Exotic Erotica Bundle: Invite Me In / Tokyo Rendezvous / Soul Strangers
Exotic Erotica Bundle: Invite Me In / Tokyo Rendezvous / Soul Strangers

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Exotic Erotica Bundle: Invite Me In / Tokyo Rendezvous / Soul Strangers

Язык: Английский
Год издания: 2019
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Exotic Erotica Bundle

Invite Me In: An Erotic Short Story

Tokyo Rendezvous

Soul Strangers

Table of Contents

Invite Me In: An Erotic Short Story

By Delilah Devlin

Tokyo Rendezvous

By Jina Bacarr

Soul Strangers

By Eden Bradley

Invite Me In: An Erotic Short Story

By Delilah Devlin

You must invite me in.

I awoke from my dreams, emerging through the dark strata to find my heart pounding against my chest, soft cotton sheets tangled around my limbs. I noted the hour on my digital clock—midnight. Listened to rain pinging on the tiles of my balcony. Yes, I was awake.

Invite me in.

The voice wasn’t a part of any sensual dream. I felt it like a physical caress. The rasp of his words and insistent tone slithered sinuously along my hip, wrapped around my spine, crept upward like the glide of a warm palm to lift goose bumps on my naked skin—until, at last, he whispered in my ear.

Open to me.

I recognized the deep tones and slight inflections of an indiscernible accent. I’d heard it before, several nights ago, echoing in my mind.

Even then, I’d known he was different. Never had a voice reached me without my seeking it first.

Perhaps that was the reason his dark, primal passion resonated so deeply inside me. Only, I knew that wasn’t the whole truth. I shied away from the fact I found him every bit as irresistible as did the woman next door who had more men passing through her door than the Saints’ locker room.

He was back—the one with the wicked kisses and silky caresses—and soon he’d be sliding into bed with her. Although why, when she’d barely satisfied him the last time, I didn’t understand.

I told myself I was on a deadline, I couldn’t afford to lose sleep—but her delight was palpable. What was it about him that made him such an overwhelming temptation?

Curious, I relaxed the defenses I instinctively threw up to ward off the sensations that swept through my body when people nearby began to lose themselves to passion.

For once, I waited eagerly for the intrusion of carnal thoughts drifting in the ether. I reached out, finding the slender threads of their spirits as they lifted, intertwined, and followed them back into her room. Because I could only meld with one, I chose her.

Her eagerness flooded me with heat. Already, her breasts tingled and tightened…as did mine.

He stepped closer. I knew because she inhaled sharply, dragging in the fragrance clinging to his cheeks and dampened hair. His scent, redolent with the aroma of fresh rain and heated male musk, slowly filled my nostrils.

In moments, his lips glided across her mouth, fastening to suction softly before he thrust his tongue inside. He tasted of mint and coffee, and something else I didn’t recognize because he moved on too quickly, sliding his firm lips along her jaw and lower.

Her sighs deepened, her slender frame trembled. He pushed her down to the mattress and covered her, head to toe, a blanket of solid muscle and masculine heat.

Anticipation shortened our breaths and made our hearts pound faster. He reached out to snag her wrist. His thumb swept back and forth as he pushed her hand above her head and pressed it into the pillow—a silent command to submit.

Could he feel her pulse leap beneath his gently chafing thumb?

I could. My own pulse skittered, and then rushed screaming through my body to plump the folds of my sex, he brought me to the brink that fast.

Something about him drew me helplessly into her bedroom, kept me trapped beneath his long, rangy frame, my mind and body opening to the wicked delights he rained upon her warm skin.

I closed my eyes and let the fingers she trailed along his body tell me how sleek and hard his muscled back and flanks were.

When she plunged her fingers into his thick hair, I learned its silky texture and length. When he leaned over her to kiss her mouth, I felt it sweep forward to brush my cheeks.

The weight of his body crushed the breath from her, and made me gasp with pleasure. The pressure of his clothed, rigid cock burrowing between her folds drew a lusty wash of liquid arousal from her body…and mine.

My legs splayed open. My knees came up to hug the sides of his hips and encourage him closer, deeper.

“Too many clothes…” Her soft words intruded…or were they mine?

