Полная версия
Operation Soldier Next Door

The Cutter’s Code series continues with a hero who fights to remember...and love
Instead of a peaceful homecoming, wounded warrior Tate McLaughlin faces an explosion, near-electrocution and Cutter, an incredibly smart dog. Worse, the sexy veteran needs Lacy—the pretty girl next door—to leave him alone! He’s been hurt too many times to risk his heart again.
To Lacy Steele, it’s apparent that the attacks on her neighbor were no accident. Someone is after him, but his damaged memory offers no clue who! But as they investigate, Lacy finds an intimacy with Tate neither of them has ever known. And it’s that bond—and secrets from his deployment—that threatens his life and heart.
You might be surprised at the desires I have.
Tate quashed the traitorous thought. “Actually,” he said, “that’s always my first assumption.”
Lacy blinked. Drew back. “What?”
He shrugged.
“You always assume a woman’s not interested? You’re smart, great-looking and sexy as hell. And you volunteered to serve, to protect. Any woman with a brain would be interested.”
He actually felt his jaw drop. He wanted to look away but couldn’t, not when she was looking at him with such genuine puzzlement, after saying...that. And for a moment all he could think of was that she’d seen his scars and still said it.
“You,” he said carefully, “have a brain.”
“Enough of one to see that you’re not interested.”
He sucked in a deep breath. “Then I’m a better liar than I thought.”
Be sure to check out the rest of the books in this
series—Cutter’s Code: A clever and mysterious canine helps a group of secret operatives crack the case
Dear Reader,
I’ve always been a huge supporter of our military veterans. More so now than ever, since they are all volunteers. While I once wore a uniform, it was never the kind that would send me out of the relative safety of home, and I admired those who had such nerve. I still do.
I have also always been fascinated with WWII history. I wonder what it was like on the home front both here and in theater, but mostly I wonder about the people who fought it—and the aftermath. How on earth did those people, that greatest generation, go through that and then come home to lead, for the most part, quiet, unassuming lives? How did you spend all that time in a state of such high tension and brotherhood, watching your comrades die, and then come home and adjust to everyday life? How did you feel knowing that most likely you would never experience anything like that again? Would that be a relief? A letdown? Might you miss it?
So take all those rambling thoughts, throw in another cause dear to my heart—dogs who also serve—and you end up with a story that tugs my heart in about three different ways! I hope it reaches you, as well.
Happy reading!
Operation Soldier Next Door
Justine Davis

JUSTINE DAVIS lives on Puget Sound in Washington State, watching big ships and the occasional submarine go by and sharing the neighborhood with assorted wildlife, including a pair of bald eagles, deer, a bear or two and a tailless raccoon. In the few hours when she’s not planning, plotting or writing her next book, her favorite things are photography, knitting her way through a huge yarn stash and driving her restored 1967 Corvette roadster—top down, of course.
Connect with Justine at her website, justinedavis.com, at Twitter.com/justine_d_davis, or on Facebook at Facebook.com/justinedaredavis.
Yugo (named after a tour of duty my husband did), nicknamed “Nugget,” was my best friend. A Lhasa-poodle cross, a chunky, curly furred bundle of warmth and love. Creamy beige with beautiful brown eyes, he had expressive feet and a pokey little nose. He wasn’t much for tricks but he loved cuddles and snuggles and was the perfect reading buddy. His front feet danced when he sat and waited for treats and food. When he was laying down he always stretched one leg out and if he could, up on something. I loved his expressive feet!
Yugo, sadly, suffered with anxiety and panic disorders that left him terrified, crying. We taught him to run for a dark room so he had no triggers from sound and light and he could calm down. His illness limited our lives but he was worth it. Despite his necessary isolation, he was a well loved and happy dog. He had many human friends who cheered him on.
Yugo was a part of our family from Dec 2010 until June 18th, 2015.
We saved him from a puppy mill when he was four months old. We rescued him and in return he gave us a great gift.
He loved us unconditionally. He put all his faith and trust in us.
He made us laugh and filled our home with joy.
He taught us patience, commitment, strength, to love unconditionally, and to never give up.
He gave me, personally, a purpose unlike anything I’ve ever known. I was his safety, his calm, his person. All he asked was that we love him and keep him safe.
And so, we did!
~Lisa Miller
Back Cover Text
Dear Reader
Title Page
About the Author
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 1
Hayley Foxworth lay in the darkness of a quiet night, considering waking her husband after a particularly heated dream. The bedside clock read 4:00 a.m. This time of year, late spring, the sun would soon begin to brighten the sky, and then it would clear the Cascades and spill golden light across the waters of Puget Sound. And he would wake on his own. He never could sleep much past sunrise, anyway, whatever time of year it was.
