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This Holiday Magic: A Gift from the Heart / Mine by Christmas / A Family for Christmas
“Follow me. We’re in the kitchen, and lunch is almost ready,” he said, heading around the bar to the main dining area. “Nya’s already sipping champagne.”
“Of course she is,” Janelle confirmed. She knew her sister too well. Even in muted light and empty, the place sparkled and shone with stunning radiance.
“So, you’re Nya’s sister.”
“Yep, one of them.”
“I’ve known Nya for a while. I didn’t know she had sisters,” he said.
“She has two. We’re all stepsisters. Different mothers and different fathers,” she said. Brad turned and looked at her, confused. She smiled. “It’s complicated. Trust me, explaining it will probably give you a headache.”
They snaked through the spotless stainless-steel counters and wait stations to a small room beside the main kitchen, where Nya was sitting at a small round table, talking on her cell phone. When she saw Janelle she smiled, waved and quickly ended her conversation. “Thanks, Brad.”
He blew her an air-kiss and went back to the kitchen.
“Hey, girl,” she exclaimed with her arms open wide.
Janelle smiled and walked over to her. They hugged and laughed. “It’s so good to see you. Oh, my God, you look sensational.”
“You, too,” Janelle said.
“Well, yeah, of course I do, but I wasn’t exactly working in the middle of the desert. You’re practically glowing. Come on. Let’s sit down. Brad made us something amazing for lunch.”
“Brad, huh? Nice. He’s gorgeous.”
She smiled and winked. “We’re just friends. Long story, great ending,” she said just as her cell phone rang again. Nya looked at the number and smiled. “I need to get this.” She pressed the FaceTime accept button and smiled. “We’re here,” she said, turning the phone around so Janelle could speak.
“Hello, ladies,” Mia said, sing-songing a greeting to her two sisters.
Janelle beamed with delight at seeing her other sister on the video app on Nya’s cell phone. “Oh, my God, Mia, look at you. You look fantastic. How are you and how’s everybody?”
“I’m fine. We’re all fine. Everything’s great. I’m so sorry to miss our pre-Christmas lunch and shopping this year. But how are you?”
“I’m wonderful. It’s so good to see you. How’s my godson?”
“Our godson,” Nya joked.
“He’s amazing. Hold on a second. I’ll let you see him. He just went down for his nap.” Mia held her phone down to her sleeping baby in the crib. Both Janelle and Nya squealed with joy at seeing him and then silenced quickly. But it was too late. He began to stir and his lower lip pouted.
A second later his eyes opened. He whimpered and then started crying. “Aw-ww,” Janelle and Nya said in unison.
“Oh, well, ladies, looks like I’m back on mommy duty. I’ll call you guys later tonight. Have a great lunch. Welcome home, Janelle. I love you both,” Mia said, waving.
Janelle smiled as Nya ended the call. “It feels so good to be home. You have no idea.”
“It’s good to have you back. So, tell me, how’s my stepdad?” Janelle’s expression instantly changed. “What’s wrong? Is Ben okay?”
Janelle sighed heavily, shaking her head. “He’s fine, but to tell you the truth, I don’t know what to think.”
“What do you mean?”
“My dad had a heart attack and a mild stroke.”
“What? When?” Nya asked quickly.
“About six months ago. I didn’t even know about it. He didn’t tell me. Apparently, I had just left for Tanzania when it happened.”
“Oh, my God. And he’s just telling you this now?”
“No, that’s just it. He didn’t tell me. Tyson told me. Dad called him instead of me after it happened.”
“Whoa, wait a minute. Tyson, as in Tyson Croft—your Tyson Croft?” Nya asked. Janelle nodded. “Okay, wait, I don’t get it. Why did Ben call him and not you—or me, for that matter?”
“He told me that he hadn’t wanted to worry me and have me rush home to be with him. If Tyson hadn’t told me, I never would have known what happened.”
“Okay, start from the beginning. What does Tyson have to do with this and when did he come back into the picture?”
Brad brought their lunch. After a brief conversation, the two began eating as Janelle told Nya about her homecoming and seeing Tyson again and meeting his daughter.
“A four-year-old daughter,” Nya exclaimed.
“Wait, there’s more.” Janelle continued the story.
By the time the meal was done Janelle had told Nya everything about her father’s business problem and Tyson living in her home with his daughter.
Nya shook her head. “This is too unreal. I can’t believe it. I had no idea. I spoke with Ben a couple of weeks ago and he never mentioned anything to me.”
