Полная версия
A Lady of Expectations and Other Stories: A Lady Of Expectations / The Secrets of a Courtesan / How to Woo a Spinster
Now, with the first fashionable carriages looming ahead, she said, her tone merely matter-of-fact, “I had not looked to see you so soon, sir.”
Jack glanced down at her. “I couldn’t keep away.” It was, he somewhat ruefully reflected, the literal truth. He had fully intended to allow the Webbs reasonable time to settle in the capital; instead, he had not been able to resist the compulsion to take Sophie for a drive, to show her the ton, and display her to them, safely anchored by his side. Staking his claim—and in such uncharacteristically blunt fashion that Sophie’s aunt had seen fit to metaphorically wag her finger at him. Even the weather was conspiring to make him rush on with his wooing, the bright sunshine more redolent of April and May than chilly March.
He had expected some confusion in response to his forthright answer. Instead, to his delight, Sophie raised her chin and calmly stated, “In that case, you may make yourself useful and tell me who all these people are. My aunt has had little time to fill me in, and there are many I don’t recognize.”
Jack grinned. It was close on noon, a most fashionable time to be seen driving in the Park. “The Misses Berry you must recall,” he said as they swept down on an ancient landau drawn up by the verge. “They’re always to be found at precisely that spot, morning and afternoon throughout the Season.”
“Of course I remember them.” With a gay smile, Sophie nodded to the two old dames, bundled up in scarves and shawls on the seat of the landau. They nodded back. As the curricle swept past, Sophie saw the gleam in their bright eyes.
“Next we have Lady Staunton and her daughters. You don’t need to know them, although doubtless your cousin will make the younger girls’ acquaintance.”
Sophie bestowed a distant smile on the bevy of girlish faces turned to stare in open envy as she went by. Despite Jorge’s undoubted expertise, she doubted it was her new carriage dress that had excited their interest.
As she looked ahead once more, she saw a tall woman, modishly gowned in bright cherry-red, strolling the lawns just ahead. Her hand rested on the arm of a rakishly handsome buck. Both looked up as the carriage neared. The woman’s face lit up; she raised her hand in what appeared, to Sophie, a distinctly imperious summons.
The reaction on her right was immediate; Jack stiffened. As it became clear the carriage was not about to stop, nor even slow, Sophie glanced up. Chilly reserve had laid hold of Jack’s features; as Sophie watched, he inclined his head in the most remote of greetings.
The carriage swept on, leaving the couple behind. Relaxing against the padded seat, Sophie forced her lips to behave. “And that was?” she prompted.
The glance she received was dark with warning. She met it with a lifted brow—and waited.
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