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The Keepers: Archer
Rose chuckled merrily as Sienna disappeared through the house.
Sienna’s smile quickly faded the moment she opened the door to her bedroom. It smelt musty, starved of air, as though it had remained sealed since she’d left. It was exactly as she’d left it. Only dustier. The bed was still made, the curtains still drawn, and memories of her life still splashed across the room. Sienna swallowed, trying to push away the emotions that suddenly choked her. She wondered how she’d ever had the courage to leave.
With a brief shake of the head to clear her thoughts, Sienna quickly gathered a few items. She opted for only the essentials, as she’d have to haul everything across the forest. Also, a huge load of clothes would look awfully suspicious – a dead giveaway that she’d gone to see her grandmother.
Naughty, naughty.
When she returned to the kitchen, Rose’s expression brightened. “Tell me about your trip,” she said, placing two steaming mugs of coffee on the kitchen table.
Sienna reached for the coffee with an appreciative smile, not commenting on her grandmother’s choice of words. She’d hardly call a two-year absence a “trip.”
Several hours later, when Sienna suggested that she stay over, Rose wouldn’t hear of it.
“You’re better off with your Keepers, Sienna.” She glanced out the window. “And the sun is setting so you’d best be making your way home. It’s almost time for dinner.”
Sienna would have argued, but as fatigue still reigned, dinner and sleep sounded like an attractive idea. “I’ll come see you tomorrow.”
“Of course.” Rose placed a hand on Sienna’s arm, her touch light and gentle. “I’m surprised the boys let you come here alone.” When Sienna remained silent and simply reached for her gumboots, Rose’s jaw dropped. “Sienna, they don’t know you’re here?”
“If they knew they’d be here.”
Rose gave a low chuckle. “Archer’s going to pop a vein, girl.”
“As if I care.”
The expression on her grandmother’s face cooled. “You don’t fool me, Sienna.”
“I’m fine,” Sienna replied, never having doubted it. She’d always been transparent with Rose.
“And Archer?”
The smile disappeared. “Archer’s also fine.”
“That’s not what I meant.”
“I know.”
“You two were always together.” Rose’s eyes were ripe with concern. “It must have been hard to be apart for so long.”
“He was my best friend.” Always had been. After all, his parents had been her mother’s Keepers. At first, they’d spent every day together as neighbourhood friends. Later, after their parents’ deaths when he’d inherited the role as her Keeper from his parents, they were inseparable. But their attraction had grown to the point that it bordered on the forbidden. “I miss him. I miss the way we used to be.”
Rose stood and embraced the younger woman. “Are you ever going to tell me what happened between you two?”
“Nothing happened.”
The older woman pulled back to look at Sienna. “Did it have something to do with Sarah’s death?”
“I know Sarah’s death was hard on you both but I suspect it had something to do with The Circle’s curse.”
Yes. “No.”
“It may be hard for you to understand why The Circle forbids a witch to get involved with her Keeper, Sienna. They don’t want that kind of emotional connection interfering with your choices in maintaining the balance of nature.”
“Those old hags shouldn’t have a say in my love life!” Sienna snapped and then quickly drew herself back. Challenging a bunch of ancestral witches that governed the rules around witchcraft was not something she usually did. “And besides, my leaving after Sarah’s death involved a lot more than just my relationship with Archer.”
“Sarah’s death wasn’t your fault, Sienna. That was all Warrick Brogan.”
“She was there because of me.” Her tone had taken on an edge of venom to it, despite her resolve not to. “And when Warrick killed her, I lost it to the point that I hurt my Keepers. That’s not something that’ll ever leave me.”
Rose placed a wrinkled hand on Sienna’s arm. “It was a mistake, Sienna.”
“I almost killed them!”
“But you didn’t.”
“I could have. I was so angry, so devastated when Sarah died. I destroyed the tomb with powers I had no idea how to control and once I became weak, I drew my strength from Declan and Ethan to the point that I almost killed them. What kind of witch does that make me?” Sienna turned away, struck with the images of the chaos she’d created that night.
“The reason witches have that connection to their Keepers is for that very reason, Sienna. We’re supposed to be able to draw energy from each other.”
