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Your Personal Horoscope 2009: Month-by-month Forecasts for Every Sign
Still, the most important thing will be to maintain high energy levels. Rest when tired, work with a rhythm and take frequent breaks, plan your activities so that more gets done with less energy, avoid arguments, worry and emotional negativity (easier said than done!) as these can deplete a person more (and faster) than hours on a chain gang.
Your health planet, Mercury, goes Retrograde four times this year (this is also highly unusual; normally he travels backwards only three times in a year). These will be times to review your health, health regime and health attitudes to see where improvements can be made. However, these are not times to make drastic changes to your regime, or to make important health decisions, only to review it. This year, these periods are from January 11 to 31; May 7 to 30; September 7 to 29 and December 26 to 31.
Home and Family
Your 4th House of Home and Family is not a House of Power this year, thus there is not as much interest here as usual. Generally this shows that the cosmos is not pushing you one way or another and you have more freedom and latitude in this department. Generally it denotes a status quo kind of year.
However, this year I’m not so sure about this. There are, as was mentioned, FOUR Lunar eclipses this year, and the Moon is your home and family planet. In addition, there is a Solar Eclipse on July 22 in your 4th House. Perhaps by temperament you would prefer the status quo, but it’s not going to happen.
These eclipses show either moves (sudden and disruptive), repairs in the home (unexpected), dramatic events in the lives of family members and parent figures, and major changes in the family and domestic pattern.
Eclipses are never punitive, but they can feel that way, especially if a person is making plans, or is attached to things that are not part of his or her plan in life. Then, the function of the eclipse is to ‘blow it to smithereens’ and bring the person back to his or her path. If the person is already following the cosmic plan for the life, the eclipse will only reveal hidden flaws and allow corrections to be made.
Are family relationships ties that are holding you back? Are family attachments unhealthy and uncosmic? Is family preventing you from fulfilling your divine destiny (or perhaps the reverse is true)? Are you supposed to be living in another place? The eclipses will expose all this and lead to life changes.
The challenge now (as was mentioned earlier) is to keep the emotions in harmony. This is not easy but it can be done. Those of you who are worldly will probably medicate, although this is a stop-gap solution. A spiritual discipline, an awareness of your feelings without judgement, prayer and meditation will be longer-lasting solutions, solutions that will cure the very root causes of the problems.
Parents or parent figures in your life are undergoing deep and profound transformations. This seems on a very personal level. Some are having surgery (both cosmetic and more serious types). Some are getting involved in serious detox regimes. Some are having near death experiences. Some are getting involved in spiritual disciplines that involve transformation. The process of transformation is seldom pleasant—and you will need patience with your parents—but the end result is beautiful.
The parents or parent figures (in a man’s chart what we see refers to the father or father figures; in a woman’s chart it refers to the mother or mother figures) are confronting the ‘dark angel’ in various ways. He is letting them know that he is around, that life is short (compared to Eternity) and fragile and it’s time to get down to the essentials of life. The ‘dark angel’ is only reminding them of what is really important in life.
If you are planning heavy construction work or renovations in the home, June 21 to July 22 and August 25 to October 16 are good times. If you are looking to beautify the home in a cosmetic sort of way (repainting or buying furniture or art objects) August 1 to 26 is a good time.
Finance and Career
Your 2nd House of Finance is not a House of Power this year, thus you seem satisfied with the status quo and have no need to make major financial changes. It is true that you have more freedom in this area—the planetary powers neither push you one way nor another—but there is a lack of interest and this tends to the status quo. (Career is another matter and we’ll discuss it later.)
Your financial planet is Venus. She is a very fast moving planet and will move through all the Signs and Houses of your Horoscope in any given year. Thus financial opportunity will come to you in many ways and through many people as the year unfolds. It all depends on where Venus is at any given time and these issues are best discussed in the monthly reports.
Venus serves double duty in your Horoscope. She is BOTH the financial planet AND the love planet. Thus there is a very strong connection between love and money. When love is going well, there tends to be prosperity. When prosperity is strong, love tends to go well. So if you want to improve your bottom line, work on maintaining harmony with your spouse, current love or friends.
Venus rules the beauty industry—cosmetics, fashion, perfumes, jewellery, antiques, art and the like. Thus all these industries are interesting to you, both as investments or as ways to earn a living. People involved in these industries also tend to be important in your financial life.
Professional investors should look at copper (the commodity) and real estate for profit opportunities.
The job situation seems stressful for many of you. You don’t seem to be enjoying it as much as you should. The spiritual lesson here is to transcend how you feel and just do the right thing—do a good job—regardless of how you feel. There is a need to develop some discipline in this area.
