Full House Seduction
Full House Seduction

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Full House Seduction

Язык: Английский
Год издания: 2019
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When she still hadn’t moved he touched a hand to her arm. She jerked, then those hypnotic eyes found his. He swallowed and willed himself not to have any other reaction. “You all right?”

“Yes,” she said, her voice just a little agitated because for a moment she’d forgotten where she was and who she was with. “I’m fine.” Pulling her arm out of his reach, she jumped down from the cab.

And just like that she moved past him, walking along the pathway toward the side door of his house. Taking her luggage out of the car, Brock figured that whatever was on her mind was her business. The fact that she now looked almost haunted shouldn’t have bothered him. And yet, it did.

His house was gorgeous. As far as spacious rooms, hardwood floors and a terrific view of the water went. However, it was a little on the empty side where furniture was concerned.

The concept that less meant…well, less, continued on into the kitchen where alongside the stainless steel appliances and on top of the blue-flecked granite countertop was a coffeemaker, with the smallest coffeepot Noelle had ever seen. Next to the pot was a medium-sized canister of decaffeinated coffee in a pretty average brand. There was a dishwasher but it looked barely used, no fingerprints at or near the handle as you’d usually see with stainless steel. Beside the dish drainer to the right of the double sink she spied a mug, one bowl and one spoon inside it, probably left over from his breakfast. It was quite neat for the kitchen of a man, riding close to the definition of sterile. However, it fit right along with Brock’s seemingly uptight demeanor.

But it was when they walked out onto the screened porch with its brick-encased fireplace that Noelle felt something slightly different. The furniture was made of heavy oak with deep, inviting cushions in a soft caramel tone. Rugs, not Oriental but plush and functional, aligned the tiled floor. There were coffee tables and end tables, but they only held lamps and the remote control to the entertainment system that lined one entire wall, she assumed. The fireplace looked well used, just as the chair closest to it. He sat there, she imagined, put his feet up on the table and read one of the books stuffed into the bookshelf in the living room.

“You spend a lot of time out here?” she asked, letting her hand touch the softness of the chair before sitting down.

“I do,” he admitted with a slightly questioning tone.

“You’re not a man of many words, are you?” Noelle asked, already assuming she’d get another one- to two-word response.

“I get by.”

She nodded and retained a knowing grin. This was going to be a long, dismal summer for her—getting by on his sparse answers and trying to make sense of them.

“So let’s talk about the casino,” she said because there was no use trying to discuss anything else. Brock Remington was not a talker. That was fine—she wasn’t here to talk or to get to know him. She was here to work and that’s all she planned to do, no matter how well he wore his jeans.

Chapter 3

It was all about business, Brock reminded himself as he pulled out the blueprints he’d retrieved from his office and laid them on the coffee table on the porch in front of her. She bent forward, letting her elbows rest on her knees as she surveyed them.

She wore jeans, fitted to perfection, he might add, and a T-shirt with “Las Vegas” in glittering, swirling letters across her breasts. If Brock had ever wanted to be something in his next life it would be those letters. Looking as if it was costing her dearly to sit still, she tapped her feet on the floor while she studied the papers.

For a moment Brock wondered if she even knew what she was looking at, then chastised himself for assuming that just because she was gorgeous and stacked like a Playboy magazine model that she didn’t have an ounce of sense. Linc had told him how she’d obtained her degree and still took managerial classes to keep sharp on the job. He’d be wise to remember that instead of the way that denim hugged her plump bottom.

“This is a different concept you’ve used,” she was saying.

Taking a seat in his favorite chair, Brock nodded. “Most casinos are designed to spread out, with gaming facilities going horizontally and hotel towers on top. My architect and I decided to break from the norm. Luckily Linc approved.”

She nodded. “I can see why he did.”

Taking that as a compliment, Brock cracked a small smile. “Do you like it?”

He wasn’t prepared for her to look up at him in response, but she did. She didn’t smile, but the twinkle in her eye said she was pleased. “I do. I think it’s more than functional—it’s unique. Having a dash of gaming, entertainment and suites on each floor is a great opportunity for us to capitalize on every guest.”