“Not to the point that I kill them. I couldn’t stop,” she said, her voice filled with the anguish that had taunted her for years. An image of Archer trapped in the fire in the tomb whilst trying to stop her came to mind, ripping open old wounds. “And Archer was burned in the fire I created. His hand still carries the scars.” Unlike the rest of his scars, this one would never disappear as it was caused by a witch, by her.
Rose’s hands came up to cup Sienna’s face so that they were facing each other. “Sienna, you made a mistake. One that you can’t change but eventually, you’ll learn to live with it.”
“I wasn’t ready.”
Everything fell quiet, the elephant in the room having reared its head. For a moment, neither of them spoke, but when her grandmother wrapped her arms around her, Sienna couldn’t help but let her.
“You have to trust me, Sienna,” Rose said quietly against her granddaughter’s hair. “Receiving such power is enough to frighten anyone. I know because I was also once in your position.”
“How did you learn to control them?”
“With practice, a lot of whiskey to numb my nerves, and plenty of time spent alone in nature.”
Sienna gave her grandmother a brief smile. Rose might be heading toward seventy, but the old woman still loved her whiskey.
“You simply need some time, Sienna. Play with your magic, practice your skills, and embrace them. They’re a gift.”
“They’re nothing but a curse.”
“Sienna, don’t say that.”
“Magic destroys, Gran. My parents, Sarah, the way I harmed my Keepers.” Sienna pulled back, the familiar urge to run making her feel agitated. “I should leave before Archer comes looking for me.”
Rose placed a gentle kiss on Sienna’s cheek and pulled back to look at her. “You don’t understand why I transferred my powers to you, Sienna, but one day you will. You have your own destiny to fulfil, just as I did. But it’s your journey to discover.” She pulled away, offering a weak smile that was oddly comforting. “Your Keepers are waiting.”
Sienna glanced outside at the fading afternoon sunlight and nodded. “Yes, I should go.” She hugged Rose one more time before making her way to the door. She hesitated in the doorway and turned to look at her grandmother. “What would it take to break The Circle’s curse on a Keeper and his witch?”
Rose met her gaze, her own eyes flashing with a brief glimpse of sorrow. “It’s complicated.”
“But it can be done?”
Hope fired, despite the warning voice that niggled. “How?”
“With a counteracting spell and a blood sacrifice. A death.”
And just like that, all Sienna’s hopes went up in flames. There was no way she’d ever offer a blood sacrifice if it meant death. Sienna bit back a response and simply nodded. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
By the time Sienna made her way through the forest toward the Manor House, the sun had begun setting at a rapid pace. The fading light didn’t worry her; the darkness was well suited to her mood.
Archer. Sarah. Her parents. Rose.
Not a day went by that she didn’t think of her parents or Sarah Bennett, her fourth Keeper. And every day, the pain that came with the memory surrounding their deaths still twisted her soul. She’d simply discovered how to muffle the pain and move on.
Her parents, solid and kind, full of wisdom and love. They’d made her feel safe, treasured, and she’d blossomed under their care. Her father had been the town sheriff of Rapid Falls, her mother a Beckham witch. An odd couple but together, they’d fought for order and harmony in their town.
Sadly, it was their quest for peace that had eventually destroyed them.
Sarah too, with her kind eyes, contagious laugh, and endless chatter. She’d been like a sister to Sienna and living in such close proximity with three strong males had called for some female companionship to balance the odds. They’d shared so much love and laughter and losing Sarah was like losing a treasured part of herself.
Sienna swiped at her tears, cursing them. She’d be damned if she’d put Rose or another one of her Keepers in danger protecting her. They were all she had left.
But Archer was right.
She did need the Bennett brothers and the protection they offered. She’d missed them and a small part of her was thrilled they’d found her. The thought unsettled her and she frowned, rubbing her arms with her hands to ward off the chill.
The snapping of a nearby twig had her whirling around.
Silence greeted her and she swallowed, trying to ignore the sudden uneasiness that had taken hold of her. Her instincts prickled, and she cast a quick glance toward the Manor House. She was close but even at a fast run she would never reach it in time.
In time for what?
Before being mauled by the likes of Harper? A wolf? Before she could contemplate which option would be the lesser evil, two dark shadows stepped out from the shadows of the night.
