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The Hardest Fight
She refused to let him know he was right. “No, you’re just in my way.”
Dylan took notice of the fact that he was blocking her path. He sighed and stepped aside. “Of course.”
Lucy slid past him and she made her way into Paige’s office, closing the door so their new handyman couldn’t overhear.
“How can you work with your door open?”
“Did you see how quickly they got that hole patched up?” Paige was grinning from ear to ear as she leaned forward. “Eugene offered to give the whole place a fresh coat of paint. I’m thinking we should add a little color to this place. Maybe do everything in yellows and grays. That’s in right now. What do you think?”
“What are you talking about?” Lucy felt as if she had stepped into another dimension. “Who’s Eugene?”
“Dylan’s friend. The guy helping him with the repairs.” Apparently, they were all on a first-name basis now.
Lucy hadn’t noticed anyone else once she got past Dylan and his too-tight T-shirt. “I came in because it’s supposed to be quiet here on Saturdays. I can’t get anything done with all this noise. Do you want to get some lunch with me before I head home?”
Paige sank back in her fancy leather chair. “Are you really going to make me get up?” She closed her eyes and swiveled the chair from side to side, something she could never do with her old one. “I love this office furniture. Have I mentioned that?”
“Only a hundred times. It’s not annoying or anything. Oh, wait. Yes, it is. It’s very annoying.”
Paige opened one eye and then the other. “I’m not falling for anyone’s tricks if that’s what you think. There is no reason not to enjoy the gifts we are being given.”
“He’s making you like him,” Lucy argued. “If the board is swayed to sell, you’re going to feel like you owe it to him to sell to his client because he’s been so nice to you.”
“If the board votes to sell, why shouldn’t we sell to his client? What’s your deal with this guy? Give me a reason not to like him.”
The real reason would only lead to more questions that Lucy didn’t want to answer. “Just trust me on this one. Please.”
Paige narrowed her eyes as if trying to read Lucy’s mind. Seemingly giving up, she sighed. “Fine, but one of these days I’m getting the whole story. I’ll bring the wine, you’ll bring the details.”
Not even Lucy’s sisters knew the details. Dylan was an off-limits topic even with those closest to her. Opening those wounds any further could only result in disaster. Lucy wasn’t going there—ever.
The pounding of a hammer brought Lucy out of her head. She stood up and motioned toward the reception area. “Can we please go get some lunch before I take all of their tools away and throw them out the window?”
Paige laughed and pulled herself up and out of her chair. “Can I like Eugene? He has nothing to do with Prime Developments and he wants to paint this place for free. Did I mention that he offered to do that?”
“You did. And I don’t care who you like as long as it’s not—” Lucy opened the door and was once again greeted by Dylan’s blue shirt. Her eyes found his. “Why are you always in my way?”
“I was just coming to tell Paige that we’re breaking for lunch.”
“We were heading to lunch, too.” Paige nudged Lucy aside. “Do you and Eugene want to join us?”
Had she completely forgotten everything they were just talking about? Lucy was going to lunch to get away from Dylan, not to socialize with him. “We’re going to City Vegan. That’s not really Dylan’s style.”
“We could go somewhere else,” Paige suggested.
“No, don’t change your plans for us.” Dylan backed away from the door. Lucy’s shoulders relaxed until he added, “We’ll go to the vegan place.”
“Since when do you eat vegan food?” she asked, frustrated by his air of nonchalance around her. If he had really cared about her five years ago, he should find it as hard to be around her as it was for her to be near him. She had broken up with him. Why did it feel as if she had been jilted?
“You’re the only one who can change her diet? I remember you telling me that eating less meat could save my life. Maybe I listened to you.”
She didn’t believe him for a second. When her mother had gotten sick, Lucy changed several of her habits. What she ate became a matter of life or death. Dylan had been supportive but had not been a fan of a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle. Tofu burgers had never satisfied him the way the big, juicy ones made out of midwestern Angus beef had.
He was obviously trying to ruin her entire day. Maybe this was his way of punishing her for the breakup. Maybe he wasn’t being as mature about it as she originally thought.
If getting under her skin was his plan, she would do everything she could not to show her irritation. He wasn’t the only one who could act as if their past meant nothing. She took a breath and pasted on a smile. “Great.”
“Great?” Dylan and Paige both echoed. Evidently, neither of them had been expecting that answer.
Lucy motioned for Dylan to step aside and exited Paige’s office. “Come on, Eugene. Put down your hammer and let’s get some lunch!”
Eugene stopped midswing. His eyes moved back and forth between Lucy and Dylan. That was when Lucy realized she had seen the older gentleman before. He was the man with the little boy at Simon’s basketball game. The man who was sitting with Dylan and had heard her verbally blast him for being there. No wonder he could hardly believe they were going anywhere together.
