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Mistletoe Twins
“That’s why you went out with Kent Krane from high school.” He gaped when she nodded. “I always wondered what you saw in him.”
“Kent was handsome enough to be a Prince Charming, but he wasn’t for me.” She smiled sadly. “Before I met Rafe, after Jeff dumped me—”
“Jeff?” Mac frowned.
“A guy from my church in Edmonton.” Adele sighed. “I dated several. I’d pray about those dates, wait for God to stop me or let me know those men weren’t the one. When He didn’t, I’d go out for coffee with them. Or lunch. Or to adult fellowship. Whatever.” She couldn’t read Mac’s expression, but she was pretty sure he thought she was an idiot. “None of them fit my list.”
“Until Rafe.” He waited for her nod. “Let me guess. He was attentive, he was fun and he made your heart speed up.”
“Yes, all of it.” She thrust out her chin when he smiled. “What’s wrong with that?”
“Nothing if he was the one. But he wasn’t. Can I take a stab at guessing why?”
“I already told you why. But go ahead.” Adele looked as if she wished she’d never told him anything.
“Don’t take this the wrong way, but you, dear friend Adele, like perfection. Never a hair out of place, even when you’re cooking full tilt. Your chef’s whites are probably always pristine, right?”
“I try,” she acknowledged. “So what? You’re making me sound as if I’m suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder,” she complained.
“No, I’m not saying that at all.” Mac paused.
While recuperating after the amputation, he’d had sessions with a psychotherapist, during which Mac had talked about Adele, a lot. It had helped him avoid facing his own truth. The therapist had offered insights that helped Mac understand much more about her and about his friendship with her. Maybe he should shut up now, but Delly was his friend and he wanted to help her.
“What are you saying, Mac?” she demanded in a testy tone.
“Sweetie, you were a kid who lived in a place of turmoil. Everybody deals with things differently. After my brother died, I rode broncs, the worst ones. I needed to feel like I was challenging life.”
“You were.” Adele tossed him a cheeky grin.
“Agreed. You coped with your messed-up world by learning to bring order from chaos. Once you had things in order, perfect, you were able to deal with them.”
“I guess.” At least she was listening.
“Delly, I think it’s the same in your love life. You’re looking for perfection.” Mac met her glare head-on. “I mean that sincerely. Even today, after a long car ride with two active kids, you look as if you stepped off a magazine page.” He grinned as a thump sounded from the depths of the house. “The kids did, too, though I doubt they do now.”
She rolled her eyes.
“What I’m trying to say is that there’s no man alive who could get a perfect grade from you.” He immediately wished those words unsaid.
“That’s not very nice, Mac,” she snapped, making her sound cold, the pain in her eyes telling Mac that he’d gone too far. And Adele Parker was anything but cold. “I only told you that so that you’d understand why I am no longer considering marriage.”
“You couldn’t maybe consider living with less than your dream of husband perfection?” he teased, striving for a little lightness. When she shook her head, he sighed. “So instead you’ll settle for single parenthood.” Mac squeezed his eyes closed, then sighed. “I give up.”
* * *
Adele didn’t like Mac saying he gave up on her. But she didn’t have time to think about it before his next question.
“What’s the news on your sister?” he asked.
“There isn’t any.” Adele sighed with frustration before explaining, “As you know, Gina went to a foster home like me. After that, it’s as if she disappeared. No one in the foster system can or will tell me anything. I’m beginning to wonder if I’ll ever find her.”
“You will.” Mac sounded confident.
“God willing.” She wanted to see Gina so badly. God didn’t want her to marry but didn’t He want her reunion with Gina?
“How did you get involved with Francie and Franklyn?” Mac asked.
“After Victoria had baby Grace I guess my maternal instinct kicked in. I never realized how much I love kids until I held Grace. I was already involved with the Big Sister program, but little Grace got me interested in foster parenting, just on weekends mostly. Or overnight. That’s how I met the twins. They stole my heart.”
“I can understand that. They’re quite the pair.” Mac smiled.
“Since marriage isn’t an option, I’ve decided to build my family by adoption while I keep searching for Gina.” She held her breath, hoping for his approval.
But Mac frowned. “Um, Adele—”
“Please don’t lecture me how I’m going about it all wrong, Mac. How I need to be married to have kids, how a man should be part of the twins’ lives.” Adele made a face. “People always say that’s God’s ideal plan, and given the perfect partner, I’d agree. But I haven’t found him, and life is moving on.”
