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Pesticides and Pollution
The effects of heavy deposits on leaves may be even more important. Evergreen species in heavily polluted areas have been shown to have a rate of transpiration of only about one tenth of normal and the leaves last a much shorter time than they do in pure air. Thus in some conifers the leaves normally live for up to eight years, and contribute to photosynthesis and growth for the whole of their lives. With moderate pollution the leaves may die and fall off in three or four years; heavy pollution may cause annual leaf fall and such trees hardly grow perceptibly and usually die. Some workers have suggested that particles of grime act by bunging up the stomata, but usually it seems that these are left patent and the effects are due to reduced transpiration, and, in some cases, to poisoning from sulphur or other substances. Deciduous trees which lose their leaves each year are often less susceptible to damage from pollution, as the leaves can complete their normal work before they are put, partly or entirely, out of action. Those responsible for planting in public parks in cities and industrial areas are well aware that spruce and firs are less likely to succeed than larch or oak. The exact way in which pollution harms trees is not fully understood.
I have already mentioned that atmospheric pollution by sulphur dioxide is becoming worse rather than better. The air in cities commonly contains 0·1 parts per million, that in rural areas 0·1 parts, but sometimes concentrations as high as 1 part per million may occur locally, under particular weather conditions, at distances from the source. Experiments have shown that most flowering plants show no damage to 0·1 parts per million even with long exposures, but higher concentrations usually cause damage such as leaf blotching and loss of yield. Some of the crop reductions on farms near towns are probably due to this cause, but it seems unlikely that there is much damage to wild life in rural areas. Sometimes this type of pollution may be economically advantageous; the absence from industrial areas of the fungus causing rose mildew is almost certainly due to sulphur in the atmosphere. This suggests that other species of fungi, which are in general much more susceptible to sulphur poisoning than are flowering plants, may be similarly affected. This could be of considerable ecological importance, but there seems little information on the subject. However, as rose mildew soon manifests itself in the suburbs, it would seem likely that other fungi, and susceptible plants of other groups, suffer little damage outside very polluted areas. Nevertheless it would be wrong to be dogmatic about this. Small quantities of sulphur or of other gaseous and solid pollutants which are dispersing through our environment may be more harmful than is generally realised.
It should be noted that although trees may suffer from the effects of pollution, at the same time they do something to alleviate this condition. It has been shown that trees growing in industrial areas may do this in several ways. They filter the air, so the deposits on their leaves are removed from general circulation. They cause turbulence and deviation of the air flow, which may help to ventilate (with less contaminated air) an area of otherwise stagnant pollution. They also remove carbon dioxide and liberate oxygen, an important function on a global scale, but, as mentioned below (see here) even seriously polluted air is almost never deficient in oxygen and dangerous concentrations of carbon dioxide are uncommon. Incidentally, in a highly polluted area where trees are likely to improve conditions, it may be best to plant broad-leaved deciduous species, which are harmed less than evergreen conifers, even though they have less effect in winter when the branches are bare. Conifers will be more efficient, and in some circumstances may be used and considered as “expendable.”
Motor vehicles are responsible for widespread pollution in town and country. The exhaust gases contain a high concentration of carbon monoxide, which is very poisonous to mammals and birds. This gas may reach dangerous levels, particularly to car drivers in traffic blocks in towns, but it is probably dispersed too rapidly in the country to have an appreciable effect. Some three thousand tons of lead are emitted with the exhaust gases of cars in Britain each year. This has been found to accumulate in the vegetation and soil along roadside verges, and although serious damage has been seldom reported up to now, a dangerous concentration could build up locally over a period of years. Lead could possibly enter food chains and have damaging effects far from the source of pollution.
Carbon dioxide is another common constituent of the exhaust from fires, factories and vehicles. It has seldom been found in the high concentrations which are harmful to life, and its presence may even promote plant growth in the way it has been shown to do when CO2-enriched air is pumped into a glasshouse. Thus if the CO2, which is normally only some 0·03-0·04 per cent of the total air, is increased to 0·15 per cent, the rate of photosynthesis in a glasshouse may be more than doubled, and crop yields can be substantially increased. The effects of CO2 from industrial pollution on outdoor crops and on natural vegetation have not yet been thoroughly investigated. It is possible that quite small differences in CO2 may affect the whole pattern of vegetation by stimulating one species of plant more than another. More work on this problem is clearly required.
Recently it has been suggested that CO2 may eventually have a drastic effect on world climate. Coal and other “fossil fuels” are being burned at such a rate that the CO2 content of the whole atmosphere may be raised as much as 25 per cent by the year A.D. 2000, and the level will probably continue to rise. The effects of this are not fully understood but some scientists think the temperature and other properties of the stratosphere may be affected. This could alter the world’s radiation balance, possibly melting the polar ice cap. So far little or nothing has been done to reduce the output of CO2, though some research on ameliorating its possible effects has been suggested. So far most scientists have thought that CO2 pollution was of little importance; it now seems possible that it may cause greater changes to the world than any other man-made factor in our environment. On the other hand, this may be a completely false alarm.
