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Survivors: The Animals and Plants that Time has Left Behind
Modern seaweeds are both plants and eukaryotes, to emphasise the point again, and do not build stromatolitic mounds. In Shark Bay, the majority of such ‘advanced’ organisms are discouraged by the low levels of nutrients available there; hence they leave the dominant cyanobacteria to cooperate in making different kinds of mounds. In the typical stromatolite the mode of growth is cumulative. The living ‘skin’ is a thin layer of growing threads matted and twined together. The technical term for it is a ‘biofilm’. The cyanobacterial mats are positively attracted to light and grow upwards. Any blown dust and other fine sedimentary material becomes incorporated in the surface layer and maybe provides the modest nutrient required. The slimy surface layer of the bacterium encourages the precipitation of calcium carbonate from its dissolved state in seawater, thus making a thin ‘crust’. A new living layer grows on top of the one beneath, and may be able to extend a tiny bit further laterally: this is why some of the stromatolite mounds are wider at the top than at the base. Naturally, the ‘blue greens’ are only able to grow in the sunlight that gives them nourishment, and are quiescent at night. Some scientists at the University of California even claim to have recognised daily growth increments. The overall rate of growth is extraordinarily slow, however, and certainly less than 1 mm a year (and possibly as little as 0.3 mm). It has been stated that some of the Hamelin Pool structures could be a thousand years old, that is, they grow more slowly than the slowest-growing conifer on land. The life and death of the wool industry would register as no more than a hand-depth on the height of a stromatolite column. Time can be ticked out in microscopic laminations, and history reduced to a measuring stick made by timekeepers invisible to the naked eye.
Stromatolites vary in form according to where they are found on the shore. It is easy for me to see that ones at the edge of the sea are little more than pimply mats. At least to this unschooled observer, some of them superficially do not look very different from some of the mats that covered sediment surfaces in the Precambrian at Mistaken Point. They are made particularly by one of the spherical, or coccoidal types called Entophysalis, and the internal layering is not well developed. Further down the shore in Hamelin Pool the stromatolites that I tentatively touched represent the dominant kind in the intertidal zone, with a typical columnar-cushion shape. This kind of column is constructed particularly by a filamentous cyanobacterium called Schizothrix, which under the microscope is an intense emerald-green colour. It has lots of apparent partitions that make the organism look something like an old-fashioned tube of circular cough sweets. These particular stromatolites are very well laminated internally, so that the mechanism of being built up layer by layer is particularly patent. It has been proved that the cushions ‘lean’ a little to the north, each component filament attracted preferentially to the sun (but on such a minute scale) in this, the southern hemisphere; the god Ra evidently ruled in the prokaryotic shallows. Further out to sea again, to a depth of a little more than three metres, there live the lumpier, bumpier, lobed, and somewhat rounded stromatolites that are a collaboration of many different microbes. These include cyanobacteria of the genera Microcoleus and Phormidium; the latter is another concatenation of delicately segmented threads, while the former comprises microscopic ‘ropes’ made up of bundles of a kind of entwined green spaghetti. The different species collaborate to grow together, like a confederation of medieval guilds, with each tiny specialist contributing to the function of an integrated community. True algae – diatoms – may chip in as part of the community among the deeper water stromatolites, but this group of eukaryotes probably did not evolve until much later. Beneath the surface skin of the growing mound, bacteria of a different kind from cyanobacteria process waste products and can cope with low, or even no oxygen; they are like artisans that moved the dung from the streets of the medieval village and made it a trade. Life encouraged specialised habits and habitats from the first.