“We’re the same age. We’re not old!” Mac’s protest made her smile. “Are we?”
“No,” she said gently. “But it’s not about you and me, Mac. Those two sweet kids lost their parents in a car accident. They don’t have a mom and a dad anymore.” The usual bubble of anger built inside her. “They’re growing up being shuffled from one crowded foster home to the next. That’s not right. Francie and Franklyn can’t wait for my Prince Charming to show up.”
If Mac was surprised by her passion, he didn’t show it. He simply waited for her to continue.
“I’d go to the foster care office and keep seeing Francie’s and Franklyn’s sad little faces as they waited to be shunted to their next home.” She pursed her lips. “Do you know what their foster parents complained about most?”
Mac frowned, shook his head.
“That they’re too wild. That was one of Rafe’s issues, too.” She wrinkled her nose at the memory, then continued. “They’re just normal, active, healthy kids who need some time and attention.” She thrust out her chin. “I’m going to give them that and lots of love.”
“Good for you.” Mac sounded sincere.
Somehow Adele hadn’t expected that acceptance. “Thank you.”
Unnerved by his intense scrutiny and the way it made her stomach do odd dances it had never done before, Adele shifted her gaze to the big kitchen window overlooking their valley. The late-afternoon sun sinking behind the not-too-distant peaks of the Canadian Rockies turned the sky into a wild profusion of oranges, reds and purples that seemed full of possibility.
That was why she’d come back to The Haven. For the possibility of having a family to love.
“Are you really okay about your breakup, Delly?”
“Totally.” She faced him, her heart thudding with pleasure at the sight of that familiar, tousled beach-bum-blond hair. “I’m so glad you’re back, Mac,” she said quietly. “I’ve missed you.”
“Because your beau is gone?” His mouth spread wide in a teasing grin.
“No. Because you’ve always been my best friend. I doubt you’ve missed me, though.” She studied his face. “You haven’t texted or emailed in ages.”
“No.” Mac met her stare with a blank look, then changed the subject. “Dad said there have been a lot of foster kids staying here lately.”
“He didn’t explain? That’s my foster aunties’ newest ministry. That’s why I’m here.” Seeing his confusion, Adele clarified, “Tillie and Margaret had this genius idea that The Haven could become a temporary refuge for troubled foster kids. They decided this big old house with its attached grounds, cabins and acres of forest were perfect for it, so they convinced Victoria to become managing director of their new outreach. It’s really taken off.”
“Those ladies just can’t stop being missionaries, can they? Not even after retiring from the mission field, raising you four foster girls or ministering through their letter writing campaign to folks serving in the military. And that’s not mentioning all their church work.” He shook his head. “Not exactly a quiet retirement.”
“I doubt the aunties will ever stop being missionaries,” Adele said fondly.
“I was the recipient of a few of their letters while I was flying, you know. Their ability to encourage and inspire is amazing.” Mac’s eyes softened, his voice affectionate. “I admire the ladies for starting another undertaking in what—their seventies?”
“Seventy-five, but Aunt Tillie and Aunt Margaret won’t let age stop them. Now that Vic’s on board she’s pushing to add even more activities, which I’m guessing is why she suggested trail rides to your dad.” She glanced around. “I’m here to handle the kitchen end of the operation.”
“Good for you, Delly,” he cheered.
“We’ll see.” Adele pushed the plate of wafers toward him. “Store-bought, I’m afraid, but help yourself.” As he eagerly grabbed three she said, “Hey, if you’re going to be around for a while, you can be the official taste tester for my baking.” Maybe then Mac would explain his plans.
“I happen to be extremely good at tasting baking, especially if it’s not from Mom’s kitchen.” He chuckled at her grimace. “What’s the pay for an official taste tester, Chef Adele?”
“Food. And you can use me as a reference.” She liked the way his smile lit up his whole face. Mac didn’t just nod like Rafe did while he continued with his own thoughts. Mac really listened. “You’re back to take over the Double M.” His face altered so she added uncertainly, “That’s the plan, isn’t it?”
“Once it was.” Mac swept the crumbs off the place mat and into his napkin, but his expression gave away little. “The parents certainly think their ranch is where I belong.”
“You don’t?” She blinked in surprise at his diffident response.
