Полная версия
Men of Honour: Ready, Set, Jett / When You Dare / Trace of Fever / Savor the Danger / A Perfect Storm / What Chris Wants / Bare It All
She couldn’t hide her skepticism. “What is it you want?”
A little trust. “Tell me where you’re going.”
She drew a deep breath—and relented. “To a vacation lake in Tennessee.”
It was still chilly for that. He’d expected her to say somewhere farther south, maybe in Florida since that’s where most people went on spring break.
His thoughts scrambled, but he couldn’t think of a good reason for her choice. “Why there?”
“It’s peaceful.”
Okay. He got that. Peace and quiet sounded fine. But why go all the way to Tennessee for it?
Jett cupped her jaw. “What will you do there?”
Almost desperate, Natalie pleaded, “Make love to me, damn you.”
He kissed her, longer and hotter this time, his tongue slipping over hers, twining. And because he couldn’t stop himself, he stroked into her. Deep.
Immediately, she tightened around him, her heels digging into the small of his back as if to keep him there, a part of her.
Hell, he didn’t want to move. Not yet.
He caressed her cheeks with his thumbs. “What’s at the lake, Natalie?” Lust made his tone more urgent. “Tell me.”
She struggled with herself but finally gave in. “Anonymity.”
Jett froze. A hell of a lot of people headed south for spring break. She could run into a student or one of the faculty members. But so what? Seeing someone she knew would matter only if…
He stiffened, raising himself up the length of his arms. That position pressed their lower bodies closer together in exquisite contact.
They stared at each other, him hot and irate, her soft and susceptible, both turned on.
After a few seconds, her eyes closed and she shifted against him. “You’re filling me, Jett, and it’s so damn good. But God, I need you to move.”
Instead, he pressed a hand down between their bodies until he could touch her. She jerked in reaction, clenching around him so tightly that he shuddered.
He wanted her. Bad.
But a horrible suspicion overrode other sensations, gnawing at him, as sharp as a blade. As his fingertips played over her, he asked silkily, “You planning to do this with someone else, baby, is that it?”
Her eyes flashed open and she gasped.
“S’that why you want anonymity?” He searched her face, turbulent with dark emotions. “So you can carry on another no-strings affair while you’re away?”
“You’re serious?”
Pressing deeper into her, until he felt her womb, Jett staked a claim even while asking, “Is it?”
Rigid indignation replaced the soft voluptuousness of her body. “Jerk!”
Now furious, she pulled viciously at the restraints. He rested between her legs—was still inside her—but she tried to kick at him. The frenetic movements only managed to push him closer to the edge, making him groan.
She twisted beneath him. “Get off!”
Taken aback by her reaction, Jett gave her all his weight, pinning her down. He held her arms near the elbows, not wanting her to hurt herself. “If that’s not it, then why?”
Rancor had replaced the sexual haze. “You’re the hotshot private eye. You tell me.”
Usually, even under the worst circumstances, Jett could think fast, piecing together clues to come up with a viable answer to just about any problem. With Natalie, he stayed so damned confused, thrown off by overwhelming sentiment that half the time he didn’t know if he was coming or going.
Taking a guess, he said, “Not to have a fling, then?”
Her head lifted off the pillow so she could say right into his face, “I’m already having a fling, you ass!”
With him. But damn it, he wanted to move beyond that now. There wasn’t a single good reason for them not to be more social. He enjoyed dating. He wanted to take her to movies, to dinner…maybe to meet his family.
He wasn’t seeing anyone else, and she claimed that she wasn’t either.
So why not?
Jett felt raw. “So this—” he pressed deep into her “—is enough for you?”
Dropping back again, she gave a broken laugh devoid of any humor. “It would be, if only you’d quit playing this stupid game and give me what I need.”
Ah, hell. Even furious, her voice shook with desire. They were both in a bad way. “I guess that’s my answer.”
She turned her face to glare at him. “Don’t you dare leave me like this.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.” He couldn’t, even if he wanted to. Going back up on stiffened arms, he let his gaze wander over her. Fury pulsed through his blood.
Fury…and something more.
“Look at you. You think I could give this up? Not a chance.” He didn’t give her an opportunity to reply. “I love fucking you.”
She gasped at the harsh words, and that gasp brought him a measure of sanity. He felt abusive and mean. Damn it, he knew Natalie held him at bay for a reason. Wasn’t that why he’d started the whole bondage thing to begin with?
Well, that, and the fact that he enjoyed having her sweet body to play with.