Those of you who hire others seem to be cutting back on employees and doing a major re-structuring in this area. This doesn’t mean failure. Downsizing, especially when done with skill, can actually increase profits. The object here is to eliminate waste and bring a cosmic order into the employee situation.
Last year you worked hard, and you saw the results of that hard work. You gained promotions, honours and raises. Yes, you had luck in your career, but it was your hard work that created the luck. This year you are still working hard and succeeding in this way.
With Pluto now in your 10th House of Career for many years to come, there is a sense that you are re-evaluating your career, purifying it, detoxing it of effete attitudes, motives and emotions. This purification often leads to near-death experiences in the career. Sometimes it leads to actual death and then a resurrection. The good news here is that there is an intense focus—a drive for success—and a single-minded concentration on the career goals. Attainment of these goals is very likely now (and for years to come) but you have to be willing to undergo the transformation—the detox.
We also see a complete transformation of your industry, the leaders of your industry and your corporate hierarchy in coming years. This won’t happen overnight, but over many years. A few years from now you will hardly recognize your industry or your corporate hierarchy; the changes will be deep and profound.
With ALL the long-term planets above the horizon of your chart (and Pluto right on the Midheaven) there is great ambition. You need to be careful not to ignore family or to ride rough shod over others in your drive to the top. Your intense interest could be seen as a ruthlessness by others.
Your most prosperous periods this year will be from February 3 to July 5.
Your best career periods will be from January 1 to 20; April 19 to May 20; August 22 to September 22 and December 21 to 31.
Love and Social Life
Your 7th House of Love and Marriage is not a House of Power for most of the year (until October 29). Thus, until that time I expect a status quo kind of situation. Marrieds will tend to stay married and singles will tend to stay single. Of course singles will date and have fun—they will have a social life—but there doesn’t seem to be anything special on the horizon.
As Saturn moves into your 7th House on October 29, he will bring many changes to your love and social life. As we mentioned earlier, he will test existing marriages and business partnerships in the same sort of way a company road tests a new vehicle. It gives the vehicle some rough handling—abnormally rough handling—to see where the flaws are—to see how the vehicle handles stress—and to see how reliable the vehicle is. This road testing is very valuable to the maker; improvements can either be made or the vehicle can be released for production. So it is with your marriage and business partnerships. They get some rough handling. If you perform well, you will have an enduring marriage or partnership and will know where and how you can improve things.
Faulty marriages, like faulty vehicles, will probably get destroyed by the road testing. The cosmos wants the best for you, and will send you another partner in due course.
The Horoscope is not only showing us the problems in love, but also the cure. If the marriage is troubled, there is a need to make it the priority in your life, to keep your full focus on the marriage. You sort of have to make it your ‘spiritual mission’ for the year. Only that kind of priority can save it (and both parties have to be willing to do this). Also, it might help to be more helpful in your spouse’s or partner’s career; be a staunch advocate and supporter of it.
There is a whole reorganization of social life happening after October 29. Jupiter in your 11th House is bringing you all kinds of new friends and acquaintances. Perhaps you are socializing too much to the detriment of other areas of your life. So, Saturn will come and test these friendships and force you to focus only on the good ones. Saturn’s philosophy is ‘better to have a few good friends than to have hordes of mediocre ones’.
After October 29 singles are probably better off staying single. There is a need to review your love attitudes and what your true needs are. Date less, but make the dates you go on more serious and of a higher calibre. You are in a period where the cosmos is showing you that love and marriage is not just a ‘good time’ but has many serious responsibilities attached to it.
Saturn moving through the 7th House is not considered an especially happy transit for love. Yet it does have some very positive points to it, some of which we mentioned. When he is through with you, your marriage, partnerships and social life will be solid indeed, reliable, of good quality and healthy. Also, it shows that you will be mingling with people of high status—his political or corporate power—in the year ahead. You will have a more practical approach to love.
Saturn, your career planet, in the 7th House often shows the classic office romance: romance with the boss or superior. The danger with these kinds of relationships is that they can become purely material and utilitarian, without any deep feelings of love involved.
Our discussion above relates to those in or working on their first marriage. Those in or working on their second marriage will have a status quo kind of year. Marrieds will tend to stay married and singles will tend to stay single. There are love opportunities with friends, introductions of new friends, and in groups and organizations.
Those working on the third marriage have very wonderful marriage aspects now and a marriage or serious relationship is likely.
Your best love and social periods this year will be from September 23 to October 22 and from October 15 to 29.
Venus will make one of her rare Retrogrades from March 6 to April 17. This tends to introduce glitches in the love life. Relationships seem to go backwards instead of forwards. But there is a spiritual purpose here: to review your current love situation and see where improvements can be made. Better to make long-term love decisions after April 17. (By the way this Retrograde also applies to finances.)
