Полная версия
The Barrington Brothers: When Opposites Attract... / Single Man Meets Single Mom / Carrying the Lost Heir's Child
“Show it to me.”
Grant hopped to his feet and extended his hand to help Tessa up. She resisted for all of a second before slipping her delicate hand into his. Before she could fully catch her balance, Grant tugged her against his chest, causing her to land right where he wanted her.
What the hell was he doing? He knew better than to play games like this, but damned if his hormones weren’t trying to take over. That whole chat he’d had with himself about compartmentalizing had gone straight to hell.
But each time he was with Tessa something came over him, something he couldn’t explain, and he was drowning in confusion and...her.
Tessa’s breath caught, and those bright blue eyes held his. With her body molded against his, Grant had no clue what to do now. Well, he knew, but he was supposed to be a professional and not get tangled up in this world on a personal level. Mentally and emotionally, he couldn’t afford to.
Besides, the last thing he needed was to get kicked off the set before filming even started.
Yet, as usual, lust controlled his actions.
“What about you, Tessa?” he asked, eyeing her lips. “Are you all country girl or could you handle the big city?”
Something cold flashed through her eyes before she pulled away and glanced at her watch. “You only have twenty minutes left, Slick. Better go see that cabin.”
Whatever trigger he’d just hit on, Grant had a feeling he would annoy her even more before he figured out what he’d said that upset her. Because he knew their body contact hadn’t gotten her so angry. No, he’d seen desire in her eyes, maybe even confusion—a glimpse of an internal battle, but not anger.
He followed her back to the four-wheeler and climbed on behind her. This time Grant held on to the back rack instead of Tessa. He was treading on thin ice as it was.
She rode effortlessly, with captivating beauty. The way her body controlled the stallion, the strength she possessed, the determination on her flushed face... Grant could watch Tessa Barrington for hours, and was well on his way to doing just that.
Tessa turned the corner and headed toward him. With all the laps she’d made, there was no way she could’ve missed him standing here. They’d already spent the past two days together, and he had no time scheduled with her today. But that didn’t stop him from wanting to see her, to learn more. And this sexual pull was dragging him into this damn world he’d worked so hard to put behind him.
“She’s amazing, isn’t she?”
Grant turned at the sound of a voice and found himself looking into another set of bright blue eyes. “Yes, she is. You must be Cassie.” He glanced to the baby asleep on her shoulder. “And who is this?”
Cassie’s smile widened. “This is Emily.”
Grant took in the pale blond curls peeking beneath a bright green hat, and wondered if the little girl had those Barrington blue eyes.
“How old is she?”
“Just turned one last month.”
Cassie turned to watch Tessa round another curve, and Grant studied the woman’s profile. She was beautiful just like her sister, with her blue eyes and bright red hair. But there was something more fragile, almost sad about Cassie. He’d learned enough about this family to know Cassie’s ex used to work in the stables but had left shortly after the baby was born. Anger bubbled within Grant at the thought of a deadbeat dad ignoring his kid.
But as he watched her, Grant realized there was another layer of emotions in Cassie’s eyes as she focused on her sister. Concern.
“You worry about her,” he said, not bothering to ask.
“I do.” Cassie shifted the sleeping toddler to her other shoulder. “She pushes too hard at times. Strange coming from me, since I’m her trainer. We already practiced today, but she and Don Pedro are made for each other. They’re happiest in the ring. Of course, that passion is what makes winners, but her biggest competitor is herself.”
Grant could see that. In the few days he’d been here he’d seen Tessa out of the stables only during their “allotted” times.
“Does she do anything for fun?” he asked.
“You’re looking at it. She lives for this.”
On one hand Grant admired Tessa’s drive and determination. He had more drive for career than anything himself. But on the other hand he found it sad that this was her whole life.
And from a purely personal level, the thought of her spending more time on her horse than off flat out terrified him.
Her career stirred up so many haunting emotions. Not that they weren’t always there, but having the lifestyle thrust in his face all day only made the memories that much more hellish.
Yet the attraction was something he hadn’t planned on...and couldn’t ignore.