Stromatolites are the most ancient organic structures, and their recognition as fossils transformed the way we understood the endurance of life on earth and the evolution of its atmosphere. I admit that viewed with complete impartiality when it comes to visual impact, the Shark Bay mounds are not on a par with the Empire State Building or the pyramid of Cheops. But stromatolites are one of the wonders of the world. Rationalists are not permitted to have shrines, but if they were then Shark Bay, where stromatolites were discovered alive, might be high on the list. Although many more living stromatolites have since been discovered, those in Shark Bay have been most thoroughly studied. From their initial recognition in 1954 the fame of these living stromatolites spread, until by the late 1960s they were finding a place in textbooks. As so often happens in science, the discovery of these living mounds happened just when palaeontologists were making major finds of microscopic fossils in rocks of Precambrian age, opening up debates about the biological history of the earth. The strange creatures of the Ediacaran, like Fractofusus and Charniodiscus, took the record of life back tens of millions of years before the great burst of familiar fossils such as trilobites that appeared in the Cambrian, 542 million years ago. But there remained more than three billion years of the history of life on earth in the Precambrian still to account for. This was the era of the stromatolites.
It is necessary to have a digression on geological time at this point. The age of the earth had been established at close to 4.5 billion years by the time Shark Bay was becoming known to the scientific world. The precision of this figure was largely a consequence of refinements in dating techniques, using the slow radioactive decay of naturally-occurring uranium isotopes into other isotopes of lead: turning rocks into clocks, one could say. The samples collected from the moon by the Apollo Mission were first unpacked on 25 July 1969. I recall the excitement of seeing a small black piece of the earth’s barren satellite when samples from the collection made on the Sea of Tranquillity were distributed to major museums, including the Natural History Museum in London. Like the stromatolites, it was not so much the thing itself; it was what it implied that made it so special. After the moon rocks were dated using the best technology of the day the question of the antiquity of the green planet to which the moon was partnered was finally laid to rest: 4.55 billion (plus or minus 0.05).
The geological time period before the Cambrian was simply known as Precambrian for more than a century – after all, that is what it undoubtedly was, ‘before the Cambrian’. But when this time period was recognised as so vastly long, it became necessary to divide it into several named chunks to help us order events in the earth’s history. The Archaean Era is that part of deep geological time that ends at 2500 million years ago, or 2.5 billion years if you prefer. After this came the Proterozoic Era which, in terms of strata, lies above it and extends to the base of the Cambrian Period 542 million years ago (the Cambrian is the first subdivision of the Palaeozoic Era).
The Ediacaran, the latest addition to the roll call of geological time, begins at 635 million years ago and is slotted into the top of the Proterozoic. The Proterozoic Period covers a very long period, and these days is usually divided into three which used to be known as Lower, Middle and Upper, but are now formally known as Palaeo-, Meso- and Neoproterozoic respectively. The Neoproterozoic begins arbitrarily at 1000 million years ago, and the Mesoproterozoic at 1600 million years ago (1.6 billion), so the Palaeoproterozoic occupies the time period 2.5–1.6 billion years ago. Names really do help us get a grasp on the immensity of geological time, though phrases like ‘Palaeoproterozoic digitate columnar stromatolites’ do not exactly trip off the tongue. But it is as well to get our labelling sorted out.
This modern classification is the end point of a long scientific battle. The intellectual classes had been debating the question of the age of the earth since the Comte de Buffon’s estimate of 75,000 years in 1774 based upon the idea of the planet cooling down from a molten state. Apart from a purblind few who insisted (and indeed still insist) upon a biblical timescale based on totting up the generations mentioned in the Bible – Bishop Ussher’s 4004 BC estimate for the Creation – the time available to ‘evolve’ the earth increased fitfully throughout the early days of geology as a science. The bolder savants soon speculated in more and more millions. The longer time got, the more questions were raised about life’s early days, because of the apparent absence of ‘organic remains’ in Precambrian rocks. Charles Darwin famously fretted about it. Geologists of his time were beginning to explore large areas of the world comprised of Precambrian strata as the rocks of countries such as Canada were mapped for the first time. It was soon evident that sedimentary rocks, much like those found in younger geological formations, were widespread over these ancient lands. The seas were apparently barren in these ancient worlds; seas not so different in their physical properties from those that gave succour to the trilobites and snails that could be so easily collected from younger strata. In 1883 the American palaeontologist James Hall found some intensely layered Precambrian rocks apparently ‘growing’ upwards incrementally from a narrower base to which he gave the name Cryptozoon (‘hidden life’); however, their organic nature still remained controversial. Nonetheless, with the mere application of a scientific name, the biological virginity of the Precambrian had been breached. It was time for the stromatolites to be recognised as organic constructions.