A hot, hard palm cupped a naked breast; his thumb scraped a ruched nipple. I arched my back to press against his hand, demanding a rougher exploration. When his lips latched onto a nipple and drew hard, I gasped.

My hips rolled, beginning a rhythm that slowed the beats of my racing heart, and my hands fell to the pillow beside my head as I let him lead me—no,lead us—toward completion.

“I need you naked…please…inside me…” I whimpered. Already the walls of my vagina clenched and rippled, readying for his penetration.

He murmured, nuzzling my neck until I turned my head to the side to allow him to trail a wet kiss along my skin. His teeth scraped, eliciting a moan, his lips drew on my skin, suckling hard for a moment, and then I felt a sharp, piercing pain—

A scream ripped the air. Mine? Hers? My eyes slammed open in the darkness, the thread unraveling as I jackknifed upward to sit at the edge of my bed.

What the hell had just happened?

A shadow passed in front of the French doors that led to the balcony outside my bedroom. Had a cloud passed in front of the moon? My French Quarter apartment was three stories up; my fire escape ladder secured.

Invite me in!

Ice-cold terror doused the heat coursing through my body. The words hadn’t been spoken aloud. This time I could be sure neither my ears nor hers had heard them. His voice echoed inside my mind—harsh and angry. The doors were glass and slender slats of wood—if he chose, he could force his way inside.

If not tonight, I’ll be back tomorrow night, and the next…. You will open to me.

I sat stunned, aware of my nudity, aware of the sensual snare he’d laid on her bed…for me. But wasn’t this what I’d secretly hoped for? A chance to experience his brand of dangerous passion for myself?

After all, I’d filtered my neighbor’s activities over the months, allowing in just what I needed to fill my muse. Only with this man had I been tempted to linger and fill my well with my own lust.

He waited, as though sensing my internal battle. And what had he done? At the last moment when I’d felt him pierce her skin, I’d also felt the bloom of an orgasm, so intense it had frightened me more than the thought he might have somehow wounded her.

I reached for my thin silky robe and shrugged my arms inside, cinched the belt around my waist, and approached the doors. My stomach clenched, my body trembled—I was afraid, but also filled with a sense that this was inevitable.

As I stepped closer, I straightened my shoulders—I wasn’t exactly without weapons of my own. The closer to the doors I drew, the more I gave myself over to the remnants of the simmering sensuality he’d fed me. My hips loosened and swayed, my breasts tightened, my thighs slid together and apart, building a frictional heat only one thing could assuage.

His shadow loomed, tall with broad shoulders and a narrow waist. I already knew how soft the skin was that stretched over his lean, muscled frame.

Closing my eyes for a brief moment, I turned the lock and opened the doors.

His hot, surly gaze swept over me, then locked with mine. “May I come in?” he whispered roughly.

He’d gotten me to comply with his demand, and yet he hesitated—he needed my permission to enter my room.

A soft rain fell, dampening his dark shirt and misting my face and the vee of skin exposed above the neckline of my robe.

I canted my head and stared at the hard edges of his face—the sharp, high cheekbones and square, stubbled jaw. His brows were furrowed, drawn in a fearsome frown as dark as the midnight hair brushing the shoulders of his cotton shirt.

Empowered by his need for me to obey, I was oddly unafraid. Staying just inside the doorframe, I leaned against the edge of the door, pretending a nonchalance I was far from feeling.

“How did you get here? Fly?” I asked, turning my gaze to the five-foot span between her balcony and mine.

The corners of his lips curved upward, slight and mocking.

A frisson of alarm made me shiver. Had he? I was something other—was he as well?

“Stop thinking,” he murmured, his hands reaching up to grip the top of the door frame. “You brought me here.”

I lifted my chin. I realized that was a mistake when his gaze dropped to my lips. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

As the moments stretched, my mouth grew dry, my nipples pebbled against the thin fabric sticking to my skin.

“You were with us,” he said softly. “Both times. You’re the only reason I returned.”

I didn’t pretend not to understand. “Are you angry because I peeked?”

“No…intrigued.” He leaned back his head and drew a deep breath, which lifted his well-defined chest.

I’d felt the weight of all that masculine mass crushing my breasts. I licked my lips and imagined how much more powerful the sensations would be without the filter of another’s body between us.

