Полная версия
Just To Be with You
“I don’t know. When I touched her hand...it was weird...I felt...I don’t know...something.”
Donovan clapped him on the shoulder. “It’s called awareness, a connection, sexual chemistry or all of the above.”
“That’s the thing. It’s not sexual, not entirely.” For a man who made a living expressing himself through words, Terrence struggled to find them tonight.
“You don’t have to explain, Terrence. I know what you mean, and it’s about time.”
“About time for what?”
“For you to find true love.”
“No. That’s not an option. It’s never gonna happen.” Only one woman had walked out of his life, and he vowed no other woman would ever cause him that type of pain again.
“If what you’re saying is true, then you need to cancel tomorrow.”
“That little lady doesn’t look like the type who’s into head games. You shouldn’t start something you don’t plan to finish.”
“I have to see her again,” he said absently.
“I know that,” Donovan said softly. “I can see that she’s gotten to you, so there must be something special about her. Do you really want to punish her for something she had nothing to do with?”
“What does that mean?”
“You know how you are—one date and it’s done.”
Terrence scowled over at him, not happy about the insinuation regarding his dating life. Women knew the score up front.
“Take my advice, man. Spend time with her tomorrow and see where it goes. You can’t keep your heart closed off forever.” He clapped him on the shoulder. “Come on. Let’s get packed up so we can get to the hotel. The band’s waiting.”
Terrence nodded. He’d never felt so conflicted in his life. On one hand, Donovan was right and he should at least give it a chance, but on the other, he didn’t know if he was capable of giving or accepting love.
Later, he stood out on the hotel room’s balcony thinking about Janae, still stunned by his reaction to her. He’d felt the current, and when their eyes connected, his gut clenched. In eight years of touring, nothing like this had ever happened—and he’d touched millions of women. Sure, he’d experienced moments of lust, but nothing like what happened tonight. It had been difficult to reign in his thoughts and focus on finishing the concert.
This overwhelming need for a woman was foreign to him. He dated when it suited him. Occasionally things progressed to where they’d sleep together, but that was where it ended. He kept things strictly physical; his emotions did not come into play. What about this particular woman knocked him off balance? When she’d asked “why her,” he’d debated the best way to explain it to her, but had a hard time, mainly because he couldn’t explain it to himself. Even now, he could still feel the spark of awareness that coursed through him when he touched her hand.
Okay, she was a beauty, with a petite body of a goddess, skin the color of melted caramel, expressive brown eyes, high cheekbones and a pair of lips that made him want to taste them—which he was unable to stop himself from doing. When he’d kissed her, the tightening in his chest and the range of emotions that flooded his body had shocked him. Thinking back, he’d probably scared her to death. Hell, he’d scared himself. He had no idea what possessed him to kiss her, but now that he had, her taste would haunt him for the rest of his life.
He’d shoved his hands in his pockets when walking her to the car to keep from pulling her into his arms for another kiss. He had no clue how to stop the rampant desire or confusing emotions spreading through his body. By spending tomorrow with Janae, he intended to figure it out.
Chapter 2
Janae spotted Monte and Donovan across the lobby. “I think they’re standing over next to the fountain, Karen.” She started to say something else, but her breath caught when their eyes connected and he unleashed that sexy grin.
Casually dressed, with their dark good looks, they stood out among the crowd of people going in and out of the lobby. A group of women stared with open appreciation. Two of them actually tried to get them to join their group. Janae felt a surge of jealousy, which didn’t make sense since they weren’t dating. Then she felt a measure of satisfaction at the women’s disappointment when Monte shook his head and pointed in her direction—that didn’t make sense, either.
“Aw, I guess those women will have to find someone else to hang out with, since those two fine brothers are all ours for today,” Karen said with a giggle.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right,” Janae agreed, moving in their direction. But the closer she came to him, the more she began to rethink this whole hanging-out thing. “Too late now,” she mumbled under her breath when he stood before her.
“Hello, ladies. You ready to get this party started?” Monte kissed Janae’s cheek softly.