“The ranch, especially the stables, was always Carter’s dream.” His face tightened. When Carter, his elder brother, had died over ten years ago from brain cancer, Adele had comforted Mac through his loss. “I haven’t quite figured out my future, Delly.”
“But you are finished with the military?”
Mac McDowell had been the talk of nearby Chokecherry Hollow when, in the middle of his second year of college, he’d deserted his agricultural studies for the military. Now he was home again.
“Well, I’m back on the ranch.” Mac’s lips pinched tight before he forced a grin on his handsome face. His words made it sound like nothing had changed.
But Adele wasn’t so sure that was true. Today everything felt different. Her bestie didn’t seem the same and it wasn’t only because Mac had lost part of his arm. She had a strange feeling that he needed her help, though she wasn’t sure with what or that he would even accept it.
“So now what, Mac?” she pressed.
Chapter Two
Exactly. Now what?
Mac had no clue. That was why he’d come to The Haven today. He’d hoped to talk to Adele’s aunts, to seek their advice about finding God’s plan for his future. The army chaplain had insisted He had one, but if so, Mac couldn’t figure it out.
“Hey, pal. Did I say something wrong?” Adele’s perfect heart-shaped face scrunched up with concern, golden brows drawn together.
“No, I’m just not sure what comes next for me. Mom and Dad have talked for years about taking a cruise to Australia. They’re hinting that I could run the ranch, decide if I want to do it permanently, while they’re away.” His eyes darkened. “I want them to go. Dad’s heart isn’t great. I know it’s the stress of the ranch. They deserve a holiday. But...”
Mac hated the uncertainty in his voice. It sounded like weakness and he despised being weak almost as much as he despised himself for not owning up to his mistake, the one that caused his accident, the one that cost...
“You don’t feel well enough to take over?” Adele frowned. “How long ago was the crash, Mac? No one told me about it or I’d have come to see you.”
“I didn’t want visitors.”
When she blinked at his harsh tone Mac forced himself to relax. Adele had always tried to fix things. For everyone. She didn’t know that what he’d done was unfixable and, if he wasn’t careful, with her intuition she might learn the truth about his accident. Mac did not want that.
“The crash happened months ago, Delly, and it was a long, hard recovery. It’s a good thing you didn’t see how bad a patient I was,” he teased, then quickly changed the subject. “Anyway, it’s your own fault you didn’t hear. You’ve been living it up in Edmonton. Everyone in town is raving about your success, Madame Chef.”
“Catering for the bigwigs and all their corporate parties was fun,” Adele agreed. “But after breaking up with Rafe—” She shrugged as if it didn’t matter, but there was a glint in those eyes that told Mac differently. “It was time to move on. Anyway, I want to be part of this new work at The Haven. But we were talking about you.”
“Not much to say.” Now he was the one pretending. “I lost my hand and part of my arm when I crashed because I took stupid, reckless chances. I deserve what I got.” Dave didn’t. He shook off the guilty despair that always hovered. “At least my brain still works. Mostly.”
“Stop doing that, will you?” No surprise, Adele wasn’t buying his pretense. “We’ve been friends a long time, Mac. Even though we’ve been out of touch for a while, I can still tell when you’re not okay. Tell me what’s really bothering you.”
“Bossy as ever, aren’t you?” But he couldn’t lie, not with always-tell-the-truth Delly. “I guess I’m afraid to take over the ranch.”
“Got that. Why?”
“It’s taking me a while to come to terms with not flying again, not feeling that rush of excitement.” Mac knew his response wouldn’t end her questions and it wasn’t the whole truth, but he couldn’t possibly tell her everything. “Ranching now seems pretty tame compared to flying.”
“Tame? You always loved ranching.” Adele frowned, obviously trying to understand. “Chokecherry Hollow’s rodeo starts next week. Granted it’s not the world’s largest, but you never met a rodeo you didn’t enter.”
“I can’t ride anymore, Delly.” He moved his stump.
“Why not?” As kids, she’d always played tough guy, countering his excuses with perfect logic, just like now. “You never needed two hands to ride broncs before, Mac. I distinctly remember you telling me it was all in the legs.”
“I’m still healing from my injuries,” he quipped, hating this defensive feeling.
“Making ranching and riding impossible?” Frowning, Adele leaned forward to peer into his eyes. “Impossible has never been in your vocabulary, McDowell. What’s the real reason you don’t want to stay on the Double M?”