His lips twisted. “Are we going to do it out here?”

I cleared my throat. “Do what?” I asked after I’d pried my tongue loose from the roof of my dry mouth.

One dark, elegant eyebrow rose, his gaze kept its steady glare.

I straightened from the door. “Are you punishing me for intruding?”

“That’s an odd way to describe the kind of pleasure I bring. Perhaps you only get off sucking someone else’s pleasure.”

Christ! He knew what I was. “Better that than taking their blood.”

“We all do what we must to survive.” His expression grew impossibly darker. “Invite me in.”

My heart pounded harder, faster. Oh, he frightened me all right—but I was more frightened of myself. I’d learned to harness my curse, use it, control it. I lived a solitary life for a reason.

Maybe this was recompense for stubbornly distancing myself from others, letting in only what I needed, when I needed it—on my own terms.

I took a deep breath and stepped back. “Come in,” I whispered.

To give him credit, he didn’t immediately pounce. He let go of the door frame, shot me another all-encompassing glance and stepped past me, into my bedroom.

Once inside, he seemed to grow larger, darker. His movements, at once fluid and purposeful, drew my attention and robbed me of breath. Soon, I’d know his touch, his kisses, firsthand.

I moved to close the doors, but he glanced back and shook his head. “Let the storm inside.”

I already had. His eyes, so dark and fathomless, pulled me deeper into the room. “Stop it!” I said. “No tricks. You’re here—you have what you want.”

A harsh, rasping laugh lifted the hairs on the back of my neck. Then before I could make up my mind whether to step closer or flee, he moved—so quickly his movements were a blur. His hands slid around my waist and he lifted me off my feet, stepping forward until the wall behind me halted his progress.

He held me up, my body inches from his, but close enough to feel the heat of his skin and his sweet breath as it washed over my face. “Decide now, succubus. Will you feed me?”

“You have the advantage. Why even ask?”

“Because I’m going to ravage you, and I want you ready—committed. I want everything you’ve taken.”

Not just my blood? Would he take my strength as well? I trembled and leaned back against the wall, watching his mouth as it tightened.

I licked my lips, considering. I’d never shared the power of the passions I drew from others. I’d kept them, using them to fuel the stories I wove. What would it be like to release them, share them with another?

I closed my eyes for a moment. In all the months I’d lived here, no man had ever stepped inside this room. Except for a delivery boy every now and then, no one had even seen the inside of my apartment.

Yet here I was, trapped against a wall with a man towering over me, demanding I submit to his lust.

Damn, was there even a choice? I’d been lonely and alone for so long.

I made my decision, then lifted my hands to slide them over the damp cotton covering his hard chest. “So, you intend to ravage me?” I quipped softly.

Grim satisfaction filled his stark features. His chest rose beneath my palms. His heartbeat, just beneath my fingers, hammered against his chest. “Take off your robe.” But he didn’t move away, just let go of my waist while he waited for me to obey, challenging me to complain with his watchful gaze.

I scowled and wriggled, sandwiched between the wall of his chest and the plaster behind me, until the robe slipped to the floor. Already, my nipples were erect, chafed into arousal by the movements that brought my breasts into contact with the fabric of his shirt. “I better not be the only one naked here.”

A grin curved his lips. His hands slid between us, the backs rubbing my breasts and belly as he unbuttoned his shirt and shrugged out of it. Then he toed off his boots, one a time, while at the same time sliding down the zipper of his black pants, slowly, letting me feel the heat of his hands and belly, then the weight of his thick cock when it sprang free.

My breaths grew ragged. Cream seeped between my legs to dampen my labia and inner thighs.

His nostrils flared, no doubt picking up the proof of my arousal. When he’d managed to push down his pants and kick them to the side, we stood for a moment, skin-to-skin, savoring the freedom and the anticipation.

Again, I smoothed my palms upward, following the curves of his muscled arms up to his shoulders, and then I thrust my hands into his hair, combing it with my fingers as I waited for him to move.

He let me wait a long, excruciating minute while our deep breaths rasped our chest together and apart. My knees began to shake, my belly quivered, and finally, he lifted me again, higher against the wall.

His mouth opened on the blushing skin of my chest, pressing wet kisses on the upper swell of my breasts, gliding his tongue between them, then suckling the full curve beneath.

