Полная версия
The Lawman's Redemption
She and Polly bustled down the street, picking up their pace as they entered State Street. Most decent folks avoided this part of town. Ruffians could attack at any time, and no one would come to their aid. Usually one of Polly’s brothers came with them, but they’d been too busy up at the mine, now that it was finally in production.
As they passed the saloon a few doors down from Miss Betty’s, a man stumbled out, disheveled.
“But I can still win it back,” he slurred.
Mary lifted her skirts slightly and attempted to move past when another man followed.
“I don’t think so, Hank. You’re in to me for far more than you can ever pay.” The man gave a barking laugh, so distinctive that Mary was forced to look at him.
Ben. His shirt was unbuttoned, and a scantily clad woman had her arm possessively around his.
Mary glanced over at Polly, who gave a shrug.
But Mary wasn’t going to accept that. Not when it could possibly give her a way out.
“So this is where you’ve been keeping yourself,” she told him, giving her best glare. “Despite your words last night, I think it’s clear that we no longer have a future together.”
He stepped toward her, stuffing his shirttails into his pants. “A little meaningless fun, that’s all.”
“Not in my book.” Mary tucked her free arm into Polly’s and took another step down the street. “Let’s go.”
Another man rounded the corner, blocking their path. She didn’t need to look up to know it was Will. Something about his presence...
Whatever it was, it couldn’t be a good feeling, the way her windpipe felt as if it was closing up. Mary cleared her throat. “I see you’ve found each other. Now you both can leave me alone. I want nothing more to do with the lot of you.”
She tugged at Polly’s arm to go around them, catching Polly mouth the question Two beaus? at her. No, she didn’t have two beaus. She’d only ever had the one, but...
Will’s eyes were firmly upon her. Deep, probing eyes that made her feel more undressed than the woman standing next to Ben.
Ben said something, but she didn’t hear. Didn’t want to, for that matter. Determined not to be caught up in further conversation with either man, she practically sprinted to Miss Betty’s, pulling a breathless Polly behind her.
Only once they were seated in Miss Betty’s kitchen, cups of tea in front of them, the serving girl dispatched to fetch Miss Betty, did Mary speak.
“So now you understand why I can’t marry Ben.” Polly gave a nonchalant look. “They all do it. Might as well accept that fact. You’ll marry eventually, then look aside when he seeks his entertainment.”
Mary’s face burned. Not just with the casual treatment of marriage, but with the reminders of what her family had suffered due to her father’s indiscretion.
“Frank isn’t like that,” Mary retorted. Some men could be trustworthy.
After casually setting her teacup down, Polly gave half a smile. “But he’s a rare one. Most men think nothing of visiting State Street.”
“Polly MacDonald!” Mary glared at her friend. “Your mother would tan your hide if she heard you being so vulgar. Like one of—” she looked around, hoping none were listening, and lowered her voice “—those women.”
Polly picked up one of the cookies the kitchen maid had set before them. “Those women happen to be onto the truth about men. I’ve talked to some of them on our visits, and I think they’re quite nice.”
Then, as though she was sitting in her own mother’s kitchen, Polly took a large bite of cookie.
Quite nice. Mary squeezed her eyes shut and forced herself to count to ten. One of those quite nice women had trapped her father and foisted a child on him, a child that her brother was forcing them all to accept as their sister. Oh, it wasn’t little Nugget’s fault. In truth, Nugget completed their family in a way she never thought possible.
But it didn’t make her father’s actions right.
She knew she should be able to forgive and move on, especially as Frank’s sermons were full of lessons about everyone falling short of the glory of God, but somehow, these women and their sins bothered her the most. What was the benefit of finding riches when your soul would burn from your evil deeds?
She’d thought that after two months of helping Frank’s mission to these women, it would be easier. That reminding herself of the good Miss Betty had done for her family would lessen the pain of witnessing so many mired in sin.
But it hadn’t. Maybe her inability to come to terms with her father’s deception was more about her own. If only Mary hadn’t been so enamored with the idea of having a beau that she’d been blinded to the truth. She’d lived in the fantasy that she and Ben would get married and get her and her siblings out of Aunt Ina’s home. She’d thought that temporarily deceiving everyone about Ben would be worth it in the end because they’d finally be free. But Ben had lied, and Mary’s lies had all been for naught.
