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The Baby Bombshell: The Billionaire's Baby Swap / Dating for Two / The Valtieri Baby
She reached for a bottle and put it in the microwave. “Don’t you need to get to your office?”
His dark gaze swept over her, making her far too aware of him. “I’ve arranged for some time off. How would you like to go out on my cruiser? I thought we’d visit several places and be gone for two or three nights. You can do night duty for me at some point. It’s true I’ve been a cavallo di battaglia too long.”
“But don’t forget that being a workhorse put you in the reins of your family’s company in the first place.”
“I’m not sure if I like it. Right now I find that I’m loving to be on vacation and don’t want it to end.”
She knew how hard he worked, but this baby had forced him to take a break. No invitation could have thrilled her more. “The boat is the perfect way to enjoy ourselves with the children without having to take them in the car.”
“My thinking exactly. Unless there’s anything else you need to do, we’ll leave after breakfast.”
They worked together to pack up the children and their things. Valentina hurried to her room to do some packing. Before long they went downstairs with all their paraphernalia to eat.
After breakfast, they packed up the car. The Brunos waved them off.
Giovanni drove along a road that wound lower and lower to a private area of beach where he kept his boat tethered to the pier.
“What a wonderful cruiser!”
“When Paolo and Stanzie moved in the villa, I told them they could take it out whenever they wanted, so they’ve kept it in top condition.”
“It’s nice to see that a couple who work together are so much in love. You can tell by their glances and smiles at each other.”
“No one could ever say that about Tatania and me. The secret is to fall in love first. Those lucky enough for that to happen have love going for them when they marry.”
“I’m sorry your marriage didn’t work. I know you’ve told me it’s all your fault, but I know that’s not true. Did she really not know you were a hard worker? I bet if you asked her, she would have to admit she looked past that trait in you. If she could have been honest with herself, she might have decided to follow her own instincts to find a man who wasn’t a workaholic.”
“Hindsight is a wonderful thing.”
“Don’t I know it,” she said with a wry smile. “If I hadn’t felt like such a failure, I would have realized why Matteo had so much influence over me by telling me what I needed to hear.”
He shook his dark head. “A failure? When you’ve almost received your graduate degree in engineering at the age of twenty-five?”
“Looking back, I realize how odd that sounds now. But growing up, it felt like my brothers received all the attention and I admit I was jealous. My mother tried to help me. She said that one day I’d become my own person and those feelings would go away.”
Giovanni stared hard at her. “Have they gone?”
“Now that I’m a mother, I’ve been forced to grow up. Somehow those feelings of jealousy I harbored seem absurd in light of the problems you and I have been forced to face.”
He nodded. “Becoming a parent has been a life-changing experience for me, too. Work used to be everything. But since Vito was born, I can’t get home to him at night fast enough.”
“They are absolutely precious.”
“We’re very lucky.”
“Yes,” she whispered.
They got the children on board with the other items. Then he reached for the infant life preservers his siblings had used for their babies. After putting them on the children, they placed them in their carry-cots and lowered the visors to shield them from the sun. After undoing the ropes, Giovanni started the engine and they made their way at a wakeless speed into open water.
THE GULF OF SALERNO offered some of the most divine scenery imaginable. Along this winding coastline, steep rocky slopes rushed down to the sea, and tiny villages with colorful houses stacked on top of each other clung to the rugged cliffs.
Had Valentina ever been this happy? She couldn’t remember.
While Giovanni piloted the boat, she walked to the rear of the fabulous cruiser, resting one knee on the banquette to watch birds and fish, along with the colorful sailboats off in the distance. Later, after lunch, they carried the babies below to one of the bedrooms for their nap. For the next few hours she and Giovanni were free to enjoy this pleasurable moment out of time.
“Since I’ve anchored the boat, will you be all right if I take a swim?”
“Of course.”
“I’d ask you to join me.”
“No. One of us has to stay on board. Go for it, Giovanni. The water is so inviting.”
“I’ll be right back.” He disappeared below, leaving her alone to brood over the time when they had to say a real goodbye. She had to fight thoughts of one day being married to him. He’d only recently been divorced. To take on a new wife would be the last thing he’d want. Though they wouldn’t be parting company for a while, her heart was already rebelling.