The feel of his lips lingering against her cheek caused all kinds of crazy sensations to run through her body. “Um...yes.” Both Karen and Donovan stared with weird looks on their faces. “Since we’re only a couple of blocks from the wharf, we can probably walk,” Janae said.
“All right. Let me move the car, and then we can go,” Donovan said.
By design or just coincidence, somehow they’d paired off—Karen with Donovan and she with Monte. They were content to follow the flow of foot traffic without conversing, but every time she glanced Monte’s way, she found him staring at her.
“So, Monte,” Janae started.
“Terrence,” he corrected.
“Excuse me?”
“My name. I’d like for you to call me Terrence. Monte is the name I use for business, but my family and close friends call me Terrence.”
“Um, okay...Terrence. But I’m not a close friend.”
“Not yet.” He smiled. “So, what were you about to say?”
“What?” Her brows knitted in confusion. His smile knocked her thoughts right out of her head.
“You started to say something before we talked about my name.”
“Is Monte a name you made up?”
“No. It’s actually my middle name.” He paused. “I’ll tell you the story behind it another time.”
Another time? She nodded, then remembered her original question. “How long are you staying in San Francisco?”
“Until sometime tomorrow probably. Why? Tired of my company already?” he asked teasingly.
She smiled softly. “No. Just asking.”
“Good, because I want to spend as much time with you as I can.”
Terrence reached down and entwined their hands. She stiffened. She felt those same sparks.
He rubbed his thumb over the back of her hand and bent close to her ear. “It’s all right. I feel it, too.”
After lunch, they checked out several stores lining the wharf. She had a great time and, strangely enough, felt more relaxed with him than she had with any other man.
“I’ll be right back,” he whispered.
“I’ll be right here.” Her eyes followed him as he walked toward the front of the store, where Donovan had gestured for him. Karen came up behind her moments later.
“So, are you having a good time with Monte?”
“I didn’t think I would, but yeah, I am. He’s...I don’t know...different.” She leaned her head to one side thoughtfully. “You know, he doesn’t act like a superstar. It’s like he’s this regular guy.” She released a deep sigh.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing. Just thinking I’ll probably never see him after this weekend. He seems like a great guy.”
“Why would you think that?”
“Hel-lo, I live in San Jose and he lives in Los Angeles, not to mention he’s a celebrity. You know, concerts, touring...”
Karen lifted an eyebrow, then folded her arms across her chest. “And that means what? Even celebrities need that special someone.”
Before Janae could respond, she heard her name being called. “Over here, Terrence.”
“I’ll explain later. Come on.” They met Terrence and Donovan halfway.
“Did you see something you like, Janae?” Terrence asked.
“Sure, lots of things. But I can’t afford them all.”
Terrence grabbed her hand, pulling her back in the direction she’d come from. “Show me. I’ll buy them for you.”
She snatched her hand from his. “What? No.”
“Is there a problem?”
Janae noticed a few people staring and lowered her voice. “Yes. You don’t know me, and I don’t know you. You can’t go around spending your money like that.”
He paused a beat. “Point taken. I’m sorry.”
“You don’t need to apologize, Terrence.” She rubbed a hand over her forehead, trying to find the right words to make him understand. “Remember when I told you that I wasn’t a groupie?”
“Yes. And do you remember I told you I don’t have groupies, and you could never be one? Just so you know, I’ve never bought anything for another woman except my grandmother. Are you ready to head out? It’s almost time for the sunset cruise.”
Janae opened her mouth to say something else, but nodded instead. He’s never bought anything for another woman? She followed him out, trying to process his statement. He didn’t talk during the walk, and she sensed she’d hurt his feelings.
They boarded the ship, opting for seats inside. Although the sun shone, the late spring temperatures had cooled considerably with the approach of dusk. Once the boat left the dock, Terrence excused himself to go stand on the deck. Her eyes never left him as he stood against the rail with his hands in his pockets, head bowed. Maybe this had been a bad idea. Doubt crept in again, making her have second thoughts about this excursion. But she did owe him an apology for the way she’d snapped at him in the store.
“I’m going outside for a few minutes, guys.” She left Karen and Donovan to make her way through the crowd of people standing on the deck taking pictures.
She laid a hand on his arm. “Terrence?”
