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My Journey Through The West (Autobiography)

About The Writer
Wael El-Manzalawy is an Egyptian writer. He was born in 1973. He was graduated from the English Department in the Faculty of Arts. He has a Diploma from the Faculty of Education. He was graduated from an institute for preparing Islamic scholars. He writes articles and short stories in Arabic and English. His articles and short stories were published at many newspapers, magazines and websites.
I was very interested in politics and news. And the result was that I felt that all the western peoples hate us. Although generalization is a very common mistake, I was the victim of this mistake: I listened to the news and I generalized my feelings: all the western peoples hate us and want to destroy our countries.
Since 2003, I began using the Internet. I dealt with many western persons. And gradually my feelings changed. I invite you to read this book and to discover my journey through the Western World.
My Journey Through The Western World
In 2002, I wrote two articles about Islam in English. I sent them to some websites. Unexpectedly, hundreds of websites republished them. They are not Muslims and my articles were about Islam. I expected that the western publishers would be against my writings about Islam. I wished only that they would be neutral. But unexpectedly, the west encouraged my writings about Islam. And thus, the seeds of rethinking about my relationship with the west began to grow.
The forums helped me to understand many western persons. After all, they are –like me- human beings. All human beings have good aspects and they have some defects. It’s our nature. This fact is stated clearly in Islam. The prophet –may the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him- says: “All the sons of Adam are sinful. The best of the sinful are those who repent.” Discussions were helpful for me. They helped me to write more articles and later books.
My first book “Questions And Answers About Islam” was accepted in the pamphlet collection in Congress Library despite the fact that the book and the points of view of the American government are not identical.
Thousands of non-Muslim readers from America and Europe read my e books about Islam. The idea that all the western peoples hate us was changing. Blind hatred throughout history prevents the people from reading the books of their enemies. The blind haters read about their enemies but they don’t read the writings of their enemies.
Regarding the number of readers, my e book “150 Quotes About Success And Life” is the most successful. The story of this book may be interesting. I wanted to be active at Twitter. So, I began to choose some quotes to send them at Twitter. Then, I began to write my own quotes. Then, I decided to choose a group of inspirational quotes. And the result was my book “150 Quotes About Success And Life”. I think that those quotes by many western thinkers are very valuable contributions to the human life. One quote may save many years of your life.
Fortunately, a web site sent me an e mail telling me that I can have a radio interview by paying one hundred dollars only. I used Google and I found RadioGuestList.com. It’s a wonderful site that makes it easy for a writer to have a radio interview. My first interview was with Hollis in HollisChapmanShow on 2nd March 2012. Hollis was really helpful and wonderful.
The Paths Of Success
I think that the most genuine achievement of the Western Civilization is what I call “The Paths Of Success”. In the Western World, there are paths prepared for everyone who wants to succeed. Some persons walk two steps only and give up. Others walk ten kilometers. Others walk one hundred kilometers……..etc. But everyone can have his chance and start the path of success. As a writer –though not belonging to the Western World- I found the following:
1- Free Articles Directories: they published my articles and anyone can publish his articles at these directories.
2- Many other Articles Directories republished my articles.
3- The forums are a very good place for developing ideas and getting feedback.
4- Self Publishing: I could publish my books without paying any money.
5- E Books: I could publish my e books without paying any money.
6- Social Media.
7-Radio Interviews: There are sites like RadioGuestList.com that makes it easy for a writer to be booked for a radio show.
All these paths of success are available for everyone.
The Influence Of The Western Culture On My Writings
My book “150 Quotes About Success And Life” is certainly influenced by the Western Culture. It contains about one hundred quotes by many western thinkers. But I will invite the readers to read the following writings as a symbol of the influence of the Western Culture on my writings:
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