“Exactly. The idea is that no matter where the guest goes in the facility they’ll have options of where and how to spend their money.”

“And that’s the name of the game.”

She did smile then and he joined her, relaxing a bit. She was in his space, a place where he normally didn’t allow women he barely knew. But since he’d known they would need to work long grueling hours to get the Gramercy II up and running, he’d been the one to suggest to Linc that she simply stay at the house with him instead of getting a hotel room. Surprisingly, both Linc and Noelle had thought that a wise idea.

When they’d toured the house he’d been on edge, wondering what she thought about what she was seeing. He didn’t put a lot of time and energy into decorating, much to Josette’s dismay. He functioned on the bare necessities, which could come off as sparse to some. But since he never entertained, beyond having Josette and Kent over to light up the grill, it didn’t matter.

Speaking of which, he said, “I planned to put a couple of steaks on the grill for dinner. Is that okay with you?”

“Ah, yeah. That’s fine. I like steak.”

He nodded. “Good.”

“What I don’t like are all these windows.”

Brock looked around and frowned. “It’s a screened porch,” he said in defense.

“What? Oh, no, not here. The porch is nice. It’s comfortable and probably relaxing after a long day’s work.” She tapped a finger to the blueprint. “I’m talking about at the casino. You have to know that reminding the guest of the time distracts them from gambling. They’ll realize how long they’ve been at one table if they can see that when they came in it was daylight and now it’s dark.”

He felt like an idiot. Of course she was talking about the casino.

“Normally that’s true,” he said, clearing his throat. “But we’ve designed some special effects lighting that will change the moods. So the guest isn’t reminded of the time but entranced by the ambiance.”

She looked to be thinking that over, her hair brushing over her shoulders as she nodded. “That might work. Now what about here? What’s this?”

“The waterfall cove,” he answered. “People in this region are in love with the water so we decided to keep that as the recurring theme. Instead of something as ostentatious and played out as pyramids and Egyptian or Venetian themes, we thought we’d simply let nature take its course, per se.”

“Your architect is a genius. Who’s the interior designer? I’ll need to meet with them sometime this week to go over how this theme is being incorporated. I think something subtle, classic lines, use of basic materials, copper, bronze, stuff like that will go well with the natural flow. Oh, and I want to make sure we’re being as green as possible.”


“Yes, as in the environment. Wherever possible we need to conserve, recycle, save the Earth.”

Brock held up a hand as she looked like she would go into more explanation. “I get it. Kent Foster is the architect. He has an even more talented wife. Come to think of it, she’s better looking than Kent, too.” He laughed. “I’ve contracted her for the interior designing.”

“Keeping it all in the family, huh?”

Brock instantly sobered. “They’re not my family,” he snapped, and the air around them chilled.

It was like walking on eggshells, Noelle thought dismally. She’d replayed their conversation in her mind at least three times since he’d bolted up out of the chair and began readying the grill for their steak dinner, she supposed.

After the third time she figured to hell with it. If he was some crazy, emotional head case she could do without that drama. Hadn’t she had enough of that going on in her life already? No, she definitely was not in the mood. Therefore, her next thought was that she had no intention of dealing with Brock Remington on any level other than their work on the casino. In that area he seemed knowledgeable, confident, not nearly as agitated.

From the moment she’d introduced herself to him he’d acted as if she’d done something to offend him personally. Which, by the way, in her past could have been entirely true. But Noelle was no longer that immature girl. She’d grown in the years she’d known the Donovans, in the time she’d watched her sister find the happiness she deserved. So again, she had no idea what Brock’s problem was.

Hearing her cell phone chime, she stood, walked to where she’d placed her purse on the chair closest to the doorway that led into the house and retrieved it. After checking her caller ID first, she breathed a sigh of relief to see it was Jade.

“Hi,” Noelle said with a smile.

“Hi. You didn’t call when you landed so I worried.”

“You always worry.”

“That’s what big sisters do. So how’s it going? How was the plane ride? Is the Eastern Shore as beautiful in the summer as the brochure says? How’s Brock? Are you being nice to him?”

