Полная версия
Dinner With The Mafia
From Ben's shoulders, Susan watched the group closing in and in a panic, started hitting and prodding him with her heels, spurring him on before catastrophe hit. “Oh my God! It's the Yellow Brothers! Hurry up, let's get out of here fast!”
Her frantic movements caused Ben to lose his already precarious balance, staggering until the inevitable and abrupt fall, generating a disastrous domino effect.
Susan yelled as she fell on top of the weightlifter, who, desperately trying to get a handhold, violently catapulted himself into the canary's chest, causing him to windmill blows onto the two guys standing on the sidelines while he fell backward, in turn, forcing them into a flailing kind of moonwalk, while landing more blows to the back of the heads of other spectators. In just a few seconds, a tsunami of total destruction broke out, like a saloon brawl from Hell's 7th circle.
Pushing and shoving their way through, Ben and Susan found themselves completely blocked in front of the stage. The musicians had stopped playing by then and just stood there looking around at the chaos of the nightclub, aware of the fact that the concert was ruined… or was possibly their best and most successful gig ever.
An announcement was made that the show was over and the emergency exits were now open, while security was doing their best to maintain a semblance of peace and order.
Miraculously, they surfed through the crush of people and, once outside, could hear police sirens, announcing the arrival of the authorities.
Shocked but safe, they started walking home, ruminating about the events of the evening.
“Why is it that our exits always have to end up in a bar fight?” asked Susan.
“As a matter of fact, it is pretty wild. It's almost as if you and I attract trouble. I'm sorry you didn't get to see the whole concert.”
She smiled at his kindness.
“I only wish I had told you what kind of concert we were going to see. I just assumed you would like them, too.”
He tried not to make her feel bad, telling her a little white lie. “No, don't worry about it. It was… fun. Too bad it ended the way it did. Actually, I was enjoying myself. The rhythm of the music was starting to get in my blood.” He added a little jig, but Susan wasn't falling for it and gave him a sideways look.
“Liar. I could tell from a mile away, that you couldn't wait to get out of there. But I appreciate your efforts. Let's do this: the next time we go to a movie or a concert, you get to choose.”
That meant that they had another chance to go out, which made Ben's face light up. “Fantastic! A new science fiction movie just came out…”
Susan threw up her hand, stopping him in his tracks. “No, no! Please, no science fiction.”
Back pedaling, Ben tried to change the description, “It's not exactly science fiction, it's more of a thriller-horror.” But she kept shaking her head, no.
“For heaven's sake, only a thriller or horror could be worse than science fiction!”
So he started listing kinds of movies at random, “Musical? Comedy?”
“No and no,” she said.
He finally decided to give up and throw in the towel. “Sorry, but what's left?”
“I'd love a romantic comedy.”
He agreed, even if the concept of “you get to choose” eluded him.
By the time they reached Susan's house, there was a moment of embarrassed glimpses. In Ben's mind, he had hoped to be invited up to her place, and decided to put her on the spot.
“Even though tonight was a little lively, it was fun. Gosh, it isn't even very late. I think when I get home, I'll read for awhile till I fall asleep.”
She appeared amused and intrigued. “What a great idea. What are you reading?”
Ben wasn't really very interested in books, so he had to think fast on his feet to sound intellectual. So he mentioned a book that he had already read about twenty years ago. “A really compelling story… Treasure Island.”
“Treasure Island? Isn't that a children's book?”
“Yes, of course. But I like to go back and reread it sometimes to revisit my adolescence,” said Ben, trying not to sound pathetic. He made a gesture sliding his right hand over his left like a plane taking off into the wild blue yonder, and left it at that. Susan didn't seem to grasp the concept of his gesture, but accepted his explanation.
“All right then, seeing as you already have plans for the evening, I won't invite you up for a drink.”
Ben almost fainted right there on the spot and had to force the lump in his throat not to explode into a hacking cough. “To tell you the truth, I wouldn't mind something to drink. As long as it wouldn't be any trouble.”
He tried to regroup and pull himself together with a mix of prayer and curses merging in his brain, while Susan blessed him with brilliant smile.
Bursting with energy, he felt like a toy bouncing up the stairs to her apartment.
Just before he was about to walk into her house, he heard a very familiar voice calling his name from faraway. “Ben! Hey Ben!”
He turned around and saw Esposito's big, red face, even more heated than usual from running.
“Esposito? What happened?”
He leaned on the railing, wheezing and gasping for air while trying not to fall on the ground. Ben carefully helped him sit down on one of the steps, waiting for him to catch his breath enough to speak.
When he was finally able to talk, Esposito had some worrisome news. “Your uncle … is sick.”
“What happened? Which uncle?”
As strange as it seemed, the question was legitimate, given that he worked for Carmine D'Abbate, as well as Joe Santini.