She didn’t mind. Quinn was a complex man, but the core of him never changed; he loved her, and he would always do what he thought was right. Not much more a woman could ask for, she thought as she turned on her side to snuggle up behind him, savoring his heat even on this relatively warm night. He—
A blast shattered the quiet.
Two things happened simultaneously. Her husband bolted upright, instantly awake and alert. And their dog, Cutter, did the same, erupting into a cacophony of barking.
“Damn, that was close,” Quinn muttered, already out of bed and pulling on the jeans and boots he’d discarded so hastily last night. By the time Hayley had pulled on enough to be decent he was at the front door, where Cutter was pawing at the knob, demanding to get out.
“He’ll be gone like a shot.” She knew her clever dog’s demeanor too well by now.
“Then we’ll just have to keep up,” Quinn said.
Hayley spared a moment to be thankful he didn’t tell her to stay safe at home while he checked it out, but then Quinn had never questioned her competence or abilities.
And, of course, she’d had some training herself in the last two years.
Cutter seemed to realize his humans couldn’t move quite as fast as he could, and when he got too far ahead—Hayley had no idea how he decided when that was, but it was consistent—he paused and looked back, waiting for them to catch up. In the darkness his black head and shoulders were almost indiscernible. Were it not for the lighter, reddish brown of his body and tail, she doubted she’d be able to see him at all.
They were headed west, but at the first cross street the dog cut south, and within a few yards Hayley could smell...something. Smoke. Ash. Dust in the air. She wasn’t sure.
“There,” Quinn said, just as she saw it. A man, wearing only trim boxers, coughing, staggering a bit, in front of a small house that looked tidy and well-kept. Except for the huge, smoking hole in the north wall.
Cutter reached the man first. He was either too dazed to be concerned, or he was comfortable with a dog of no small size appearing out of nowhere. She guessed the latter when Cutter nudged him and the man moved to stroke the dog’s head in a gesture that appeared instinctive. From here, all she could tell was that he was tall, with close-cropped dark hair, and thin, although he looked fit rather than bony. A second figure came into view, a woman, running toward the scene from the house next door, apparently using the flashlight of her cell phone to light the way. She arrived at the same moment they did.
“I’ve called the fire department,” she said, looking at the man rather anxiously. “Are you all right?”
The man’s head slowly turned. Hayley saw his face was soot-stained and his right shoulder and left foot were bleeding. Not badly, but definitely. Broken glass? He was looking at his neighbor, his brow furrowed. He gave a slight shake of his head, not in answer but as if to clear it. He didn’t speak.
“I’m guessing his ears are still ringing a bit,” Quinn said.
The woman glanced at them, then at Cutter. Her expression changed, in obvious recognition of some combination of them and their dog. Hayley smiled briefly in return. She and Quinn ran with the dog through the neighborhood regularly, and this was the woman with the amazing vegetable garden who always waved at them as they went by. The woman nodded and went back to watching her neighbor with concern.
“You should sit down,” she told him.
His brow furrowed again. The woman got there quickly. She pointed at her own ears with a questioning look. He shook his head again, wincing. The movement made him sway slightly.
Cutter whined, nudging at the man’s hand. He looked down, smiled, and stroked the dog’s head again. Cutter dropped to the grass and rolled over, clearly asking for a belly rub. Hayley drew back in surprise since Cutter rarely surrendered his dignity so quickly, not even to them, and certainly not in situations like this. She glanced at Quinn and saw he was just as startled.
But the man bent to comply, marking him as knowledgeable about canine body language. A second later he rather abruptly sat down beside the dog, as if he’d had little choice in the matter.
The woman’s mouth quirked up at one corner. “Well, that’s one way to get him to sit down.”
“Ears. Balance. I think he might need medics to check him out,” Quinn said.
“I asked for them, too,” she said. “The house has been empty since Mr. McLaughlin died, but I saw a motorcycle arrive last night and lights on, so I figured somebody must be here.”
“Good thinking,” Hayley said.
“I’m Lacy Steele, by the way,” the woman said.
“Quinn and Hayley Foxworth,” Hayley said. “We live around the corner.”
The woman nodded, clearly thinking anything more by way of introduction could wait, then crouched beside the man, who was giving Cutter the requested rub.
“Let me know if your ears are—”
She stopped mid-sentence as the man looked up quickly. A flicker of relief crossed his face.
“Better?” she asked, smiling.
“Some,” he said. “Still ringing, but I can hear you enough to make it out.”
