Conveniently Wed
Conveniently Wed

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Conveniently Wed

Язык: Английский
Год издания: 2019
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Everyone carried something into the house when the wagon came to a stop. The waitress had boxed the remainder of the cake before they left the restaurant, and Tucker had stowed it safely under Daisy’s seat.

“Boys, I’ll unhitch the wagon while you see to your regular nightly chores. Let’s see who can get to the cake the fastest.” Tucker challenged the twins, who responded more for the cake than the challenge. He laughed when they stirred up a trail of dust in the evening twilight as they ran to check their animals.

Tucker turned to Daisy as she moved to close the door from inside the cabin. “I’ll be a few minutes. I’d like another slice of cake, too. After the boys are in bed, I’d appreciate it if you and I could visit for a bit.”

Daisy stood in the doorway framed in the glow of the lamp she’d lit on the table behind her. “Okay. We certainly have a lot of catching up to do.” She closed the door softly. Leaning her forehead against the door, she heard him whistling a happy tune as he stepped off the porch.

* * *

Icing on the tip of John’s nose let Tucker know the boys started eating their cake before he finished his chores. James was putting his empty plate and cup in the dishpan on the cabinet under the front window. Tucker hung his hat on the highest peg inside the front door.

“That’s papa’s peg,” James spouted. “No one hangs their hat there but my papa.”

Tucker stood still, assessing the situation. Daisy turned from where she was stoking the fire and put the poker aside.

“James. Be quiet,” Daisy cautioned her eldest.

“But it’s Papa’s peg. Not Mr. Tucker’s. He can’t take Papa’s place.” The youngster was working himself into a panic. His breathing was starting to come in short rasps, and his shoulders started to shake.

“James, I’m not trying to take your papa’s place.” Tucker said, as Daisy put an arm around James’s shoulder.

John started to whimper at the table. He put his head down on crossed arms and began to cry in earnest.

“Oh, boys, don’t cry. Tucker is here to help us. Not to take your papa’s place.” Daisy steered James to the table and sat on the bench between them, gently rocking with an arm of comfort around each son.

Tucker sat at the head of the table. “Your momma’s right. I’m not here to take anyone’s place. Only to help.”

“But now you’re sitting in Papa’s chair,” James wailed. “And you whispered in Momma’s ear while we were in town. You’re doing all the things our papa did!” John continued to weep, but didn’t say anything. Daisy looked at Tucker over the tops of their small heads. He saw the pain in her eyes.

“Look at me, boys.” Tucker’s tone was gentle, but firm. Two blond heads tilted upward. Tears still flowed, but they were silent now. “No one can take your papa’s place. He was a fine man.” James sniffed loudly and wiped his face with the sleeve of his nightshirt. “I knew your papa. I met him years ago when he started courting your momma.” John dried his eyes. Tucker had their complete attention.

“You did?” This quiet question came from John.

“I did.” Tucker nodded. “I remember the first day he came to see your papa Warren and ask if he could come calling on your momma. He was tall and lean. A handsome young fellow, about twice your age, I’d say.” The twins sat up to listen. Daisy’s arms fell to her sides, and her eyes misted over as he continued telling his story.

“He was wiry, but strong. Went right up the front steps, took off his hat and rapped with the knocker. Your momma came to the door, all shy and sweet. Her hair was down and full of curls. She was wearing a blue dress the color of the sky in springtime. Her eyes sparkled, and her face went all pretty and pink when she saw it was your papa on the porch.” Daisy’s eyes widened in wonder. Tucker knew she’d been unaware he’d stood just inside the barn door watching the events unfold that day. She only had eyes for Murdock then.

“Really? Tell us more!” James was intrigued.

“Well, I couldn’t hear what he said, but I saw your momma go inside and come back with your papa Warren. He walked outside, and him and your papa took a walk down by a stream that runs by your momma’s old home place. They were only gone a few minutes. I could see your momma peeking through the parlor curtains trying to see what they were doing. She was trying to be all sneaky and hide, but I could see her. She never has been much for waitin’ and seein’. She always wants to know what’s happening right when it’s going on.”