“I know the feeling,” Janelle said sarcastically.
“Okay, so Tyson is working with Ben now. You talked to him. He told you about what’s been going on, but what about the two of you?” she asked.
“What do you mean?” Janelle asked.
“You know exactly what I mean. Two and a half years ago you and Tyson were headed down the aisle. Then all of a sudden he’s gone and you leave for Africa. Now you’re back and he’s back. What happens now?”
“I don’t know,” Janelle said, taking a deep breath and shaking her head. She looked at her sister and sighed. “I kissed him.” Nya smiled without responding. “Nya, you don’t understand. I mean I really kissed him,” Janelle reiterated.
“Yes, I do understand. You’re my sister. Yeah, maybe not by blood, but with us, that doesn’t really matter. I know you, and deep down in your heart you still have feelings for Tyson, and I know that he has some pretty strong feelings for you, too.” Janelle shook her head as Nya nodded. “You’re gonna have to relent, Janelle. You two had the romance of the century, and fine, things fell apart at the end, but you and I both know that wasn’t the end—not really. My advice—grab all the love and happiness you can and, in this case, it’s with Tyson.”
“Since when did you become a romance guru?”
“Apparently since now,” Nya said, smiling.
“It’s not that easy, Nya. I wish it was. He’s leaving again.”
Nya reached across the table to hold her sister’s hand. She squeezed gently. “Actually, sis, it is that easy. Love is the easiest thing in the world. Just follow your heart.”
“Okay, now you’re starting to scare me.”
“If I learned nothing else from watching Mia and Stephen come together, it’s that love will always find a way. So, tell me, how did he look?” Nya asked.
“He was still as handsome as ever. The instant he looked up at me, I swear my heart skipped a beat. It was as if time had stood still and the past two and a half years of my life had evaporated. I told myself that I was over him. I was wrong.”
Nya giggled and smiled. “I love the sound of romance in the afternoon.”
The two went on talking about men, jobs, family, vacations, the holidays and then back to men. Two hours later they were still laughing and talking.
“Come on. Let’s get out of here. I can’t stand looking at that old college sweatshirt any longer. You and I have some serious shopping to do.”
Janelle stood, following her sister. They thanked Brad and his kitchen crew, left a very generous tip and then continued outside. Nya put on her dark sunglasses. “I think we need Bergdorf.”
“Newsflash—there’s no Bergdorf Goodman near here,” she said.
“Sure there is. There’s one on Fifth Avenue.”
Janelle chuckled. “Fifth Avenue, as in New York City? No way. We’re not going all the way to New York to shop for clothes,” she insisted as her cell phone rang.
“Sure we are. I have my dad’s private plane sitting on the runway right now. We can fly there, shop and get you back here by midnight, one at the latest. Come on. It’ll be fun.”
“Can’t, sorry. I’m meeting with a friend at Johns Hopkins in a few minutes. Hold on,” Janelle said, answering her cell. “Hello?”
“Hello, Janelle, this is Mrs. Ivers. I need your help.”
“Sure, Mrs. Ivers. What’s wrong?”
“My son was in a car accident. I need to go to him. Tyson is in D.C. and I can’t take Aneka with me. Would you come by and stay with her for a few hours? You’re the only other person she knows and I know Tyson won’t mind.”
“Um, sure,” she said tentatively, “okay. I’ll be right there.” She ended the call and looked at Nya. “I gotta go.”
“What’s wrong? Is it Ben?”
“No, that was my neighbor. She stays with Tyson’s daughter. She needs someone to stay with Aneka. Looks like a rain check on shopping and my meeting,” Janelle said, holding her arms out to her sister. They hugged one another tightly. When they finally let go, they smiled at each other. “You take care and have a safe trip back to New York. I’ll talk to you soon.”
“Okay, but I’m still going shopping for you,” Nya said.
Janelle hugged Nya again then waved and headed to her car. She called her friend Meg and postponed their meeting until the next day, then drove off. When she got to her house, Mrs. Ivers was standing out front with Aneka. “Hi,” Janelle said. “Any word about your son?”
Mrs. Ivers shook her head. “He’s still in the emergency room being examined.”
“Is there anything I can do? Anyone I can call?”
“No, but thank you. I’m going to get over there and see what’s going on. Aneka, you remember Ms. Truman from last night?” The little girl nodded and looked at Janelle suspiciously. “Good. Now, I have to leave, but Ms. Truman is going to stay here with you until your father gets home, all right?” Aneka stared at Janelle then nodded slowly. “Ms. Truman is going to give you your snack and then you can take your nap and be a very good little girl the rest of the day, okay.”
