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Dead Man Walking
‘You hungry, by any chance?’ Hazel delved into one of her jacket pockets.
Gemma shrugged. ‘Nothing a chicken dinner with all the trimmings wouldn’t fix.’
‘All I’ve got is this.’ Hazel handed over a thick white slab wrapped in blue and silver foil.
Gemma took it from her. ‘Kendal Mint Cake … haven’t had this since I was a kid.’
‘It’s icky-sweet, but it’s good energy food.’
Gemma nibbled at it. It was ultra-sugary and strongly flavoured with peppermint, but it went down well. Remarkably quickly, she felt stronger, even sturdier on her feet. She took another two large bites. ‘You always carry this around?’
‘It’s not a bad idea, living up here,’ Hazel said.
Gemma wrapped what remained of the confection in its foil, and handed it back.
There was an awkward silence, and then she said: ‘Despite everything that’s happened tonight, you seem like a nice lady, Hazel. If things work out between you and Heck, I’ll be very happy for you.’
Hazel didn’t initially reply. She wasn’t going to pretend she didn’t ultimately hope for that. Like Mark, she’d entered this arrangement in adult, open-minded fashion. They’d been attracted to each other, they’d enjoyed the mutual company, the no-strings sex. They’d neither been looking for much more than that. But the better you got to know someone, the more your emotional relationship to them changed.
‘You honestly don’t have feelings for him yourself?’ Hazel asked.
‘Heck makes that difficult,’ Gemma replied.
‘That isn’t answering the question.’
‘Look …’ Gemma shrugged. ‘I know it sounds terrible, but … Heck would like to come home each night after a long, tough day at work, to find his beautiful wife wearing heels and a miniskirt while she cooks him an excellent supper. Not because he’s sexist or a chauvinist. He isn’t. But because that’s the only thing that’s going to take his mind off the job. And …’ she shook her head, ‘that just isn’t me.’
‘It isn’t me either,’ Hazel said defensively. ‘I have a career just like you … maybe more like you than you think.’ Conscious of Gemma’s sceptical glance, she added: ‘I run The Witch’s Kettle because I love it, not because it pays a load of money … which it doesn’t anyway. What I mean is … oh hell, whatever I say, you’re just going to see me as another silly, inconsequential woman, aren’t you?’
‘I never made that comment,’ Gemma replied.
She might not have done, but Hazel certainly felt silly and inconsequential with her smudged make-up and tousled hair, especially in the presence of this handsome, athletic policewoman, who even now was only wearing a light sweat, whose lustrous blonde locks, though messed up after all the running around they’d done, appeared to be reverting to a fetchingly curly state, whose aloof, supercool attitude would have been reassuring had it not been so intimidating.
‘You know, Mark’s spoken about you a lot since he’s been up here,’ Hazel said. ‘He holds you in the highest regard as a fellow officer. He just feels you betrayed him, that’s all.’
‘Maybe I did, when all’s said and done.’ Gemma sensed Hazel glancing around at her. ‘There, I’ve admitted it … you happy? I hope so, because I haven’t been … not since it happened.’
‘Well, they say confession’s good for the soul. Personally, I’m not so sure.’ They plodded on side-by-side. ‘Anyway, I wonder where he is now?’
Gemma laughed without humour. ‘Wherever it is, it’ll mean a shed-load of paperwork for someone.’
The two quad-bikes frequently rode neck and neck as they chased each other across the open moor.
Heck had no idea which direction he was travelling in, or even how fast. Both riders had hit their headlight switches, but this revealed nothing in front except vapour. His speedo was coated in grass and dried mud, and he hardly dared spare a hand to scrape it clean; but surely they’d reached forty miles per hour by now at least. It had never been his plan for the killer to mount the other ATV in the sheep fold and come racing after him. Heck had even taken its key and jammed it into his pocket. But somehow or other, his opponent, who was nothing if not versatile, had managed to get it started and had come ploughing in pursuit.
Torn turf sprayed behind the duo as they roared back and forth, twisting and turning across the glistening, dew-slick fell-side. Every manoeuvre Heck made, his opponent copied it. A couple of times, when they were close together, he glanced around, and on each occasion saw the masked figure pointing a pistol at him. Heck lowered his head, though this wasn’t easy – he was already lying forward until he was almost flat, like a MotoGP racer, and yet weirdly, no shots were fired. Only now did it start to occur to him that this guy – this maniac, this madman – was actually enjoying himself. This whole thing was great sport for him; possibly it had turned out better than he could ever have hoped for.