The first time I saw fossil stromatolites in the Precambrian was as an undergraduate at the University of Cambridge, when I took part in an expedition to the Arctic island of Spitsbergen in 1967. My doctoral thesis was to be on rocks of Ordovician age exposed along the cold remote shore of Hinlopen Strait on the eastern side of a northerly peninsula called Ny Friesland. The small boat that took us to our field area dodged between ice floes stained with the droppings of countless seabirds, for the Arctic summer is a brief period of plenty for animals that live off the ocean. On land the scenery was bleak: a succession of cobbled beaches raised above the present sea level, across which the occasional polar bear or Arctic fox wandered in search of a feathered snack. It was not an inviting prospect, although it was to be my home for several months. On the way to reach my Ordovician rocks, and before passing the Cambrian strata that lay beneath them, the boat had to chug past a great thickness of even older Proterozoic limestone and shale, piled up layer on layer. There are few places in the world where a young scientist can cruise through such a momentous stretch of geological time, let alone along an outcrop that has survived so unaltered by subsequent earth movements. These ancient rocks were in almost pristine condition. On one occasion we landed to make a temporary camp and pick up fresh water. I wandered over to the nearby rock outcrop just to have a look. The rocks were not horizontal; instead they had been tipped gently (but less so than the rocks at Mistaken Point). I could easily make out the flat bedding planes breaking up the shore into a series of steps that recorded a succession of former sea floors. The rocks were a mixture. Most were very pale grey, sometimes almost pearly, and hard looking. Others were yellowish, in patches somewhat sugary and brightly tinted. The latter were dolomites, a calcium magnesium carbonate rock that at the present day particularly forms in areas surrounding the more arid tropical regions. The off-white rocks were limestones, that is, made of calcium carbonate in a finely crystalline form. Looking closely, I could now observe that several of the limestone surfaces were finely scored. Many years of erosion had picked out subtle differences in hardness within a single bed of limestone, so that lines even a millimetre or so apart could be clearly discerned. A comparison with layered pastry came to mind. I imagine that a blind man could have read the rock surface like Braille, just by gentle palpation. Where the rock surface was weathered at right angles to the bedding surface, providing a natural cross section, these finely-layered rocks were arranged in a series of undulating columns, widening a little from their base. They were stromatolites, or to be more accurate, sections through stromatolites – with a thousand years or more of slow growth preserved in a fossil grave of fine limestone. Cryptozoon proved to be not so cryptic after all; it was the stony legacy of cyanobacteria. When I followed the stromatolites over onto the bedding plane beyond to get a vision of the ancient sea floor, they converted into balloons or pillows stretching away from me, each one showing the top of a stromatolite head. This was the fossilised version of the view at Shark Bay I was to admire decades later. It was bleached to white limestone by the passage of a thousand million years, perhaps, but it was still recognisable, a picture petrified from a former earth. This was the nearest thing I will ever experience to being in a time machine, even if my appreciation of it were countermanded at once by the shrill cries of Arctic terns above my head: chicks to feed, human business to be done, and the earth has moved on. Nothing remains exactly the same forever.
Had I looked more widely along that unwelcoming shore I would have observed a greater variety of shapes carrying the telltale laminations of stromatolites. I would also have noticed some occasional shiny black patches within them; these are made of chert, a very hard, flinty rock composed of the mineral silica. Andrew Knoll, who is perhaps the doyen of Precambrian palaeontology, visited the same rocks in Spitsbergen a few years later, as he has described in his book Life on a Young Planet. From those cherts he recovered remarkable small fossils, which helped to make his reputation. He also recorded a whole range of different rock types produced by ancient micro-organisms; the most general term for these rocks is ‘microbialites’ which is a term that I trust does not require further explanation. Subtly mottled microbialites can present the appearance of ornamental marble, or the interior of a sponge cake, or the dimpled mats that I saw on Shark Bay; they can all be attributed to the work of bacteria and their relatives. Evidently, ancient microscopic communities did not just manufacture columns, though these do display several different shapes. Over much of the vast compass of Precambrian time it was a dominantly microbial world, and there was nothing to prevent tiny organisms from constructing a variety of edifices.
