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Stockyard Snatching
At thirty-three, she’d had everything she thought she wanted, a nice house, a Suburban and a husband. She’d believed she was on the track to happiness, and it was easy to ignore shortcomings in her marriage to Robert considering how much time she spent at the office. He worked all the time, too.
Within weeks of learning the devastating news, her entire life had turned upside down, and all she could do was kick herself for not seeing it coming earlier. All those times Robert had decided to stay late at the office even when she’d made special arrangements to leave early... And she’d been too busy to really notice how frequent his ski trips had become—ski trips she later realized hadn’t been with his best friend, but with his coworker Olivia Gail.
In fact, he’d been on the road more than he was home and Kate felt like an idiot for thinking he was working hard to secure a future for their family, too.
Whatever love had been between them had died long before she’d been willing to acknowledge it. Or had she kept herself too busy to notice? Too busy to face the reality of the loneliness that had become her life?
She’d been trapped with a husband who cared for her but didn’t love her. And the worst part was that she’d kept convincing herself that they’d be able to get back what they’d had in the early days of their relationship as soon as she had more time or had a baby. How crazy was it to think a child would somehow make things better, make them a family?
To make matters worse, Kate Williams didn’t give up. Hard work and staying the course had made her business a success. It had gotten her through a difficult childhood with a mother who was bent on controlling her. Was her mother’s lack of real love the reason Kate had fallen for Robert in the first place? Was she seeking approval from someone who would never give it?
Robert had been all about keeping his tee time and staying on track with his future career plans. He even seemed content to have a family with Kate though he no longer loved her.
And then when the disappointing news had come that having a baby would be next to impossible, he’d started traveling even more. He’d lost interest in her sexually.
Kate had reasoned that he needed time to process the news, as she did. It was a bomb she’d never expected to be dropped on her, especially not when her biological clock wouldn’t expire for years.
Robert’s decision to give up on the marriage shouldn’t have come as a complete shock. Except that she’d ignored or made excuses for every single one of the signs that it was coming.
Given the amount of time he had spent calculating return on investment with his stock portfolio, she should’ve realized he’d cut his losses with her when she was no longer a good deal. Apparently, she hadn’t been worth the risk. It had taken Robert about six weeks to divest himself of her.
Kate had signed the divorce papers and then made a life-changing decision.
She was going to have a family anyway.
When she’d told Carter, her brother, he’d scoffed at the idea, initially telling her to take a long vacation instead. Then he’d reminded her how much she’d be hurting their mother, as if Charlotte Williams hadn’t already made her position clear throughout the whole divorce. Chip and Charlotte had been the perfect parents, to hear her mother talk about their life.
Kate had been clear on what she wanted, and being a mother had more to do with love than DNA, so she’d decided to adopt.
Carter came to his senses, apologized and then located the best adoption attorney he could find.
Not long after, Kate had sold her interests in the company and moved to Bluff.
Life might have thrown her a twist, but that didn’t mean she had to roll over and take it.
The move had given her a new lease on life. Becoming Jackson’s mother was the greatest joy she’d experienced. And, dammit, no one would take that or him away from her.
A voice she immediately recognized as Allen’s boomed from the other room.
Kate popped to her feet. “Why’s he here?” she asked, glancing from Tommy to Dallas.
“I’ll be interviewing everyone on your staff,” the sheriff said, drawing her gaze back to him. “Would your family members be willing to come down and speak to us, as well?”
“My family?” she echoed, as Allen walked into the office.
“What’s going on?” he asked, concern widening his eyes as he zeroed in on Kate and the baby.
Dallas stepped in front of her, blocking his path.
“Did something happen?” Allen shouted over him. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine now,” she said, hating that her employees would be worried.
“Will someone please tell me what’s going on?” Allen begged, and there was desperation in his voice as he was being hauled away.
* * *
DALLAS POSITIONED HIMSELF near the two-way mirror on the other side of the interview room. His cup of coffee had long ago gone cold, but holding on to it gave him something to do with his hands.
“Miss Williams authorized my department to take a look at your computer,” Tommy said to Allen.
“So what?” The confusion on the guy’s face was either an award-worthy acting job or he really didn’t have a clue.
“Would you agree to give one of my deputies access to your house?” Tommy asked. He knew full well that an innocent guy would have nothing to hide.
“Not until you tell me what this is about,” Allen retorted.
Fair enough.
“We’re looking for information that will aid an ongoing investigation,” Tommy hedged.
“One that involves my boss.” It wasn’t a question.
The lawman nodded.
“Look, I would do anything to help Kate. She’s like family to me,” Allen said. “But I have no idea what’s going on.”
So asking out a family member was okay in Allen’s book? Dallas covered up his cough.
“And I’m not sure how invading my privacy will accomplish your mission, so I’m afraid you’ll have to tell me a little bit more about what you think you’ll find,” Allen added.
Dallas had been sure this guy was guilty as sin, but something was gnawing at him and he couldn’t figure out what. He might be covering for a crush he had on his boss and didn’t want to be embarrassed any further.
Based on his actions so far, Allen was coming across as a concerned friend. But then, he might just be that good at acting.
Dallas returned to Tommy’s office, where Kate waited.
“How long has Allen worked for you?” he asked.
“He was my first hire,” she said, looking as if she was about to be sick. “So, about six months now.”
“Do want water or something else to drink?” Dallas asked.
She shook her head and mumbled that she was fine.
Tommy walked in.
“How would you characterize your relationship with Allen Lentz?” he asked Kate.
“Professional,” she retorted.
“I had to ask.” Tommy brought his hand up defensively.
“But he wasn’t kidding about our office being like a family. Do you really think he broke into my house and stole my laptop and adoption files?” she asked Tommy, looking as if she was trying to let that possibility sink in.
“Not completely, no,” he answered. “It doesn’t mean he’s not involved, though. The kidnapping attempt could’ve been a distraction while the burglar got what he really wanted.”
Kate pinched the bridge of her nose as though staving off a headache.
Tommy’s cell buzzed. He glanced at the screen. “If you’ll excuse me.”
Kate nodded as Tommy hurried out of the room.
Dallas didn’t say that none of this added up quite in the way he wanted it to. All her employees would know that she was already at the soup kitchen. If someone wanted her laptop and adoption files, all he had to do was break in while she was gone. But it was clear that her adoption was at the center of the kidnapping attempt. Could someone be trying to erase the paperwork trail? “Do you ever go back to your place after leaving for work?”
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