On the third occasion the gun was turned his way Heck spun his machine left, the twosome spreading apart, engines grinding. Heck throttled down a sharp descent, at the bottom of which he hurtled along a deep furrow. The ground down there was soft and boggy, liquid mud spurting every which way as he slewed across it. This slowed him somewhat, so he hit the gas harder – just as his opponent came veering down the right-hand slope, attempting to head him off.
Heck took such swift evasive action that he found himself running on two wheels, the vehicle about to tip. He fought the handlebars desperately until he was able to bring it back onto all fours. As he swung up the left-hand slope, his opponent aped the manoeuvre. They blazed along neck and neck again, their flanks almost touching, clods and divots spinning from their wheels as the surface dipped and rose. Heck glanced across, saw the black rapist mask, the strange fierce eyes in its leather sockets fixed on him with eerie intensity. Seconds seemed to pass as they sped along in this mesmeric embrace, neither of them watching where they were going. The pistol, a chunky Colt Python revolver with a four-inch barrel, was still in the killer’s right hand, but now clamped against the handlebars as he kept a tight grip on them. Of course, just because he wasn’t able to shoot at present, that didn’t mean he wouldn’t take a chance very soon – especially not if Heck gained some kind of advantage. There was no option but to try and outpace the son of a bitch, but that was proving difficult. They ran on and on, still not watching the ground ahead. Not that this made a great deal of difference, as they couldn’t see more than a few yards anyway in the fog – until the terrain to the left tilted sharply up onto another ridge. Heck swayed in the saddle as he rocketed up, the killer again copying his action. The ground on top was dry, but rutted and uneven, and now the duo found themselves jolting and bouncing across rocks. And boulders too, large ones.
As they swerved to avoid these, they were funnelled together into a natural passage, which very quickly became a ravine, maybe a hundred yards long and with no visible exit at the end. Heck throttled up, though he knew this was a terrible risk. They were touching sixty now, easily, and still he couldn’t see more than a few yards ahead. When he struck a heavy stone with his front nearside tyre, it was a massive blow, which lifted his ATV sideways off the ground – for a second or two he was sailing through mid-air. He landed with brutal force, but managed to stay upright, and yet there was worse to come. They were on open ground again, still blistering forward – at which point Heck’s opponent seemed to brake, to swing his machine violently sideways, as though he’d suddenly had enough of the whole thing.
Heck wondered what the guy had seen, or knew about in advance. And then he saw it himself.
But only at the last second, as it came rushing out of the fog.
Another dry-stone wall, built completely transverse to his angle of approach – aside from a small gap where the old stones had tumbled down in heavy weather. The gap was four feet across at the most; Heck wasn’t sure if that was even wide enough, but he aimed for it all the same, veering crazily so that he could meet it head-on, at the same time realising he’d at last gained the edge.
Only to abruptly realise something else.
In what might be his last moment of coherent thought, he understood why the maniac had pulled away. Because they weren’t just on any old moorland here, he realised – they were on Fiend’s Fell. Heck thought about braking, but knew it was too late. Now all he could do was slam his head down and throttle his machine to the absolute max. He shot through the gap in the farm wall, roaring up the naturally ramped ground beyond it, and sailed far out into the abyss over Witch Cradle Tarn.
Chapter 20
‘What time is it now?’ Hazel asked, glancing over her shoulder.
Having left the moorland road, they were moving single file along a snaking hillside path. Gemma, who brought up the rear, dug her phone from her pocket. ‘Half past midnight.’
‘Christ,’ Hazel groaned. ‘I thought it’d almost be morning. Seems to have been dark for hours and hours.’
‘The good old wintertime, eh. At least we’re heading downhill.’
‘Yeah.’ Hazel didn’t even sound enthused by that, mainly because the blisters she’d developed over the last mile of rough ground had reduced her progress to an agonised limp.
‘You do know where you’re going, don’t you?’ Gemma asked.
‘Like I said, we’re now on our way down to the south end of the tarn.’ Hazel stopped and swept with her hand at the general area behind them and to their right. ‘If it wasn’t for this fog, you’d have one of the best views in the Lake District from here.’
‘That’s Witch Cradle Tarn down there?’ Gemma asked.
‘I’m certain of it.’
‘You don’t sound certain.’
‘I’m as close to being certain as I can be.’
They listened, not quite sure what they expected to hear. Calling out to see if their voices echoed would be the dumbest of dumb ideas, given that they were possibly still being hunted. Besides, any sounds that came back to them could just as easily be the result of atmospheric conditions as from some vast gulf.