“Well, you heard the lady,” Dylan said. “We’re going to lunch. With them. Let’s go.”
“I promise not to get us kicked out of anywhere this time,” she added in an attempt to reassure Eugene. That seemed to do the trick. His shoulders relaxed and he slid his hammer into a loop on his tool belt.
“This time? Oh, that sounds like a story,” Paige said, closing her office door.
Paige, and her need to know things. Some stories weren’t worth being told. The endings were too depressing.
* * *
CITY VEGAN WAS one of Lucy’s favorite restaurants. In her mind, there wasn’t a bad thing on the menu, but she could tell Dylan and Eugene were having a hard time finding something they dared to try.
“What’s soy chicken?” Eugene asked Paige. “I thought this place was vegetarian.”
“It’s fake chicken. It’s soy made to look and taste like chicken,” Dylan answered for her.
Eugene’s nose scrunched up and he set down his menu. “If vegetarians don’t like meat, why would they want to eat something that looks and tastes like chicken?”
Lucy was used to fielding this kind of question. The animal rights activist inside her pushed her to skip meat more often than not, but being a child raised on midwestern beef and Chicago hot dogs, she hadn’t given it up completely.
“There are a lot of people out there who don’t eat meat because they believe it’s wrong. That doesn’t mean they don’t miss the taste and texture of it. Soy chicken allows them to pretend to eat meat without harming any animals in the process.”
“Well, you learn something new every day,” Eugene said, picking his menu back up.
“If you aren’t used to eating this way, I suggest these noodles.” Paige leaned in, reaching across Eugene to show him what she was talking about. Her hand brushed against his arm and he smiled at the contact.
Lucy cocked her head and stared at the two of them. Was Paige flirting with this guy? She giggled at something Eugene said and playfully pushed his shoulder.
Oh, she was definitely flirting.
It was still unclear how Dylan and Eugene knew one another. Theirs seemed an unlikely friendship. Lucy couldn’t help but wonder if it had something to do with the boy, whom she deduced was Eugene’s grandson. It sounded as if he lived with Eugene but was spending the weekend with an aunt and uncle. Perhaps Dylan had known the boy’s parents. Why else would he attend the eight-year-old’s basketball game?
They ordered lunch and Dylan joined in the conversation between Eugene and Paige. The three of them laughed and socialized while Lucy sat in silent objection to this ridiculous game Dylan was obviously playing. She fought an eye roll when he showed off his skill at reading people.
The waitress became his unwitting subject. He guessed she was newly engaged, a student at DePaul University and not originally from Chicago. Paige hung on every word but doubted he could have gathered that much information from the few interactions they had had with the young woman.
“If I’m right, lunch is on you. If I’m wrong, I’ll buy,” he offered.
“Don’t make any bets with this man,” Lucy warned. She had seen Dylan swindle too many people in the time they were together to let her friend become his next victim.
Paige wouldn’t listen. “There’s no way he’s right about all of that. I’m in.”
“You have to swear you don’t know that girl, though,” Eugene said. “Don’t be cheating this nice lady. If you know her, fess up right now.”
Dylan raised his hands. “I swear I have never seen her before in my life. Ask her when she comes back to the table. I don’t have to cheat to win. I promise you that.”
This was true. Dylan Hunt did not cheat and he almost always won. It used to drive Lucy crazy. Still did, apparently.
The waitress came back to refill their drinks, and she confirmed for Eugene that she had never met Dylan. She was surprised to be asked but happy to share that she actually was recently engaged, showing everyone her ring and gushing about how romantic the proposal had been. She also admitted to being a student at DePaul, studying library science. Spitefully, Lucy thought there was no way Dylan would have guessed the woman wanted to be a librarian. Last, the waitress informed Paige that she was originally from South Carolina. Lucy had picked up on her slight accent earlier and had known Dylan was right about that one.
“That totally freaks me out.” Paige’s eyes were wide and her mouth hung open. “How did you know all that?”
“My grandmother was a psychic,” Dylan said straight-faced. “She taught me how to read minds.”
“Seriously?” Eugene asked, his expression a mirror image of Paige’s.
Lucy snorted. Dylan had a way of turning even the most intelligent people into naive nitwits. “He can’t read minds.”
“Well, not hers,” Dylan said, jerking a thumb in Lucy’s direction. “It’s the metal plates in her skull. Blocks me out.”
“You have metal plates in your skull?” Paige’s jaw dropped farther.
Lucy sighed heavily. “No, I do not have metal plates in my skull. And no, he cannot read minds. He pays attention. That’s it. He heard her Southern accent. He noticed her showing off her ring to someone else. He probably just guessed based on her age that she’s a student. He can’t read my mind or anyone else’s.”
“Actually, she has a DePaul lanyard sticking out of her back pocket. That’s how I knew. I didn’t guess. I rarely guess.” The way he glared at her made Lucy’s cheeks flush.