Chapter 5
“Uncle Joe… a heart attack…” More or less what would have happened to Esposito if he had run another ten yards. Ben recalled all the times he had told him to eat better and smoke less, if not just give up the cigarettes entirely. And now he found himself distressed for his poor uncle.
“Where is he now? In the hospital?” asked Ben.
Gulping air, Esposito flapped his hands to reassure him. “He's out of danger. Luckily, Doctor Vick was a guest at dinner and gave him some medicine. But you know how your uncle is. He's lying on the bed and absolutely refuses to go to the hospital. Maybe you could convince him.”
“Stubborn old man!” Ben ran his hands through his hair, trying to figure a way out of the situation: with his uncle in bed, seriously ill on one hand and Susan more or less available on the other, he had no choice, given the severity of the situation. With a sorry look, he half-smiled at Susan, shrugged his shoulders and took his leave. “Susan, my Uncle Joe is like a father to me. I'm sorry…”
“Are you kidding? What are you waiting for? Let me know how he is.”
He thanked her, got Esposito on his feet and left her watching them go from her front steps.
Esposito's car wasn't far, just distant enough for him to give him a good earful. “Where the hell were you? Do you ever look at your cell phone? I've been looking for you for hours and…”
Joe Santini's apartment: in the bedroom
“Valerio Esposito called. He found your nephew just in time and he's bringing him here now.”
Joe, standing in front of the window, tied his robe closed after he took the last puff off of his cigar. “Good. Spray some perfume around here and get me a damned mint. I didn't even have to hide out like this when I was fourteen years old!”
In the room with Joe was Doctor Vick, Carmine and the Vitiellos brothers, Joe's two trusted body guards.
“I'm sorry, Joe, but we're forced to go ahead with the plan ahead of time. It all happened so fast and this was the first idea that came to mind. We had to step in before Ben went upstairs to the girl's place and did irreparable damage.” Joe snorted at Carmine's excuses.
“Ya, ya, I just don't get why I have to play the part of the sick one. Why couldn't it have been that whacko, Johnny? He's the one who's gonna have a heart attack before me! All right, it's too late now to back out. Let's get on with the show. Did you find the hooker?”
“We called Platy's brothel. Says Lola's with an important client. Some senator, but she'll do her best to get her here on time.”
Grumbling like a grouchy bear, he climbed under the sheets, ready to play his part. “I hope so for her sake. Look what we have to do for family.”
When Ben precipitated into his uncle's room, Lola was already present, standing off by herself, simulating worry and distress.
“Uncle Joe, are you ok?” He delicately took Joe's hand and crouched down, touching heads with him.
Joe's reproachful look hovered over the other men in the room as if to say: “look how I'm made to pay for the love of this dear boy”.
He gave Ben a light pat on the back, an invitation to look at him. “I'm better now… a lot better, thank you.”
Ben searched for the right words. Words that would scold, but not be too harsh. “I hope that this terrible attack has taught you not to overindulge. You're not twenty years old anymore and you have to learn to respect your body. It's important to take care of yourself, mostly when…”
With a lost and resigned look on his face, Joe suddenly nodded, emphasizing his nephew's truth in silence, while he continued with an unending tirade.
Ben knew his uncle very well, especially his adversity to hospitals. His long preamble was only the introduction to this heavy topic. “…obviously, every precaution would prove to be unsubstantiated by experts in the field…”
He paused to evaluate his uncle's reaction, who seemed to either not understand what he was talking about, or that more likely he wouldn't give in without a fight.
“…we think, and the doctor will confirm this, that you should have some tests done in a place that's a little more appropriate than this bedroom. If you want, tomorrow I can take you to the hospital for…”
The forbidden word had been spoken, confirmed by the reaction of everyone's fear. “Forget it! I've already told you a million times. I will never set foot in one of those slaughterhouses, even if it means I die today in this bed!”
“But Uncle Joe. Think about it. In the hospital they have everything available to treat you. You have to admit, nobody can do anything for you here. Why are you behaving like a child?”
Ben was crestfallen by his uncle's unwavering stubbornness. But more than stubborn, Joe had an instinctive fear that if a healthy man is able to, he should choose to avoid places of sufferance.
A female voice chimed in among the men, like the sun breaking through the clouds. “I, too, refused hospital care just like him; all that commotion and chaos! There is an alternative, you know. I have a doctor friend who has a private clinic. He would get all the attention he deserves, plus any extra services. Just like a home away from home.”
Lola stepped into the center of the room, startling everyone. Her beauty, striking in itself, was enhanced by the head-turning evening attire she was wearing: a fiery red dress decorated with sequins, highlighted by a generous cleavage – maybe not a blessing from Mother Nature, but still quite hypnotizing. The vertiginous slit at the side of her dress offered a view of two very long and shapely legs, drawing attention to how the gown clung to her derriere. And last, but not least, they gazed contemplatively at the lovely features of her face.
