Revelations behind the wheel. Small edition in a humorous way. English version
Revelations behind the wheel. Small edition in a humorous way. English version

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Revelations behind the wheel. Small edition in a humorous way. English version

Язык: Английский
Год издания: 2020
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Revelations behind the wheel

Small edition in a humorous way. English version

Igor Bovsunovsky

© Igor Bovsunovsky, 2022

ISBN 978-5-0051-7149-8

Created with Ridero smart publishing system


There is a legend that if you stroke the dashboard in winter and gently touch the steering wheel, the car will start easier


No one is as surprising as a pedestrian who calmly went out onto the road from behind a bus while talking on the phone


Nothing raises self-esteem like waiting for a bright future near an unregulated pedestrian crossing


The real driver only turns left when the green light comes on.


The seventies is such a professional with a sign on the glass who holds the steering wheel with only one hand, and not turn on the turns is his privilege


Unbelievable, but true: under “give way” a more expensive car has an advantage


The more limited the visibility of the road, the more likely someone is there


A real driver always has a self-tapping screw in stock. In the tire. On the road


The number of outbids is directly proportional to the kilograms of putty on the car body


If you really want to, then you can turn left from the extreme right lane


A real pedestrian is a person who walks slowly, wearing headphones and a hood, outside the pedestrian crossing, without looking around


After installing a thin spare wheel, the priority vehicle speed is set to at least 100 km / h.


You don’t need to sleep for several hours to conquer sleep. It is enough to open all the windows and turn on the music at full volume


The cheaper the car, the louder the music plays in it.

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