Ozone, the form of oxygen with three atoms in the molecule (O3) instead of the normal two (O2), occurs naturally in tiny quantities, and pollution, particularly from motor vehicles, may increase the amount. As little as one part of ozone in 10,000,000 parts of air has been found, in the U.S.A., to harm many plants and trees, and such ozone poisoning is said to be important in both California and Connecticut, in which state an annual loss of $1,000,000 to vegetable crops is reported. So far, I know of no cases of ozone damage to vegetation in Britain, but with the increasing number of motor vehicles it seems likely to occur either now or in the near future.
Air pollution also affects the soil. Near cities the soil is often considered to be “sour,” because of the sulphur dioxide and other acid-forming substances washed in by the rain. This effect probably does not extend very widely, but many of the chemicals found in rain-water may come from industrial pollution. In the moorland areas of the Pennines we know that the rain brings in substantial quantities of minerals, which contribute to the fertility of the soil. Much of this comes from the ocean, but some from pollution, which here may be having an advantageous effect. The quantities of nutrients are significant, but probably not sufficient to have detrimental effects such as those produced by similar nutrients in much larger amounts in purified sewage, which upset the balance in many rivers (see more).
Botanists have studied the effects of pollution on a wide range of plants, mostly with inconclusive results. They have attempted to find “indicator species” which may be used to measure pollution. Such a species would only grow where pollution was below a certain level. The most successful work has been with lichens. Several species of lichen are absent entirely from the industrial areas of high pollution, and reappear on the outskirts. This problem has been studied in Northern Ireland, near Belfast, and around Newcastle upon Tyne. Fig. 3 shows how the lichen cover of tree trunks increases from the city centre of Belfast to its outskirts. It has been reported that the habit of growth of individual species was affected, so that some seemed barely able to exist where others grew normally. The subject is, however, not an easy one. It is necessary to be competent to recognise individual lichen species accurately, and to distinguish these in their sterile sorediate forms which often occur under unfavourable conditions. I must confess that I personally have been disappointed by the potentialities of this group. After reading in the literature that “a salient feature of lichen’s ecology is that these plants are very scarce in the neighbourhood of towns” I visited the Lower Swansea Valley (Plate 1), perhaps the most polluted area in Britain. My first impression of the soil was an almost pure culture of lichen, and a wooden railway bridge was equally encrusted. These were of course resistant species easily recognised by a specialist, but showing that the method used in Belfast and illustrated in Fig. 3 cannot be generally used except by experts. In time botanists may find other plants which are better indicators; in fact there has been some progress in this field, but the confusion to-day relating to the effects of pollution suggests that unless it is very severe it may not be a factor of major importance in the ecology of most regions.

Fig. 3. Increase of lichen cover outside the city of Belfast. (After A. F. Fenton.)
One particular element – fluorine – requires special attention. Fluorine occurs in minute quantities in all plants and animals, and it is one of the essential elements of protoplasm. If the natural level falls below a minimum, and this occurs in nature, harmful effects may be seen. One (but only one) of the reasons for the poor teeth found in many parts of Britain and North America is that the natural water may have a very low fluorine content, less than one tenth part per million, and combined with a “sophisticated” diet this may cause fluorine deficiency. A tiny additional amount, up to 1 part per million, may then be added to the water, and this has been found to improve tooth structure in children and reduce dental decay. This is one instance of a general principle, that a substance essential in small amounts may be toxic when the proper level is exceeded. The toxicity of fluorine in larger doses has made some people oppose the addition of this element to water, though there is no evidence that drinking water with 1 part per million ever does harm.
Fluorine occurs particularly in the smoke from brickworks, which are often surrounded by agricultural land. Other industries, including iron and aluminium production, are also important in this connection. Unlike active organic poisons, which may break down quickly to harmless substances, once fluorine has contaminated an area it remains a danger until it is physically removed. Fluorine only damages plants at relatively high concentrations, though it is at least ten times as toxic as sulphur dioxide. However, phytotoxic concentrations are rare, even near to industrial sites. The main danger from fluorine is that after deposition it is concentrated by growing plants. For example, grass has been found with as much as 2,000 parts per million. If this grass is eaten by stock, or by wild animals, they will certainly be seriously affected and will probably be killed. Lower concentrations have less drastic effects. The first symptoms of fluorosis are dental; the teeth are rough and mottled. Bigger doses cause bone abnormalities, lameness and general loss of condition. I know of no reports of fluorosis affecting wild life, but small mammals in affected areas are certain to suffer. Its stability, and the way it is concentrated by many food plants, makes fluorine a potential danger anywhere near a source, and abnormal weather conditions and air currents could affect vegetation, and thus animals, over a wider area. Fluorine seems a rather special, and dangerous, case of a poisonous substance entering the atmosphere, but it should make us more careful about accepting pollutions which may contain other, as yet undetected, dangers.