“She doesn’t date?” he found himself asking before he could keep his mouth shut.
Cassie spared him a glance. “She just got out of a relationship, which is another reason she’s pushing herself even more.”
Bad breakup? While Cassie didn’t say it, the message was implied. And there was a story there. Grant never turned away an intriguing story....
“So when will the rest of your crew arrive?” Cassie asked.
“A few weeks.” He caught her smile and laughed. “You seem excited about this.”
She shrugged her free shoulder. “What’s not to be excited about? My father is an amazing man, a prestigious horse owner and winner. A movie about his life will be awesome.”
“You forget you and Tessa are a huge part of his success, and in continuing the Barrington tradition.” Grant glanced at the track as Tessa came flying by again. “I don’t think your sister feels the same.”
Cassie nodded. “Tessa and I don’t always agree on things. Besides, she has her reasons for not being so thrilled about this film.”
“And you aren’t going to share those reasons, are you?”
Cassie laughed. “Nope.”
Emily started to stir on her shoulder, and Cassie patted her back. “I better head back inside and get dinner started. It was nice to officially meet you, Grant.”
“I’m sure you’ll be seeing more of me.”
She walked away, and Grant turned back to watch Tessa, but she was out of sight. He took his boot down from the rung of the fence and headed into the stable.
He found her in the last stall, pulling the saddle off Don Pedro’s back and hanging it up. At some point he’d quiz her on the reason behind the horse’s name, though he had a pretty good idea.
He knew enough Shakespeare to know Don Pedro was a prince in Much Ado About Nothing, and her recreational stallion’s name, Oliver, stemmed from the villain, who later repented, in As You Like It.
Apparently Miss Barrington had a romantic streak. So why was she fighting this obvious attraction?
Straw shuffled beneath his boots as he made his way closer. Oliver shifted in his stall and Grant froze for a half second before he forced himself to keep walking.
He would not revisit that time in his life. Fear was only a state of mind, and he’d be damned if he’d let it overtake him.
“I just met your sister,” he said as he moved in closer.
Tessa didn’t stop her duties, didn’t even spare him a glance as she picked up a brush and started her routine circular brushing.
“Emily is adorable, but she slept through our meeting.” Grant tucked his hands into his pockets. “Cassie seems pretty excited about the film.”
Maybe that comment warranted a grunt, but he wasn’t sure the noise was directed at him or the fact that Tessa was reaching up to brush the horse’s back.
“It’s a beautiful day—”
“What are you doing here?” she asked, tossing the brush into the tack box with so much effort it bounced right back out.
Grant paused. “Working.”
“No, here in the stable. Right now. What do you want?”
Her eyes were practically shooting daggers. Okay, something had pissed her off and he had a sinking feeling that “something” was him. How did women get so fired up, when a man was still left clueless?
“I was watching you train,” he told her honestly. “I’m just amazed at your talent.”
Tessa moved around Don Pedro, coming to stand in front of Grant. Propping her hands on her hips pulled her shirt tighter across her chest, and he had to really concentrate to keep his eyes level with hers and not on those tiny strained buttons.
“Don’t you have a film to be working on instead of ogling my sister?”
For a second he was shocked, then shock quickly turned to a warmth spreading through his body. She was jealous. Best not to laugh or even crack a smile. But damn, he liked knowing he’d sparked some emotion from her other than disdain for his occupation.
He could have fun with this morsel of information, but he was never one to play games...especially with women. He may have dated his fair share of ladies over the years, but they always knew where he stood with their relationship. Besides, he was ready to start settling down, making a home and a family, after this film wrapped up.
For now, he wanted to get to know Tessa on a personal, intimate level, away from her racing lifestyle. He had interest in the woman, not the career.
“Actually, I was watching you and working.” He crossed his arms and met her icy stare. “We’ll be shooting here, and I was watching as the sun moved in the sky, to see where it is at certain times and how the shadows fall across the track. Your sister came up to me to introduce herself, since we hadn’t been formally introduced yet.”
