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Hush Hush
‘And you’re certain Josh didn’t mention anything unusual to you lately?’ she asked. ‘I’m sorry for the intrusive questions, but it will help if we know.’
Christa shook her head. ‘He has many enemies – two scars from knife wounds from his early days as a bouncer. But no one would dare cross him now if they hadn’t taken him by surprise. Someone must have been waiting for him. To throw acid on him and stab him when he was down? That’s sick, and the sign of a coward.’
Grace said nothing, hoping Christa would fill the silence.
‘Don’t you have any clue who the bastard is?’
‘We’re making enquiries at the moment.’
‘You mean you have no one?’
‘It’s very early into the investigation, Mrs Parker,’ Grace explained.
‘Not even anyone you want to question?’
‘We’ll be able to tell you more when we’ve gathered the evidence.’
Grace left when the swearing started up once more. She couldn’t ask her to stop. The woman had to grieve the way she saw fit. As long as it wasn’t being hurled at her, it didn’t matter.
She could recall a few times when she had acted out of character when Matt died. She’d often gone into a ball of rage whenever anyone said she’d be best clearing his belongings out. It had taken her six months before she was able to do it, and even then the guilt had got to her. The sense of letting go of everything, its finality. Luckily, she’d had her mum around to help her through it. At least Christa Parker would have her mum there with her too.
When Matt had died, Grace’s mum had been there for her. She didn’t know what she would have done without her, and had been devastated when she too had passed away so soon after Matt. Since the age of twelve, Martha had looked out for her. Since she had been twenty-one, Matt had looked out for her. Now she had no one. So she could sympathise with Christa Parker, no matter how much she cursed.
Back on the road, Grace glanced across at Nick when they stopped as a set of traffic lights turned to red. ‘Do you think this is a revenge killing?’
‘We’ll have to dig deeper to find out. Although, most of the criminals I’m familiar with wouldn’t do anything on Steele land.’
‘Too close for comfort?’ Grace asked.
Nick nodded. ‘George Steele’s reputation died long before he did, but Eddie and Leon are known to use violence where necessary. Whoever did this would have known there’d be retaliation.’
‘And even without the knife wound, throwing acid into someone’s face takes guts. It can put the suspect in danger too, especially if they missed their target, so our killer could be deranged.’ Grace glanced quickly at him before they moved off again. ‘Not frightened to get hurt.’
‘Or unaware of the risk.’
‘Anyone spring to mind?’
‘No, but I can’t help thinking it’s an inside job.’
Grace nodded. ‘My thoughts exactly.’
By the time they got back to the office, it was nearing lunchtime. Grace had nipped into the nearby supermarket to grab something to eat. Once at her seat, she held up a bag of sugar-coated doughnuts.
‘These will keep us going.’ She smiled as eager hands reached out. ‘Anything we should know, Sam?’ she asked as she logged into her computer again.
‘Yes, but I’m making coffee if we have snacks.’ Sam raised her mug in the air. ‘Anyone want one?’
Grace was unsure whether Sam was joking or not. She had asked for information and she expected to get it. She gave the older woman a look, and Sam sat down sheepishly before adding: ‘The entrance to the side road the gym is situated on isn’t covered by city CCTV or traffic cams. I’ve contacted their control room to see if we can get some footage sent over so that I can analyse whose cars were on the main road around the time of the murder.’ Sam picked up a piece of paper and held it in the air. ‘I’ve already got a list of registration numbers, which I’ve started on. It only covers the last hour of opening times, but it’s a start.’
‘Does anyone’s name stick out?’ Grace asked.
‘Quite a few I know, but nothing that jumps off the page.’
‘Great, thanks.’ Grace nodded her approval. ‘Someone needs to check the signing-in register too, see who came in and out and at what times – see if it tallies with statements.’
‘I’m on to that,’ Alex said. ‘Although I suppose it’s dependent on everyone actually signing in and out when they say they do, seeing as there are no cameras to back anything up.’
DC Alex Challinor was the final member of Grace’s team. Alex had joined their office less than two years ago and, according to Allie, had rocked the boat immensely. He was married with teenage children and, at forty-five, was ten years older than Grace. He liked to think he had a look of Tom Hardy – she thought he had nothing of the sort – and policed with old-school tactics, which no one on the Major Crimes Team agreed with.