My legs moved restlessly, until I wrapped them around his upper abdomen and squeezed. My pussy opened, sliding along his hot skin and I rolled my hips, letting him know he could hurry it up a bit and I’d have no complaints.

However, he seemed content to tease me, drawing out the pleasurable sensation of his mouth gobbling up my breasts.

“My nipples,” I pleaded between clenched teeth. “Suck them! Please.”

He nuzzled them with his nose, licked his way around one dimpled areola without ever touching the tip, and then glided across to torture the other breast in a similar fashion.

I gripped his shoulders hard. “If I’d known you were so damn slow to take a hint, I’d have drawn you a map.”

Laughter gusted against my breast, and at last, he latched his lips around one spiked tip and drew hard.

My toes curled, my hips tilted toward him, my whole body tightening as he suckled. It was almost enough. It was almost heaven.

I thrashed my head back and forth on the wall behind me before finally blurting out, “Please, enough! I need you inside me.”

His teeth clamped down, nipping me gently. “When I say.” But he let me slide down his body until I felt his cock nudge at my center.

My breath hitched when the blunt, velvet tip pushed against me. His size didn’t surprise me. He’d stretched the inner walls of a woman who dated linebackers. But my body wasn’t prepared for his girth. Hot, exquisite pressure built as he pushed. I bit my lip and begged him with my gaze to help me take him.

His eyes held mine as he slipped a hand between us and thrust his fingers through my soft curls. He parted my lust-slick folds, guided his dick into me, slowly, letting me swallow him an inch at a time, until we were both breathless and sweating.

I’m sure he was surprised by how tight I was, given what I was. He’d wanted to thrust inside, wanted to ream me with that thick cock, but he clamped his jaws tight and groaned, tunneling only so deep before withdrawing, and coming back for more.

I couldn’t help the shaking that trembled along my limbs and jerked my belly against his. No more than I could help the reflexive pulsing radiating along my channel.

When his first inches grazed my inner walls, he started the slow, rhythmic push and pull, my liquid heat drenching him and easing his way. He stroked into me, sliding my body up and down the wall, an unhurried, crawling wave of motion that calmed the quivering inside me.

As I followed his powerful thrusts, friction built between his cock and my vagina in a slow-burning fire. I clenched my inner muscles around him, riding his thickly veined shaft as it moved in and out.

The ridge of his plump crown abraded the sweet spot deep inside me, the one so few men ever found, and I arched my back, surrendering to the coiling heat licking at my core. At that point, I felt a leaching away of the barrier between his mind and mine, as the passions I’d stolen began to swirl inside me and spill over to douse him in glorious heat.

A low, feral growl erupted from him and he ground inside me, deeper this time, his jaws flexing as his hips strained.

I knew there was more, knew he held back. I wondered at the strength of will he possessed to resist the crashing waves of sensuality that battered us both.

In that instant, I lost all my fear of him as a man and a vampire. He could have ravaged me and made me love it anyway, but he’d taken me slowly, with care and precision, careful not to harm or frighten me.

“It’s all right,” I whispered. “I can take all you want to give.”

“Be quiet,” he ground out. “You’re so damn tight. I’m going crazy here.”

“Then fuck me,” I whispered in his ear. “I’m ready.” God, I’m ready. I bit his earlobe. I squeezed hard around him as he stroked inside, released to let him withdraw, then squeezed as he rammed himself inside again. The friction was divine.

Impossibly, his cock expanded, grew longer, blunter.

“You’re playing with fire,” he said, ramming deeper this time.

I sucked in a jagged breath and smoothed my sweaty cheek against his shoulder. “Do me. Do me like you’ve never done a woman before. Give me everything.”

His lips stretched in a slow, wicked smile. “Think you’ve seen everything?”

“I’m allowing you to fuck me against a wall, aren’t I?”

“Such a baby. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

Suddenly, we slid up the wall together. Alarmed, I wrapped my arms around him and gasped as his soft, wicked laughter sifted through my hair.

“Brace yourself against the wall.”

I unwound my legs from his waist and let them drop. They dangled in the air. The only thing holding me up was the strength of his cock buried halfway inside me and his hard chest pressed against my breasts.