A bit of heat left Tessa’s expression, but Grant couldn’t resist. He stepped closer and bent down until her eyes widened and her warm breath feathered across his face.
“And if you’re not interested in me, Country, then it wouldn’t matter if I was flirting with your sister or not, now would it?”
He turned, walked out of the barn and kept going until he was back in his guest cottage. Damn woman could make a man forget everything but the thought of kissing her senseless and finding a better use for that smart mouth.
* * *
Since she was raised a well-mannered lady, for the most part, Tessa found herself standing outside Grant’s cottage. The sun had long since set, and she’d been in the stable, talking to herself and trying to find a way out of groveling and apologizing.
There was no way out.
After a gentle tap of her knuckles on the mission-style door, Tessa stepped back and waited. If he didn’t hear her knock, she’d leave. At least she could say she’d tried.
A large part of her hoped he didn’t hear.
But a second later the door was flung open and Grant stood there, wearing only a towel, chest hair and water droplets.
“Tessa.” He hooked an arm on the half door, causing his muscles to flex and her mouth to go desert dry. “What are you doing here?”
“I...I came to apologize.” She tried to focus on his face, but dear mercy, all those bare muscles were distracting her. “Um...for earlier.”
Grant smiled and opened the door wider. “Come on in.”
“Are you going to put clothes on?”
Laughing, he stepped back to let her pass. “You want me to?”
She came face-to-face with him and nodded. “I think it’s best.”
He closed the door behind her and went toward one of the two bedrooms. Tessa hadn’t been in this cottage forever, but it had the same layout as her sister’s. Open floor plan, with the kitchen and living area in front. Grant had thrown a shirt over the back of the sofa, running shoes sat by the door and the smell of a fresh, masculine shower permeated the air.
Between that clean scent and those muscles he’d had on display, Tessa was having a hard time remembering the reason for her visit.
Grant strolled back into the room, wearing knit shorts and pulling a T-shirt over his head. “Care for a drink?”
“No, thanks.” She twisted her hands and remained in the doorway, because if she moved any farther into his temporary home, she feared she’d want to move further into the world she’d sworn off. “I just wanted to apologize for being rude earlier.”
“Rude? I didn’t think you were rude.” He leaned a hip on the edge of the sofa and crossed his arms over his broad chest. “You were honest. I’m flattered that you were jealous.”
Flattered? He might as well pat her on the head like a good little girl and send her off to play with her toys.
“I wasn’t jealous.” She would go to hell for lying. “I’m just protective of Cassie, and I know your type.”
The corners of his mouth threatened to curve into a smile. If he was mocking her she’d beat him with her whip. No, wait...he’d probably enjoy an aggressive woman.
He’d been so playful when they’d first met, so quick with his wit and his smiles. Her instant attraction had worried her, but now her feelings for him were growing.
Which begged the question, what did Grant like in a woman?
“What is my type, Country?”
“You think your city charm will win you any lady you want,” she told him. “Cassie has her hands full. I realize she was introducing herself, but I just didn’t want you getting any ideas.”
He straightened, then slowly crossed the room until he stood directly in front of her. “Oh, I have ideas. None of them involve Cassie, though.”
Tessa tried to ignore the shiver of excitement that crept over her...tried and failed. She didn’t want to find him appealing, didn’t want to spend any more time with him than necessary. She didn’t trust him. He oozed charm, and in her experience, that led to lying and deceit.
Backing up, hoping to make an escape, she reached blindly for the handle on the door. But as she retreated, Grant stepped forward. His fresh-from-the-shower aroma enveloped her, and his damp hair, hanging in a tousled mess over his forehead, practically begged for her to run her fingers through it.
“You could’ve apologized when you saw me tomorrow,” he murmured as he came within an inch of her face. “Why did you need to stop by now?”
Because she was a glutton for punishment. There was no other excuse.
“I wanted to clear the air before I saw you again. I didn’t want anything to be uncomfortable.”
One hand came up to rest on the door beside her head as a grin spread across his tanned, stubbled face. “I prefer to clear the air, too.”