He turned slowly and glanced down. “Hey.”
“I want to apologize if I offended you. I don’t think I explained myself well. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.”
“I know.” He draped an arm across her shoulders, pulling her close to his side. “This is unchartered territory for me, so I might mess up sometimes.”
“I hear you.”
“How about we figure this thing out one day at a time and see where it goes?”
“I don’t know if that’s possible. We exist in two different worlds.”
“Anything is possible. We can work out the logistics if you’re agreeable.”
Janae stared out over the water. She had enjoyed his company today, and he seemed to be a nice person. But hadn’t she sworn off men? So why was she contemplating his request? “I’d like that.”
He turned her chin to face him. “So would I.” He touched his mouth to hers gently. He held her close as they continued to watch the approach of the Golden Gate Bridge in the fading sunlight.
“You know, I can’t get over how short you are,” he said, his gaze traveling down her body. “You were much taller last night.”
Janae punched him in the arm. “Hey. No dissin’ my height.” She was grateful for his attempt to lighten the mood. They’d been having a good time all afternoon, and she couldn’t recall the last time she’d laughed so much with a man.
“Ow! You hit pretty hard for a little person.” He chuckled while rubbing the spot.
“You’d be surprised what I can do for a little person,” she said sweetly, batting her eyelashes.
Terrence threw back his head and laughed. “Let’s go back inside and see what kind of snacks they have. I’m hungry.”
* * *
“Monte seems really taken by Janae,” Karen said to Donovan as she watched them through the window.
“That’s all good, but if your boy is thinking about trying to hit it and quit it and hurts her, I’ll have his butt tossed off one of these bridges.”
Donovan smiled. “He’s not like that. To tell the truth, I’m a little shocked. I’ve known him for sixteen years, and this is the first time he’s ever done something like this.”
“So you’re saying he’s not a playa?”
This time he outright laughed. “Hardly.” Then he sobered. “He needs someone special. Maybe she’s the one.”
Karen observed Janae and Monte. She and Donovan knew something had happened because they both were quiet. Then she saw them kiss and laugh. “Yes!”
Donovan glanced over his shoulder out the window. “I’m guessing by your enthusiasm, things are going well.”
“I hope this works out. Janae deserves to find a nice guy. She’s had too many jerks in her life.” Karen thought of something. “When we were in the store, she called Monte ‘Terrence.’ Is that another name he uses?”
Donovan’s eyebrows shot up. “Terrence is his first name. He doesn’t share it often, if ever. For him to tell Janae less than twenty-four hours after meeting her says a lot.” Her mouth formed a perfect O, and he laughed softly. “I would appreciate it if you keep it in confidence.”
“No problem. He must really like her. Janae does have that effect on people. She’s the sweetest person I know.” She giggled, thinking Janae just might get her Prince Charming.
* * *
They returned to the hotel a few minutes past midnight. Donovan hugged Karen and Janae, thanked them for a lovely day, then went to wait in the car. Karen told Janae she’d see her upstairs.
“Everybody disappeared. Was it something I said?” Janae asked, wringing her hands.
“Come sit with me for a moment,” Terrence said, gesturing her to the seating area. He sat next to her. Taking her hand, he waited for the familiar warmth to start and smiled. “Janae, I’ve had the most amazing time with you today. I gotta be honest—I’m not ready for it to end. I know we’re going back home tomorrow, but I’d like to talk to you sometimes. Would you be comfortable giving me your phone number?”
She stared at him, seemingly giving serious thought to his request. She stuck out her hand. “Give me your phone. I’ll program my numbers for you.”
Terrence reached in his pocket, pulled out a phone, stuck it back and pulled another one from his other pocket. He unlocked it, opened the contact list, then handed it to her.
“Two phones?” she asked with amusement.
“One for business and one—” he pointed at the phone in her hand “—for personal use. Less than twenty people have this number. Can you put your address in, as well?”
Her fingers stilled. “Why? You’re not going to go buy some expensive gift and send it to me, are you?”
He laughed softly. “No.”
She input the information and passed him the phone.