Stromatolite fossils are not at all rare if the right rocks are explored. It is not surprising that many rocks have been altered by heat or pressure if they have sojourned on the earth for billions of years. The great motor of plate tectonics has been continuously in operation, building mountains and moving continents around. It is a lucky rock that escapes unscathed. Most of those that have successfully dodged being crunched or heated up are found around the edges of the most ancient and stable continental cores often known as ‘shields’. These bits of earth’s crust stabilised early on, and have been pushed around the earth during successive phases of continent building rather like counters being shoved around a draughts board. They survive to play another game. If there are patches of stromatolites preserved upon them, they are handed onwards. Perhaps the Canadian Shield is the best known of these ancient areas, but parts of southern Africa and Western Australia are equally familiar to geologists. However, the list of stromatolite occurrences is much longer than that of ancient shield areas, the rocks Andrew Knoll and I examined in Spitsbergen being a case in point. It is obvious that these strange organic structures were almost ubiquitous at least in the shallower parts of ancient oceans. Cyanobacteria would have needed light to grow, so the particular stromatolitic structures made by them must have been confined to comparatively shallow water. The early Precambrian ocean depths are unknown to us, since ocean floors are consumed in the inexorable slow dance of the plates. But it is more than likely that there, too, were structures made by different bacteria that flourished away from light. After all, life never misses a trick.
Stromatolites are found way back into the Archaean. The oldest ones of all are almost miraculous survivors found on the scraps remaining today of the most ancient continents. Fossils dated at 3.5 billion years old have been found in the Apex Chert in Western Australia,* and in Swaziland. It is hardly possible to imagine such antiquity. I have the same trouble trying to grasp the number of stars in the Milky Way, for the mind soon loses its normal frame of reference when the figures get so large. I can probably do no better than echo the words of the pioneer geologist John Playfair in 1788, when he became convinced of the reality of the vast age of the earth: ‘the mind seemed to grow giddy looking so far into the abyss of time’. Nonetheless, it is important to at least get a feeling for this ‘abyss’, an intuition of its magnitude, because it shows just how long it has taken for life to arrive where it is today. The two stories of life, and the earth itself, have been intimately intertwined for billions of years.
Stromatolites began in the Archaean as relatively simple domes, but later they evolved into a number of different forms. Some of the more distinctive shapes have been dubbed with Latin names, just as if they were organisms in the conventional sense (Pilbaria perplexa and the like). As we have seen, they are actually collaborations between several organisms, so such an approach does not fit in with normal biological procedure. However, it is useful to have a way to refer to different shapes and forms, and some of the names have achieved wide currency. In the far reaches of the Precambrian, stromatolites could grow in a wider range of marine environments than they do now, and this may partly account for some of their different shapes. In deeper or calmer water, for example, it was possible for relatively delicate, branching, even candelabra-like forms to grow. In complete contrast, one of the most distinctive varieties produced massive cone-shaped bodies that could grow to be tens of metres high. These microbial behemoths have received the appropriate name Conophyton (‘cone plant’). They have been memorably described as making outcrops in the field look like a series of rocket launchers placed side by side: they must have taken many centuries, even millennia, to grow. The vocabulary used to describe different kinds of stromatolites gives some indication of their variety of form; they have been compared with fingers, fists, cauliflowers, columns, spindles, trees, mushrooms, kidneys. Given time enough these most simple organisms could produce an art gallery’s worth of shapes. Nature was patently a sculptor from the first. The view from Hamelin Pool was, it now transpires, only a partial glimpse of a richer, but now vanished stromatolitic world.