Even with the heads-up, Grace had tried not to take an instant dislike to him, but there was something about his mannerisms that made her suspicious. Still, she’d been fooled by people before; in her past job, some had put up a front of arrogance that she hadn’t liked and then, after a few weeks working together, her opinion had changed when they had mellowed and got to know each other. So, for now, she was willing to keep an open mind.
‘Indeed.’ Grace nodded. ‘Okay, Sam. Mine is one sugar please.’
Sam’s smile was faint, making Grace realise that she had been joking when she said she was going to make coffee before giving Grace what she needed. The Stoke sense of humour was taking her a while to adapt to. Its residents were more self-deprecating than those where she’d come from. A very friendly folk, but sometimes she didn’t know whether someone was kidding or not, so it was hard to join in.
She had also felt a need to assert herself during those early weeks, because if she became known as an easy boss, she’d never win over their respect.
Grace had only taken one bite into her sandwich before Nick was calling to her from the entrance to his office.
‘Grace, can I have a word?’
Her shoulders drooped at his sombre tone. She stood up, quickly wiping her mouth and fingers with a napkin before walking across the room. Inside his office, Detective Chief Inspector Jenny Brindley was sitting in Nick’s chair behind his desk. Jenny had been responsible for the Major Crimes Team for two years now, since the last DCI had retired. According to Allie, Jenny was one of the good people. She was fair, but she didn’t like the bending of rules in the slightest. She never turned a blind eye and was definitely not old-school. She was more like brand-new shiny school – dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s to get a good job done. Grace much preferred those tactics, which was why she was immediately wondering what she had done wrong.
‘Take a seat, Grace.’ Nick pointed to a chair as he shut the door.
Grace did as she was told, nervous at the tension she could feel all around her. Nick sat down beside her.
Jenny leaned forward and clasped her hands together on the desk. ‘It’s come to my attention that you are involved in the Josh Parker case,’ she said.
‘I am, yes.’ Grace’s heart sank.
‘And we are aware from your records that you are related to the Steele family.’
‘We share the same father, but that’s the only relevance.’
‘Yes, we know that you’ve come clean to us about your connections.’ She raised a hand when Grace was about to speak again. ‘I’m conscious that you don’t have anything to do with them, and I understand you aired concerns before you arrived in Stoke, which is correct procedure.’
Grace felt herself holding her body stiff and tried to relax. It was like being in school again, getting grilled by a teacher. Not that she’d been told off too many times. She’d always been the quiet one in the class who didn’t have many close friends, always handed in her homework on time and got awarded good grades.
‘I think this is too sensitive for you and I’d prefer you to work on something else,’ Jenny said.
‘Oh, but—’ Grace said.
‘I think she’ll do fine working it.’ Nick sat forward to protest. ‘Grace is good at her job, Jenny. From what I’ve seen so far, she’s handled things with professionalism, respect and, I suppose, courage. It can’t have been easy to roll up there and investigate the way she did, let alone run a team.’
Jenny smiled. ‘I do like the faith you have in Grace, Nick.’
‘It’s not just me. You remember she did extremely well on the Caudwell case last year, which is why she came so highly recommended?’
The Caudwell case Nick was referring to was one Grace had found herself immersed in when she’d been first on call to visit a frantic woman whose estranged partner had turned up and wouldn’t let go of their two-year-old son. The child was screaming to go to his mother and Craig Caudwell was threatening to harm him if things didn’t go his way. In the end, it had been just him, Grace and little Henry in the room, but she had brought the child out in her own arms unharmed before negotiators were needed.
‘Yes, I remember.’ Jenny raised her eyebrows in mock surprise.
‘She’s a good worker. She’s estranged from the Steeles and I don’t think she should be removed from the case because of a slight connection.’
‘It’s not actually a slight connection,’ Jenny stated.
Grace shuffled in her chair. They were talking as if she wasn’t in the room.
‘If we took every officer away from a case that they were related to someone on, we would have no one left to police anything,’ Nick went on. ‘Lots of officers have bad blood in their families. It’s the reason why some of them join the force. But they still do an effective job.’