“Let me call you, so my number will be in your phone. I want you to have it in case you’d like to talk sometimes,” he added quickly. “Don’t worry, I’ll be calling you most of the time.” He called her phone, let it ring once and hung up. “Will you have breakfast with me tomorrow? We can eat in the hotel’s restaurant. How about I meet you right here around eight-thirty?” he asked hopefully.
She seemed to hesitate again before answering. “All right.”
* * *
Terrence enjoyed their quiet breakfast together the next morning. “Tell me something about you.”
“What do you want to know?”
He shrugged. “Anything you want to tell me. Your favorite color, dessert...how old you are...”
“Well, I’m twenty-eight, my favorite color is blue and my favorite dessert is strawberry shortcake.”
“What do you do when you’re not teaching?”
“I enjoy painting landscapes. What about you?”
“I’m thirty-one years old, and away from touring, I’m pretty much a homebody. I enjoy reading history and love cooking.”
“Wow. I would have never guessed that about you.”
“Most people don’t. I like to keep my private life private.”
After breakfast, he convinced her to take another walk on the pier. Today the temperatures had dipped, the sun remained hidden behind the clouds and a brisk breeze blew across his face. He felt Janae shiver.
“Are you cold?”
“A little,” she said, closing her jacket around her.
He placed his arms around her shoulders and pulled her closer. They continued to stroll past the shops lining the wharf and ended at the rail looking out over the water. Terrence had never felt such contentment. They didn’t need to fill every moment with conversation, and there were no awkward silences. He had no experience with a woman like her. His preference had always been to take a woman out once, maybe sleep with her and then move on. He glanced down at Janae. He had a feeling it wouldn’t be that easy with her.
His gaze drifted to her mouth, and memories of kissing her flooded his mind—the plush softness of her lips, the sweet taste on his tongue. He had to kiss her again. He scanned the area, then saw a private corner.
“Come with me,” he said, grabbing her by the hand.
“Where are we going?”
“Here.” He pulled her into the dark area, cupped her face and slanted his mouth over hers. Just like last night, kissing her elicited a desire he’d never felt before. He backed her against the wall and deepened the kiss.
She moaned and tore her mouth away, breathing harshly. “I can’t do this.”
She tried to move around him, but he blocked her path and pulled her back into his arms. “Why?” he whispered, trailing kisses in the curve of her neck.
She pushed against his chest. “I told you. I’m not some groupie. I’m not into playing games where I end up being another notch on your bedpost.”
He rested one hand on the wall over her head. “Are we back to that again? I told you that you could never be a groupie.”
“Terrence, I’m not interested in being one of your playthings.”
“Have you ever been in a committed relationship?”
“No, but I’ve never mistreated a woman. I’m always up-front with them. That way no one gets hurt.”
“I rest my case.” She moved again.
“Wait a minute.” He released a deep sigh. “I don’t consider myself some kind of playboy. I meet a woman, and if we hit it off, we’ll go out.”
“And sleep together.”
“Then you walk away.”
He remained silent.
She folded her arms. “Okay. So you say you’re not a playboy. Then why do you always walk away? Why haven’t you been in a committed relationship?”
“It’s not that easy, and maybe I haven’t met the right woman.” He captured her mouth again. She pursed her lips tightly together, and he chuckled inwardly. He nipped at her lower lip and teased with tiny licks of his tongue. “Open up, baby.” He plunged into her mouth and caressed the side of her face. Terrence couldn’t get enough of kissing her. At length, he lifted his head.
“Terrence, I don’t think this is a good idea.” She rubbed her temples. “You’re a really nice guy, but I don’t want to be hurt again.”
“I don’t plan to hurt you.”
“Maybe not intentionally, but I can’t take that chance.”
He held her gaze intently, leaned down and kissed her once more, then led her back out.
They walked and talked awhile longer, and then he had to leave—reluctantly. Janae and Karen had a long drive ahead of them, and his band would be waiting for him on their private plane.
Standing outside her hotel room, Terrence let his gaze roam over her face, trying to commit everything about her to memory. “I’ve enjoyed spending the weekend with you, Janae.”
“Me, too.”