The controls on stromatolite growth were probably quite simple. The growing surface film was attracted towards the sun, while the supply of calcium carbonate from seawater dictated the dimensions of the layers produced. A group of Australian physicists have developed computer models that ‘grow’ stromatolites by playing around with these simple elements. Conophyton emerges naturally as a shape in response to strong solar attraction; prokaryotic life, it seems, simply could not help building regular structures. Where there’s life there’s architecture. But there is also good evidence that the variety and complexity of stromatolites increased during their extraordinarily long tenure of the earth’s seas. The few kinds of simple domes and cones that dominated their first billion years, during the Archaean, were supplemented by dozens of additional shapes during the Proterozoic, when branched structures and pleated columns on many different scales appeared. The first occurrence of particular stromatolites has even been used broadly to subdivide this long period of time. They probably achieved their greatest variety about a thousand million years ago, but still long before the emergence of large animals, even the strange Ediacaran ones. Many early stromatolites were fully submarine, rather than living between the tides. Their living analogues have been found in the Bahamas near Exuma Island, hidden in marine channels. Here, these large, lumpy columns rising from a lime-mud sea floor probably provide a closer match to many Proterozoic environments than does Shark Bay. The biofilm forming the living skin is known to be a complex microbial community, and much more than just a photosynthesising surface. Several other kinds of bacteria have their homes there, some with the capacity to ‘fix’ nitrogen, like the little nodules harbouring bacteria that grow on the roots of beans and contribute to soil fertility. These kinds of bacteria work at night, when the cyanobacteria are ‘sleeping’. Once again, the mat is a whole ecology, a world measured in millimetres.
As for the fossils of the organisms that made the Precambrian mounds, the apparent absence of which so perplexed Charles Darwin and his contemporaries, well, they were lurking there all the time; it is just that they were very small. The cherts, like those tucked among the limestone rocks on Spitsbergen, held the secret. In some cases such siliceous rocks were formed early enough to petrify the fine threads and other cells making up the ancient biofilm. The process is somewhat analogous to that involved in making artificial resin souvenirs in which butterflies or scorpions are preserved, colour and all, which then lurk on the mantelpiece forever. Silica petrifactions were already well known from higher in the geological column, even preserving tree trunks down to the last cell. Considering that the dimensions of the Precambrian fossils are often measured in a few thousandths of a millimetre, the preservation of their cell walls is remarkable, almost miraculous. However, when very thin sections were made of the right Precambrian cherts they became transparent; these preparations were then examined under the microscope and revealed the unmistakeable imprint of life. The discovery was reported in detail in 1965 by the resplendently named American scientist Elso Sterrenberg Barghoorn Jr based on fossils obtained from the Gunflint Chert, a rock formation exposed along the northern shores of Lake Superior. Barghoorn’s co-author, Stanley Tyler, had previously recognised fossil stromatolites preserved in rather beautiful red jaspers (an iron-rich form of silica). At the edge of the Canadian Shield, the Gunflint Chert was one of those special survivors that had escaped the subsequent adventures of our mobile planet, fortuitously frozen in its own ancient time. At 1.9 billion years old, the fossils of the Gunflint Chert lie well down in the Palaeoproterozoic. Among the organic remains seen in thin sections of the chert, the commonest are probably thin threads not unlike those so abundant in living mats and biofilms. Some of these show the kind of transverse striping that are typical of some ‘blue greens’; interestingly, the threads are narrower than they were later in the Precambrian (and narrower still than they are today). They are accompanied by a range of other tiny organisms, some generalised rod-like bacteria, others more distinctive, like the spherical Eosphaeria with its cell walls apparently divided into compartments, and the enigmatic Gunflintia. Palaeontologists continue to argue about the biological identity of some of these fossils, although it is beyond doubt that ‘blue greens’ were certainly present among them, but the important point is surely that this is an early community, already divided into different biological ‘trades’. The kind of prokaryote collaboration happening today was already happening then. Stromatolites were indeed true survivors.