‘And they are taken off cases when they involve direct family members,’ Jenny remarked. ‘It’s a conflict of interest and can be open to corruption too.’
Grace thought it was time to speak out. ‘With all due respect, Ma’am, I had no intentions of ever getting in touch with the Steele family. I was aware they were on my patch, I told you about it and I knew, with their connections, I would more than likely bump into them one day. But I handled the meeting professionally. I don’t have any allegiance to them. I won’t let anything interfere with my work.’
The room dropped into silence. Grace could almost hear the cogs working inside the DCI’s head. She held her breath, waiting for her to speak again.
‘Very well said, Grace.’ Jenny nodded her approval. ‘But it still doesn’t change the fact that you are on a case with members of your family involved.’
‘Which could work to our advantage,’ Nick stressed.
Both women looked his way.
‘We have someone who might get a little closer than normal.’
‘Absolutely not.’ Jenny shook her head. ‘Look, I’m not happy about this, but realistically we are pulled all over the place at the moment, what with budget cuts and several officers on sick leave. You can continue to work on this for now, until another DS becomes available. I do think your skills are best utilised on this, but when you visit Steele’s Gym, I want you to take someone along. I don’t want you to end up in court unable to defend yourself. Is that clear?’
‘Yes, Ma’am.’ Grace gulped under the woman’s ferocious stare.
Jenny pointed at Nick and then to herself. ‘We’ll get it in the neck if you step out of line. Do you understand?’
Grace nodded. ‘I won’t let you down.’
‘That’s good to hear.’ Jenny got up from her chair. ‘I’ll leave you to it.’
Once she’d gone, Grace blew out the breath she’d been holding and looked at Nick. ‘I thought she was going to remove me.’
‘She may very well have to,’ Nick replied. ‘But she’s given us a bit of leeway for now.’
‘It’s risky though, isn’t it?’
‘I still think we could use your connection to our advantage.’ Nick paused. ‘Are you up for it, if we keep it between us? See what you can get from them that we can use?’
‘But the DCI said—’
‘What Jenny doesn’t know won’t hurt her, and it’s on my head if it gets out.’
‘I don’t want to lose my job.’ Grace wasn’t so sure. ‘I’ve only just got here.’
‘Yes, yes, I know that.’ Nick waved away her concern. ‘I just think it will be good to get you close to them. We’re under pressure following our failure to solve George Steele’s murder. And because of that, Eddie and Leon are beginning to cause more and more issues in the city. I need someone to keep an eye on them.’
Even without getting into trouble, it had been weird seeing them all this morning. Grace didn’t want to be associated with them in any way, but she knew how hard that was going to be with her curiosity fighting to find out more about them. So, if she was going to be working close to them for the next few days, she might as well learn all she could, both on a professional and a personal level.
‘I’ll give it a shot.’ She nodded.
‘Great. Report anything back to me first. Keep it between us. And be careful.’ Nick stood up. ‘Team briefing is at six thirty. I’ll need to do a press release before that, and then we can regroup and see where we are. If everyone on the list hasn’t been contacted by then, you and the team can get on to it tonight.’
Grace nodded, knowing that it was going to be a long evening. ‘We’ve made a start on gathering intel on Parker. He’s obviously well known in the area and I’m catching up with what we have.’
‘I’m sure your team can fill you in with everything necessary.’ Nick nodded his head towards the door. ‘Off you go, Sergeant.’
Grace left the room and sighed with relief. As she scuttled back to her chair, all eyes fell on her. For now, she was home and dry, but she would definitely have to watch her step gathering intel for Nick. There was no way she was going to be removed from this case.
The day had gone so quickly that when Grace next looked up at the clock it was six p.m. The office was a buzz of activity after the press conference brought a deluge of calls. Hopefully something would come through for them. Alongside the evidence gathered and forensics they were waiting for, there had to be a clue to who killed Josh Parker.
She rested a hand on the back of her neck and moved her head from side to side. She still couldn’t believe the first murder in her new job had been at Steele’s Gym. God help her if they blabbed and her team found out who she was. It could open her up to all kinds of bribery accusations. But why would the Steeles keep it to themselves, unless they thought they could use it for their own benefit?