Giovanni emerged on deck in blue swim trunks. His hard-muscled body took her breath before he slid over the side into the water and started swimming around the cruiser with the speed of a torpedo. He circled maybe ten times, then trod water close to the end of the boat with his hair sleeked back.
She smiled at him. “You look like you’re having a marvelous time.”
“I haven’t taken a day off like this in years.”
“Neither have I.”
“I’ll get back on board so you can have a turn.”
“I would, but I’m not ready to swim in the sea yet. Please stay out there as long as you want. I’m enjoying watching you.”
“After we go back to my place, you can use the pool so I’m able to watch you.”
Warmth rushed to her face that had nothing to do with the sun. “I don’t want to go back. This is glorious.”
“Then we won’t.”
She drank the rest of her water. Don’t tempt me, Giovanni. “You have a business to run.”
“Didn’t you hear what I just told you? Right now my only business is to love Ric and make him feel secure. With your help it’s happening.”
“I don’t know how I would have gotten through all this without your help. Vito is a different baby.”
He flashed her a smile that melted her bones. “We do good work.”
Too good. Her mind told her she shouldn’t have gotten involved with him once they’d left the hospital, but that wasn’t what her heart was telling her.
“Ready or not, I’m coming aboard!” He swam to the end of the boat. With stunning male dexterity he heaved himself onto the transom. She handed him one of the towels so he could dry himself off. “Before the babies wake up, come and sit by me while we drive on.”
She didn’t need to be urged.
He threw the towel around his shoulders and took his place at the wheel. Valentina handed him his life preserver. “Please put it back on.”
“For you I’ll do it.”
“For Ric. He’s going to want you around forever.”
She couldn’t decipher the look in his incredible black eyes that held hers before he turned on the engine. All she knew was that once he’d raised the anchor and they’d taken off across a calm sea, a thrill of exhilaration swept through her just to be sitting next to him.
The sight of the lemon-grove terraces of the cliffs combined with the delicious scent gave her a feeling of euphoria. When she moved to an apartment in Naples, she would always remember this time with a man who was bigger than life to her. His ex-wife could roam the earth and never meet another man like Giovanni.
“What’s on your mind, Valentina? Talk to me.”
“I guess I’m trying to understand the other reasons why your marriage didn’t work. What else caused the strife? Ric is so dear. If your ex-wife saw him, her heart would melt.”
To her surprise he brought the boat to a stop and turned to face her. “Where to start? My parents wanted me to marry her. Tatania’s father, Salvatore, was in business with mine. They’re both on the board of the company. Because some of my family board members wanted to champion a second cousin of mine to take over the reins, my father didn’t want that to happen.
“My mother came to me in private and told me that Tatania’s father wanted our marriage. He worked hard on my father to talk to me. A marriage would bring the needed votes in my favor to put me in as head instead of my cousin. Mother begged me to do this because my father was intimidated by Salvatore and always had been.
“I realized my father had always lacked a certain confidence. He looked to me to help fight all the internal battles. That bit of knowledge about his insecurity finally persuaded me to follow through.”
“Are you saying she married you because of her father’s pressure?”
“To some degree, yes. I’d had various girlfriends throughout my life, but nothing serious. Because of my parents’ urgings, I started spending time with her and we got on well enough. Knowing my father was pinning all his hopes on my asking Tatania to marry me, I could see that if I didn’t, it could break his spirit.
“But once we were married, she complained about the hours I was working. I questioned how she could be upset since she knew what my life was like. She claimed that she’d loved me from the first time she’d met me, but she didn’t know what it meant to be married to a CEO.
“It’s true I worked harder than I’d ever done. Both my father and hers had big expectations where I was concerned.”
“How old are you?”
“That’s young to have so much responsibility.”
He nodded. “I worried I would let my father down if I didn’t do the lion’s share. I told Tatania that if I did the hard work now, then I could slow down after a couple of years. But our home life did suffer. It got to the point that she said she didn’t want to start a family if I didn’t spend more time at home. I felt trapped.”