None the wiser, they pressed doggedly on. Gemma was used to leading, not following, and it grated on her having to rely on someone else to make all the decisions, but one thing her reluctant guide had said earlier was definitely true. She’d be in a real mess if she was up here on her own. Okay, this was only the Lake District, not the Wild West, but it was astonishing how disorienting a lack of light could be, either artificial or natural, not to mention a lack of shelter, a lack of signposting, even a lack of flat surfaces to walk on. Gemma’s gym-toned body was in good condition, but the strength and dexterity required to traverse this landscape comfortably came from something else – long hours of experience and slow, painful acclimatisation. As things were, her feet were swollen, her ankles aching, the cold and damp leaching into the very marrow of her bones. And of course it would help if she had the first idea where she was and which direction she had to go in. In that regard she had no option but to rely on Hazel, an unlikely Calamity Jane by almost any standards, but someone who, if nothing else, had spent most of her life here.
‘So how far do you estimate we have to go?’ Gemma asked.
‘It’s probably another mile down to the Race Bridge,’ Hazel said. ‘After that, a mile to the Boat Club. Then another to the Keld.’
‘What’s the Race Bridge? Not another death-trap I hope?’
‘No, it’s just an arched stone bridge at the tarn’s southern tip. Whenever we have heavy rain, the tarn overflows and it pours downhill in what we call the Cragwood Race. It’s like a fast, steep river with lots of turns and rapids. The Boat Club use it for white-water rafting, kayaking, all that sort of stuff.’
‘And where does that lead to? The Race, I mean.’
‘Down into Great Langdale. At the bottom, it joins Langdale Beck.’
‘How far down into Langdale from the Race Bridge?’
‘Another couple of miles.’
‘Another couple?’
‘Maybe more.’
‘Great,’ Gemma said. But the path progressively steepened as they descended, and gravity began to assist. Gemma’s ears popped as the pressure changed. It felt as if they were getting somewhere, at last.
Heck fell a distance he estimated as being close to a hundred feet.
As he plummeted through the fog, the quad-bike turning over and over alongside him, engine yowling, heat and fumes pouring off it, it fleetingly struck him that he wasn’t absolutely sure of his location, or what he was descending towards. It could have been another shallow river full of rocks and cobblestones, or even a dry valley bottom, or a moor, or mountainous heap of scree. But he had no time to ponder these dread possibilities before the vapour cleared beneath his feet and the flat, black surface of the tarn came racing up towards him.
Instinctively, with only a second to spare, Heck straightened his body as much as possible, ankles extended downward, arms raised on high, head turned, chin tucked behind the bulwark of his shoulder.
He struck clean, toes first, but the impact was phenomenal.
His body shuddered at the blow, the water all but dragging his clothes over his head as he crashed through a surface hard and yet brittle as glass, and plunged deep, deep into the icy, unlit depths below. He sank at least fifteen feet, maybe more, and the pressure change was shocking; his ear-drums felt as if they’d blow out, his teeth as if they’d explode. At first he was so dazed that all he could do was float in that turgid embrace, his clothes filling with water, ballooning around him, dragging him ever further down into brackish murk – but then it seeped past his lips, and forcefully revived him. Though even then, it took every inch of strength he had, and wild, explosive kicks to propel himself upward.
When Heck finally broke the surface, he vented his lungs in a single eruption of air, and greedily sucked fresh chestfuls as he wallowed amid seething, hissing bubbles. He was still groggy, with no clue which direction he was supposed to take to find the nearest shore, but then, just to his left, he caught a last glimpse of a fading luminous orb far beneath the tea-coloured surface, before it dwindled entirely from view. Witch Cradle Tarn was seven hundred feet deep, or so he’d been told. Whoever that handy ATV had belonged to, they weren’t going to see it again.
At least it gave him a marker. The quad-bike had fallen to his left, which meant the cliff was behind him, so the other shore – the populated west shore – was directly in front, albeit a considerable distance away. At first, Heck was so bruised and tired that all he could do was wallow there, gasping, treading water, which now at last was settling, lapping rather than frothing.
He’d have liked to keep doing this, taking time to rest, but knew he couldn’t risk it. The big problem now was the very low water temperature inducing hypothermia. He remembered hearing in a training session once that the projected survival time for a healthy adult in fifty degrees of water or less was a maximum of about two hours, but of course during that time the body would get weaker, the thinking process turn progressively more muddled. So he couldn’t afford to mess around. It was tempting to head for the unpopulated east shore, as that was closest, but then he’d be exposed to the near-freezing night air in sodden clothes, miles from any kind of shelter. The only real option was to head for the more distant west shore. As such, he rolled over onto his back, and commenced a slow, heavy frog-kick, which propelled him steadily across the tarn. Within minutes his limbs were so leaden it was more like forging through treacle, but with gritted teeth he persisted. Maybe half an hour passed before he felt ribbons of weed billowing around his legs. By this time his scalp was numb. He placed an exploratory hand on it, and was shaken to feel a patina of wafer-thin ice on his hair. He quickly scrubbed it loose, then turned properly to look over his shoulder. The fog still obscured the shore, but not the entrance to the corridor that led through the rushes to the boatshed. It seemed he’d crossed the tarn diagonally rather than heading straight to the other side. A longer and more indirect route, but at least he could get help in the Ho. Bill Ramsdale had a landline.
