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Vibrational Healing: The only introduction you’ll ever need
The yogis developed a system of natural medicine known as Ayurveda, whose principles have spread throughout Asia and has been handed down from generation to generation. It is still alive today and has recently kindled much interest in the Western world.
One of the oldest Ayurvedic practices is chanting and reciting silent mantras. The repetition of sacred sounds maintains and promotes wellbeing in mind, body and spirit, because of the effect on the body’s energy systems.
The ancient texts of Indian yogic literature describe various energy systems associated with the body. According to the sages the physical body is energized and coordinated by an energetic subtle body called the etheric body. Within this etheric body are vital energy centres known as chakras, which are linked with each other and the nervous system by lines of life force. The chakras gather and hold different forms of energy, and can alter their vibrations so that they can be used for different healing purposes.
Chanting conditions the chakras so that energy flows smoothly throughout the body. When the body’s energies are balanced and free-flowing, the mind is still. When the mind is free of distracting thoughts and the disruptive effects of emotions such as anxiety, fear and guilt, it is possible to enjoy greater access to the soul or higher self. In other words, meditative techniques for bringing peace of mind also revitalize and rebalance the body’s energies. The yogis also discovered that certain movements and body positions encourage prana to flow through the body. Yoga is the classical example of this ancient form of energizing exercise.
Common to Eastern medical and mystical tradition is the idea that the universe is a living organism, a rhythmic vibrational field, infused and permeated with life force. During the third millennium BC the Ancient Chinese philosophy of Taoism emerged which holds that every living organism, as well as the universe itself, is infused and permeated with a rhythmic vibrational energy known as qi or chi. The Japanese call this energy ki, and in India it is referred to as prana.
Taoism teaches that if man lives in harmony with the laws of nature, his whole system will be balanced mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually, because qi will flow freely and evenly through the body.
Problems arise when we consider ourselves to be separate and superior to nature. Nowadays processed and over-refined foods, polluted air and a lack of healthy exercise often distance us from the natural way of life and stifle qi. Emotional stress, an over-indulgent or frenetic lifestyle, injury and illness also block the flow of vital energy. The Taoists suggest that energy imbalances are responsible for us becoming susceptible to emotional upsets such as anger, irritability, sadness and fear. These negative feelings can weaken bodily systems and make us vulnerable to disease.
The early Eastern philosophers devised ways of promoting the free-flow of energy to preserve wellbeing and instil peace of mind. Exercise regimes based on slow, rhythmic movements such as Tai Chi and Qi Gong were devised to balance qi. Today millions of people in China and Japan perform these slow moving, free-flowing movements as part of their daily routine. Various types of massage to encourage the swift and even movement of qi have also been developed. As in India, meditative techniques such as chanting were found to affect qi. In Japan there is also an ancient tradition of drumming which opens up the chakras and stimulates the flow of ki energy.
To understand how vibrational healing works we have to acknowledge the existence of an energy or life force that permeates all living beings. We cannot see or touch this energy, but like the air we breathe, it is essential to life.
For many people living in the West, the idea that there is more to human beings than meets the eye is hard to imagine. In other regions of the world however, especially the Far East and Asia, this view is widely accepted. The traditional medical systems of the Chinese, Japanese, Tibetans, Indonesians, Australian Aborigines and Native Americans all regard this energy as something tangible that can be influenced for better or worse.
The idea that all things are infused with energy is not as mystical as it may seem. Modern physics is beginning to add credibility to what wise men believed all those years ago. In this century it has become old-fashioned to think of things as solid objects, as Newton and his colleagues in the late 17th and early 18th centuries did.
Scientists now believe that our world is composed of energy fields and vibrational wave forms that constantly interact with one another. Indeed, some view the universe as a vast web of inseparable energy patterns.
There is scientific evidence that human beings possess their own energy fields. Dr Saxton Burr, an American researcher and Professor of Anatomy at Yale University Medical School in the mid-1940s, shattered conventional belief when he put forward what he called the electrodynamic theory of life. He suggested that all physical forms, be they human, animal, vegetable or mineral, are held together and governed by electro-magnetic fields of energy which he called life-fields. Although these fields are invisible, their effect can be reproduced by placing a magnet under a card and sprinkling iron filings over it. The filings form a pattern which reflects the magnetic force field.
The life-field, as Dr Burr called the energy field, is like a flexible jelly mould which produces a shape, and the physical body is akin to the jelly. Although physical forms are separate entities, they are linked in terms of energy to all other bodies.
The human electromagnetic energy field can be measured with sensitive instruments such as vacuum tube voltmeters. It responds to the energetic impulses associated with different kinds of thoughts: positive thinking strengthens the energy field, and negative thoughts weaken it. Certain vibrational wave forms in the environment also influence our energy field. Fluctuations in the Earth’s electromagnetic field, for example, have a direct effect on our vitality and health.
Western medical science has made extensive studies of the Earth’s electromagnetic field. Careful monitoring has shown that there is a link between field flow (the strength of intensity of the electromagnetic currents or waves) and the occurrence of viral and bacterial epidemics. In short we are locked into a life-field which links and affects us all.
For centuries healers have been working with different energy systems described by ancient medical and esoteric teachings. To grasp the principles of vibrational healing it is helpful to know a little about these.
Since time immemorial artists and mystics have seen auras. Ancient Indian sculptures, Aboriginal rock paintings and Native American totem sculptures all show figures surrounded by light or with lines emanating from their bodies. Around 500 BC the Pythagoreans of Ancient Greece were the first to describe the aura as a luminous body. They believed its light could produce a variety of effects in humans.