“Did she have a job?”
“No. She led an active social life, but the day came when she said she was going to stay at her parents for a while. After two months’ separation, we talked and decided to try again. I promised to stay home more. That worked for two weeks, but then there were new problems out of the country I had to see about. She refused to travel with me.”
“Because it would mean her sitting in a hotel room all day long while I was working.”
“She didn’t like exploring new places?”
“Not alone.”
“How sad.”
“Tatania couldn’t take any more of my being absent and filed for divorce. It’s true that I was a willing pawn at the time of our marriage, but I’d intended to be a good husband. Unfortunately I didn’t marry Tatania for the right reason. Without being in love with her, our marriage couldn’t make it. You know the rest.”
“But after she was pregnant—”
“That’s the mystifying part. She said she didn’t want the baby even if we stayed married because then she’d be stuck raising her baby by herself because I wouldn’t be around. She had every reason to believe that was true. Tatania was also convinced that another man wouldn’t look at her if she had a baby in tow. As you can see, I did damage to our marriage and she became embittered.”
“I’m sorry I brought up something that’s so painful for you.”
“Not painful anymore. Just sad. I’ve been thinking about Vito’s father, who hasn’t stayed in touch with you if only to know he had a son.”
“A baby would ruin his lifestyle. He wants his pleasures without any of the responsibility. The man never grew up.” She stared at him. “The past is behind us, Giovanni. We’re the lucky ones to be the parents of our wonderful babies. And guess what? I think I can hear one of them fussing. I’ll go down and bring them up.”
“We’ll feed them and put them in the playpen.”
She stood up. “I’ll need to get pictures with my phone.” Valentina wanted some of Giovanni to keep forever.
“I want to take pictures, too,” he asserted.
Did he want one of her? Fool that she was, she hoped he did.
“See you in a minute.” She could hear both of them crying now. “I’m coming!”
With the babies propped in the playpen, Valentina stretched out on her back on one of the side banquettes to get a little sun and let Giovanni drive them farther along the coast. Such a gorgeous day with only a light breeze made their outing idyllic.
He turned on some music from the iPod. Suddenly the air was filled with the sound of Pavarotti singing Italian love songs. She’d grown up on classical music and adored opera. Learning that he enjoyed it, too, added another fascinating dimension to this remarkable man.
Valentina sat up. “These love songs make me cry.”
Giovanni turned off the engine and looked back at her with a satisfied expression. “I remember my mother crying over opera. It’s in our Neapolitan genes, Valentina. Our family had arguments at our house over who was, or is, the better tenor—Caruso, Pavarotti or Bocelli.”
She laughed. “I could add another great to that list. Mario Lanza from the American films. When I heard him sing ‘Ave Maria’ in the cathedral with the choir, it was so beautiful, it hurt. And after I heard Pavarotti sing ‘Celeste Aida,’ I felt I was listening to an angel.”
Giovanni nodded. “When this is over, shall I put on the flower song he sang in Carmen?”
“Oh, yes! It’s another aria that tears your heart apart.” They looked at each other, but with him wearing sunglasses, she couldn’t see what was going on in his mind. “My mother’s love of classical music infected me at an early age. Her favorite opera was Madame Butterfly. I wasn’t as enamored after I read the short story of the naval officer who used Butterfly for amusement before abandoning her.”
Giovanni removed his glasses to reveal eyes filled with compassion. “You see yourself as Butterfly?”
“I didn’t know I did until just now. I’ve lost some confidence, Giovanni.”
He sat forward. “You’re not alone. Tatania lost so much faith in me, she didn’t want to mother our child. I was anything but the supportive husband. Over the months during her pregnancy I’d begun to doubt my ability to be a good husband, let alone a good father.”
“But you’re wonderful! Can’t you feel it?” she cried softly.
“Meeting you is helping me find my center, Valentina. I intend to keep working on getting better at it, but you have to know my gratitude to you knows no bounds.”
His confession sank deep in her heart.
He started the engine, and once more they cruised through the calm water. The late afternoon sun shone down, reminding her to turn over. She laid her head on her arms and kept an eye on the babies while she absorbed the music like a sponge.