Daisy’s mouth dropped open as if to refute him, but closed when he met her stare and raised his eyebrows. The twins chuckled. Tucker figured they knew this firsthand, but that no one had ever described her like this.

“What happened next?” John asked quietly.

“Seems like I remember your papa whooping out loud and slapping his hat against his leg. Then he turned and started to trot up the hill back to the house. But he stopped real sudden like and hollered down the bank at your papa Warren. ‘Thank you, sir!’ he said. Then he broke out in a run and took the porch steps two at a time. You would’ve thought the knocker was gonna break right off the hinge the way he beat on that door.” Everyone laughed at that.

“What did Momma do?” James interrupted, again showing his inherited impatience.

“James, your momma’s a lot like you, I think. She’d seen your papa celebrating and must have figured out her papa had permitted their courting. She was at that door swinging it open so fast your papa almost fell in when she opened it. She was grinning from ear to ear. I’ve never seen her look happier. Except on the day she married your papa.” Silence settled over the small group as they each absorbed the sweet memory he’d shared.

“So you see, I know how special your papa was to your momma. And I know what a good man he was, or your papa Warren would never have let him court your momma. I watched them court and saw their relationship grow into a deep love. That’s something special. Not everybody gets to love, or be loved, like that. Your papa was always good and kind to your momma. It was obvious to me, and anyone else who took the time to notice, that your momma and papa were meant for each other.”

Seeing her true love for Murdock had prevented Tucker from declaring his own love for Daisy back then. He had loved her so much he wanted her to be happy. Even if that happiness came from her being with Murdock. He remembered the ache in his chest that day. His heart had started to grow a protective shell as his hope of having Daisy for his wife had been extinguished.

“Out of respect for their relationship, I promise I won’t try to take your papa’s place. But I’m your momma’s friend—have been for many long years. I came here because I care about her, and I care about you boys. Do you think you could grow to respect me as your momma’s friend and someone who cares about all of you?” Tucker waited while the boys thought. He looked at Daisy. Tears slid down her cheeks.

“Yes, sir. I believe we can.” James answered for both twins. John nodded his agreement. “But what about Papa’s hat peg and his chair at the table?”

“Well...” Daisy spoke for the first time since Tucker had started his story. “Since Mr. Tucker and your papa were friends, do you think Papa would be okay with letting Mr. Tucker use things that he used, since Papa’s in heaven and won’t be needing them for himself?”

“It hurts so much that he’s never coming back, Momma.” John’s broken heart seemed to cry out for the papa he could no longer see and touch.

“I know, John.” Daisy pulled him close. “Papa didn’t leave because he wanted to, but we know he’s safe with Jesus. He’d want us to be happy and make new friends and build new relationships. Mr. Tucker has been my friend for a long time. I’m sure your papa’s glad he’s come to help us. I think it would be okay with your papa for us to share his things with Mr. Tucker.”

“If you’re sure,” James said.

“I’m sure.” Daisy hugged both boys close.

“Okay,” John added.

Daisy stood up and patted her hair smooth. “I think it’s time for the two of you to get to bed. Tell Mr. Tucker good-night.”

Watching the three of them go into the boys’ room, Tucker almost wished his heart hadn’t frozen over when Daisy married Murdock. But experience taught him that Daisy would never love anyone the way she had loved Murdock. His heart was better left cold, rather than warming only to be rejected yet again.

Chapter Four

Daisy joined Tucker in the front room after settling the boys for the night. She sat in her rocking chair near the fire. The night had cooled to a chilly temperature. Tucker sat on the other side of the fireplace in Murdock’s chair. The warm glow of a lamp cast the room in shadows.

Her family had happily shared this small space for many years. This morning it had seemed cavernous without Murdock. Tonight it felt suddenly cramped. Tucker was a big man. His presence and person would be impossible to ignore in the confines of the room.

“They are finally asleep. It was quite a day for them.” Daisy stared into the fire. She noticed Tucker had added more wood to it and stacked several logs on the hearth to be used during the night, if necessary. His act of kindness made her realize how bone tired she was. Carrying the load alone for almost a month had taken a toll on her body and mind.

“It was quite a day for all of us, Daisy.” Tucker leaned forward and placed his elbows on the arms of the rocker. “You’ve got to be as exhausted as those boys.”