Air pollutions can thus have acute effects, when intense in industrial regions. They can have chronic effects, which may extend further from the source. In these cases emissions are acting as poisons, and the effects depend on the susceptibility of different plants and animals. In general, wild life, being remote from industry, would seem to be little harmed. However, there is one other way in which air pollution affects wild life, indirectly, by altering the physical environment.
We have noted that as much as two pounds of dirt may be deposited in a year on a square yard of ground near a factory. On the outskirts of our towns, the amount is perhaps an ounce. An ounce is quite a large quantity, more than the weight of pigment necessary to turn a blank paper into a valuable painting. Sheep within a considerable distance of industrial towns are black, and so are tree trunks and most animate and inanimate surfaces after a few months’ exposure. We find that a number of different species of moths, which are normally pale coloured in unpolluted districts, are usually represented by melanic forms which are black or at least much darker than the “normal.” This phenomenon of industrial melanism has been fully reviewed by Dr. E. B. Ford in his book Ecological Genetics, so there is no need to go into details here. It has been established that various moths, and the Peppered Moth (Biston betularia) has been most fully studied, have evolved melanic races which are adapted to their new surroundings. In clean areas, where tree trunks are covered with pale lichens, the typical form of the Peppered Moth is difficult to see. The melanic form is very prominent. This difference is not only apparent to man, but to birds which prey on the insects, and readily take them when resting on trees. In industrial areas, where the trunks are blackened and lichens are comparatively scarce, the melanic form is inconspicuous and is preyed upon least. This phenomenon has demonstrated that evolutionary changes may be more rapid than had previously been imagined. Not all evolutionary changes have such obvious morphological differences as we find in the Peppered Moth, and differences in physiology or behaviour may be selected and perpetuated by pollution, with important effects on wild populations which may spread outside the area in which they first become apparent. Thus many types of organism may be changing to-day, as a result of industrial pollution, with far-reaching effects which we do not yet suspect.
Man-made air pollution occurs where man is most numerous, so we are the species most affected. For this reason we take many steps in the attempt to safeguard our own species. Nevertheless it is man who normally is subject to the highest concentration of pollutants, so that he can be said to be acting as a “guinea-pig” for wild life. This is the reason why the countryside is not more seriously damaged though there is no excuse for complacency, or for underestimating the damage in urban and industrial areas. Suspicions that sulphur dioxide and other substances may be more harmful than is at present accepted may make us even stricter in our controls. Pure air in an industrial civilisation is expensive, but it is possible. Already our larger chemical manufacturers have spent millions of pounds on reducing air pollution. There are even vested interests at work. I saw recently a paper entitled “Long-range economic effects of the 1964 Clean Air Act”; I expected it to deal with improved agriculture and health. In fact it foretold up to fifty per cent increases in sales for equipment to control air pollution! Let us hope this target is reached.
Nevertheless we find it difficult to deal with one form of atmospheric pollution, that is with unpleasant smells. Man is not considered to have his olfactory senses particularly well developed as compared with some other mammals, yet he can detect the presence of many odours at a concentration which cannot easily be confirmed by methods of chemical analysis. Anyone who has suffered from smells from farmyards, manure spreading, piggeries or even from chemical factories knows how difficult it is to have such a nuisance abated. He will probably be told that he will soon “get used to it,” and is only certain of more serious consideration when poisonous substances can be detected in amounts which can be shown to be dangerous. The difficulties of stopping intermittent smells being given out from farms or factories are such, and the legal costs which may be incurred without the certainty of success (and then with the prospect of paying the legal expenses of the persons causing the smell) are so great, that many people sell their houses at a loss (hoping that prospective buyers will call when the wind is in the right direction) and move away to another district.
If other mammals have a so much keener sense of smell, they must be even more distressed, perhaps by odours to which we do not object or which we cannot detect. I know of no proof of animals leaving an area because of a smell which is also not toxic, but it seems probable that this sometimes happens. On the other hand the stench in the dens of some carnivores suggests that they are even more tolerant than man of some types of smell.
