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Montana Bride By Christmas
Her brothers stepped aside and allowed her to follow Kate to the kitchen. Little Ellie smiled at her from the high chair where she ate bits of bread.
“Hey, pumpkin,” she said to the baby before she sat at the table and took the tea Kate offered.
“Grandfather and I are going to live in town.” She explained about Hugh and little Evan. “They need someone.”
Both brothers spoke at once, making their opinions clear. They didn’t like the idea. They didn’t think she should settle for such an arrangement. She had no reason to pack up and leave.
On and on they went. Annie ignored them, grateful Logan wasn’t there to add to the ruckus.
She finished her tea and pushed to her feet. “I’d like to get back before dark. Anyone going to help pack things for Grandfather and me?” She didn’t wait for their answer but left the kitchen, crossed the big dining room and smaller sitting room to Grandfather’s bedroom and then pulled out a satchel and begin filling it.
Conner followed. “I don’t like this.”
“I think he’d like some of his books. There’s a crate in the closet off the sitting room,” she said.
Still protesting, Conner went to get the box and fill it with books.
If Annie thought that was the end of it, Dawson soon cleared up that notion. “You belong here with the rest of us.”
She didn’t point out that the rest of us had spouses and homes. “I’d like to take Grandfather’s armchair. Do you think you and Conner could load it in the wagon?”
Making a sound of exasperation, Dawson went to do her bidding.
Annie climbed the stairs to her own room. She paused to look around, an ache the size of a vast desert sucking her heart dry. This had been her room as long as she could remember. She’d spent happy hours here dreaming. No more dreams for her. She’d cried her share of tears on the bed. There’d be no more tears either. She’d stared out the window searching for something to fill her heart. A smile smoothed her tension. She’d found what she needed and pulled the sampler from the wall.
For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. Matthew 6:21.
The sampler included a stitched house and the date she’d finished making the hanging. March 15, 1887.
She’d been fifteen and struggling to cope with the pain of loss from Ma’s death and the heavy load of responsibilities in trying to take her place. Working the words of the verse had helped her deal with it all. Her treasure was in heaven. In her faith. In God’s love.
She touched the red roses she’d embroidered in front of the needlework house. How many hours she’d spent on this project. She’d started the project right after Christmas and finished as the trees burst into leaf that spring.
Christmas! It was only four weeks away. If she proved herself, she would have made a loveless match by then but with her own home. She would do everything in her power to make the season special for her very own family. Her heart swelled with anticipation and she smiled as she put the sampler in the bottom of the satchel she’d brought from the hall closet and then opened the wardrobe to choose what to pack.
“You’re sure this is what you want to do?” Kate stood in the doorway, Ellie perched on her hip.
“I’ve made up my mind.”
“Is this because Conner and I moved into the house?”
Annie folded a warm woolen skirt and added it to the contents of the satchel, considering her answer. “You need your own space but it’s more than that.” Not that she was sure she could put it into words. “It’s time for me to move on.”
Kate continued to look troubled. “But you’re prepared to enter into a loveless marriage if Hugh agrees?”
“Seems to me love is only asking to be hurt. Besides, it’s not that he’s ugly or a criminal or anything.”
Kate chuckled low in her throat. “It sounds like you better be careful if you’re hoping to avoid love.”
Oh, she’d be careful. She had no intention of falling in love. “We both understand the terms of our agreement.” She kept her attention on her task. “Which at this point does not include marriage. I have yet to convince him it’s the perfect solution.” Satisfied she had enough clothing, she glanced around the room, picked up her brush and hand mirror, her Bible and the picture of Mama and Pa on their wedding day. She tucked those into her bag. “I’ll get the rest of my things later.”
“We’ll miss you,” Kate said as they descended the stairs.
Annie encountered her brothers as she made her way to the outer door.
“You’re sure this is what you want to do?” Conner asked. Dawson hung over his shoulder, silently echoing the question. “There’s only one reason to get married,” Dawson said.
Conner nodded. “If you love the person so much you can’t imagine life without him or her.”
The two of them silently challenged her.