He grabbed my hands and slid my palms down and outward along the wall. I felt anchored somehow and lifted my knees to press my feet flat against the cool plaster. It was better, but I knew if he pulled away, I’d go crashing to the floor. “Nice trick,” I said breathlessly.

“I’m only getting started.” He kissed me, rubbing my lips hard, tangling his tongue with mine as he started to fuck in and out of me again, stroking deeper, until at last, the base of his cock was grinding into my clit.

I forgot I was suspended in the air, forgot I was at a vampire’s mercy. Nothing had ever felt as decadent and delicious as the thickness gliding in and out of me, tugging at my tender, heated tissues, glistening with the liquid spilling from my body as he rolled his hips, grinding deeper, spearing my womb.

Heat coiled tighter in my core as he stroked and circled. The muscles of his back and shoulders bunched beneath my hands. Sweat slicked his skin and mine everywhere we touched. He widened his knees, nudging mine even farther apart, then gathered his body and plunged inside over and over, the thrusts deepening, sharpening.

I came apart, unraveling in a sinuous, writhing dance, driving my hips against his. I lacked rhythm, lacked any finesse, trying to fill the desperate need to stay in that moment, hold onto the explosion of color and emotions that rocked me as his wild thrusts grew brutal.

He rolled us over and over, his arms encircling me to prevent me from hurting myself. My back to the wall, now his, every roll allowing his cock to slide and circle and press at a different angle each time. Flashes of the pale gray bed below and the curtains billowing inward on a breeze, interspersed with the dark shadowy ceiling. Only when he came to a halt did my orgasm finally wane, allowing me to catch my breath.

I gasped.

I was looking over his shoulder at my bed—ten feet below us.

I drew back my head and smacked it against the ceiling. “Ouch!”

His chest heaved against mine, his gaze spearing me as harshly as his cock had moments ago.

I wet my parched lips with the tip of my tongue, trying to gather my scattered wits after my trip to the moon. “That…was—” I stopped and caught my breath “—different.”

“You need to expand your vocabulary. Learn some more descriptive adjectives.”

I raised an eyebrow, trying to mimic his sardonic look. “Need a little praise, do you?”

He snorted. “No, I don’t need any praise. I know it was good. I’m swimming in your pleasure.”

I wrinkled my nose. “That was kinda crude.” I wriggled against him. “You’re getting a little heavy.”

A mocking eyebrow rose. “Actually, love, you’re on top.”

“You know this doesn’t make a bit of sense.”

“I’m dead. The laws of physics don’t necessarily apply here.”

I boldly placed my hand between his legs. “Not all of you. Why didn’t you come?”

“Are you complaining?”

“No, I’m just surprised,” I answered, but there was that insecure part of me that wondered whether I hadn’t been able to satisfy him. “I mean, you’re carrying on a conversation. In my experience, men are decidedly nonverbal when they’re aroused.”

“Your vast experience?”

I blushed. He knew better. “Well, not so vast, I guess, unless you count…”

“Vicarious pleasures?”

“That’s a nice way of putting it. Still, you didn’t come. After being with her, and then me, I just thought…” His slow smile made me feel stupid, which angered me. I jutted out my chin. “Why didn’t you take a bite of me? I was there for you, opening to you, ready.”

“I’m not done yet. That was just to get you to relax a bit.”

“I’m pinned to my ceiling. How am I supposed to relax?” However, I was strangely content.

“Sorry, are you uncomfortable?” He carefully pulled out of me, and we fell in a heap to the mattress below, bouncing once before settling.

I leaned up on my elbows and pushed back the hair falling in my face. “Not nice,” I said, as I crawled off his body.

“I never claimed to be nice.” His hand clamped on her thigh. “And I’m not through.”

His words stopped me. As much as the arm that encircled me and dragged me down on top of him.

His cock gouged my belly as I lay over him.

“Maybe I’m done.”

“Like I said. That first time was for you. To calm you.” He sprawled beneath me, an arm under his head, looking completely at ease, totally in control.

Already, my blood thrummed against my temple, my nipples beaded, my pussy tightened. The way his gaze bored into mine, I knew whatever wicked delights he had in store for me would probably make me cringe in embarrassment. “You know,” I said, deliberately stalling, “I just realized I don’t know your name.”

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