In one swift motion, his head dipped down to hers and his free hand came up to cup the side of her face. Tessa’s back was firmly against the door, and she had nowhere to go...not that she wanted to go anywhere, because Grant’s mouth was so gentle, so amazingly perfect. Instead of pushing him away, she kept her arms at her sides and tried to remain in control of her emotions. But she did open her lips at his invitation, She was human and couldn’t resist temptation, after all.
Slowly, his tongue danced with hers and chills spread from her head to her toes in a flash. Before she could get too wrapped up in the moment, Grant stepped back. Tessa lifted her eyelids, meeting his dark gaze.
“Since we don’t want things to be uncomfortable,” he told her, his hand still framing her face, “you should know I plan on doing that again.”
Tessa couldn’t speak, could barely think. How in the world did she end up with zero control here? She’d just wanted to apologize, and instead she’d gotten the most tender, yet toe-curling kiss of her life, and an amazing view of Grant’s bare chest.
“What about—”
“The clause?” he asked, intercepting her thoughts. “Seeing as how you’re attracted, too, I don’t see why we can’t pursue more. Behind closed doors, of course. No one would have to know, Tessa.”
“I’m not interested,” she told him, lying through her still tingling lips. “Save your attraction for another woman.”
Grant dropped his hand. “Then it’s my turn to apologize. I assumed by the way you look at me, the way your pulse beats at the base of your neck, the way you catch your breath when I touch you, that you were interested in me, too. And the way you participated in that kiss... But apparently, I was mistaken.”
He leaned right next to her ear, so close his lips brushed against her lobe when he whispered, “Or you’re lying.”
Tessa tugged on the door and moved out of his grasp. “Good night, Grant.”
Like the coward she was, she ran away. Nobody made her feel more out of control, more internally restless than this infuriating man.
Surely that didn’t mean...
Tessa sighed as she climbed into her Jeep. She had a sinking feeling that Grant Carter was the man her mother had told her about. The man who would come along and make her question how she’d gotten along without him in her life.
The one man she’d been saving herself for.
Tessa slid out of her worn boots and set them beside the back door. Then she hung her heavy cardigan on the peg and moved through her kitchen toward her bedroom. Spring had arrived early, but the nights were still pretty cool, and she wanted to relax in a nice hot bath after her late-night ride. She was a creature of habit, and her raspberry-scented bubble baths were a nightly ritual and the only way she allowed herself to be pampered.
As usual, she hadn’t been able to fall asleep. But this time, instead of having horses and racing on her mind, her thoughts had been full of a certain Hollywood producer who had kissed her so gently, yet so thoroughly, she couldn’t even remember what kissing another man was like. Not that she’d kissed a slew in her life, but enough to know that Grant Carter knew how to please a woman.
And that was the main thought that had kept her awake. If he could cause so much happiness within her body with just a kiss—and a tender one at that—then what would the man do when he decided to really take charge and not hold back?
Her antique clock in the living room chimed twelve times. Midnight. The same time every night she found herself getting back home from her ride on Oliver. He always stuck his head out of the stall when she returned to the stable late at night. It was almost as if he knew her schedule, knew she’d be back for one last ride to wind down her evening.
Tessa padded into her bedroom, undressing as she went, so when she made it to the hamper she dumped in all her clothes. When she entered her bathroom, she paused.
Grant Carter was consuming way too much of her time, both in person and in her mind. She plucked the short cotton robe from the back of the bathroom door and went to the old desk in the corner of her bedroom to boot up her laptop.
For a man she’d met just two weeks ago, a man who’d kissed her like no one ever had, she really should learn more about him.
Of course, the internet gave only basics, but that was certainly more information than she had right now. He had a whole file on her life, her sister’s and her father’s. Grant and his crew knew way more about her childhood and the entire backstory of the Barringtons, so Tessa felt it only fair she level the playing field.
Clicking on a link, she quickly learned that Grant was a twin, but there was no other mention of this sibling.
She glanced at his birth date. A Christmas baby. Tessa’s eyes widened as she stared at the screen, inching closer because there was no way she was seeing that number correctly.