“Of course. I should have figured you got a good look at her backside.”
“Excuse me?” Dylan’s voice rose slightly.
“Oh, please. You always notice a beautiful woman’s assets.”
“I think all men appreciate a beautiful woman. You make me sound like some sort of creep.”
The heat of her anger warmed Lucy’s whole body. She didn’t even care about his stupid mind tricks. Five years of built-up feelings were hitting her all at once. He had let her leave him. He would have left her when he found out she would be permanently scarred. He never would have wanted to be with someone whose curves weren’t real.
She did her best to tamp her emotions back down. “If the shoe fits...”
Eugene cleared his throat and Lucy noticed the other diners in their section of the restaurant were gaping at her.
“I was told no one was going to get us thrown out of here,” Eugene said. “If you two can’t be civil, that’s exactly what will happen.”
Lucy and Dylan each took a deep breath and kept their mouths shut so no more words could sneak out. This was a huge mistake. Thinking they could spend an amicable lunch together was laughable. Lucy was about to get up and leave when the food arrived. Eating would thankfully keep their mouths busy.
All conversation ceased at their small, square table. Eugene let Paige know her noodle recommendation was a good one, but that was pretty much all anyone said until it was time to go. Dylan pulled out his wallet to pay the bill.
“Put that away,” Paige said, reaching for her purse. “I lost the bet. Lunch is on me.”
“It’s fine. I didn’t really read her mind. It was all simple observation, like Lucy said.”
“The bet wasn’t about whether or not you could read minds, it was about whether or not you were right. You were definitely right. Lunch is on me,” Paige insisted.
Dylan stole a glance in Lucy’s direction. He was probably afraid of being verbally assaulted if he let Paige pay. With a full belly and some self-reflection, Lucy could admit she had been harder on him than he deserved. Eugene must think she was crazy.
“How about you all let me pay? I’m the one who ruined everyone’s lunch.” She had also made it clear to Dylan that he was affecting her more than she wanted him to know. She pulled out some cash and slipped it in the bill folder. “Tell our waitress to keep the change. I’m going to head home to finish some work.”
Paige and Eugene thanked her and offered her a goodbye. Dylan said nothing. She was halfway out the door when she felt someone grip her arm.
“Hang on a second.” Dylan let her go the moment she stopped moving. “I just want to be clear about something.” His jaw was tense but his eyes were soft. “I don’t know why you dislike me so much, but this isn’t about us.”
The way he said “us” made Lucy’s stomach flip. There hadn’t been an “us” in a very long time. There would never be an “us” again.
“I know. It’s about Open Arms and Safe Haven. Two things I care about. Two things that I won’t give up.”
Dylan looked as though she had punched him in the gut. His hurt expression quickly changed to one full of nothing but exasperation. He leaned in close and seemed to be trying hard to keep his voice calm. “Well, I want you to know that I’m not giving up, either. Maybe it’s your turn to find out what it’s like to lose something you care about.”
He disappeared back into the restaurant, leaving Lucy without an opportunity to have the last word. She knew better than anyone what it was like to lose. Where were his sense of passion and willingness to fight for what he wanted five years ago? He seemed to care more about this real estate deal than he’d ever cared about her.
IF DYLAN HAD to write a list of words that described Lucy Everhart, it would include every synonym for infuriating. Her nasty attitude toward him was beyond tiring. It was unbelievable that she could be so bitter when she was the one who had ended their relationship half a decade ago. If anyone had a right to be hateful, it was Dylan, not she.
He decided he needed to do whatever it took to get this deal promptly done for Prime Developments. Paige was the key and Dylan had her all figured out. The gifts of furniture and repairs opened the door exactly as he’d planned. What he hadn’t expected was the way she’d taken to Eugene. It was an added bonus.
The good news was that Eugene seemed equally smitten. He was definitely disappointed when Paige didn’t stick around on Sunday while they painted. She had business to attend to at Safe Haven and left them to work under the watchful eye of Hannah, her assistant.
Lucy was not around, which was a relief. He couldn’t take any more of her wrath. She made him question everything about their shared past. The things she had said at lunch made him feel as if she’d doubted his fidelity when they were together, which was unbelievable. When she had been in his life, there had been no one else. No one caught his eye the way Lucy still did.
“I have to go,” Eugene said, wiping his hands on a rag. “Jeremy gets home in an hour.”
They had primed all the walls and trimmed everything in the light gray Paige had picked out. Dylan could finish the rest on his own fairly easily. “Thanks for your help this weekend. I owe you one.”
“You always owe me one. I think we’re up to somewhere around a hundred ones by now.”
“You know I’m good for it, right?”
“Maybe if you give my number to Paige so she can call me, you know, whenever she needs a handyman, I’ll call us even.”