Senses in prime form, Sienna heard the soft whoosh of the dart gun before the dart reached her. She dropped to the ground, out of its lethal aim, and grunted with satisfaction when the dart disappeared in the darkness. With the skills of a trained warrior, she sprang to her feet, her eyes pinned on the men.
“Rose Thorn?” she asked, glancing at the offensive gun. A rumble of powers stirred inside as her body went into defensive mode. In response, the trees began to rustle around them.
“Worked last time.”
Sienna’s stomach rolled as she recognized the voice. “Harper. Back so soon?”
Harper stepped forward, wearing a leather jacket and a wicked smile, and reloaded. “I would’ve thought you’d be expecting me.”
“On the Bennett property? You must have a death wish.”
His brief laugh sounded more like mockery than amusement. “What better plan than to steal their witch from right under their nose?”
“Ah. There’s only one problem though.”
“And that would be?”
“You’re fresh out of Rose Thorn,” she replied, raising unsteady arms in his direction. A strong gust of wind rose up around them but vanished before she could channel it.
Harper gave her a satisfied smile. “Is that all you have, witchy? Even without the Rose Thorn, your powers are still sketchy.”
With shaking hands, Sienna tried again. The air shifted again, creating a slight whirlwind of forest debris. She raised her arms and sent the whirlwind their way but it whooshed past them, missing them completely.
Harper laughed and edged closer, raising the gun in her direction.
Sienna dragged in air, as the stupid tears welled in her eyes. This is what her fears had reduced her to?
His accomplice broke away to circle her, the motion sparking her defences all over again.
She moved backward as they closed in on her and panic welled up inside her. Giving in to the survival mode that overrode everything else, Sienna flung out her arms with a soft cry. A strong gust of wind slammed against Harper, catching him off guard, and sent the gun smashing against a nearby tree, destroying the batch of dreaded herb. Harper’s accomplice produced a second gun with lightning speed, but he quickly retreated a few steps when the gun exploded and landed at his feet.
Feeling empowered from the magic she still shunned, Sienna started chanting in a fierce tone that had both men stop and take notice. The chanting became louder, quicker, and more forceful, a fierce combination of fury and self-preservation brewing a deadly cocktail within, overriding her fear of the magic.
“Cut the crap, witch,” Harper ordered and slowly backed away.
The fear in his voice enthralled her, rather than stopped her, and Sienna flung out her arms with more purpose. A spark ignited into a ring of fire and chased off with neat precision, immediately forming a perfect circle around the two men.
They’d kept her prisoner. She was about to return the favour.
Instinctively, both men charged forward in hope of scaling the small wall of fire, but Sienna had already anticipated their move. With a quick raise of the arms, the wall of flames heightened.
“Don’t even try,” she warned. “I’ve spelled the circle.” When they backed down with loud curses, she gave them a wicked grin. “Not so brave now, are you?”
Even as she said it, she felt the briefest crack in her armour. Her powers were as strong as ever, but her body still lagged from the tail end effects of the Rose Thorn and despite the sudden unwelcome satisfaction at using magic again, the fear of losing control still lingered.
The bright flames flickered and Sienna had to concentrate on maintaining the intensity of heat. The circle of fire raged on, a deep glow of red in a circle of darkness.
She wouldn’t be able to hold them for much longer. With a grimace, she sank to her knees but held her head high.
There was no way she’d allow Harper see just how badly the Rose Thorn, or her demons, had tormented her.
Hell no.
Archer walked to the edge of the patio and scanned the grounds, a familiar discomfort of warning tugging at his gut. He sensed fear and aggression.
And it wasn’t his.
As if to confirm his uneasiness, Levi stood on quiet alert at the top of the stairs, staring into the darkness.
The retriever tilted her head and whined.
Archer discarded the drink and frowned when he saw the soft glow of flames licking at the haze of darkness in the distance.
Before he could process the sight, Ethan walked up behind him.
“What the hell is that?” Ethan asked, motioning to the fire with the glass in his hand. “Rose have some voodoo witchy crap going on?”