Was that what her father had done?
No, she couldn’t dwell on such things.
Mary opened her eyes to see the mirth in Polly’s. “It still bothers you, doesn’t it?”
“Wouldn’t it bother you?”
Polly’s casual shrug was meant to catch her off guard, but Mary saw the pain in her eyes. “It’s what men do. The sooner you accept it, the better off you’ll be.”
Now she knew Polly wasn’t talking about Mary’s father, but about the man who’d courted Polly—as a lie. It was probably hard for Polly to accept that there were still some honorable men out there.
Lies. Responsible for hurting so many people.
The maid returned to the kitchen and offered a small curtsy. “Miss Betty’s not up to receiving today, but she says to tell the pastor that she appreciates his kindness in remembering her.”
Mary smiled as politely as she could, hoping that her harsh words hadn’t been overheard by Miss Betty. It wasn’t Miss Betty’s fault that Mary’s life had been upended by another woman in her profession. But if her father hadn’t met that other woman, then perhaps he would have come home in time to save their farm. Maybe then her mother would still be alive. And maybe she might have never met Ben at all. Then her life and family wouldn’t be the horrible mess it was now.
* * *
Will caught up with the ladies as they exited the brothel. What were they thinking, visiting a house of ill repute? Two single ladies, alone? Thankfully, he’d decided to return to the saloon to see if he could learn more about Ben in the daylight.
“Allow me to escort you home,” he said, stepping in stride with them. “It’s not safe for you to be here.”
Mary’s glare was sharper than any of the glaciers that had carved out these beautiful mountains. “We come here every week to bring food to Miss Betty. We’re perfectly safe.”
He might not have known her well, but Will could still hear the fear in her voice. But what was she afraid of? Him? Or State Street?
“But we’d be delighted to have your escort,” her friend added, giving him a dazzling smile. “I don’t believe I’ve made your acquaintance, though you’re clearly familiar with Mary.”
The scowl on Mary’s face gave him an impish pleasure, almost like when he used to pull Nancy Shaw’s braids back in school. Oh, how she’d hated it when he did that. But there was something about giving those braids a tug that always made him grin. At ten years old, he’d been sure he’d marry Nancy Shaw. But she’d moved away and left him with no one else to tease.
So it was with a giddy feeling in his stomach that he tipped his hat to Mary’s friend and said, “Will Lawson, at your service.”
“Polly MacDonald.” She gave a mock curtsy and wink that told him she was enjoying tormenting Mary just as much. “And don’t mind Mary. She’s just—”
Mary’s elbow to her friend’s side was not at all discreet. “Enough. We’re due home, so let’s not dally. I’m sure your mother could use our help with the little ones.”
“Help?” Polly’s indignant sputter forced Will to hold in his laughter. “I thought we were going on the picnic with the other girls from church.”
Watching Mary’s face turn as purple as her dress almost brought him the same satisfaction as he’d had as a kid, only now...there was a strange sensation in the pit of his stomach. As if maybe there was something more to be desired.
He could tell by the way her face contorted as she tried to come up with an answer that she didn’t want to let her friend down, but she also wanted out of his presence as soon as possible. Something he wished he could oblige her on, but first, he needed to know what she knew.
After spending time in a place his mother would be ashamed to know he’d ever entered, Will had to do something more to stop Ben. He’d hurt too many people, and it would be Will’s fault if Ben hurt any more.
Will looked past Mary to Polly, who seemed more peacefully inclined toward him. “If you’d like to go to the picnic, I’d be happy to escort you. Mrs. Rafferty said I could use her wagon anytime. It’d be a shame for you to miss out because Mary’s got work to do.”
His words had the desired effect. While Polly beamed, Mary’s face turned a dark crimson. “No need for you to borrow a wagon. We’re meeting at the church and going as a group.”
