Полная версия
Romance In Paradise: Flirting with the Forbidden / Hot Island Nights / From Fling to Forever
Noah frowned. ‘Is that normal? Meeting clients after-hours?’
Morgan shrugged. ‘Yeah, we meet with clients at the time that suits them, not us. Anyway, he’s there now and waiting for us.’
‘They aren’t allowed to leave until Carl does,’ Morgan said, cocking her head at them. ‘It’s a client, Noah, and it happens all the time. Fifteen minutes, in and out, and then we can order Thai for supper.’
Morgan saw the look he sent to his screen and the frustration that flashed in his eyes. ‘I can ask one of the security officers from the lobby to see me there and back if you’re busy. Fifteen minutes, tops.’
Noah seemed to be considering the option for a minute, but he eventually stood up and pulled on his jacket. ‘Nope. Let me just send an email delaying my next conference call and I’ll come down with you.’
He bent over the screen and his hands flew over the keyboard. He hit ‘enter’ and picked up his mobile and wallet. Then his eyes met hers and her heart spluttered, misfired and coughed to life again.
Morgan held her breath as his strong hands encircled her jaw and throat and watched wide-eyed as he tipped his head and his lips hovered just above hers. She saw something in his eyes that she hadn’t noticed before: something soft, almost tender. Morgan gripped his wrists with her hands and kept her eyes locked on his, waiting for him to swoop down and claim her lips in a kiss that she knew would blow her socks off.
She wanted to sink slowly into the hot whirlpool of his mouth. He would be more delicious than she remembered, far tastier than her imagination suggested. Noah caressed the side of her neck and she inhaled the intoxicating scent of his skin. If she moved a fraction closer she would feel the thrust of her breasts against his chest...their skin would only be separated by his shirt and her silk T-shirt.
Worse than the thumping lust that pooled between her legs, the rapid beat of her heart, was the thought that she was one step closer to losing her heart. It was slipping further away from her and she knew that if she allowed it to fall out of her hand it would be his for ever.
Noah stepped back, but his big hand still grasped the side of her neck and his thumb touched her jaw and tipped her head up.
He muttered an obscenity and her eyes widened.
‘One of these days—hours—minutes—I’m not going to be able to step away from you.’ Noah moved back and gestured towards the door. ‘Let’s get this done. I’ve still got work to do tonight.’
So did she—really important work, Morgan thought, troubled.
Like figuring out how to ensure she didn’t fall in love with him.
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