Archer narrowed his eyes, doubtful. “Why would Rose have a roaring fire in the middle of the forest?” The nagging sensation in his gut heightened, demanding he sit up and take action. And then it dawned on him. “It’s Sienna. Something’s wrong.”
“Isn’t she up in her room?” Ethan asked, quickly setting his glass on the table beside him. “Have you checked on her again?”
“I’m going to kill her,” Archer said, and bolted down the stairs, Levi directly beside him.
With their supernatural speed, it took mere moments for both brothers to reach the fire.
Archer slapped a hand across Ethan’s chest, putting an abrupt stop to his haste. With his other hand, he reigned in the unsettled dog.
With a brief nod, Ethan motioned to the circle of flames ahead of them. “Voodoo witchy crap. What the hell are they doing?”
“I have no bloody idea.” But the smell of raw aggression punched him in the gut. And fear. Sienna’s fear. Archer looked around, his fists clenched at his sides. The fire blazed sharply, eliminating the dullness of the darkening forest. Nearby leaves of several tree branches sizzled into a crackling oblivion. His stomach rolled when he saw the silhouettes of the two men trapped in the middle of the fire.
Barking furiously, Levi broke away from Archer and bolted.
And then he saw her.
The sight of Sienna on her knees, drawing on the remains of her strength to keep the two men trapped in their fire prison, sent immediate chills down his spine.
Levi was already all over her. Sienna’s head whipped around, and he saw the relief cross her face.
“What took you so long?” she asked casually, but he heard the strain in her voice.
“What happened?” Archer asked, kneeling beside her.
His head flung up, and he glared at the two men. “They came here?”
“Bold, aren’t they?”
“Are you okay?”
She gave a brief nod at the same time the intensity of the flames lessened.
“Sienna, stop,” he said, placing a hand on her arm. The trembling he felt beneath his fingers brought on a fresh wave of anger. “We’re here. You can stop.”
The fire didn’t let up and he moved closer to her. A quick glance at Ethan told him what he needed to know. His brother nodded in response, ready for the attack that would follow the moment the wall of fire came down.
“Sienna,” Archer said, sliding his arms around her shoulders, “stop.”
Just like that, the fire disappeared, leaving the two men exposed to the wrath of her Keepers.
“Go inside,” he told her, tugging her to her feet. When she hesitated, he pinned her with a glare of half warning, half-pleading. “We’ve got this, Sienna.”
She nodded and backed away at the same time the two entrapped men sprang into action.
It was only when she disappeared into the darkness, Levi hot on her heels, that Archer whirled toward them.
With a burning sensation chewing at his gut, Archer marched through the house in search of Sienna.
He found her in the kitchen, draining a bottle of water, a bloodied tissue clasped in one hand. Nose bleed, no doubt. Whenever her powers had taken too strong a toll on her body, she’d develop either a migraine or a nosebleed.
Despite his rage, he couldn’t help but notice her, and hesitated in the doorway. Her red hair, a striking contrast to the white shirt she wore, hung loose around her shoulders. Her shirt had hitched up her waist to reveal long, toned legs and a white scrap of lace that barely covered her ass.
All skin and woman.
The sight struck him right where it mattered most, and he felt an instant tightening between his thighs. Only Sienna could fend off attackers in gumboots and still look sexy. Something inside stirred beside the rage, mingled for a brief moment, and was pushed aside.
Reminding himself that he was, in fact, still very mad at her, Archer shoved open the door and tossed the small bag of clothes she’d collected from Rose onto a nearby couch.
She lowered the water bottle and spun around. “Archer.”
“What the hell were you thinking?” he demanded, coming to a stop in front of her.
“I’m in no mood for a lecture, so back the hell down.”
He caught her chin and tilted her face to either side. A mild nosebleed as he’d suspected. Her attempt to pull away only tightened his grip on her. She was upset and a fire raged in her eyes that he hadn’t seen in a very long time. Good. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine.”
“What part of ‘stay in the house’ got lost in translation?”
Sienna slapped at his hands and drew back. “I went to see Rose.”
“Rose would’ve come here.”
“I can’t stay here and hide forever.”
“No, but you’ll have to be careful until Warrick and his warriors can be dealt with.”
