instead. Men like sex.”
Several heads swiveled their way.
“Am I wrong?” Paula asked the elderly gentleman next to her. “Men like sex, right? They like to see a little skin.”
Bonnie’s face burned.
The elderly woman sitting next to the elderly man leaned toward Paula and said, “They certainly do.”