For the next half hour she lay there entranced. When the tape ended, she got to her feet and was surprised to find they’d come to a tiny stretch of pebbled beach along the coast. He’d pulled into a dock and shut off the engine. She had to look way up to see the top of the verdant mountains. They had a magnificence that kept her in awe.
“What’s this place?”
“Laurito Beach. Few people know about it. When I was young, my friends and I would come here in the summer and build a fort in the trees. This small cove was the starting point for the pirates who used to raid the commercial boats passing by. We pretended to be pirates. The little village of Laurito I was telling you about is higher up the mountain.”
Giovanni got out and tied up the boat. “The Ristorante Da Adoni a few yards off caters to anyone, a come-as-you-are spot. I’m hungry for dinner.”
She was, too. They picked up the carry-cots and walked the short distance where they could eat and enjoy the view of the water. Giovanni ordered them zuppa di cozze, a soup of mussels freshly caught, followed by coniglio all’Ischitana, an exotic rabbit dish with garlic, chilli, tomato, herbs and white wine. Divine, divine.
They both held the babies on their laps while they ate. The waiter grinned at them. “So nice to see the mamma and papà out together with the bambini.” He whispered something to Giovanni she didn’t catch. After he walked away, she asked what he’d said.
“You’ll blush.”
“Oh, dear.”
“But you want to know, right?”
Valentina chuckled.
“I thought so. He said how lucky I was that I had such a delicious-looking wife when she’d just given me two babies. What joy to make another one with her right away!”
That did make her blush. “You made that up.”
He lifted his hands. “I swear.”
If he’d take off his sunglasses, she’d be able to see if he was kidding her.
“He said something else, too, but then you’d turn red like a lobster.”
“Thank you for editing his remarks.”
Giovanni’s low laughter resonated inside her. “Did you know the Ravello summer music festival is putting on a performance of Wagner’s Parsifal near the end of August? I don’t know who the tenor will be, but I’ll get front-row tickets for us whether it’s held indoors or outside.”
To see that with Giovanni would be another thrill of a lifetime. The thrills were stacking up minute by minute. Though she would probably be in Naples by that date, she kept the thought to herself. Valentina didn’t want to spoil their time together during this trip.
“You do too much. I can never repay you.”
“Our relationship isn’t based on payment.”
“I know. But I still want to thank you for your unending generosity.” Time to change the subject. “Where are we headed next, Captain?”
A smile broke out on his tanned face. “There’s another cove five minutes away where we’ll anchor for the night.”
* * *
After they carried the babies back to the boat, they took them downstairs to get them ready for bed. Then Giovanni went up on deck to drive the boat to the spot where they would spend the night. As he was lowering the anchor, his cell phone rang.
He’d put it in a dashboard compartment. After reaching for it, he checked the caller ID. His father knew he’d taken some time off. He wondered what reason had prompted him to call while Giovanni was on holiday.
He clicked on. “Papà?”
“Quanto tempo, figlio mio.”
It hadn’t been that long since they’d seen each other. This call was about something else.
“What’s the problem?”
“Claudio told me he saw you out dining last night with a very beautiful blonde woman. She’s Vito’s mamma, so don’t deny it.”
“I’m denying nothing. She’s with me now.”
“Tatania’s family is outraged that you’ve brought that woman into your house.”
His father misspoke. Only Salvatore was upset because it interfered with his plans to get Tatania back with Giovanni. “It’s my business surely. Our divorce was final months ago and don’t forget, she divorced me.”
“They’re suing the hospital. When you file suit, too, the publicity won’t be good if you’re involved with the Montanari woman.”
Ah. Now his father had gotten to the point. “I have no intention of suing the hospital.”
“Of course you will. This should never have happened.”
“Valentina and I talked it over. It was a terrible mistake, but there was no malice in what happened. Therefore there’s no justification in suing anyone. Since Tatania refused to see the baby after it was delivered, the switch meant nothing to her. Papà, you know full well that this is all coming from Salvatore and not Violeta, who is a reasonable woman and loves my birth son.