She gave a defiant lift of her chin. “I’m not the weak little witch girl you make me out to be, Archer. In case you hadn’t noticed, I handled them.”
“Any longer and you would’ve crumbled.” He saw the denial on her face and had the urge to shake some sense into her. Instead, he planted his hands firmly on her shoulders, forcing her to face him. “No one doubts your powers but you refuse to embrace them and that makes you weak. Don’t for one moment think those assholes don’t know that.”
“I’m fine!” She shoved his chest, packing a powerful punch for someone so small.
Damn, she’s infuriating.
Frustration prickled and pushing past her, he slammed on the tap with a little more force than intended.
Sienna’s eyes widened when she saw him vigorously scrubbing his hands, blood rinsing down the drain. “You’re hurt.”
“I’ll live.”
She came up behind him, took hold of his hand in hers, and winced. “It’s a bad one.”
He tugged his hand away, not caring to examine the thin cut on his inner arm. He’d had worse. “I’m fine, Sienna.” The wound had already begun to heal and once again, Archer was grateful for the accelerated healing that came with his powers. It had saved his hide several times.
“I heal quickly,” he said, grabbing a nearby towel and wiping the wound dry. “You, on the other hand, don’t.”
“And you’re hurt because of me.”
“So stay in the damn house.”
“I can’t talk to you when you’re like this.” Her attempt to side step him failed, and she blew out her breath. “Let me go, Archer.”
Reaching between them, he took her hand and held it against his shoulder where his Keeper tattoo was branded on his flesh. The action brought an instant flash of recognition in her eyes, and she lifted her gaze to meet his. “You know how this all works, Sienna. Without you, our elemental powers are useless. But without us, your elemental powers will weaken. You will weaken.” His voice clouded with a thick emotion he couldn’t prevent, and he swallowed. The very thought of something happening to her sent his entire body into a rip-roaring rollercoaster of anger, misery, and denial.
“Archer, stop.”
“No. You need to get how serious this is.”
“Don’t you think I know that?”
“By your actions tonight, no. I don’t think you do.” She tried to break away but he grabbed her wrists and held them between their bodies. “If you’re hell bent on risky manoeuvres, then we’re all at risk. And I’ll be damned if our parents died for nothing.”
“Don’t you think I feel that, too?” she cried, her voice trembling as her eyes filled with unshed tears. “Every damn day is a reminder of them, of Sarah, and I blame myself. I keep losing people, no matter how hard I fight for them.”
He gave a mocking laugh of disbelief and yanked her towards him. “You call this fighting? All I see is you running away and taking stupid risks. You’re a bloody Beckham witch, Sienna, so start acting like one!”
“Why do you think I loathe using my powers? You’re all I have left and I almost destroyed you and although we have no proof, I’m pretty damn sure it was magic that killed our parents.”
“It wasn’t the magic that killed them, Sienna!” he yelled, frustration whipping away his usual control. “It was Warrick’s parents!”
His words snapped her into silence and she blew out air and closed her eyes. A single tear trailed down her cheek and everything inside Archer twisted. “We don’t know that for sure.”
“Smoke, fire. They won’t stop, Sienna,” he said, lowering his voice. “The Bennett brothers have vowed to protect you. Why hide? Why’ve you resisted us for the last two years?”
Her eyes blazed something sharp, and she looked away, swiping away the fallen tear.
“Tell me.”
She shook her head. “Now’s not the time for that conversation. It’s been a long night.”
But he refused to let it go. He’d waited two years for an explanation, and now seemed like the perfect time. “Why did you run?”
She became still, and he felt the fight lessen. “You know what would’ve happened if I’d stayed.”
“Say it,” he said softly.
There was a subtle shift of energy between them as their gazes met in an unyielding challenge. Two unmovable forces, a lifetime of history, and undeniable passion hung between them.
“Say the words, Sienna,” he insisted softly.
“You know why.”
“Say it.”
She didn’t reply, but didn’t have to. He saw the raw longing in the depth of her green eyes, conflicted with sadness, full of wanting.
Archer stared at her lips, caught by the urge to lay claim to them, and tried to push aside the vague voice that screamed a familiar warning at him. They’d been down this road before. Almost. And look where the hell they’d ended up.