She knew him too well. Mac took a moment to admire the glossy sheen of her golden hair, left free for once so it could cascade past her shoulders in a tumble of curls that was neither messy nor unkempt. No matter what she was doing, Adele always looked perfectly put together.
“I’m not the same person I was when we left high school, Delly,” he warned softly.
“Who is?” she shot back. “Life’s changed you as much as it’s changed me. But at heart we’re the same people God created.” Her bright amber eyes shone. She looked and sounded so confident in her faith.
Why wasn’t he?
“’S’cuse me.” The little girl, Francie, stood in the doorway. But neither she nor her brother behind her looked happy.
“What is it, sweetie?”
The little girl launched herself into Adele’s arms. “I don’t wanna stay here, Delly,” she wailed.
Though slightly chagrined that his special moniker for his bestie had been usurped by these two mini-heartbreakers, Mac’s annoyance quickly metamorphosed into a rush of compassion as the girl wept as though her heart would break. He choked up just witnessing her misery.
“Sweetheart, what’s wrong?” Adele swung Francie onto her knee and wrapped her other arm around Franklyn. “You tell me, Franklyn,” she prodded when Francie couldn’t stop sobbing.
“Those aunties said we hafta have different rooms.” A hint of anger underlay Franklyn’s glowering expression. “Francie don’t want to.”
Adele lifted her head and shrugged at Mac helplessly. The shimmering glow of mother love in her beautiful eyes made him gulp.
“Where do you want to sleep, Francie?” she asked.
“Me an’ Franklyn like sharin’.” Francie sniffed and rubbed her eyes. “When the bad dreams c-come—” And there she went again, bawling her heart out. Mac felt utterly helpless, and he hated it.
“Sweetheart, did the aunties say you had to have two rooms?” Adele gently smoothed away Francie’s tears, smiling when the child shook her head. “Then you’re crying because you think they’ll make you?”
“I guess.” Francie sniffed, then frowned when Tillie and Margaret appeared, slightly out of breath. “Won’t they?”
“Of course not. Why didn’t you tell them what you wanted?” Adele asked gently.
“We’re not s’posed to make a fuss.” Franklyn’s grave tone made Mac blink. Adele was alert, too. He could tell she was fighting off her annoyance because her back suddenly straightened as it always had when they were in school and someone had irritated her.
“It’s not a fuss to say if you don’t want to do something, Franklyn,” he intervened to give Adele a moment to regroup. “Otherwise, how will people know what you want?”
“But the lady at that office where we go said we gotta—Ow!” Franklyn rubbed his arm and glared at Francie. “She pinched me.”
“She’s going to apologize,” Adele promised with a reproving glance at Francie. “But first I need to say something to both of you and I want you to listen very carefully.”
Mac had to stifle a chuckle at the uh-oh look filling Francie’s face.
“This is The Haven. It isn’t like other places you’ve stayed before. It’s different.” Adele had to see their skepticism because Mac sure did.
He was also very aware of Tillie and Margaret standing in the doorway, worried and probably praying for the two waifs. But Delly was right. The Haven was like no other place on earth.
“Here you may ask for whatever you need. You won’t ever get in trouble for asking. You may not always get what you ask for, but we can’t help you if you don’t ask.” Adele continued, gently but firmly, “And you don’t have to be afraid here. We love you both and we’re all going to do everything we can to make sure you’re happy. Okay?”
Franklyn nodded but it seemed Francie wasn’t quite convinced.
“C’n Franklyn an’ me sleep in the same room an’ c’n it be blue, light not dark, an’ c’n we have lotsa toys ’n’ everything?” she asked in a rush.
“Hmm, let’s see.” Adele’s face glowed as she glanced at Mac. “Yes, yes, yes and maybe. Okay?”
“Uh-huh.” Clearly shocked, Francie stared at Franklyn as if to ask if he believed it.
“Good. An apology?” She waited, one eyebrow arched as the little girl asked her brother’s forgiveness and, receiving it, hugged him. “Now, do you have any other questions, or should we get our things from the car and begin unpacking?” Adele noted Francie’s grin at her brother. “What’s that look about?”
“C’n me ’n’ Franklyn have some candy?” the little girl asked, eyes sparkling with fun.
“Not before supper.” Adele rolled her eyes at Mac. “Always a test. Jackets on, children. Let’s get busy. But first—”
She didn’t have to admonish twice. Francie walked over to the aunties and smiled.
“I’m sorry,” she said quietly. “I din’t know. Thanks for lettin’ us stay here.”