“I am tired.” Daisy leaned her head back against the chair and closed her eyes while still rocking the chair. Moments later she started slightly. Tucker stood over her with a hand on her shoulder.

“I’m sorry. I must have drifted off.” Daisy shook her head. “Please forgive me. I can make us some coffee.” She moved to get up from her chair.

“No need.” Tucker took his hat from the peg by the door. “I enjoyed the evening with you and the boys. I’ll leave you to get some rest.”

“Oh, I hadn’t thought. Where will you sleep?” Daisy said in a small rush. “I can fix a place for you here between the fireplace and the front door. Or you can take the bed, and I can make a pallet with the boys.” She started to chatter nervously, having only now thought about sleeping arrangements and what Tucker might expect.

“Relax, Daisy. I’ve already fixed a place in the barn. I’ll stay there for now. You go to bed.”

“You can’t sleep there. It’s cold, and the animals are there. It’s not right.”

“I’ll be fine. I’ve slept with animals more times than I can count. They’ll help keep the barn warm. It’s not too cold out tonight. We’ll get something more permanent figured out soon. Now get to bed. Bolt this door after I go. I don’t want to take any chances with your safety.” Tucker opened the door. The night breeze found the opening and stirred the flame of the lamp on the table.

“Tucker?” Daisy stopped him with a hand on his sleeve as he put his hat on.

He turned and looked down on her with green eyes. “Yes, Daisy?”

“Thank you for what you told the boys about their papa.”

“Glad to do it. Their papa was a good man. They need to know I’m not trying to take his place.” He patted her hand and lifted it from his sleeve.

“I didn’t know you’d seen all that, much less that you’d remember.” Daisy spoke quietly.

“I remember a lot of things from back then, Daisy.” He touched her cheek with the back of his hand. “Sleep well.” Tucker stepped onto the porch and pulled the door closed behind him.

After she slid the bolt in place, Daisy heard his boots descend the steps. The lonely strains of his whistled tune barely reached her ears.

How could she have fallen asleep on her wedding night? Of course, it wasn’t a real wedding night, but it was still an important day for both her and Tucker. She knew his life had changed today in ways he could not have imagined. He’d never been married. He didn’t know firsthand about the responsibilities of a family. This wasn’t like signing on for a cattle drive that ended with a sale and profits. Would he be sorry when he found out that the work never ended and the goals were so long-term, they seemed illusive in the good times and unattainable during the hard times?

* * *

“Anybody awake in there?” Tucker called out the next morning and knocked again on the front door of the cabin.

“We’re up.” He heard Daisy’s muffled voice. “John, open the door for Mr. Tucker.”

The bolt slid and John pulled the heavy door open. Tucker watched in amusement at the flurry of activity inside.

Daisy set the coffeepot on the stove. “James, run down to the smokehouse and bring me a slab of bacon. John, you get us some eggs.” She was grabbing a bowl from the shelf when James grumbled.

She pointed a wooden spoon at the oldest twin. “We’re running late today. Skedaddle.”

Tucker entered the cabin and took off his hat. He hesitated before he hung it on the controversial peg. “Morning, James. John.” The boys watched and looked at each other and then their mom. Silent agreement passed among them all. The issue of Tucker using their papa’s things was settled.

Both boys headed for the door. “Morning, Mr. Tucker!” they shouted in unison as they raced to see who could get to the outhouse first before retrieving the items Daisy needed for breakfast.

Tucker laughed and reached for a mug on the shelf above the stove. He grabbed a towel to protect his hand and poured himself a cup of coffee before going to look out the back window.

“Sorry to wake you by chopping wood so early, but daylight is limited this time of year, and there’s a lot of work to be done.”

He turned from the window near the foot of her bed, noticing she hadn’t taken the time to straighten the quilt. He could see the imprint where her head had rested on the pillow. He stepped around the chest that held her most precious possessions, remembering the day he’d gone to town for her father and picked it up from the general store. Mr. Warren had ordered it for her sixteenth birthday. The same year she’d met Murdock.

