Полная версия
Montana Lawman Rescuer
Mikey snuffled but didn’t waken.
Emily pushed to her feet. “I better make sure he’ll be okay.”
“I can handle this. I prepared a bath for you.” By the heat in his cheeks, he knew his ruddy complexion had darkened. Would she be offended by his offer?
Her eyes widened. “Really? You did that for me?”
“I thought you’d enjoy it.”
Her breath came out in a whoosh. “You have no idea how much I longed for one. But how did you know?” She brushed her hand over her hair. “I guess it’s self-evident.”
If his arms hadn’t been full he would have caught her hands and assured her he had only been thinking of her comfort.
She looked about, a question in her eyes.
He grinned, enjoying her confusion. “Did you notice the little shed at the side of the house?”
She nodded, her gaze clinging to his, full of expectation. “Yes?”
If only he could answer all her questions as easily as he answered this one. “You’ll find a tub full of water awaiting you.”
“Thank you.” She caught up the basket of clothing Annie had left and scurried away.
He chuckled softly, then took Mikey upstairs and put him into bed. He pulled a chair close and sat watching the boy sleep. The little guy sucked his thumb and snuggled into the covers.
As he waited to make sure Mikey would stay asleep, he prayed for this pair he had rescued and wisdom for himself. Something about their precarious state triggered a protective yearning in the depths of his heart. He recognized the dangers of letting his heart rule his head. But perhaps his concern was justified, even if his duties as the sheriff didn’t require he help this pair. He knew what it was like to feel lost, abandoned, wondering if anyone cared. Except he’d always had Gram and he added thanks to his prayers.
Mikey didn’t stir, so Jesse returned downstairs. Gram stepped from her workroom.
“How are they?”
He tipped his head toward the ceiling. “Little guy is asleep. Emily is out in the washhouse.”
“Oh, good. I wanted to offer her a bath but didn’t know if she would think I was commenting on her condition.”
The sound of the back door opening warned of Emily’s return. She wore a red plaid robe and matching slippers. Her hair hung down her back, now dark as new leather gloves. Her cheeks were pink. Her eyes seemed bluer, as if darkened by the evening dusk.
She kept her gaze lowered.
He understood she must feel awkward. “Mikey didn’t even stir when I put him into bed.”
She nodded. “I would have emptied the tub but I wasn’t sure what you wanted done with the water.”
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