“Whoa, hold on with the interrogation.” Noelle chuckled then looked over her shoulder to see that Brock still had his back to her, still focusing on getting the grill started. But as a precaution Noelle moved into the foyer of the house, out of his earshot.

“The plane ride wasn’t as bad as I thought. Flying on a private jet is much more relaxing than going commercial. As for the scenery, from what I’ve seen it’s nice. Lots of trees and grass and pretty flowers. It’s hot as hell here, though.”

“You’re used to the heat.”

“No, Vegas heat is dry. This is sticky, sultry, but I shall survive.”

“Ok, so how’s Brock? Linc said he just had his house built a couple of years ago. Is it nice?”

“It’s a beautiful home. And it’s right on the water. There’s a small village just a few miles away that he said we’d visit maybe tomorrow to get more of the Eastern Shore feel. But I had a tour of the house and it’s okay, if you like this sort of thing.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

Even though she knew Jade couldn’t see her, Noelle shrugged. “I mean, it’s really nice, a little sparse for my tastes, but I get the impression he’s a man with minimal needs.”

“Where is he now?”

“Making dinner.”

“Oh, a man that cooks. That’s heavenly. Linc can barely warm a bottle for the girls, let alone cook a meal.”

“Calm down—it’s on the grill. That’s like second nature to them. If a man can’t handle a grill, he’s got real issues.”

Jade laughed. “Well, I just wanted to check up on you and make sure things were going smoothly.”

I wouldn’t exactly say smoothly, she thought, remembering the way Brock had just about raced away from her and their conversation. “I’m not on vacation, Jade. We’re going over the plans for the casino and I suspect we’ll get right to work tomorrow. It’s no big deal.”

“It’s just that you’ve never been this far away from me, so allow me a little worry for the time being.”

“I’m fine.” While Jade loved the progress Noelle had made—loved the fact that Noelle was no longer partying all night, sleeping most of the day, and basically tossing her life away—she still felt the need to protect her. Noelle respected that to a certain extent because for so long she had depended on her sister for everything—but now she didn’t, now she was standing on her own two feet. No matter what sticky situations they still seemed to walk her into.

“You have two beautiful daughters to worry about now. I’m a big girl. If I can’t get myself out of the trouble I get into, then that’s my problem.”

“Are you in trouble? What really happened with Luther, Noelle? Because you never did tell me a lot about him or why you two stopped seeing each other. All I know is that he had some issues letting go.”

“No,” she answered quickly. “Luther is definitely not a situation. Besides, that’s over and done with and I’m not looking for another relationship until I can find a man who likes me for me and not just my physical attributes.”

Jade sighed. “Listen to you. I remember a time when your physical attributes were your best asset. That’s what you used to say.”

“Yeah, well, that ship has sailed,” Noelle responded. “There’s a new sheriff in town and she’s taking no prisoners so any man that steps to me now better be for real about being with me or else he can just keep on steppin’.”

“I hear you, little sis. And you’re right. You deserve more than a man that simply wants you in his bed.”

“And that’s what I plan to get.” Noelle sighed. “Even if I have to grow old and gray waiting for it.”

Jade chuckled. “Me, I can see growing old and gray. You, on the other hand, will be fifty years old and counting with your hair dyed blond, your party dress on and, oh yes, the hottest, most expensive designer shoes you can find.”

Noelle couldn’t help but smile—her sister knew her all too well.

Chapter 4

“I apologize for earlier,” Brock said after they’d finished cleaning up their dinner dishes. Although after Noelle’s phone call she’d come back out onto the porch as if nothing had happened between them, he felt horrible for the way he’d handled her innocent comment.

It wasn’t her fault he had no real family. And truth be told, the Donovans had been more than welcoming to him. But Brock longed for a blood tie, a real live connection to the people he’d been born from. That’s why he’d come back to Maryland, to be closer to them, hoping that maybe, just maybe, his mother would come around.

Unfortunately, that wasn’t meant to be.

He’d long since stopped going to see his mother at the psychiatric hospital. She had no idea who he was anyway. A search for any other relatives had proved unsuccessful. So it was just him in this world, the last surviving Remington. That thought made him sad more often than Brock liked to admit.