How ironic that God had brought him to this place. After giving up hope of ever having Daisy for his wife, he’d resigned himself to live life alone. Now God had put him in a place where he and Daisy were together, but neither of them could love the other. He’d proposed to a young woman long ago. Alice Fields’s abrupt dismissal of his heart in favor of a former beau had shown him the depth of a woman’s first love. Then he’d allowed himself to grow fond of Daisy, but never told her. Now her heart would always belong to Murdock, and his had long since retreated into the hollow of his soul—never to risk rejection again.

Daisy’s voice broke into his thoughts. “I’m sorry things are so behind. I’ve done the best I could, but it’s really more than one person can keep up with. James and John do their best, but they’re so young.” She opened the oven and put a pan of biscuits inside.

The front door blew open, and James dropped the bacon on the cabinet beside the dishpan. Just as quickly, he trotted back outside.

“Eager, isn’t he?” Tucker observed.

“He knows he has to do his chores and lessons before he gets any free time. He likes to get as much done before breakfast as possible. It makes him feel like he’s got some say in the latter part of his day.” Daisy was slicing the bacon and laying it in the bottom of a hot skillet. The sizzling sound promised to become a delicious smell soon.

“He’s a lot like you.” Tucker had removed the ashes from the fireplace and put in fresh wood for the evening. He took the ash bucket to the front porch to empty later. John came in with a basket of eggs and left to help his brother in the barn.

“What makes you say that?”

“He’s always asking questions, always seems to be taking charge, and just a little impatient.” Tucker teased her with his observations about James. “Not that those are bad things.”

Daisy turned with one hand on her hip and the butter dish in the other. “If you mean he’s constantly aware of what’s going on around him, learning by inquiring, has good leadership skills and doesn’t like to waste time, then, yes, he is like me.” Daisy set the butter down on the table with a thud to punctuate her speech.

“See. My point exactly. He’s a lot like you.” Tucker opened the door when he heard James coming up the steps with a fresh pail of milk. James set the pail on the cabinet and went to wash his hands behind the screen. John was only steps behind his brother.

Tucker poured milk for both boys and coffee for Daisy. Then he refilled his own mug. The boys sat on their bench, and Daisy put the last of the food on the table and took her place on the end, by James. The twins and Daisy joined hands. John was seated next to Tucker and reached for him. Tucker couldn’t resist smiling at the quiet child and took his hand. Daisy and the boys bowed their heads.

Tucker took the opportunity to study her. Tresses of golden hair escaped the bun twisted at the nape of her neck. Her face was hollow from the grief she’d suffered. Her freckles stood out against pale skin. One small hand held the hand of James. The other lay on the table, and his mother’s ring caught the shaft of morning sun that peeked through the window. The whole picture painted a stark reminder of the toll a person suffered on losing their true love.

Daisy lifted her head and caught him staring. She indicated that he should pray. Raising her eyebrows higher and leaning her head toward the boys, she let him know she was asking for the sake of the twins. Tucker bowed his head.

“Lord, we thank You for all Your blessings. Thank You for the food, and help us to make the most of this day You’ve given us. Amen.”

Daisy and the boys added, “Amen.” She was looking his way when Tucker reached for the biscuits, and she smiled her thanks.

It might take Tucker a while to adjust to the day-to-day workings of family life, but that’s what he’d come here to do. Would Daisy be willing to adjust to him? He could see them beginning to rebuild their friendship from the past. He hoped she never expected more than that, because that’s all he had left to give.

* * *

After breakfast Tucker disappeared into the barn. Between breakfast and lunch during the week, Daisy did lessons with the boys. When Murdock had been killed, the twins were terrified of leaving her alone. She’d agreed to let them school at home until after Christmas. In just over two months they would head to the town school every morning. She hoped the thieves would be found by then.

She cleared away the dishes while James and John brought their books to the table. Watching out the window while she washed the last of the dishes, Daisy caught sight of Tucker riding out the back of the barn in the direction of the creek on the rear of the property.

“Did you boys tell Mr. Tucker where the creek is?” Daisy dried her hands, untied her apron and hung it on a peg to dry. She joined James and John at the table.

“Yes, ma’am. He asked us all kinds of questions yesterday on the porch while you were getting ready for the wedding.” James climbed onto the bench and opened his speller. “We told him about the fence line from the ranch next to us, and about the pond where we go swimming in summer and even about how far the cotton fields go out toward the Dixon place.”