“This is my chance to pursue the life I want.”
They backed down in the face of her determination.
“I’ll take you to town,” Conner said.
Dawson elbowed him aside. “I’m taking her. I’m the oldest plus you have a wife and baby.” He chucked Ellie under the chin, winning him a giggle.
“You have a wife and a daughter as well,” Conner pointed out.
“Yes, but Mattie is old enough to be of help to Isabelle.”
Annie pushed past them. “You two can stand here arguing all day but I want to get back before dark.” She hurried to the loaded wagon. By the time she climbed aboard, Dawson joined her and took up the reins. “Guess it helps to be the oldest.”
“It’s got its perks. I wish I could change your mind.”
“Grandfather will worry if I’m not back soon.”
“Fine.” They made the trip to Bella Creek with little conversation. Dawson seemed to have accepted Annie’s decision.
In town they went directly to the parsonage. Dawson lifted Annie down and hurried her inside to the warm kitchen, where Grandfather and Hugh sat at the table and little Evan remained huddled in the corner.
Annie had explained about Evan but Dawson still looked a little shocked to see the boy in such a state.
“You need a hand with things?” Hugh asked, and at Dawson’s affirmative reply, went out to help carry in Grandfather’s chair and the other things Annie had hastily packed.
The bags were taken to two of the rooms down the hall. The previous preacher had six daughters and two sons so there were plenty of bedrooms to choose from. Annie chose one close to the kitchen with Grandfather next door. Hugh indicated the second hall where he and Evan slept.
Annie said goodbye to Dawson then turned to consider the kitchen. Mentally she began to plan the evening meal and how to take care of Evan.
Hugh returned from waving goodbye to Dawson. “Annie, could I please speak to you in my office?”
At the hard, flat tone of his voice, Annie’s heart sank. Had he changed his mind?
Chapter Two
Hugh waved Annie to a chair across the desk from his own. He waited for her to sit. Instead she crossed her arms and gave him a look full of challenge. He sighed. Seemed this discussion was to take place while standing and with her all set to argue. If this was the way it would be to have her here he already regretted agreeing to her “perfect solution.”
He perched on the corner of the desk. His position allowed him to see through the adjoining rooms to where Grandfather sat watching them. So far Evan hadn’t objected to the older man, perhaps interested in his canes or knowing the man posed no threat if only because he couldn’t move around too quickly. Evan had not had the same reaction to Hugh. It had taken Hugh two hours to persuade Evan to let Hugh take him home and then he’d had to bodily move him and hold him firmly the entire way to prevent the child from throwing himself to the ground.
Or perhaps Evan respected the air of authority from the older man. Hugh almost smiled as he thought of how Grandfather Marshall ruled with just a firm word and a look that stalled men in their boots. His smile faded to a worrisome thought. Seemed Annie had inherited some of her grandfather’s stubbornness and forcefulness.
“You wanted to say something?” she said, her sweet words laced with annoyance.
“Yes, I did. I think we would do well to establish some ground rules.”
“Rules?” Somehow she managed to convey a snort even though she kept her tone neutral.
“Maybe not rules. What I mean is I would like to understand a few things.”
She jammed her hands to her hips, seemed to realize how belligerent it made her appear and dropped them to her sides. Did she realize her fists curled? “What’s to understand? I’m here in response to your ad. I’ll take care of Evan and your house. By the end of four weeks you’ll see you couldn’t do better.”
“But you could do better.” That’s what had him so confused. “Better than a man eight years your senior with a four-year-old boy who might never get over the way he’s been treated.”
Her eyebrows arched as if surprised by his statement.
He hurried on. “You’re young. You’re beautiful.”
She blinked rapidly and gave an almost imperceptible shake of her head. Did she not believe him on the latter observation?
“I’d like to know why you are so set on such an arrangement.” He meant the marriage she so stubbornly sought. And why was he resisting her offer so vehemently? Because of the very things he’d told her. She deserved better than an older man, with a troubled child.