Taking several calming breaths that didn’t help one bit, Jett said carefully, “You’re afraid of something, aren’t you, honey?”
That did it. She went pale, rigid. “Untie me, Jett.” Her eyes glistened. She sniffed. “Right now.”
He would. Of course he would.
But those unshed tears wrenched his heart, even as his body throbbed.
He couldn’t leave her like this. “If I untie you now, you’ll storm out of here, mad and hurt.”
She blinked away the tears. “And if I stay, it’ll be any different?”
Her breasts heaved in her ire, he was still inside her and they were both primed. It wouldn’t take much to give her full relief.
That is, if he could change her mind about leaving.
Jett looked at her breasts, at her tightened nipples. “Yeah, it will.” He lowered his head.
NATALIE SAW HIS INTENT, and she knew she wouldn’t be able to resist him if he put his hot mouth on her again. Hoping to forestall him, to salvage her pride, she blurted, “I’ve been used before, damn you, so don’t you dare.”
He paused, then his piercing gaze flashed up to clash with hers. “By who?”
Memories, dark and filled with humiliation, brought a smirk of disgust to her mouth. “Men who thought my father’s money was my own.”
He was quick to say, “Bastards.” And then, with his hands cupping her face and his expression filled with tenderness, he added, “But, honey, that’s not me. That could never be me.”
Despite being restrained, she put up her chin. “That’s what they all say.” She wanted to believe him, but she wasn’t a fool. Not anymore. “I’d rather not take that chance.”
Jett flinched but rallied. “For just a moment, I’m going to forget you said that. Because, Natalie, when I look at you, I sure as hell don’t see any family affiliations or connected wealth. I see you, only you, and that’s enough for me.”
He sounded and looked sincere, so maybe it warranted some discussion. But now that the sexual encounter had soured, Natalie couldn’t bear the submissive position. “Untie me.”
Seconds ticked by. “You enjoyed it.”
“At first.” Being tied to Jett’s bed had been unbelievably exciting. “Until you ruined it.”
“Right.” His mouth tightened, his eyes narrowed. He looked at her breasts. “I could still—”
“No, you can’t.” Natalie didn’t look away from his obvious regret. “Once you brought up fear, being restrained took on a whole new meaning.”
His frustration wore on her until he finally reached beyond her to the headboard. She felt a tug on the restraint, it loosened and then she was free.
Jett didn’t move away from her. Holding a wrist in each of his big hands, he lowered her arms. His thumbs moved over her skin as if to soothe, when that wasn’t necessary. He hadn’t hurt her.
But she was insane with unfulfilled need. The skin of her wrists felt too sensitive beneath his thumbs. His scent, heightened by arousal, surrounded her. His thick erection filled her. And the heat of their bodies mingled together.
No other man had ever made her feel this way.
Even now, hurt by his accusation, angry at being manipulated, she trembled with wanting him.
She’d accepted her response to him as a chemical phenomenon; whatever Jett had, it worked for her. In a thousand different ways.
But this…this attempt to change things…
Did she dare even consider it?
No. If she tried it, he’d see her for a fraud. He’d know that her daring in bed was all an act. She wasn’t brave, or sensual or…free. She was a remote woman, socially inept, especially when it came to anything serious—like relationships.
Other than the kids she taught, and her sister, she felt out of place with most people.
Once again Jett seemed to read her thoughts. “Natalie.” He lifted her hands to his hard, sleek shoulders and, curving his hands around her head, held her as a lover would. “Stop looking like that. I’m not trying to drag you off to the gallows.”
“What are you trying to do?”
His long fingers kneaded her skull. “Just talk, honey, that’s all.”
“About personal things.” And at an inappropriate time, not that she ever afforded him a better opportunity.
“About you.”
“Why?” Men wanted sex. She gave him sex. God, sometimes she practically molested him. Why muddle things with conversation?
“It’s a good start. A natural progression.”
For what? Her brows furrowed. They’d talked before, of course, but not like this. Not about anything important.
Certainly not about her fear of commitment.
The fear remained a part of her, but now an aberrant optimism stirred inside her, filling her with warmth.
Knowing how easy it’d be for her to fall hopelessly in love with Jett, Natalie had set up deliberate barriers to keep her from getting too attached. Not that the barriers had worked.
She was already half in love with him.
Which was unacceptable, of course; she didn’t want to be hurt again. Going away on spring break so she wouldn’t be tempted to try to deepen their association had been her only solution.
But here they were, still in bed, still joined, still aroused. And Jett was full of insistence.
Natalie asked warily, “Progress toward what, exactly?”