“James told him lots of stuff. I still don’t know how to talk to him much, Momma, but I’m trying real hard to like him because he’s your friend.” John had opened the Bible to find the place they would pick up their reading today.

Daisy pushed the curling edges of John’s hair out of his face. “Thank you for trying, John. Mr. Tucker is a good man. I know you’ll both grow to like him. It’s okay to answer his questions. He has a lot to learn about our farm.” Daisy added quietly to herself, “And us.”

* * *

Tucker joined them for lunch. They ate the rest of the bacon and biscuits from breakfast. A piece of wedding cake prevented the lunch from being ordinary.

“We’re going to miss this cake when it’s gone.” Daisy covered the remaining cake and put it on the cabinet under the window.

“You can make us something sweet, Momma. You’re the best cook ever!” James licked icing from the corners of his mouth and headed for the door. “Can I go finish my chores now? I’m thinking I might want to go fishing later.”

“Go ahead. Just don’t leave to go fishing without coming to the house and letting me know first.” Daisy poured water from a bucket into the dishpan. “John, you go with your brother. You’ve both studied enough for one day.”

John stacked the books and carried them to the shelf in their bedroom before joining James at the door. They both put on their new hats.

“Why don’t you save those new hats for church and trips to town? Special occasions and such?” Daisy didn’t want to see the hats come to harm during their everyday activities.

“Mr. Tucker told us these hats were for protecting our heads from the elements while we work. We’re supposed to wear ’em every day.” James adjusted his brim and looked to Tucker for confirmation. “I don’t know what elements are, but I want to be protected.”

Tucker chuckled. “I did say that. Elements are the weather. Rain, sun, heat and that sort of thing.”

“Oh,” the boys responded together.

“You’ll need to wear a bandana, too,” Tucker added. “Today’s work is going to be hot work. You can tie it around your neck, or around your head and wear it under your hat, or you can just use it to wipe your brow when you think you might be getting too sweaty.”

“That’s a great idea!” James was eager.

“But we don’t have any bandanas,” John complained.

Tucker’s gaze met Daisy’s, and without looking away from her, he asked the boys, “Did your papa have any bandanas?” She searched his eyes and saw only tenderness for her sons there.

“He sure did!” from James.

John added, “My favorite was his red one.”

“What about it, Momma? Do you think these boys can wear their papa’s bandanas while they work?” Daisy saw the twins brighten at the thought and decided it would help keep Murdock’s memory alive in their minds.

“That’s a fine idea. I’ll get them.” Daisy went into the boys’ room and came back with two bandanas. She gave the red one to John and offered a blue one to James.

“We don’t know how to tie ’em.” James wrung the fabric in his hands while John lifted the red one to his nose.

“It still smells like Papa,” John said.

Tucker approached the boys saying, “That’s the smell of a hardworking man. You’ll be smelling just like your papa before you know it.” He took James’s bandana and tied it around his neck with the knot in the back. “Working hard makes a man smell like a man.” He tied John’s bandana with the knot in the front. “What do you think?” Tucker backed away and let Daisy look her boys over.

“I think you look just like your papa. Both of you.” This drew big smiles from both boys.

“Now head on over to the barn and start putting fresh straw in the stalls. I mucked them out before lunch. We’ve got to get the barn ready for some new animals.” Tucker nudged the twins toward the front door. “I’ll be along to help in a minute. I just need to talk to your momma first.”

Happy boys bounced off the front porch, admiring each other and their new look. The hats were adjusted and the bandanas tugged until both were satisfied. Then the race for the barn ensued. Daisy smiled at them and turned to thank Tucker.

“Thank you. That was a wonderful idea.” Daisy moved to start washing the dishes and watched the boys through the window.

“It’s important for them to remember their papa. And to feel like they can be like him. I’m glad to do it. Thanks for agreeing and letting them have the bandanas.”

“They were just in the drawer. I didn’t know what to do with them.” Daisy put both hands on the cabinet and dropped her head to her chest, eyes closed, fighting back tears. Tucker came to stand behind her and put his hands on her shoulders.

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