The words that haunted him blared through his mind. Not good enough. Not good enough to please his mother even though he’d tried so hard. Not good enough to please his wife, Bernice, even though he’d again tried hard. Now all he wanted was to be enough for his son and for that he needed a helpmate. One who wouldn’t regret her choice and perhaps run off with someone younger and more suitable as soon she discovered she could do better and he had no doubt Annie would soon discover that.
She looked at the window. Night had turned the glass into a mirror that reflected back the room.
He waited. In his experience those with a secret usually responded best to patience. There was not a doubt in his mind that she had a secret that drove her to seek this position. He needed to know what it was and if it constituted a threat to him or his child. Moreover, he knew Evan needed security. Not housekeepers who came and went, but a woman committed to staying.
She brought her gaze back to him, her blue eyes full of midnight shadows. “Let’s just say that I have a concern for a little boy who doesn’t know where he belongs.”
Was she telling Hugh that was how she felt? How could that be? She came from a large, supportive family.
“I’m guessing he’s had lots of losses. If you allow it, I’ll show him that he can believe in permanency.”
They studied each other like wary opponents. He considered her words, trying to find the hidden meaning in them. He appreciated that her concern was for Evan. He respected her for that. But the why of her choice refused to be dismissed.
He reviewed what he knew of her. Her mother had passed away several years ago. Annie couldn’t have been much more than a child but she’d taken over the care of her family. Recently her three brothers had married. Did that explain her rash decision?
“Are you feeling your family has moved on and left you behind?”
Her eyes narrowed. “Nothing stays the same. Life goes on.”
He measured her words, seeking the hidden truth in them. “So you’ve decided to move on too. But why to this?”
Her eyes were innocent yet he got the feeling she hid a world of meaning.
“I don’t care for secrets,” he said. If patience didn’t work then the direct approach was the best.
“I suppose we both have our share of them.”
“Perhaps.” He was beginning to think getting information out of her was like trying to pull an unwilling mule out of a bog. God, please make hidden things plain, dark things light.
She spoke firmly. “I suggest we agree to honor each other’s right to have our secrets.”
It sounded reasonable enough. “On one condition—”
Her eyebrows arched letting him know she’d be reluctant to give a promise. A parallel truth blared through his mind. Maybe she was also reluctant to believe a promise. Had some young fellow hurt her with a broken promise? He hadn’t heard about a failed romance and now couldn’t ask without seeming to be too interested. However, it would explain why she was willing to settle for the sort of arrangement he offered. Trouble was, she would get over that hurt as soon as someone more appealing came along. He couldn’t put Evan through that. No, he needed someone who accepted a businesslike union as her best choice.
She tapped a toe, reminding him he hadn’t finished his statement.
“The condition I would like your agreement on is that no secret can be allowed that hurts Evan.”
Her countenance underwent a transformation. A smile wreathed sparkling eyes. “I can promise you I would not do anything by omission or commission to hurt that little boy.” She held up a hand before he could reply. “That is not to say I won’t make mistakes. I ask if you see me making one that you speak to me about it.” She chuckled low in her throat. “I might not thank you at first but once I’m past my annoyance I will.” She ducked her head. “I might not tell you though.”
Something about her rapid shift of moods, her honest admission of pride—if that’s what he chose to call it—made him want to share a laugh with her. Made him wonder what it would be like to witness both the pride and the humor in action. Seemed he’d get that chance in the next few weeks unless some other woman showed up on his doorstep in answer to his ad because, at this point, he really had no other option.
He shepherded his thoughts back to the moment. He could have wished for more information from her but understood he had to settle for this compromise. He pushed off the corner of the desk.
“Very well. As long as we’re both in agreement about doing what’s best for Evan.”
She tipped her head in acknowledgment. “You can trust me to do what I think is best for him. Speaking of which—” She indicated the open door. “Perhaps I could get to work.”
“Of course.” He followed her from the office.
In the kitchen he paused, uncertain what his role was. “Do you want me to show you around?”
She turned full circle. “I know my way around a kitchen. But could you show me where the vegetables are?”
He opened the small door by the pantry. “My cold room. You’ll find frozen meat in the cupboard in the woodshed. Milk is delivered every morning. I have an account at your uncle’s store for anything else you need. Feel free to purchase whatever is required.”
