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Collins Taak of the Toon: How to Speak Geordie
In 2005 Northumberland County Council ran a ‘Most Famous Northumbrians’ website competition and polled 30,000 people. This was the result:
George Stephenson. He was the man who put a Rocket up the pants of the transport system by inventing a viable track-based steam locomotive. His mother kept shouting, ‘Stop clocking that bliddy kettle, Georgie, ye knaa it’ll nivvor bile.’ TRANSLATION: ‘Get out of the house and do some useful work, you waster.’
Grace Darling. Did the single sculls out of a harbour in a fierce storm and rescued people from a foundering ship.
Lord Armstrong. Famous arms and munitions maker with a factory along the old Scotswood road. Turned ‘Cragside’ at Rothbury into a turreted mansion sporting the latest electric and hydraulic gadgets. Typical saying: ‘What do yee lot want with a union? Stand on yer own pasties!’ TRANSLATION: ‘I’m alright, Jacks.’
Jane, Duchess of Northumberland. Smart lassie who persuaded the government to give her £14 million to create a massive natural jewel of a garden in the backyard of Alnwick Castle.
Jackie Milburn. The greatest centre forward Newcastle ever had. Scored six goals in a trial match having come from Ashington on the bus with his boots in a carrier bag.
Jack Charlton. Another Ashingtonian who was in England’s World Cup-winning team of 1966 and now hunts, shoots and fishes like a squire of old.
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