There is one important point about air pollution which is not always remembered. People complain, usually quite wrongly, that polluted air is short of oxygen, and they believe that they inhale more of this vital gas in the country or on the top of a mountain than when in a town. In fact there is little change in the amount of oxygen in the air even in the stuffiest room; there is certainly more in a crowded lecture room in London than in the rarer, though purer, air at the top of Ben Nevis. Industrial pollution, except for the undiluted exhaust gases from chimneys and engines, hardly reduces the amount of available oxygen. Carbon dioxide, present in pure air in very small quantities (approx. 0·03 per cent) is indeed increased by pollution, but seldom if ever to a concentration which is harmful to animals, and it may even stimulate plant growth. Man’s breathing is upset by air containing 7 per cent of CO2, and 14 per cent breathed for some minutes can be lethal; such levels of pollution have never been recorded except in such enclcsed spaces as fermentation chambers in breweries. “Stuffiness” is experienced in crowded rooms, but this is not due to the shortage of oxygen or the amount of carbon dioxide. It is due to very small amounts of organic substances given off by the other occupants of the room (“B.O.”), and to shortwave radiation from the walls and people themselves. Many Englishmen – and even more Englishwomen – think a room is stuffy and “polluted” simply because, for once, it is comfortably warm! Polluted air is usually “normal” air, in so far as its content of oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide is concerned, plus the addition of small quantities of added materials. Polluted water, as will be seen in the next chapter, may provide quite different problems.

As was seen in the last chapter, air pollution has proved difficult to study, and many conflicting results have been obtained. Water pollution seems to have provided a more satisfactory topic for investigation. This is not because the subject is simpler; in fact in some ways it is even more complicated. Air almost always contains sufficient oxygen to sustain life, and “pollution” only means adding a lesser or greater amount of some foreign substance to an otherwise wholesome atmosphere. Water, on the other hand, may be greatly depleted of oxygen so that it cannot sustain most kinds of life, or it may have various substances added, so that animals and plants are poisoned. Some waters have both reduced amounts of oxygen and appreciable amounts of poisons in solution; the inter-relations between these factors, and their effects on aquatic animals and plants, may be very complicated. The advantage of water over air, from the point of view of the research worker, is probably that it forms a definite and restricted environment, from which animals cannot easily move. It is therefore possible to study the long-term effects of pollution under fairly constant conditions, and there is no difficulty in demonstrating the serious effects which pollution can produce. It may also be suggested that water is a marketable commodity of considerable economic value, while air is, theoretically at least, “free.” So although fresh water covers under one per cent of the surface area of Britain, there are probably more scientists studying its pollution than there are investigating air which covers one hundred pet cent of the globe, land and water alike.
Several excellent books on water pollution, and books on freshwater dealing authoritatively on aspects of the subject, have been published in recent years. These include The Biology of Polluted Water by H. B. N. Hynes, Fish and River Pollution by J. R. Erichsen Jones, the New Naturalist Life in Lakes and Rivers by T. T. Macan and E. B. Worthington, and Freshwater Ecology by T. T. Macan. The existence of this extensive and easily obtainable literature has enabled me to make this chapter much shorter than would otherwise be desirable, and to deal with the effects of pollution in a rather different way than would have otherwise been possible.
Man’s requirements regarding water are different from those of “wild life” generally. Man demands what he describes as “pure” water; what he really means is “safe” water. This must contain only a minimum amount of salts, and must be free from those bacteria, protozoa and arthropods which might develop in his body and cause disease. Man thus deliberately interrupts the life-cycle of many other forms of life by the various methods of purification which he uses. He is less concerned with the oxygen content of the water than are the fish and insects which live in it. These efforts to produce a pure water supply for city dwellers can even be thought of as a form of “pollution,” in that water catchments alter, and sometimes sterilise, large areas of the countryside. The conflict between Manchester Corporation and many naturalists and others over the fate of much of the English Lake District illustrates this point.
On the other hand, water which, for public health reasons, is considered to be “grossly contaminated” by sewage, may still be, from the biological point of view, a healthy and desirable environment for many animals. But by the deliberate discharge of his domestic and industrial wastes man most greatly affects streams and lakes, and so alters the whole composition of their flora and fauna.
Natural waters may not only be “impure” from man’s point of view because of the parasites they harbour; they may contain many substances, even poisons, without any human intervention. Quite high concentrations, sufficient to poison some fish and many insects, of lead and copper are found in waters which percolate through strata rich in these metals. Streams running through forests, particularly pine forests, may be contaminated with large amounts of organic matter, and the results may be quite similar to those arising from domestic pollution. As a rule a special flora and fauna is found, consisting of plants and animals adapted to such conditions, in these impure waters. Human pollution usually happens so quickly that impoverishment occurs, often without time to allow the introduction of many of these special types of organism.
Primitive man did not seriously harm the aquatic environment. He often lived beside rivers and lakes, and his waste products must have entered the water, but in insufficient quantities to have adverse effects on the flora and fauna. In fact excrement entering the water in this way no doubt contributed to its nutritive value, and the substances it contained entered into the normal cycles. In some of the less developed and less densely populated areas of tropical Africa we can see a similar situation to-day. The streams and ponds are full of healthy fish; the human beings have a rich internal fauna of parasite worms which pass part of their lives in the water, inside small crustaceans or fish. Man in this way contributes to the richness of wild life in his environment.