Both their gazes circled back to Evan, crouched in the corner, watching them warily.
“I don’t know what to do about him.” Hugh spoke softly but he couldn’t keep the despair he felt from his voice.
Annie smiled and it somehow lifted a portion of his worry. “Give him time. We’re all strangers and he has to know he can trust us.”
“I don’t know what’s happened to him,” Grandfather Marshall said. “But it’s obvious he’ll need lots of patient handling.”
Annie smiled at her grandfather. “We have time and patience, don’t we?”
The old man nodded. They turned to Hugh.
He would do everything in his power to give his son whatever he needed. “I have the rest of my life.”
His answer earned him a smile of approval from both of them.
“Feel free to do whatever you need to do.” Annie’s words were kind yet Hugh felt dismissed. As if he was in the way. The words often spoken echoed in his head. You’ll never be enough. He pushed them away. That was his mother speaking and he no longer had to listen to her. Hadn’t needed to since he was twelve when she died of what the preacher said was a broken heart.
Hugh knew it was because his brother, whom his mother loved so completely, had died some months before at age seventeen. Hugh had tried to fill his brother’s shoes but every time he did something he thought would help, Ma had uttered those oft-repeated words. You’ll never be good enough to take his place. He had no pa to voice an opinion contrary to hers.
Annie continued speaking, unaware of the thoughts tangling through Hugh’s mind.
“I’ll prepare supper and make friends with Evan.”
Evan stared at her, his gaze revealing absolutely nothing. As if the boy had shut off all connection with the world.
Anger, pain and sorrow intermingled in Hugh’s heart. Bile burned the back of his throat at how his wee son had been treated. He had to escape before he erupted.
“I’ll be in the office if you need anything.” He fled to the far room leaving the door half-open so he could hear if Evan or Annie required rescuing.
He pulled his sermon notes from the drawer and set them on the desk in front of him but didn’t read a word he had penned.
How could a nineteen-year-old girl from a protective family begin to understand what Evan had been through? He couldn’t help thinking this agreement with Annie was a mistake. The depths of his desperation drove him to prayers that came from the darkest corner of his heart.
* * *
Annie had no idea how to get through to Evan, how to prove to the child she could be trusted. She might have asked Grandfather but he had settled into his armchair by the stove and snored softly.
However, she knew what it felt like to be lost, alone, afraid. She’d felt that way after her mother had died even though she was surrounded by a loving family. When Rudy had left her, she’d known the same feelings, intensified this time because he chose to leave and she’d willingly opened her heart to him despite knowing the pain of loss. She hadn’t felt she could voice her feelings to her family. Even so, she’d received strength and comfort simply by their presence.
What would she have done if she’d been alone? Without family? Or worse, treated poorly? Heavenly Father, heal the hurts of this little boy. Help him learn to trust us. Give me wisdom in comforting him.
She’d have wanted someone to reach out to her, to show they cared, and that she mattered. She could offer that to Evan but she must proceed slowly, letting him set the pace. So she did the only thing she could do at the moment. She talked to him.
“It’s time for me to make supper. What would you like, Evan?”
Not so much as a twitch of interest to indicate he heard.
“Do you like stew?”
Not a flicker.
“Potatoes and gravy?”
Still nothing.
She listed item after item, all the while her hands busy, washing dishes Mrs. Ross had left from lunch and then peeling potatoes. “Bread and gravy?”
The slightest movement of his eye. “Good. Then you shall have it. I’ll make pork chops, mashed potatoes, green beans and lots and lots of gravy.” She’d found a generously stocked pantry with jars of canned vegetables and several items of baked goods. Two loaves of bread that appeared to be freshly made. Mrs. Ross had done a good job caring for the preacher. Annie was confident she could do just as well.
She brought out one of the loaves and set it on a cutting board. “How thick do you like your bread?” She placed the knife to indicate a very thin slice. When Evan gave no response, she moved it slightly. Still no response. She widened it so the cut would result in a slice two inches thick.