Grace had known a fair few bent cops in her years, so, in a way, she couldn’t blame the DCI for thinking like that. But she was loyal to her colleagues and to the uniform, something they would only find out in time. If she had been working there longer than four weeks, people might have trusted her more. As it stood now, she’d have to work doubly hard at everything. Still, she was up for the challenge.
‘What are Eddie and Leon like together?’ she asked Perry, as she took a break from the list she was working her way down.
Perry leaned back in his chair as he spoke to her. ‘From what I can gather, Leon seems to think he should be an equal to Eddie. But with Josh as Eddie’s right-hand man, he’s never stood a chance. I think he saw Parker as muscling in on his territory.’
‘Like kids fighting over a girl,’ she said.
‘Pretty much. Leon thought Eddie gave Josh too much power. He obviously felt as if he was second rate. It was all childish. I’m not sure it’s relevant though?’
‘This doesn’t have the mark of anything Leon would do. I doubt he would leave a body to be found. And he’s more into fast and furious if he does anything. He’s known for using his fists to teach people lessons, not necessarily murder.’
‘Most murders are born from attacks that go too far,’ Sam said, as she looked over her notes in her notepad. ‘Assaults that come from an argument when tempers are raised. And if he was known for murder, he’d be inside.’
Perry flicked an elastic band at her. ‘You know what I mean, shortie.’
The band flew over Sam’s head as Perry had intended. Sam rolled her eyes at him.
‘What about the alarm codes?’ Grace asked. ‘Do we know who has access to the building?’
‘There are five people.’ Perry counted them off using his fingers. ‘Eddie, Leon, Jade, Josh and Trent Gibson.’
Trent Gibson was the man in the red tracksuit who had reported finding Josh Parker that morning. He’d been interviewed and a record of his account taken. He’d been working at Steele’s Gym for five years and had been on the alarm rota for the past two.
Grace nodded in recognition. ‘So, do we know yet who was the last of them to leave the building, other than Josh? Did their times tally with what they told me?’
‘Trent Gibson and Jade Steele weren’t there that day. CCTV footage of the entrance and the car park we can see confirms this. Eddie left at six thirty. Leon was the last to see the victim.’ Sam checked her notes. ‘He left at 8.12 p.m. Cameras show both brothers leaving through the front entrance at those times, and then getting into their cars and driving away.’
Grace gnawed at her lip while she pondered. ‘Do we have other ideas about what his death could be linked to, outside of the gym?’
‘Apart from the ongoing investigations into racketeering, importing of illegal steroids and theft of anything they can lay their hands on, there’s been a spate of cash-and-grabs increasing over the past few months. It’s possible Josh was involved. Alex can tell you more about that.’ Perry held up his hand as his colleague came back from a cigarette break. ‘Grace wants to know about the cash-and-grabs.’
‘Public being robbed at cash machines.’ Alex perched on the end of Grace’s desk. ‘Either someone behind grabs their money after they’ve withdrawn it from the ATM, with force if necessary, or someone rides past on a scooter and grabs it.’
‘What a pleasant bunch they are in Stoke,’ Grace muttered. ‘Almost the same as the lot I left back in Salford. So, you’re saying that the Steeles run this operation?’
Perry shook his head. ‘We think it’s likely to be Trent Gibson. He’ll be working for Leon, who doesn’t get his hands dirty.’
‘Oh!’ Grace said. ‘Does that put a different perspective on things?’
‘Possibly.’ Alex nodded. ‘Of course, we don’t have enough proof yet. But it seems likely Trent pays them a percentage of what his boys bring back. He also doesn’t like anyone who thinks they can steal the money and not give him his fair cut. We’ve questioned two members from the boxing gym over the recent months after their parents complained they’d been beaten up, but they wouldn’t press charges, and there wasn’t enough for us to put forward to the CPS.’
‘So how does Trent keep tabs on that?’ Grace asked.
‘Who knows? He doesn’t act like he can count past how many fingers and toes he has,’ Alex explained. ‘We think his girlfriend might be the brains behind it.’
‘Name of?’