“Child, you’re very welcome.” Tears welled in Tillie’s eyes as she brushed her hand against Francie’s blond pigtails. “Such pretty hair, just like our Adele’s.”
“Two more children in the house. How lovely.” Margaret clasped her hands together as she thought it through. “We have a pretty blue room with two beds and a wonderful window seat made just for stories. Will that do?”
The children nodded eagerly. Tillie couldn’t seem to help smoothing Franklyn’s curly hair, to no avail, in Mac’s opinion.
“See how easy that was?” Adele chided the children. “Come on now. Time to get busy.”
Jackets on, they hurried out the door, but Mac hung back.
“Dear boy, I do hope you’ll be dropping by frequently now that both you and Adele are home,” Tillie enthused.
Immediately enveloped in a cloud of scent Delly had once informed him was the aunts’ favorite lemon verbena, Mac felt like he had come home.
“Thank you. Have you been skiing, Tillie? I’m envious of your tan.” Other than the tan, the identical twin sisters were almost impossible to tell apart.
“Everyone’s envious, dear. Especially Margaret, though she won’t try a bottled tan. I love it.” Tillie’s face saddened. “I’m so sorry about you and your copilot’s injuries. We’ve been praying for you both.”
“Er—thank you.” He gulped. He hadn’t responded to their letters. So how did the aunts know about Dave? And what else did they know? Did they know Mac had caused his buddy’s wounds? Did they know he’d never told the truth about the crash?
“If there’s any way we can help, dear, you have only to ask,” Margaret said, patting his shoulder.
“Well—” He exhaled. “I would like to speak to the two of you privately at your convenience. I need some advice.”
“We’d be pleased to help.” Margaret smiled. “Shall we text you with a suitable time?”
“Thank you.” Mac blinked. The two of them texted. Why was he surprised? No one could call the Spenser sisters old-fashioned. “That would be great.”
“Fine. Now, sister, we’d better help our family move in.” Tillie chuckled. “Oh, I love the sound of that word. Family. Want to help?” she asked Mac brightly.
“Of course.” Mac held their coats, then ushered them outside, ensuring they carried only the lightest of items. He’d made his third trip in when the grandfather clock in the hall chimed. He froze.
“Something wrong?” Adele, arms loaded with boxes, stopped short.
“The time. I told Mom I’d only be gone ten minutes and it’s been over an hour.” Mac set down his load. “Sorry, but I have to get home. See you later everyone.”
“Come for a meal anytime,” Adele offered as she walked him to his truck.
“Like I’d miss an opportunity to eat your cooking,” he scoffed. “Not a chance, Delly.” He lowered his voice. “I’m just wondering, is Francie and Franklyn’s stay here unlimited? There’s no chance they’ll be removed?”
Mac could have kicked himself when a little voice piped up, “Me an’ Franklyn are stayin’ with Delly forever.”
Francie stood behind him, blond pigtails reminding Mac of a very determined Adele when she’d first arrived at The Haven with her three foster sisters.
“Good,” he said, with a smile, wishing he’d made sure his questions couldn’t be overheard.
“Delly said we might get ’dopted. That means get a fam’ly,” she explained. She tilted her head to one side, studying him. “Maybe Delly will ’dopt you, too, Mr. Mac.”
Wondering if he looked like he needed Adele to care for him and oddly attracted by the thought, Mac chose his words carefully.
“Call me Mac, okay? No Mister.” He smiled at them. “It was very nice to meet you, Francie, and you, Franklyn,” he added when the boy appeared beside his sister. “I’ll see you soon. You, too, Delly. Bye.”
He returned Adele’s wave but remained still, listening as she reassured the two orphaned kids.
“Mac has his own family, honey.” Adele’s sweet voice made even Mac feel better.
“Oh.” Francie sounded deflated.
“So, he’s not gonna be the daddy in our fam’ly?” Franklyn sounded disappointed. “When will we be one?”
“We’re already a family, darling, because we’re together,” Adele assured him. “It’s going to take some time before the judge officially tells us that we can stay together, and things might not go exactly the way we want, so you’ll have to be patient.” That was Delly, always telling the truth, painful or not.
Mac watched the kids’ faces fall in disappointment and half wished Adele had shelved her insistence on honesty for a while, at least until the children had settled in to The Haven. He also half wished he’d told her the whole truth about his accident. Because it wasn’t going to get any easier.