But that gave him no right to take it out on Noelle. Especially since over dinner he’d finally realized what his real issue with her was. He was attracted to her.

That seemed simple enough. Boy meets girl, boy likes what he sees, boy wants girl. Discreet glances to her left hand showed no rings and no shadow of a ring, so he figured she was free. Yet why a man hadn’t laid his claim to her yet was beyond Brock. If he were the type, he certainly would have. It was a good thing he had no intentions of claiming any woman, ever.

Shrugging, she was already heading for the steps. “Already forgotten,” she said brightly. “I’m just going to head on up to bed. Plane rides aren’t my favorite so I didn’t get a lot of rest last night from worrying about it. I know it should probably feel earlier to me, still, I’m tired. What time are we heading to the casino in the morning?”

Brock was right behind her, after switching off the only lights they’d used on the downstairs level. He’d locked the house up while she cleaned the countertops in the kitchen. Watching her bottom as she leaned over the granite top had become more than a little uncomfortable so he’d opted for some space. Now, however, with her standing on the step above him, he was afforded yet another gracious view of her gorgeous body.

It should be a sin, he told himself when he’d seen her for the first time at the airport. A sin and a shame that God created such a beautifully enticing woman. Keeping his hands off her was not a viable option, Brock finally decided.

“I thought we could tour St. Michaels, then head back up the coast toward Easton and the construction site. I’ve asked Kent and Josette to meet us there around noon.”

“That sounds good,” she said, and began walking up the stairs.

Brock followed with his eyes glued to the alluring sway of her hips, the generous curve of her bottom. She had long legs with meaty thighs. Brock was definitely into women who had some meat on their bones. Although thin might be in for some, he preferred having something solid to hold on to in bed.

Noelle Vincent was definitely solid. With her height she was evenly proportioned, with curves and thickness that had his mouth watering. It had been quite some time since he’d had such a strong physical reaction to a woman. According to Kent, way too long. He’d have to thank Linc for sending him this surprise package.

The mere thought of Linc and this project brought forth questions of whether or not it was wise to cross the line with Noelle. A couple of hours ago he’d been worried about her holding up the project, but not in this way. As with everything else in his life, Brock liked to play his cards close to the vest. So he vowed that the inevitable seduction of the enticing Noelle Vincent would be slow, drawn out and extremely pleasing.

With that out of the way the question still remained: How would making a move on Noelle play against their casino business? Generally speaking, people who were working together didn’t do well in relationships. But because Brock clearly wasn’t looking for a relationship, she was fair game.

That’s where his thoughts were leaning when she stopped in front of the door to the guest room he’d told her was hers. He’d left her bags in there earlier but hadn’t been paying much attention to walking so when she stopped he bumped into her.

“Slow down,” she said, turning and placing both her palms on his chest to stop him.

As their bodies touched, something inside Brock clicked as if falling right into place. “Sorry about that,” he said immediately but couldn’t make himself take a step backward, a step away from her.

“I’d say you were intoxicated but I know you only had an iced tea with dinner. Which was very tasty, by the way. Jade was impressed by a man that could cook. I’ll have to tell her that you did the job very well.”

He chuckled, and Noelle felt little twinges in her stomach. He hadn’t laughed once during dinner. It was a nice sound, deep and rich. His eyes crinkled ever so slightly at the corners when he did and she figured he obviously didn’t laugh often. Pity, she thought.

Brock Remington was a very nice-looking man, with his bronzed skin and close-cut dark brown hair. The strong bone structure of his face could be presumed as intimidating, but Noelle thought it showed strength and endurance. His eyes were a light shade of brown, not as light as hers but certainly not as dark as his hair. He had a great body—she’d already checked that out when they were downstairs—and his attire was casual yet attractive. Jeans and Timberland boots had never looked so good on a man to her before. His Ralph Lauren polo shirt was a summery shade of coral, which was a great accent to his complexion. In short, he was quite a tasty morsel to look at. If one were looking, that is.

“You talked to your sister about me already?”

He was more than in her space, backing her up against the door. Surely this was inappropriate…but that didn’t stop it from feeling good.