“Good,” she said. She turned the flashlight on the phone back on and aimed it at his left ear, then moved to his right. “No bleeding there,” she announced.
“Thanks, doc,” he said, rather wryly.
The woman stared at him for a moment, as if she wasn’t sure how to take that. The man said nothing more to her, just leaned over and ruffled the fur between Cutter’s ears.
“Thanks, buddy,” he said softly. For a moment his hand lingered on the dog’s head, gently, as if in thanks. Or benediction.
Cutter’s body language changed instantly. He rolled to an upright position, head cocked back. For a long moment he stared at the man. Straight into his eyes. And then he got up, turned to face Hayley and Quinn. Sat.
And gave them The Look.
“Uh-oh,” Quinn whispered.
“Indeed,” Hayley answered in a tone just as quiet. “Seems there might be something else going on here.”
“I wish I knew how he does that.”
Hayley glanced at her husband, giving him a loving smile. He’d long ago surrendered to the fact that Cutter did do it, and only now and then idly wondered how.
And there was no question about it here. Their new neighbor had a problem, something beyond his immediate situation. And Cutter’s instincts told him it was something Foxworthy, as Liam jokingly put it.
“I get the feeling,” Hayley said, “he’s going to be a prickly one.”
“As long as he’s not a—”
“Hush,” Hayley said, cutting off the awful pun she knew was coming.
She was surprised at how energized she felt. It had been a quiet few weeks, with nothing much happening since they’d returned from California, where her prodigal brother, Walker, was busily setting up Foxworth Southwest with help from her best friend, Amy.
While she’d relished the extra time spent with Quinn, she had been getting a little antsy. And she knew if she was, Quinn was triply so. He’d kept busy, planning, training, teaching, not to mention clawing at the old case of the mole who had once betrayed them, but she knew he was more than ready for an immediate challenge.
“Looks like we’ve got one,” she said softly.
Because Cutter was never wrong.
Chapter 2
The chaos had ebbed, the firefighters had assured them the danger had passed and Lacy Steele’s heart had slowed to a near-normal pace after the adrenaline-induced rush of her rude awakening.
The explosion appeared to have originated in a lean-to shed on the north side of the house. The shed and whatever was in it, they said, had likely directed the force inward as much as outward. The shed was destroyed—the only things left were some shattered boards hanging at all angles. The blast had left a gaping opening at least eight feet wide in the house itself, including the roof. She knew the master bedroom was right there, and thought her neighbor was lucky to have escaped as lightly as he apparently had.
“I’d say welcome to the neighborhood, but I’m not sure it’s appropriate right now. You must be Tate McLaughlin. I’m Lacy Steele,” she said, holding out a hand to the new neighbor she hadn’t yet formally met. That he was wearing only boxers made the gesture a bit silly, she supposed, but she made it, anyway. It helped her to not gape at him; even in the dark, it was clear he was a tall, nicely put-together man with the kind of lean build she liked. What she could see of his somewhat angular face matched, and she wondered what he would look like in full light.
“I’ll bet,” he muttered, not even glancing at her, focused completely on the firefighters going over the house looking for any lingering embers or problems.
“Yeah, yeah, I know, I’m an oxymoron.” She was used to jokes about her name, and they hadn’t bothered her in a long time.
“Not the word I was thinking.”
She didn’t ask what was. And she forgave him ignoring her proffered hand, figuring he had enough on his mind that she shouldn’t consider it rude. In fact, it was probably silly of her to do such an ordinary thing under the circumstances.
“There didn’t seem to be much of a fire, really,” she said.
“More boom than burn,” agreed the man who’d introduced himself as Quinn Foxworth, his wife as Hayley and their rather remarkable dog as Cutter.
To her new neighbor’s credit, he didn’t respond to Quinn’s comment any more than he had to hers. So it wasn’t personal. And she guessed if it had been her house that had had a gaping hole blown in it, she wouldn’t be much more talkative herself.
Quinn walked over to talk to the fire official who had arrived some minutes after the initial response, leaving her with the man she’d heard so much about. His name, she knew, had come from his grandmother. It had been her maiden name. But in everything else, he was pure McLaughlin, his grandfather had said, usually with a laugh.
“I really liked your grandfather,” she said to him. “We used to eat dinner together some nights. He’d do the meat, and I’d provide the veggies.” She waved a hand toward her garden, where she spent most of her time when she wasn’t at her computer station for her self-created job as an online reading tutor for kids. “I loved hearing his stories about his time in the war.”