He wasn’t going to let Miss Mary Stone off the hook so easily. Sure, she was mad, but what had he ever done to her? If it took making her explode in the middle of Harrison Avenue, then fine. But he was going to get to the bottom of the situation and figure out just what she had to do with Ben.
Will gave her an easy smile, then turned his attention back to Polly. “Still, if Mary is unable to go, I’m happy to take her place. I would like to get to know some of the community better.”
That did the trick. Mary stepped in front of him, then stopped to turn to face him. “You are not needed to take Polly to the picnic. I said I’d go with her, and I’ll go with her. Now that we’ve safely arrived to the respectable part of Harrison Avenue, you can be about your business.”
Was she so mule-headed that she didn’t understand that she was his business? With the way her eyes sparked, he didn’t think so. Mary knew exactly what he wanted—to talk about Ben. Though he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t interested in the raven-haired beauty who could give as good as she got.
However, this time, as much as he’d like to further a more personal acquaintance with Mary, he would keep it all business. His heart was not going to get in the way of apprehending Ben.
“Like I told Polly, I would like to get more involved with the church community. It’ll be my pleasure to escort you both. Surely there’s room for one more.”
Mary’s shoulder’s sagged. She looked defeated—for now. But Mary wasn’t one to give up easily, and that was something he liked about her.
“If you insist.” The words sounded so forced, he almost felt bad for her. And if her feelings were the only thing on the line, he’d have relented.
“Oh, Mary, have a little fun for a change.” Polly took her friend by the arm and gave Will a smile. “Don’t mind her. She’s always too busy thinking about her responsibilities to remember that she’s young and supposed to enjoy life.”
Will regarded Mary carefully. Again, he was struck by the way her personality seemed to be in contrast with the sort of woman Ben carried on with. Ben Perry only concerned himself with the party and would have never wanted to be tied down by responsibilities.
He’d like to be able to accept what she said at face value, except something in the sensitive part of his gut, the part where he’d been shot, still said that Mary was hiding something. Only it didn’t keep him from wanting to bring a smile to her face.
They crossed over toward the church, and Polly deftly slipped her arm out of Mary’s and moved to the other side of him, leaving him between the two ladies. Despite Polly’s cheerful chatter, he could still feel Mary seething. Perhaps at the picnic, he could explain to Mary that he didn’t mean any harm. As long as he obeyed his aching gut and kept his mission close to his chest.
When they arrived at the church, a large wagon was already parked in front, and several young people milled about, laughing. A young woman spied their approach and waved.
“I’m so glad you came! You’ll never guess who’s here. Jasper Jackson!”
Will’s ears perked up at the name. He’d done some security work for Jasper’s father when they had a bank in Denver. When the Jacksons moved to Leadville, Will had opted to take a deputy position in Century City to be close to his parents. Though they’d parted on good terms, Will had to wonder if the reunion would be positive after Will’s disgrace. Surely word of his failure had gotten back to the Jacksons.
His musings had put him behind in the conversation, drawing him out at the mention of his name.
“And this is Will Lawson. He’s a...friend...of Mary’s.” Polly’s emphasis on friend, along with her wink, told Will exactly what Polly thought of his association with her.
He tipped his hat to the woman and murmured the most polite “How do you do?” he could muster.
“Quite well,” the woman said, then turned to Polly. “Can you help me with the food?”
As Polly and the young woman walked away, giggling, Will was painfully aware of being alone with Mary.
Despite the tightness in his throat, he looked over at her. “I’m sorry if I said or did anything to have given her the wrong impression. I didn’t mean to embarrass you.”
Her cheeks tinged pink, and the tightness in her jaw softened. His apology was enough to loosen the tension between them. Maybe the rough start they’d gotten off to could be redeemed.
“You can make it up to me by not coming to the picnic.” Her tone was all sweetness, but just like he knew her earlier acceptance of his presence was forced, there was nothing sweet about Mary’s demand.
Good thing he wasn’t very sweet, either.
“Then I guess we’re sworn to be enemies.” He took her hand, gave it a well-placed kiss, then turned to join the others.