Heck turned onto his front and breast-stroked his way along the corridor. The fog was still so thick that the shed only materialised when he was almost at the end of it, at which point he stopped in the water, bobbing there, regarding the open entrance in bewilderment. It was too dark to be absolutely sure, but it looked as if the police launch had been returned, and yet now was sitting extremely low in the water – so low, in fact, that it had to have sunk.
Heck poked his toe at the lake-bed, but it was out of reach. He covered the final twenty yards at a front-crawl, before seeking the floor again and this time finding it. Chest-deep, he waded forward into the shed, edging his way around the launch’s starboard gunwale. When he peeked over the top, the craft was indeed full of murky water. Various items – bits of wood and weed, but also materials from the first-aid kit – were floating in there.
The loss wasn’t a complete disaster. The boat was old, and most of the time they barely had cause to use it. But more of a worry was how this had happened. It was possible Mary-Ellen had accidentally holed it earlier on, when she went back to mark out the crime scene, but if that was the case, how had she brought it back?
He reached up, fitting both palms on top of the starboard pier, and with a grunt, levered himself out of the water, swinging around and planting himself on his backside. He slouched there for almost a minute, regaining his breath, which came in ragged gasps – not that there was any time now for taking five.
Concern for his fellow officer was nagging at him badly.
By the looks of it, the boat had been taken possession of elsewhere – the far side of the tarn maybe. Whatever had happened, it must have been some time ago, because the killer had then gone straight up the Cradle Track in pursuit of Hazel. But what had he done with Mary-Ellen before then? Had the bastard simply stolen the boat while she was busy securing the crime scene, effectively marooning her over there? Or had he attacked her too? It seemed highly improbable the ruthless killer they were dealing with tonight would miss the opportunity to add to his tally. Heck felt queasy at the mere thought of Mary-Ellen – who, for all her confident athleticism, was still only a young lass – having to face this guy on her own.
With such fears in mind, it was probably not the ideal time for him to spot the writing on the far wall of the boathouse interior. This only happened slowly, as his eyes adjusted to the deep gloom, but once the piece of crude graffiti had swum properly into view, he jumped to his feet.
Now that he was fully out of the water, it was bitterly cold. Ice felt as if it was forming inside his clothes, but fleetingly Heck was too distracted to notice that. He limped around the interior to the far pier, so that he could examine it up close.
There was no question about who’d written it or what it meant. In the dimness he was colour-blind, so though he didn’t immediately realise that the sentence had been inscribed in blood, the idea struck him hard when he dabbed at it with a fingertip, and it felt both slimy and congealed.
He backed away a couple of steps, heart thumping.
This didn’t necessarily mean Mary-Ellen had been attacked. The blood might have come from one of the two hikers. Even from Annie Beckwith. Of course, standing here ruminating wasn’t going to help. And nor was it going to warm him up. Heck’s joints were now stiffening; the dampness in his hair turning again to flaky ice. Realising he was in dire need of dry clothing and a hot drink, he plodded quickly out of the boatshed and across the sloping lawn to the rear of Bessie Longhorn’s house. He banged on the rear door for several minutes. But there was no response. It was pitch-dark inside.
Frustrated, but hoping Bessie had gone down to the Keld to seek the company of others, he circled the house, crossed the garden and climbed through the rockery and over the barbed wire fence onto Ramsdale’s property. The lights in this building were still on, and when Heck made his way around its exterior, the front door stood wide open. He halted, uncertain, at any moment expecting the householder to emerge. But as the seconds ticked by and no one emerged, new alarm bells began sounding. It was a foggy, frozen night at the start of the winter … and this guy was prepared to leave his front door wide open?
No chance. No chance at all.
Chapter 21
When Heck ventured inside Bill Ramsdale’s cottage, the first thing he saw was the blood-caked figure seated upright in the office swivel chair. Unsurprisingly, it was dead, its throat hacked wide open. Equally unsurprisingly, its eyes had been stabbed to jellied ruin. Despite these ghastly mutilations, and the cataract of congealing gore that had resulted, Heck was still able to identify the scruffy jeans and t-shirt that Bill Ramsdale had been wearing the previous day.
But now his attention was drawn somewhere else – to a large item of furniture on the far side of the room, just to the left of the foot of the staircase. In any normal household it would be a dining table, though in this one it was cluttered with old papers, bits of food-crusted crockery, a few items of discarded stationery – and something else.
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