Dylan’s eyebrows lifted. Good ol’ Eugene was more than smitten. Taking care of Jeremy was all he ever focused on. It was good to see him doing something for himself. “Well, well, well. I think someone hopes she calls for more than just a handyman.”
Eugene fought a smile as his cheeks pinked up. “Don’t forget to touch up the ceiling where we patched.”
“I won’t,” Dylan promised, chuckling at his friend’s attempt to change the subject.
Finishing the job alone wasn’t difficult. Hannah was busy gossiping with someone on the phone, classic rock was playing on the radio Eugene left behind and rolling paint on the wall didn’t take too much skill. Dylan let the music move him while he worked. His hips began to sway a little and his head bobbed to the beat. During a particular part of the song, he might have strummed a few chords of air guitar.
“What are you doing?”
Dylan’s head snapped in the direction of her voice. Lucy was staring as if he was spray painting graffiti on the walls. He gave his work a quick once-over to make sure he hadn’t messed something up while enjoying the music. When he was satisfied that everything was fine, his gaze landed back on her. “Painting.”
“Painting?” She cocked a brow. “Not channeling Eric Clapton?”
Was she teasing him? When the corners of her mouth curled up the tiniest bit, he relaxed and shrugged. “You know how I feel about Eric Clapton. I can’t resist when he’s on.”
She almost unleashed a grin but controlled herself and moved on to Hannah, who was more than eager to get out of there. Dylan tried not to eavesdrop on their conversation, but it was impossible. Lucy somewhat reluctantly agreed to stay until he was finished painting so Hannah could have the rest of her Sunday off.
No one wanted Lucy to babysit Dylan less than he did. Things had been going so smoothly, and now he was destined to walk on eggshells the rest of the afternoon. Luckily, she slipped into her office and shut the door. Maybe this way they could each pretend the other didn’t exist.
Dylan went back to painting, ignoring the pull Lucy’s presence had on him. What was she doing here on a Sunday? Did the woman ever take a day off? Had she known he was here and come to check on him? How long was it going to take her to inform him for the millionth time that he was unwelcome and she planned to do everything in her power to win this fight?
Lucy didn’t come out or say anything to incite another argument, but sounds coming from the other side of the wall made Dylan curious. Groans of frustration. Slamming of books. Obscenities shouted, perhaps at the computer. Dylan couldn’t be sure.
Against his better judgment, he set his paint roller down and knocked on her door. “Do I need to call for help?”
The door swung open and a beautiful but frustrated Lucy had exasperation written all over her face. “You’re a lawyer.”
It was a strange statement and one Dylan wasn’t sure what to do with. “I am. Do you need a lawyer? Did you kill someone in here?” He leaned forward and took a peek inside her office for a dead body.
Her shoulders sagged. “I need to consult with someone on a case. I can’t figure out what’s going on and I’m ready to pull my hair out.”
She had pretty blond hair. The last thing he wanted was for her to yank it all out. Dylan’s fingers itched to run through it as they used to when she hadn’t been so opposed to his existence.
“You can consult with me,” he offered. He quickly questioned whether that was the answer she was looking for. He could never be sure with her. “If that’s what you need.”
Lucy stepped back and waved him into her office. Warily, he crossed the threshold. Maybe this was some sort of trick. She might be luring him in only to take him out. He pulled on the collar of his T-shirt and sat down.
“I agreed to take this divorce case, but it’s bigger than that. My client brought me all these files and said that she’s afraid her husband set her up, possibly tricked her into committing a crime. I think he might have embezzled some money from his company and made it look like it was her doing. Do you have any idea what any of this means?”
She turned her laptop around, revealing a spreadsheet. Dylan pulled the computer closer and began scrolling through the information. He was no accountant, but he had analyzed enough similar documents in white-collar cases to know that Lucy had every reason to be concerned.
“It’s called smurfing. You deposit small amounts of money into several accounts. The banks would have to report a fifty-thousand-dollar deposit but not five ten-thousand-dollar deposits. He just had to make sure he did them over a long enough period of time, since he was doing it all under her name. What else do you have that connects your client to this?”
Lucy shared the other files from the flash drive as well as hard copies of some documents, including bank statements in her client’s name. Dylan examined everything carefully and asked questions as he scanned each piece of potential evidence.
What felt like minutes turned into hours. It was as if they were transported back in time, back to when they would work on mock cases in their criminal defense class or when they spent entire days studying for the bar exam. They had always collaborated so well, balancing out one another’s strengths and weaknesses. Dylan realized it wasn’t just working with Lucy but working on something meaningful that made him feel more alive than he had in a long time.
“Look at this,” he said after scanning one of the PDFs with a list of financial transactions. “I think he’s taken more than what he put in the accounts in her name. This company comes up multiple times but it’s not on the list you showed me earlier.” He dug through some papers until he found the right one. “Brick Industries must be something he set up to funnel money into.”
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