Janelle smiled. “Go. Take care of your son. Don’t worry about us. We’ll be just fine. Any food allergies?”
“No allergies, but she is asthmatic. Her inhaler’s in the kitchen, but she hasn’t had an attack in some time. Thank you so much for coming. I knew you were the perfect person to call,” Mrs. Ivers said, then hurried to her car.
Janelle and Aneka waved and watched as she drove off. When the car turned the corner, Janelle looked down at the little girl, who was still looking up at her, frowning. “Well, I guess it’s just the two of us for the rest of the afternoon. What would you like to do?”
Aneka shrugged her shoulders and looked down at her shoes without answering.
“Okay, well, I guess we can color or paint or maybe I can read you a story or we can watch one of your animated movies.”
Aneka shrugged again, still avoiding Janelle’s gaze.
“Why don’t we get inside out of the cold first?” Janelle said as she held her hand down for Aneka to take. The girl did so, reluctantly. They went back into the house. Janelle looked around. The place was as neat as a pin. She headed to the kitchen and found a cut-up apple on the counter. Aneka followed silently and stopped in the doorway. “Okay, I guess this is your snack.” Aneka nodded, then turned away.
Janelle smiled. “Okay, I have an idea. While you eat your snack, I’ll look around to see if I can find the ingredients to make my special Christmas cookies.”
Aneka’s eyes instantly brightened. “Cookies?”
Janelle nodded. “Yes, a special Christmas cookie. One I learned to make from a friend of mine who lives very far away in a place called Africa. But you’ll have to eat your snack first and hopefully I can find the ingredients.”
Aneka quickly sat at the kitchen table, grabbed the sliced apple and began eating. Janelle started looking in the cabinets. “What is ingredients?” Aneka asked, repeating the word slowly.
“What are ingredients,” Janelle corrected. “Ingredients are different things that all go together to make up a finished product,” Janelle said, continuing her search. “And ingredients—” she paused and sighed heavily “—are what we don’t have.” She turned around to Aneka sitting quietly eating her apple. She hated to disappoint Aneka after promising her special cookies, but she didn’t have a choice—or maybe she did. She turned to Aneka and smiled. “How about we go on a field trip first?”
Chapter 8
Having received Mrs. Ivers’s message, Tyson immediately cut his workday short and headed home. He wasn’t getting much done anyway. Ever since his conversation with Janelle earlier that morning, all he could think about was her and the kiss they’d shared. He wanted to be with her, but he knew it wasn’t the right time for them to be together. He also knew that it had been the right thing to do to tell her about her father, but seeing her so upset had nearly broken his heart.
He had tried to call her a few times to make sure she was okay. But then getting the message that she was with Aneka was the best news all day.
He wanted Janelle and Aneka to get to know each other. Aneka, having lost her parents so young, barely remembered them. She called Tyson “Dad,” but knew about her father and mother. She was a wonderful little girl, but often closed herself off with those she didn’t know. He hoped one day she and Janelle would grow to love each other like mother and daughter.
As soon as he walked into the house, he heard music playing, joyous laughter and loud singing coming from the kitchen. “Hello,” he called out. There was no answer.
An instant later Aneka came running around the corner and right at him, her hands and face powdered with flour. “Daddy!” she squealed with joy.
Tyson leaned down and picked her up as she wrapped her arms around his neck, talking excitedly about her day.
“Hey, hey, look at you,” Tyson said. His suit jacket was instantly covered with flour and frosting, but he didn’t mind at all. Still holding his daughter, he continued to the kitchen, seeing Janelle place a decorated cookie on a plate with several others. “Hello,” he said as Aneka continued talking. “What in the world do we have here?” Tyson chuckled, seeing the kitchen in a complete mess.
“Hey, you’re early. We didn’t expect you for another few hours,” she said.
“We’re making cookies, see?” Aneka said happily.
“Yes, I can certainly see that,” he said, chuckling at the mess in the kitchen and at her face sprinkled with flour. “It looks like you’ve been having fun,” he added as he set Aneka down. She hurried back to the kitchen table and continued icing a cookie with a plastic spoon. “What kind of cookies are you making?”
“Christmas-ball cookies,” Aneka said proudly, holding her half-frosted cookie up to show her father.
“Yes, I see. They look delicious. May I have one?”
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