Полная версия
Consuelo and Alva Vanderbilt: The Story of a Mother and a Daughter in the ‘Gilded Age’
On Saturday 18 October the ‘Diary’ gave way to extensive coverage of Alva’s new house on 72nd Street, complete with elaborate descriptions of the interior, including Consuelo’s boudoir described as ‘the lovely little rooms she will leave behind when she becomes mistress of Blenheim Castle’. As the World pointed out: ‘The happy dwellers in it do not have to spend weeks in hanging pictures, living in one room at a time and so forth, as ordinary mortals do when they move into a new house,’51 but Alva certainly had much else to think about, and this included protecting her future son-in-law from the raw energy of New York’s newspapers. For a few days the tactic seemed to work. The Duke accompanied Consuelo and Mrs Vanderbilt to church on Sunday morning and on the Monday it was announced in the papers that the wedding would take place on 6 November (for some inscrutable reason the Duke refused to be married on Guy Fawkes Day); Walter Damrosch would direct the music; an orchestra of sixty players had been engaged. Letters appeared in the press saying that the Duke’s ‘arrest’ had been ridiculous and inhospitable. On Monday 21 October, he enjoyed a good day’s hunting with the Monmouth Hunt Club in New Jersey. And there, perhaps, matters could have rested.
By Tuesday 22 October, however, the papers were in full flow again, this time because, in a serious public relations blunder, the Duke had refused to pay duty on family jewellery and on wedding presents for Consuelo sent from England. On the face of it, this was not an unreasonable reaction from a man accustomed to making economies. The presents would only be in the States for a very short time before travelling back to England with the bride and groom. But he was about to marry one of the world’s richest heiresses, there was great sensitivity about his motives and his instinctive reaction appeared curmudgeonly, mercenary and mean-spirited, particularly since it was also reported that he had bought four expensive white Kentucky mules which were being shipped back to England (a purchase he later denied). The World
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