‘Clara Emery. She works at the gym too, on reception. We don’t think Eddie has anything to do with it, and we reckon he’d be pissed off about it, in fact. He’s always having to bail Leon out of trouble. But this is small fry compared to other things we hope to one day get them on once the evidence is stacked up. So, although we’re looking into it, it’s on the back burner.’
‘They can’t be making that much money from it.’ Grace shook her head. ‘Wouldn’t their hit rate be so high that people would be on the lookout? And cameras on ATM machines would pick them up?’
‘Not necessarily,’ Alex said. ‘Often, they watch where the money is put and then they steal bags, phones and wallets. Sometimes they’re shifting larger things too. It’s lucrative.’
‘In a city this size?’ Grace shook her head.
‘You’re a bit quick to dismiss our local knowledge, aren’t you?’ Perry raised his eyebrows in disbelief. ‘You’re doubting us already?’
‘No, I was merely saying—’
‘You want to learn about this patch then I suggest you listen to us. We’ve been here a long time before you. We know the people and what they get up to.’
‘I wasn’t suggesting otherwise, but—’
‘If you’re that amazing, Grace,’ Perry butted in, ‘you would have researched all this before you came here.’
‘I don’t have to know everything. That’s why I manage a team, so that I can delegate.’
Silence fell amongst them.
‘We’re supposed to be on the same side,’ she added. ‘I’d appreciate it if you’d work with me, rather than against me.’
As Alex went back to his desk and all heads went down again, Grace held in her annoyance. Inside she was shaking, unaccustomed to raising her voice, but she had to show them she was boss. She wouldn’t be walked over by Perry, nor anyone else for that matter.
Alone that evening in his office, while everyone else raised a glass to a fallen friend in the Windmill pub, Eddie rested his head on the desk and let out his emotion. Here on his own he felt he could. Once he got home, there would be questions from his wife, Georgina, who had come to the gym for most of the day until picking up Harry, their youngest son who was twelve, from school. Thankfully, Harry would be in bed when he did eventually get home, and sixteen-year-old Charlie would most likely be out with his friends, so the house would be quiet.
He leaned back in his chair and sipped at his whisky. It was the only one he’d have. He wasn’t a drinker, not after he’d seen what it did to his father, and then Jade. He wanted to keep his wits about him rather than be taken by surprise by anyone. In his line of business there was always someone ready to pounce. This time it happened to be Josh who had suffered.
They’d managed to get back into certain parts of the building once the car park had been cordoned off, but the death of his friend meant that the gym had been shut, so their takings would be down. The gym membership was fine; most regulars paid monthly and the few who paid per visit wouldn’t be worth mentioning. But it was more than that. He hadn’t been able to do any of the regular behind-the-scenes stuff. There had been no money loaned, no stolen goods coming through the doors. Some of the boys had phoned to see what the score was, but he’d told them to steer clear. The blues being here was bad for trade in every respect. People would go elsewhere.
He cursed himself. What was he thinking? Josh was his friend. Business didn’t matter at the moment, apart from keeping everything under wraps. He wiggled the mouse so the computer woke up again. The Facebook page for the gym had been alight with comments once news had begun to spread. Josh had been well liked, a brilliant instructor and motivator, as well as a valued member of staff. Eddie hadn’t even begun to think of what he was going to do without him. It was too painful to contemplate.
He couldn’t trust anyone the way he’d trusted Josh. He was the only one who knew what George had been like to live with. Eddie had put his trust in Josh and, to his knowledge, his friend had told no one what had been going on in the Steele house. Their bond had strengthened because of this.
And now he was left with an empty space to fill, in more ways than one. With Josh out of the equation, he knew that Leon would want to step up into his place. It wasn’t possible; his brother was too hot-headed, and Eddie knew it was going to cause friction between them, but tough, he was used to it. Brother versus brother had been the norm since they were young, and their earlier years of hell would always be something that stayed between him and Leon.
Eddie scrolled through the messages that were still coming in. As well as his right-hand man, Josh had been a joker. Many would remember him for his sense of humour and his ability to play really silly practical jokes. Josh hadn’t minded if anyone wanted to get him back either. He had always been game for a laugh.