Her sea-blue eyes, shaped like a feline's, were lit up like two sapphires and set off by the lens of her delicate glasses. Framing her glowing and almost unnaturally radiant face, was her long, wavy golden blonde hair.
Everyone gawked, each immersed in his own personal fantasy. Lola, perfectly aware of the reactions that she provoked, bestowed upon them with a dazzling smile.
The first to recover from the shock was Doctor Vick, who already had the pleasure of her acquaintance… and services. “Lola! As impossible as it seems, we had almost forgotten you were here.”
Ben was trying to get the words out, pointing back and forth to Lola and his Uncle Joe, frightened by the idea that this woman was the cause of his uncle's sudden illness.
“Sorry it took me so long to arrive, but I couldn't get one of my annoying contact lens in, so I ended up wearing my glasses. How are you, Joe? Feeling better?”
She sat on the edge of the bed and slyly focused all of the attention on herself, sensuously crossing her legs. “Yes, dear, thank you. I'd like to introduce you to my nephew, Ben. He's the joy and despair of my life. Ben, this lovely lady is Lola.”
Ben stood up respectfully and extended his hand while Joe continued to act his part. “Lola belongs to a committee that takes care of orphaned children. I've promised her that I would give a generous donation. I'm so sorry about what's happened, here.”
The explanation for the woman's presence calmed Ben's nerves considerably and filled him with pride for his uncle's philanthropy.
Lola started laying the flattery on thick, demonstrating her exceptional acting abilities. “Oh, Joe! How can you even think of anything besides your own health at a time like this? See what a generous man he is? Always thinking of others first. People like you are unique and rare! That's exactly why I absolutely have to take care of you. From what I can tell, your nephew is as special as you are. Please! Try to find a compromise between his wants and desires and yours.”
Then she stood and moved slowly toward Joe, looking lovingly into his eyes and taking his hand the way Ben had a few moments before. But this time, that same gesture had a different impact. “Joe, take my proposal into consideration. The clinic that I have in mind is truly exceptional! You'll see, and you won't regret it.”
Lola's persuasive voice, accompanied by a mischievous glint in her eye, was unmistakable. The old man understood what she was really referring to before she even had the chance to delicately scratch the palm of his hand with her finger. He had to force himself to control his sudden state of excitement.
“I think… I think that you all may be right. I let myself get carried away in all the panic without thinking about the consequences. Just so long as it's clear that I won't be treated like a dying man. That means for the entire time I'm in the clinic, no one comes to visit me. No one. Ever!”
Esposito and Doctor Vick exchanged a fleeting look and had to turn around to stifle a guffaw. Only Ben in his blissful innocence, though a little concerned about his uncle's abrupt turnaround, felt relief that he would soon be safe under the doctors' watchful eyes.
Lola composed herself and adopted a sweet and innocent air of chastity that was quite in contrast with her vixen-like demeanor. “I'll take him personally to my friend's clinic and make sure that he gets all the attention he deserves,” she said.
Convincing Joe to comply with her kindness, Lola had certainly played her role well, drawing Ben's physical, as well as personal attention. So Joe decided it was the perfect time to set his trap for his nephew.
“Thank you, my dear. And I know exactly how I'm going to pay you back for everything. I'm only sorry that I won't be present at the dinner that I wanted to give in your honor. However, I'm sure that my cousin, Carmine and my nephew, Ben will be more than happy to take my place,” said Joe.
Carmine intervened resolutely before Ben had the chance to say anything, embracing him in a tight hug. “You can count on us! We'd be more than happy to host such an enchanting lady. Isn't that right, Ben?”
He nodded, even if he still wasn't clear on everything that happened.
Only after everyone except Esposito had left, could Joe take stock of the evening and enjoy his cigar, left to rest at the window ledge, in peace.
“In the end, I'd say it went really well and I have to admit that Lola was good. I have no doubt that she'll find a way to make that idiot of my nephew fall for her. You made a damned good choice there.”
Esposito never had a shadow of a doubt about that. “I'd say that you'll have a pleasant stay… in the clinic.”
“Damn right. I think I'll stay for a couple of weeks. It's been a long time since I've had a decent vacation. And I can see you there, dying to ask. So here's your answer: no, you can't come with me.”
Apartment on Broadway at the corner of 95th Street; across the street from the Peter Norton Symphony Space
Don Pasquale Lucchesi, who succeeded his father, Don Salvatore, in the management of the Family's affairs, stood sipping a seven year old brandy, staring out the window at the frenetic life out on the streets.
His attractive secretary, the young Agustina Kyra, besides being an excellent associate, impeccable and reliable, was in the possession of a special “attribute” that any man would define as the finest buttocks to be admired by the human eye.
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