“As for Valentina and me, we’ve rectified the situation to our satisfaction. Now we’re involved in helping our babies adjust to the switch. It’s working beautifully.”
“Giovanni—” He lowered his voice. “Putting the suit aside, the Montanari woman was never married. Everyone’s talking about the sister of Rinieri Montanari who got pregnant out of wedlock by that amorous professor from the university. It doesn’t look good for my son who’s the CEO of Laurito’s to be seen in her company. Your judgment should be beyond reproach.”
“That’s too bad, Papà, because she has moved in with me. We and the babies are very happy. I’m on vacation and won’t be back in the office for a couple of days. We’ll talk then if you wish. I love you and Mamma. Ciao.”
Valentina was standing by him when he clicked off. His eyes swerved to her. “How much did you hear?”
“It’s started, hasn’t it? That man who stopped at our table last night, the one who kept undressing me with his eyes? He’s already gone running to your father.”
Giovanni nodded. Claudio might be married, but he had other women on the side. The way he’d looked at Valentina had disgusted him. “We knew this kind of trouble had to happen and have already discussed it.”
“But I know you love your father,” she persisted, “and you don’t want to disappoint him.”
“I know you love yours, but no one else is involved in this except you and me and our children.”
She moistened her lips nervously. “It could get ugly for you.”
“I won’t let it. We’re partners, remember?”
“How could I possibly forget?”
“Good. That’s what I wanted to hear. Now let’s go downstairs to bed.”
He set the boat alarm and they went below. She changed into a pair of navy sweats he loved. Both children slept in their carry-cots in his cabin. When she would have gone to the other cabin, he said, “Stay in here with me tonight, Valentina. The queen-size bed is perfect for us. This way I can guard the three of you with no worry.”
Without waiting for her response, he swung her up in his arms and laid her down on the bed. “I might want to have my way with you, but only with your permission.”
“Not in front of the children,” she teased, but she stayed right there. “Where are you taking us tomorrow?”
“We’ll travel along the coast to the medieval village of Castellabate. It’s a World Heritage Site. Later in the day we’ll take the children ashore in their strollers so we can explore the small streets and alleys. You’ll love it. And if we’re up to it, we can walk to the thirteenth-century castle at the top for a spectacular view.”
“I’ve never been there before.”
“I seem to remember a restaurant that serves the best calamari and saffron risotto with porcini you ever tasted. My mouth is watering just thinking about it.”
“One would think that’s all you have on your mind.”
“That’s how much you know.” Without hesitation, Giovanni brushed her mouth briefly with his own. He’d been needing to do that or go out of his mind. She kissed him back, then turned to face the babies.
“Where did you go?” he whispered against her neck.
“This is happening too fast.”
“But I want to do it, again and again. Don’t tell me you didn’t like it because I wouldn’t believe you.”
His declaration was like a bolt of lightning penetrating her body. “I did like it. That’s not the point.”
“Then what is?”
“I’ve been attracted to you from the first day we met, and it frightens me.”
“I never felt this way about Matteo. This is so different. I know my love for the babies has a lot to do with the strength of my feelings for you. What I can’t figure out is how to separate what’s really going on inside of me. All I know is, I’m a mom now and I need to concentrate on that without letting personal feelings complicate everything. Let’s go to sleep.”
“I’ll try,” he murmured.
The children woke up once in the middle of the night. They fed them in bed, then put them back in their carry-cots. Once all was quiet, he pulled Valentina against him and buried his face in her hair. “Don’t think of moving away from me. Not now, not ever.”
“You mustn’t keep saying things like that to me.”
“I can’t help it. I didn’t have a mad passion for Tatania. I’m afraid you take the honors in that department.”
She squeezed her eyes together. “It’s because I’m Vito’s mom. You’re reading too much into it.”
“I agree it’s because of that and a myriad of intangibles. But I can hear your next argument. Both of us have come out of unsatisfying relationships and being together is filling a void. I can add several others. I need the woman who mothered Ric for two weeks to become his nanny so I can go to work without worry. And you’re a Montanari. Binding our two families will build a dynasty and—”