He was ten years older than her? As if her virginity, his obvious experience, her country life and his city life weren’t enough major blockers between them, he was ten freakin’ years older.
With a groan Tessa moved to her bed with the laptop and sagged back against her plush pillows. Grant was out of her league. She could tell by the way he’d kissed her, by how he flirted and his laid-back mannerisms, that he was more experienced with life than she was. But ten years was a hell of a lot of time.
She ventured into the area of pictures. Image after image she clicked through showed a smiling, sometimes heavy-lidded Grant, and in most of the pictures he wasn’t alone. Beautiful women were his accessory of choice, apparently. Surprise, surprise.
So, what? Was his kissing her just passing time while he was here? Did he choose a woman on each set to keep him company? No, he had that clause that prohibited that. But she had a feeling Grant Carter was a rule breaker when it came to getting what he wanted.
Hollywood was a far cry from Dawkins, Virginia, and the fast-paced city life was something she just couldn’t—and didn’t want to—grasp.
Another man, another city charmer with smooth words, flooded her mind. But he’d had hidden agendas: marrying her for her family name.
The hurt of betrayal still cut deep. Hindsight helped, because she could admit that she’d never loved him...at least not the way she thought she’d love the man she would marry.
Tessa’s eyes slid back to the screen, where Grant’s dark gaze held hers. Stubble covered his jaw, and she knew from experience how that felt against her palm, her lips.
Now more than ever she was convinced she needed to keep her eye on him. He was a slick one, probably expecting her to turn to putty in his hands. She wouldn’t be played, and she wouldn’t fall for another man just because of physical attraction. He couldn’t be the one for her. Tessa was merely confusing frustration for lust.
She honestly didn’t think Grant would do anything underhanded like Aaron had done, but she had to be cautious. No way would she be blindsided again.
But she also had to be honest with herself and admit Grant pulled emotions from her that Aaron hadn’t even touched on.
Groaning, she shut off the computer and returned to her spacious adjoining bathroom. Her bubble bath was calling to her. She had to be back in the stables by seven, so didn’t have time to waste online...no matter how intriguing the subject.
* * *
After several days at the stables, today they were changing up the precious spreadsheet. Grant couldn’t wait to spend the majority of the day with Tessa away from Stony Ridge. She was taking him around town to show him various locations, such as the old feed store and the church. Grant was banking on shooting a few scenes in the quaint, historic community.
The script already had several locales specified, but Grant wanted to get a good idea of lighting during different times of day, possible angles, and the atmosphere of each place.
Last night he’d been unable to sleep, so had emailed Bronson and Anthony all the notes he’d taken thus far. The grounds and main house were going to be the primary focus, as well as tracks to showcase the actual racing and practicing.
While drafting his email, he’d seen headlights cut through the darkness. When he’d peered out his window, he’d noted Tessa’s Jeep parked next to the stables, and had smiled.
Every part of him had wanted to go to her, had wanted to get her alone in the night. He’d had to conjure up every bit of his strength not to go see her, kiss her and discover just how far they could take this attraction.
But he’d refrained, because he had work to do and only a narrow window of time to get it all done. Besides, he wanted to keep her guessing about his motives, because in all honesty, he had no clue what the hell he was going to do about Tessa. She held too much control over him, and he didn’t like it. Never had a woman posed so much of a challenge and appealed to him all at the same time.
There were moments when she seemed so sultry and sassy, and other moments when his words or actions seemed to take her by surprise in almost an innocent way.
Added to that convoluted mess, that damn clause was going to come back and bite him in the butt if he wasn’t careful.
Was Tessa Barrington worth all this flirting, seducing and sneaking? Seriously, was he willing to risk this film on a roll in the sack with her?
Hell no. But he hadn’t bedded her, and if he did...well, he’d have to make sure no one ever knew.
And bedding her was all he could do. He was already treading a thin line, emotionally, where the beautiful jockey was concerned. Her life revolved around horses, and his...well, it was in the city, far away from the risk of horses and the life he’d once known in a small country house in Kentucky.