Chapter Five
Everyone had seen The Kiss. Mary’s ears still rang from Polly’s squeal about Will’s being her secret beau. Worse, she found herself seated next to him on the wagon, where he chatted amiably with everyone around them. And worst of all, Mary’s hand still tingled from the press of Will’s lips against her hand.
Mary finally caught his eye, but when she tried giving him her best “you’re in trouble” glare, he merely winked back.
How could any human being be so positively insufferable?
Will settled back against the seat and gave her what she imagined to be his best lady-killer smile. But Mary knew better than to fall for that ruse.
“What are you most looking forward to at the picnic?” Were not there so many eyes upon her, wondering about the secret romance that had been whispered about, she might have been tempted to give him yet another dismissal. But he wasn’t one for accepting them, and in present company, she was in no mood to argue with him.
Mary hesitated. She had been looking forward to visiting with some of the others. Other than Polly, she didn’t have friends her age, with being so busy caring for her siblings. How was she to make friends with others if Will monopolized her time?
Perhaps, if there was any compassion in the man, he would understand. “I was most looking forward to getting to know the other ladies. We haven’t been here long, and as much as I adore Polly, it would be nice to establish myself in the community.”
His warm smile almost made her think he could be among those she counted as friends. “Then we are of the same purpose. Perhaps we can conquer them together.”
Oh, to be able to trust that easy look. But his connection to Ben made it impossible. What had Ben told him of her? Was he of the same character as Ben?
“You are just as much a stranger to me as they are.” She cast a glance over at Polly, who was chatting with the young lady to her left. “I fear too close an association will only fuel the tale that you are a beau.”
The expression on his face finally seemed to register his understanding of her predicament. “I suppose I should apologize for kissing your hand. I sometimes go too far in my teasing.”
Though he looked chastised enough and possibly even regretful, she didn’t fully believe it. Perhaps it was because she kept too many secrets of her own to trust in the veracity of others. But mostly, it was because his eye still held the same twinkle it did when his lips burned a hole in her hand.
“I’ll believe that when I see it,” she told him with the same kind of severity she usually reserved for the children.
“And here you thought me a stranger.” His wide grin seemed to fill the entire wagon. “You seem to have me already sorted out.”
Being so familiar with this man was dangerous, to be sure, but Mary couldn’t resist teasing him right back. “As I’ve said, I have a great deal of experience with children.”
Her zinger broadened his smile, and before he could send another comment back, Polly interrupted.
“I will not have you ruining our perfectly nice time by speaking any more of the children, Mary Stone. You and I have barely had a break taking care of your siblings and mine, and I intend to enjoy every last moment of it.”
Her indignant glare reminded Mary that this was indeed a rare break from their responsibilities. And while it felt good to get away, even for a moment, part of Mary felt guilty for neglecting her family. It had been neglecting her responsibilities that got her into trouble with Ben in the first place. Oh, had she only not allowed herself to get caught up in the fancy of believing herself to be in love.
Unfortunately, giving her friend a smile was not enough reassurance about their time away.
“Promise me, Mary. No more talk of our responsibilities. We’re here to enjoy ourselves.”
It would have been a simple enough promise to give if only Will’s eyes were not upon her. Why did he care? He seemed to hang on every one of her words.
But maybe that was his intent. To throw her off guard so that she was willing to talk more about Ben. Fine, then.
“Of course I promise,” she told Polly. “What more can I do to show you my desire to have fun?”
Polly grinned. “Just stick with me, my friend.” She turned and indicated the girl sitting on the other side of her.
“This is Beth Williams.”
The freckle-faced girl held out a gloved hand. “So pleased to make your acquaintance. I know your sister-in-law quite well. Annabelle is a dear, and we were all so happy to see her settled with such a fine man as your brother.”
Mary would have been flattered by the compliment to her family except for Polly’s barking laugh and quick retort.
“You mean you were glad that you no longer had to worry about her competing with you for Jasper’s attention.”
Fanning herself furiously, Beth hid behind her fan. “I’m sure I have no idea what you’re talking about. Are we almost there? Suddenly it’s grown quite warm out.”
Some of the girls around them giggled. A perky blonde whose name Mary thought might have been Rachel leaned forward.