Spirituality has been an important focus for some years now and the trend continues in the year ahead. Uranus is in your 12th House. Thus you are (and if not, you should be) exploring the scientific side of spirituality. A good scientific understanding of what you are doing will be a great help in keeping the faith during the tough times. The spiritual side of Astrology also seems interesting.
Uranus moving through your 12th House shows that you have been (and will continue) making dramatic changes in your spiritual regime and practice. It seems to me that these changes have been coming from inner revelation. And you can expect more of this in the year to come. Revelation will hit you with the suddenness of a lightning bolt. You might practise, practise, practise and nothing seems to be happening. Then one day, when you least expect it, boom! You have inner revelation and everything in your life changes.
This is a year for friendship and group activities, but it seems to involve spirituality as well. You are attracting spiritual kinds of friends. You are involved with spiritual groups and organizations.
Your spiritual mission for the year ahead (as it has been for the past two years) is staying healthy, learning more about your health, and incorporating healthy habits into your everyday life. It is also about developing your own personal healing abilities—we all have them. Being of practical service to others will not only help you in your worldly career, but also spiritually as well. Leadership is a form of service to others and you are seeing this more clearly in the year ahead.
After October 29, your spiritual mission will change. It will be about being there for your friends and spouse, supporting them and helping them.
Month-by-month Forecasts
Best Days Overall: 3, 4, 12, 21, 22, 30, 31
Most Stressful Days Overall: 10, 11, 16, 17, 23, 24
Best Days for Love: 9, 10, 16, 17, 18, 19, 28, 29
Best Days for Money: 6, 7, 9, 10, 16, 18, 19, 25, 26, 28, 29
Best Days for Career: 6, 14, 15, 23, 24
You begin your year with 80 to 90 per cent of the planets above the horizon. Your 10th House of Career is very powerful: 50 per cent and sometimes 60 per cent of the planets are either there or moving through there this month. You are right in the middle of a yearly career peak. This is the main interest and focus in the coming month. Your 4th House of Home and Family, by contrast, is empty. So you can safely de-emphasize family concerns and focus on your career. No question that this is the best way to serve your family. You are working hard, no question about it, fending off competitors and doing whatever you need to do to reach your goals. What I like here is that you are personally recognized, not just for your career achievements but for who you are. You are honoured and appreciated by the powers that be. You are on top, probably above everyone in your family and above your spouse or current love. You are calling the shots. Last year was a beautiful career year, and the trend continues this month. Pay rises and promotions are still likely. The only fly in the ointment (here on Earth things are seldom perfect) is the Retrograde movement of your career planet, Saturn. This suggests that you need to do more homework on the various career opportunities or promotions that are coming your way—they might not be what they seem.
Last month (December 2008) the planets shifted from the social western sector of the Horoscope to the independent East. This trend is now in full swing for the next 6 months or so. You are very independent by nature and so this trend is comfortable for you. This is a time to have things your way and to create conditions as you desire them to be. You have more freedom of action now. You are not so much in need of the good graces of others to achieve your goals.
But career interest is waning this month and the focus, little by little, will shift to friendships, group activities and organizations. Jupiter will enter your 11th House on the 5th and the Sun on the 19th. So this is a happy and successful area of life now. Moreover, there is a Solar Eclipse on the 26th that occurs in this House. This suggests that now new friends—important ones—are coming into your life. You are re-evaluating existing friendships—friendships are getting tested—and in many cases, existing friendships will dissolve and new ones will come to replace them. This Solar Eclipse brings dramatic changes in the lives of children, dramas (both personal and financial) in the lives of parent figures, and shakeups in religious or educational institutions you are involved in. Many of you (especially students) will be changing your educational plans—changing schools or changing courses. Your college or university might be making important rule changes that affect you. If you are involved in legal issues, there is now a dramatic turn. Since you have basically good aspects this year, I expect legal issues will go in your favour. Avoid speculations during the eclipse period.
Health is good overall, but rest and relax more until the 19th. The ankles, spine, knees, teeth, bones and overall skeletal alignment need special attention.
Best Days Overall: 1, 8, 9, 17, 18, 27, 28
Most Stressful Days Overall: 6, 7, 12, 13, 19, 20, 21
Best Days for Love: 8, 9, 12, 13, 17, 18, 27, 28
Best Days for Money: 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13, 17, 18, 22, 23, 27, 28
Best Days for Career: 2, 3, 10, 11, 19, 20, 21
Mercury your health planet starts to move forward on the 1st. It was Retrograde last month from the 11th to the 31st. So now it is safe to make changes to your health regime or diet. Health is much improved over last month, but you can enhance it even further by giving more attention to the same organs as last month—the spine, knees, teeth, bones and overall skeletal alignment until the 14th and the ankles afterwards. It might be wise to see a chiropractor more often this month and to give more support to the ankles, especially when you exercise. Regular ankle massage is good too. Until the 14th, as your health planet is in an Earth Sign, you will get good results from being in places with a strong earth energy: mountains, old forests, caves, or mineral springs. Crystal therapy will be more powerful as well. After the 14th, as your health planet moves into an Air Sign, fresh air is good for you. Breathing exercises will also be beneficial.