He heaved a deep sigh. “I’d better go. I know you and Karen need to get on the road, and the guys will be ready to fly out soon.” He stroked a finger down her cheek and placed a soft kiss on her lips. “Thank you for your company. I’ll talk to you soon.”
“Bye, Terrence.”
Terrence used every bit of his control to keep moving in the direction of the elevator. The more time he spent with her, the more he wanted to know about her. Being with Janae was so different from the women he usually encountered. Most were so enamored with the man called Monte and what they thought he could do for them that they tripped over themselves trying to get his attention. But not Janae; she wasn’t falling over herself to get to him—just the opposite. She seemed more interested in Terrence. The man who would rather spend a quiet evening snuggled in front of a fireplace talking or reading instead of hanging out at a club or some other party. In spite of his stance to remain emotionally detached, something about this woman fascinated him, and he couldn’t wait to see her again. He smiled. No, he wouldn’t send her an expensive gift, but he would visit. Soon.
Chapter 3
Since the band members wanted to have a late lunch, Terrence didn’t leave San Francisco until after five in the evening. He had planned to be home earlier so he could spend time with his grandparents. He’d been away for almost three weeks, and as the only family he had left, he missed them tremendously. His father passed away when Terrence was eighteen, but his mother had walked out of their lives when he was only eight. The old anger that came with the memory surfaced, but he pushed it down, preferring to reminisce on his weekend. Reaching into his pocket, he took out his phone, then pulled up the picture of him and Janae. In her heels, her head barely came to his shoulder; without them, she only reached the middle of his chest. But her petite body was stacked with womanly curves—curves his hands itched to trace.
“Nice picture, Monte. Who is she?” Malik, the band’s bassist, asked over his shoulder.
“Her name is Janae,” Terrence answered without looking up.
“Oh, yeah. She’s the woman we met backstage. I’ve never known you to let someone come back after a show.”
Before Terrence could answer, Lisa, the drummer and only female musician in the band, spoke up. “Get out of Monte’s business, Malik. You’re just mad it’s not you.”
A couple more of the band members started asking questions, and Donovan interrupted. “Hey, Monte. Can you come back here for a moment? I need you to look at something.”
“What do you need me to do?” Terrence asked, taking a seat in the area sectioned off in the rear of the aircraft set up for business.
“Nothing. I wanted to give you a little space for privacy.”
“Thanks, man.”
After several minutes, Donovan spoke again. “You like her a lot, don’t you, T?”
He stared down at the phone in his hand with their picture still on the screen. “Yeah. I do.”
“She seems like a nice person. Do you plan to talk to her or see her again?”
“Yeah. I need to figure out how to see her before our concerts on the East Coast.”
A slow grin curved Donovan’s mouth. “Absolutely amazing. Janae has done what no other woman has, and without trying. Women always try coming on to you, some almost to the point of stalking, but you never even notice. What is it about her? I mean, you’ve come across countless beautiful women.”
“She’s... There’s just something about her.” Terrence shifted his gaze toward the window. “She gets to me,” he said, remembering. Even now, thinking about her made his heart rate kick up. He hoped she and Karen had made it home safely.
* * *
Janae breezed through the school office Monday morning and spoke to the secretary before checking her mailbox. She glanced at the papers, stuck them in her bag, then went to make copies. She had more than half an hour before the students arrived, giving her time to prepare the art activity that would accompany their lesson. Despite her determination to get back to reality, her mind kept straying to her time with Terrence. Contrary to his promise to call, she knew he probably wouldn’t, and decided the time they spent together would go into her book of memories, to be pulled out time and time again.
“Hey, girl.”
Her head popped up when Karen came through the classroom door. “Morning. You just getting here?”
“No. I’ve been here for about an hour. I have some testing to do today, so I needed to get a lesson plan ready for my parent helper who’s coming in.” She came around the table to see what Janae was drawing. “Foil?”
Janae smiled. “Yep. It’s a fun activity, and the best part is that they don’t even know they’re working on their fine motor control.” She had drawn a flower using a black permanent marker and would have the students use colored permanent markers to fill in the spaces. When they finished, not only would they have a beautiful picture, they would have practiced staying within the lines—something to help with the control needed for writing.