“There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. Everyone’s been infatuated with Jasper at one point or another. Who wouldn’t? His father runs with the high rollers and has even sat in Mr. Tabor’s box at the opera house. Plus, he’s the most handsome man I’ve ever seen.”
At those words, all the girls sighed and glanced in the general direction of one of the dandies sitting with the driver of the wagon. The glorious Jasper, she presumed.
In Mary’s eyes, he wasn’t so terribly much to behold. Certainly he had a thick glossy head of dark hair, but not so shiny as to give it the heroic description some of the girls were talking about. And his eyes...why, she’d seen much nicer eyes on—
She stole a glance at him, only to find him staring right at her with an amused look on his face.
“Do you find Jasper as wonderful as the others are saying?”
His eyes held the same twinkle they’d had the entire time, and Mary was forced to admit, at least to herself, that they held a kindness to them that she rarely saw in others. Ben’s eyes always had a coldness that never left. Will, even when tormenting her, had a warmth that made her want to trust him.
But where would that get her? Perhaps Will had no idea of the extent of Ben’s criminal enterprise. Maybe he saw Ben as so many in Ohio had—as a perfectly amiable man who was all kindness and civility. After all, Ben had very quickly and easily taken in those at the church last night, convincing them, despite her protests, that he was a loving fiancé.
How could she expose the truth of Ben Perry to everyone without exposing herself?
If anyone from her family saw her aunt’s brooch, she’d be in trouble for sure. They would all believe she’d had a role in its theft, as well as the other thefts that had taken place. Several families had jewelry and other valuables stolen—and all of them were connected to Mary and her work. The sheriff had even questioned her about the losses. It wasn’t until the mercantile and bank had been robbed that they’d cleared Mary of suspicion. She’d honestly never thought that Ben, who’d patiently waited for her while she worked, was actually robbing the place behind her back.
Why had she been so desperate for romance as to keep Ben a secret, even from the sheriff?
Ben was right. With all her deceit, who would believe her completely ignorant of his actions?
Will nudged her in the side. “I can introduce you, if you like. I know Jasper from my work in Denver. Pleasant fellow.”
Mortified that her woolgathering over Ben had led to the belief that she was interested in Jasper, Mary shook her head. “That won’t be necessary, thank you. I have no romantic illusions at this point in my life.”
“Say it’s not so.” Will gave her a look that would have melted the heart of any woman who hadn’t had hers irrevocably broken. “A beautiful woman, of marriageable age?”
Before answering, Mary stole a glance at Polly, who had returned to her animated conversation with the other girls. “I won’t marry until after I’m certain I’ve fulfilled my responsibility in raising my siblings.”
On this point, she was determined. She’d failed those responsibilities already in believing herself ready for romance and marriage. From here on out, she wouldn’t fail. Couldn’t fail.
“Why is that mutually exclusive? Plenty of people marry and take on another’s children.”
The conversation was clearly headed in a direction she didn’t need to go. Didn’t need to consider.
“Not when there are six of them,” she said. Mindful of Polly’s gaze turning in her direction, Mary changed course. “What work did you do in Denver with Jasper?”
Will coughed slightly. “I...uh...I did some security for his father’s bank.”
* * *
Will had supposed that at some point or another, his previous line of work would come up. At least it had been about the security he’d done for the Jacksons as opposed to his fall from grace in the sheriff’s office in Century City. Though it was only a matter of time before the gossip got back to people, he’d like that piece of information to remain confidential for as long as possible.
Who wanted to associate with a disgraced lawman? It had been his fault Perry’s gang had gotten away with robbing Colorado Citizens Bank. He’d been so wrapped up in his romance with Daisy, so intent on saving her from Ben’s nefarious schemes, that he hadn’t realized that she was spying on him for Ben. He’d been a fool. And in so doing, everyone believed that he’d willingly given them information, willingly let them go.
Plus, despite Mary’s denials about Ben, he still had to wonder what she knew. What her involvement with the gang might be. Could he get her to trust him enough to tell him the truth? And given his past poor judgment when it came to women working with Ben, could he trust that whatever she told him was the truth?