A Lunar Eclipse on the 9th shakes things up with family, family members and perhaps parent figures. Children are also affected. They seem to be making important changes to their image, self-awareness and spiritual changes—changes to their spiritual regime or practice. (You too are making important changes to your spiritual regime, probably because of new revelation and understanding.) You seem involved in certain scandals; it might not be with you personally but with people you are involved with. Certain hidden information now gets disclosed and there is some upheaval about this. Flaws in the home tend to be revealed by every Lunar Eclipse and this one is no different. Be patient with family members now. This eclipse will also test love affairs. Unsound ones can dissolve right now.
But singles need not worry about love. Venus, your love planet, crosses your Ascendant from the 2nd to the 4th. Love is seeking you and will find you. There is nothing much you need to do—just show up! Love pursues you, not the other way around. And this will be the case for the whole month. Venus in your own Sign also shows prosperity—financial windfalls that come to you, and expensive personal items, like clothing or jewellery, as well. Venus in your own Sign from the 3rd onwards enhances your physical appearance and glamorizes it. Your sense of style is enhanced. You radiate (unconsciously, without trying) charm and grace and the opposite sex takes notice. What the cosmos might take away by the eclipse, it will replace with better.
Financial opportunities are seeking you out and will find you. This is a prosperous month. You adopt the image of wealth this month too.
Best Days Overall: 7, 8, 16, 17, 18, 26, 27
Most Stressful Days Overall: 3, 4, 12, 13, 19, 20
Best Days for Love: 7, 8, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 26, 27
Best Days for Money: 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31
Best Days for Career: 1, 2, 10, 19, 20, 28, 29
This month you have three main interests. Like last month, it is a very social month. Friendships, group activities and involvement with organizations are still a dominant interest. But your 12th House of Spirituality is also very strong this month, especially until the 20th. A good period to pursue spiritual and charitable interests, to go on that yoga or spiritual retreat, to take meditation classes or get involved in prayer circles and the like. A good period to review the past year, correct mistakes, re-evaluate and set new goals for the year ahead. You are about to have your personal new year—which begins on your birthday. You want to start this new year—this new cycle—fresh, with a clean slate.
On the 20th, as the Sun enters your own Sign, there is a great interest in the body: the image and the pleasures of the body. You enter one of your yearly personal pleasure periods—a time to pamper yourself and enjoy life.
Health is wonderful all month, but especially after the 20th. The Sun in your own Sign gives you the energy of ten people. (Even older Aries will feel more bouncy now.) If there were health problems in the last month you should experience healings now. Until the 8th you can enhance your health even further by giving more attention to the ankles. Massage them regularly and give them support (you seem more active this month, more into sports and exercise, so this is important). Fresh air—air purity in general—is important until the 8th. Afterwards, enhance the health by giving more attention to the feet: regular foot massage would be wonderful then. After the 8th you will also get good results from spiritual-type healing—meditation, prayer, reiki, the laying on of hands and the manipulation of subtle energies. This will be a wonderful period to advance your knowledge of these things.
The love life is just super. Whether you are looking for fun and games kinds of relationships or something more serious, it is there for you—and these people are seeking you out. You are having your way. Just be yourself and go about your business; these people will find you. Marrieds will find that their spouses are more devoted and attentive. However, Venus starts to Retrograde on the 9th. And this complicates the love life. This is a period for reviewing your relationships and seeing where improvements can be made. And though you have many love opportunities, don’t jump into them right away—let them develop slowly (very difficult for you Aries, but it is wise.)
Like last month there is prosperity. Financial opportunities are seeking you out. There is luck in speculations (especially around the Spring Equinox). Your personal appearance plays a huge role in earnings, and since you look good these days this is a positive wealth signal. Prosperity is only going to get stronger in the next few months. Again Venus’s Retrograde suggests that you do more homework with all the financial opportunities coming to you. They may not be all they are made out to be.
Best Days Overall: 4, 5, 13, 14, 22, 23
Most Stressful Days Overall: 2, 3, 8, 9, 15, 16, 29, 30
Best Days for Love: 4, 8, 9, 20, 21
Best Days for Money: 4, 8, 9, 18, 19, 20, 21, 25, 26, 27, 28