The aura is an invisible, yet luminous kind of radiation which resembles a halo surrounding the physical body. It has parallels with the electromagnetic force field, in that it surrounds the body with a field of biomagnetic energy, which acts as a barometer of the body’s physiological pro-cesses. All life forms possess an aura, composed of vibrational frequencies emitted by fundamental particles of the body.
Human auras vary widely in size, density and colour and consist of different coloured light rays, each associated with an organ of the body. The vibrancy and hue of an aura depends on the person’s spiritual evolution as well as his or her general health. The more balanced and healthy you are, the greater your auric field.
The shape, colour and strength of the rays vary from person to person, reflecting their personality, mood, emotions and experiences. For example, a lot of red in an aura indicates the presence of anger, while blue relates to idealism. Those who have auras with soft edges are susceptible to the influence of others, while a hard, distinct outline may indicate a person with a defensive or aggressive attitude resulting from deep insecurity.
The aura is a reflection of the immune system. The stronger your aura, the more resilient you are to illness. An aura can radiate some three or four feet from the body, its energy infusing the whole subtle body system (see below). In ill health, the aura shrinks back close to the body in an attempt to conserve vital energy.
The subtle bodies are layers of energy. They can be visualized as seven bands of light encasing and emanating from the physical body. Each layer vibrates at a slightly different frequency and can be defined by its colour, density and appearance. Each has a specialized function and influences various emotional, mental and physical processes.
Etheric body or lining – the first subtle body, which lies between the physical and other subtle bodies to sustain a dynamic equilibrium between them. An energetic replica of the physical body containing a blueprint of all the organs.
Emotional body – the seat of the emotions. When the emotional body is in balance it brings emotional security and stability.
Mental body – reflects mental activity and enables us to think clearly and rationally. It contains the structures of our thoughts and ideas.
Astral body – encapsulates the entire personality. When it is in balance we are more likely to have an intuitive understanding of events and the flow of life.
Causal body – the seat of willpower, it facilitates interaction with other people and events, allowing us to fulfil our personal destinies. The gateway to higher consciousness.
Celestial or Soul body – houses our spiritual essence and is, in a sense, the higher self which allows the soul to move freely through us.
Spiritual or Illuminated body – a fusion of the whole subtle anatomy with the physical body. Our basic energetic blueprint resides here.
Etheric envelope – forms a protective outer coating around the subtle bodies.
Immunofluidum – contains and transports qi.
Like other energy systems, the subtle bodies can become congested with inappropriate energetic vibrations. In the mental body, congestion usually takes the form of half-formed, unclear thoughts which mount up like piles of rubbish and prevent clear thinking. Similarly, unexpressed desires and emotions cloud the emotional body. Lack of exercise and sunshine, or an excess of junk food can muddy the etheric body. Each body can also become over-stimulated and this can lead to a variety of health problems.
Finally, a condition known as lack of coordination can occur between the mental and emotional bodies, between the emotional and etheric or more commonly between the etheric and the physical bodies. When the etheric body is not properly linked to the physical you are likely to experience chronic fatigue and in extreme cases frailty.
Traditional Chinese Medicine sees subtle energy (qi or chi) as taking the form of vibrational waves. The qi flows along a system of channels known as meridians. The first reference to this energy network is found in the Nei Ching or Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine which is around 4,500 years old.

The subtle anatomy of mankind
These channels form an intricate web through the body, like a second nervous system. It connects the physical body to the subtle energy bodies surrounding it.
There are 12 pairs of meridians, and each pair is associated with a different organ system or function, such as the heart, lungs or liver. There are also a further eight energy channels known as the extraordinary meridians which hover in between the etheric and physical bodies. They act as an energy reservoir and are closely connected with our vitality and state of mind. Their prime function is to feed the main meridians with qi. Traditional Chinese Medicine maintains that good health and peace of mind are inextricably linked to the smooth and even flow of qi through the body.
Eastern medical and mystical traditions share the notion that special energy centres known as chakras play a vital role in moving energy around the body. There are seven major chakras which are inextricably linked to the meridian system.
The chakras act as energy transformers, simultaneously receiving, assimilating and transmitting various types of energy. They can be imagined as many-petaled, vibrantly coloured flowers which are attached by invisible threads to the spine. The ‘petals’, known as nadis, are woven into the nervous system, which runs through the spine. They distribute the energy of each chakra into the physical body. The chakras are continuously opening to receive information about the state of the subtle bodies, and closing again, rather like anemones.
There are seven chakras which govern major glands in the endocrine system and influence physical and psychological health. Each chakra has its own ‘pulse rate’ and can alter its vibration so its energy can be used for different purposes. Some vibrate very quickly, others more slowly, depending largely on the ways in which we use and regard our bodies. Each chakra also has its own note (see here).
If one chakra is not functioning properly it affects those above and below it. Ideally the top chakras should vibrate faster and more subtly than the lower ones, but this is not always the case and heavy vibrations can appear in all the centres.

The energy systems described above are all interlinked (see illustration here). There is a constant interplay between them, so they effectively function as an energetic whole. They can be visualized as translucent layers held in place with thin membranes which separate yet allow the energies to diffuse into one another.
All seven subtle bodies enter and leave the body through chakras, which tie in with the meridian system. The meridians pass through the organs of the body. The extraordinary meridians link up with the subtle bodies and the aura, interfacing with the whole subtle anatomy system.
The entire energy system is in a continuous state of motion – the different energies are like swirling mists of colour and light interacting and receiving information from each other. They are constantly inter-changing, redistributing and rebalancing themselves.
In a perfect world we would all have abundant energy and our energy systems would function smoothly. This state of energetic harmony and balance is associated with health, vitality, emotional stability, mental clarity, contentment, fulfilment and a sense of being on the right path in life. The energy systems usually function smoothly in newborn babies, but as we proceed on our journey through life the systems are thrown off balance for numerous reasons.
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