He looked at her at last. And although there was nothing in his expression to make her uncomfortable, she was suddenly aware she’d come running over here wearing only the summer shorts and T-shirt she slept in.
Of course, she’d been aware from the beginning that he was out here in much less. Aware in a way that was just the tiniest bit unsettling. It wasn’t just that he had the lean, rangy build she preferred and a nice backside, it was the sleek-looking skin. So much skin...
“He didn’t talk about that much,” he finally said.
“I’m sure he sanitized them for my benefit, and he avoided talking about himself, but it was still fascinating.”
She looked back at the house, where the firefighters were clearing up, apparently satisfied now that there would be no flare-up.
“I miss him,” she said softly. She’d truly enjoyed her time with the feisty old man. She’d never known her own grandfathers, but she liked to think they would have been like Martin McLaughlin.
“You mean that,” he said, sounding not quite amazed, but at least surprised.
“Yes,” she answered simply.
After a long moment he lowered his gaze and said quietly, “Thank you.”
Something crashed and his head snapped toward the house. He winced at his own movement. The medics had bandaged his foot—a minor cut from a sliver rather than a shard of broken glass. His shoulder had a wound on the edge of needing stitches, which he had refused. The medics had suggested they take him to the hospital to be checked for any sort of head injury. He’d refused that, too, saying he’d had a concussion or two in his life and knew the signs.
She hoped he was right, and he’d just moved too quickly.
When his expression cleared she spoke again, hoping to distract him from the fact that the crash had been another chunk of his roof caving in. “He was so very proud of you, and your service.”
His gaze seemed to soften for a moment, but his voice didn’t when he finally said, “He was the only one.”
She blinked. “That’s not true. I didn’t even know you except by name, and I was proud.”
He drew back slightly at that. As if he didn’t like the idea that he’d been a topic of discussion.
“Well, Tate, I’m glad this wasn’t any worse.”
“I’m sure. Could have been big enough to take out a chunk of your place, too.”
Lacy sighed inwardly. Acerbic was one thing, and given what had happened he had the right, but it was the middle of the night, she’d stayed up too late reading and she was tired of working so hard to simply have a civil conversation when she was only trying to help.
“In which case you’d probably be dead, and I’d have missed the sheer pleasure of meeting you.”
His mouth quirked. It wasn’t a smile, not even close, but it was an improvement over the understandably grim expression he’d been wearing.
“Sorry,” he said. “I’m a little...”
That was an improvement, too, she thought. “Of course.”
He nodded. Then he turned and started walking toward Quinn and the uniformed man. Only now, when the sunrise had brightened the sky, did she see the thick, long scar that wrapped around from his spine to his side, just above his waist. A second, thinner scar ran up the back of his left shoulder, his neck and twisted into the hair at the back of his head. Short hair, still almost military short, but long enough that she could see the new hair growth near the scar was coming in a silvery white rather than dark like the rest.
That scar had the reddish tinge that said it was newer rather than old. The thought of the kind of injury that would have left that, that had actually made his hair change color, made her shiver despite the early sun’s warmth. She guessed that was the injury that had sent him home from overseas. Guessed his recovery had been long and hard.
And then to come home to this, on his first night in his grandfather’s house... She’d be on her knees, probably wailing, she thought with a grimace. And he was merely a little cranky.
Martin McLaughlin had said his grandson was smart, tough and brave. She supposed the scars were proof enough of that, if she’d needed any after the medals Martin had shown her.
I think the boy sends them to me because I know what war is.
I think he sends them to you because he loves you and wants you to be proud of him.
She’d forgotten that conversation until now. And again she felt the tug of sadness since she genuinely had liked Martin and truly would miss him.
He’d also said the grandson who shared his birthday had a generous soul, a good heart that had been hurt too often and was a gentleman to the core. She remembered smiling at the word rarely used these days. Those qualities she wasn’t so sure of, but it was hardly fair to judge him under these circumstances.
Martin had definitely been right about one thing. His grandson was a hero. And for that he deserved all the patience she could muster.
She walked over to where the man who had rolled up in the car labeled Battalion Chief was standing with the Foxworths and Tate. She got there just as another man in turnouts walked up. The chief frowned when he saw the dog at the man’s heels. She supposed they were worried about the dog getting in the way, or perhaps messing up whatever investigation they had to do. But the firefighter quickly forestalled his boss.
“Yeah, I know, Chief. But in fact, he probably just saved us a lot of time.”
The frown deepened. “How?”
“We found that propane tank here, right? Well, he just led me right to what’s left of a second five-gallon propane tank a few yards from the house. In really bad shape. Looks like that might have been our explosion.”