“She called earlier and asked how things were going. I told her you were being very hospitable.”

“Even though at that point I wasn’t?”

Noelle waved a hand. “I told you that was already forgotten. I may have been a little out of line. Sometimes my mouth moves faster than my brain. It’s a horrible habit that’s gotten me into lots of trouble.”

He cocked his head to the side, his eyes fixated on the mouth she spoke of. “Trouble, huh? I can just imagine.”

Right there, in that hallway where they stood, the temperature seemed to rise another fifty degrees, so that tiny beads of sweat had begun to form in the valley between her breasts. That, coupled with his proximity and the timbre his voice had lowered to when he’d just spoken gave Noelle a slight start. If she didn’t know better she’d think…

Before she could actually finish that thought, his hand was cupping the nape of her neck, pulling her the half step closer that landed her chest flush against his.

“It’s such a pretty mouth. When I look at it I can only imagine good things,” he said gruffly.

This wasn’t right, some distant voice spoke in the back of her mind. This wasn’t what she was here for. And yet she’d seemed to fit against his strong body so perfectly. His mouth somehow knowing exactly how to work hers. Her thighs quivered as in her mind’s eye she could see them together, naked, rolling over a big bed, bodies entwined with one goal in mind—pleasure, mindless, earth-shattering pleasure.

That part moved fast, going into a blur and then there was nothing…once more, for Noelle, there was nothing left.

Her brain attempted to protest and had just sent the message to her mouth, which had opened to do its bidding, when bam!

His lips touched hers, his tongue slipping quickly inside, stroking hers until the heat that surrounded them was transferred directly into her body. From his lips to hers the fire climbed, swarming through her body until her arms were instinctively lifting, wrapping around his neck as his moved to her waist, slipping farther to cup her bottom.

And there she was, back pressed against the bedroom door, his strong hands lifting her until only the tips of her toes touched the floor. She felt trapped, absorbed and terribly aroused all at once. The dance of his tongue around hers made her dizzy, but she didn’t miss a step, opening her mouth wider, tilting her head to take him deeper.

Brock groaned, his fingers digging into the soft skin of her backside. She felt so good against him this had to be a crime or an explicit-as-hell dream. She was kissing him back, this pretty woman he’d just met. Kissing him with a hunger that matched his own.

His erection pounded against his zipper, demanding release. He ground into her, lifting her off the floor, letting his hands move down to her thighs to wrap their solid length around his waist.

Her center was flush against his erection. His hips jerked instinctively. Full breasts pressed against his chest and the blood pounded fiercely in Brock’s ears.

Then she made an indecipherable sound, and through the haze of desire he felt her struggling to break free of his grasp. The word no echoed in his mind, even though he knew she couldn’t possibly have said anything because his lips were still devouring hers. Still, her palms pressing urgently against his chest and her thighs trying to squirm down from him could mean only one thing. Without the conscious consent of his body, his mind roared for him to stop. And when that message finally filtered through, Brock released her completely, taking a step back.

Noelle fell backward against the door with a thump but miraculously remained upright. She looked up at him, unable or unwilling to speak, Brock wasn’t quite sure. Then she was gone, disappearing behind the door in seconds.

As the door to her room clicked shut Brock inhaled a deep, steadying breath.

So much for seducing her slowly.

Chapter 5

So they kissed, that wasn’t so bad. Over and over Noelle told herself this as she moved silently through Brock’s house, passing the porch where they’d shared a nice platonic steak dinner last night. That had been only an hour before he’d kissed her and she’d acted like a deprived sex fiend, crawling all over him as if she just couldn’t get enough.

It wasn’t quite six yet, but the sky was already brightening, the morning coming whether she wanted to face it or not. Now, was it through this door and around to the left or around to the right? Brock had shown her the pool during the tour yesterday. One thing she’d become accustomed to living in Jade and Linc’s spacious home was the indoor and outdoor pools. So the majority of her mornings either started with a brisk run or a couple of laps. Because she didn’t know this area well, Noelle had opted for a swim. She was meeting with Brock in a few hours, so thinking about the kiss and its effect on her would have to wait. Or she’d simply bypass it altogether.

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