Evan’s gaze came to hers.
She smiled. Despite whatever had happened to the boy, he wasn’t beyond interest in the things around him. “Too big?” She brought the knife closer to the end of the loaf and paused at a generously thick slice but nothing out of the ordinary. The knife hovered.
Evan watched and she knew it was where he wanted the bread cut. She did so.
“One slice or two?”
Evan’s gaze returned to the loaf and she understood he wanted two.
She chuckled at the way they’d been able to communicate. “You and I will do just fine, won’t we?”
His gaze held hers a second then he ducked his head. He had his father’s dark eyes and dark hair and would no doubt grow into a man as handsome as Hugh. Right now it was hard to see past the shaggy hair, the guarded eyes and the need for a good wash.
Annie turned her attention back to supper preparations, more than a little pleased with the way things had gone so far. Given time she had every expectation that Evan would become a happy, normal little boy. Four weeks would be plenty enough time to make Hugh see that he and Evan needed her. She’d gain her own home and family.
She hummed as she finished meal preparations and set the table but paused as she chose the plates.
Four places? Or did Hugh allow Evan to take his meals sitting in the corner? It wasn’t right. There was no need to continue treating him like an animal and she carried four plates to the table.
“Supper is almost ready.” She put down one plate. “For Grandfather.” She put down the second one. “For me.” Then the third plate. “For your papa.” She set the fourth plate down on the side closest to where Evan huddled but before she could say it was for him, he made a noise half grunt, half growl and kicked out one leg, catching Annie behind her knee. Her leg buckled. She caught at the back of the chair but it slipped from her grasp and banged to the floor.
Evan continued to swing his legs at her, making feral noises.
She fought for balance, trying to get out of his reach.
Hugh strode into the room, scooped his son into his arms and held him tight, restraining the flailing limbs. “Evan, you’re okay. No one is going to hurt you. I won’t let them.” He sent Annie a look of accusation.
She lifted her chin. She would not defend herself, would not say she had done nothing to Evan. The attack had been entirely unprovoked though she realized her expectation that he sit at the table had been a little hasty.
Evan continued to struggle in Hugh’s arms but Hugh held him firmly. “I won’t let you go until you stop kicking and hitting.”
The boy bared his teeth.
Hugh held Evan’s head immobile. “You can’t bite. You aren’t an animal.”
Again Hugh’s gaze hit Annie’s with the force of accusation. Did he think she would judge the child? She shook her head. “It’s my fault. I set a fourth plate on the table and he knew I meant for him to sit at the table. It’s too soon.”
She tore her gaze from Hugh’s and looked at the boy in his arms. “Evan?” She waited, hoping he would acknowledge her but he continued to struggle. “I understand you aren’t ready to join us at the table. That’s okay. When you are, you can sit with us like a little boy who belongs in a family.”
He began to calm.
She continued. There were so many things she wanted him to understand. “This is your home, your papa.”
Hugh sucked in air like he had forgotten to breathe the last few minutes. “I will never let you go again.” His voice broke on the words.
Annie knew from what the preacher had said in the months since he came to Bella Creek that his wife had disappeared along with their son. Knew he’d discovered his wife had died and his son was missing. She wondered about the details. Did he let her go? Why? Or had she left because of something he did?
So many questions. So few answers. Would knowing the facts help her deal with Evan? Or did she want to know because she wondered why Hugh was so set on a businesslike marriage? One would think with him being a preacher he would insist on love being present in such a relationship. But despite the questions flooding her mind she couldn’t imagine asking him about his wife.
Was this one of those secrets they had agreed could exist?
“Supper is ready.” She turned back to the stove, put the food in serving bowls and set them on the table.
Meanwhile, Hugh lowered Evan to the floor where the boy crowded into the corner.
Tears stung Annie’s eyes at the fear on Evan’s face and she vowed she would prove to him that he was safe and life could be fun.
She found a tin bowl and put the two slices of bread in it, drowning them in gravy. She cut the bread into small pieces, put a spoon in the bowl and set it on the floor close enough Evan could reach it but not so close he would feel threatened and lash out again.