His sexy smile melted her heart. “The thing is, I don’t want to say something that’ll maybe spook you.”
Seeing the irony of that, Natalie shook her head. “If tying me to your bed didn’t do it, I think you’re safe enough.”
The smile turned into a low growl. “You’re probably right.” He gathered her under him, his mouth to her temple, his strong arms around her. “Admit it, Natalie. You liked being tied to my bed, didn’t you?”
“Maybe.” This game was new to her and she wasn’t certain how to play. “I’ll enjoy a payback, too.”
He went still before pushing back to see her face. His eyes narrowed. “You want to tie me down?”
She hadn’t really thought about it, but now she did, and it stirred her. An image of Jett held captive, his strong body stretched out, at her mercy—she’d be free to touch him, taste him.
Ride him.
Her breathing quickened. She felt a rush of dampness and knew he’d felt it too. “Turnabout is fair play, right?”
“I can tell you like the idea.” His jaw tightened. “You’re so damn wet.”
When he moved inside her, she made a sound of pleasure.
“You look so fucking sexy right now.”
She felt sexy. “Mmm. How so?”
He continued the slow, easy thrusts, even as he whispered, “Your eyes are darker, your face flushed.” He leaned closer, his mouth just barely touching hers. “You look just like you do when you come for me.”
That should have embarrassed her, but it didn’t. “I wonder how I’ll look when I have you tied down.”
Expression arrested, Jett went still over her. “I don’t know if that scares me or turns me on even more.” He kissed her hard and fast and then grew serious again. “I’m working on a hair trigger here, so before I lose it, I want to make a suggestion.”
Would he switch positions with her right now? “I’m listening.”
“Let me make love to you, because God knows, we both need it.”
She couldn’t agree more.
“But stay afterward.”
Her heart tripped. Oh God, so many times she’d thought about how nice it would be to cuddle with him afterward, to just be with him. She dampened her lips. “For…what?”
“I like you, honey. I love having sex with you.”
Natalie wasn’t sure what to make of that.
“But sometimes I’d like to get out, too. Dinner, a show, whatever. Only I don’t want to go with anyone else.”
Her breath caught. “You don’t?”
He shook his head. “And I don’t want you with anyone else, either.”
That wasn’t a problem. She didn’t date. Ever. “I don’t—”
He didn’t let her finish. “Since we’re compatible, is it really such a big deal?”
“I don’t know.”
“You could try trusting me a little.” He touched the corner of her mouth with his thumb. “Can you do that?”
She wanted to tell him that it wasn’t about trust. But more than that, she wanted him. Right now.
Could it really hurt to stay, to talk?
Possibly. But at this particular moment, she just didn’t care.
THREADING HER FINGERS into Jett’s silky black hair to keep him close, Natalie sought his mouth with her own.
With a ragged groan, he kissed her back, voracious and hungry and out of control.
As his tongue stroked hers he flexed his hips, withdrawing, entering her again, over and over in a driving rhythm that she knew would quickly take her to a climax. She suspected her agreement accounted for his enthusiasm as much as his heightened state of arousal.
She wrapped her legs around him again and wrung another groan from him. Each hard thrust rocked the bed and escalated the heat building inside her.
And wow, the man knew how to kiss.
He knew how to make love, too.
Natalie gave up trying to think; with Jett inside her, loving her, it was pointless to do anything but feel.
With one hand under her, he tilted up her hips so he could go even deeper, and with the other he cupped her breast, using his thumb to stroke her nipple. His mouth ate at hers, his tongue mimicking the movements of his body.
She breathed in his rich scent, felt the strength in his big body—and a climax shuddered through her, stiffening her legs, making her pulse and throb with the unbearable pleasure of it.
Just as her orgasm began to recede, Jett lifted his mouth away. He put his head back, fisted his hands in the sheet at each side of her and came with a deep groan of release.
Watching him through dazed eyes, Natalie admired his broad shoulders, his solid chest, the way his jaw locked as he spent. A light sprinkling of dark hair covered his chest, trailed down his abdomen in a thin line then spread out again at his groin. His bones were large, his body unyielding.
He had such striking good looks.
But he was so much more than a gorgeous body and face.
By small degrees, Jett lowered himself back down over her, balancing on his forearms to keep his weight off her. With his dark-eyed gaze now mellow and replete, he looked sexier than ever. They both breathed heavily for several minutes.
Natalie recovered first. Now with the gripping need temporarily eased, talking might actually be possible. Not that she looked forward to it, but she knew she couldn’t dodge Jett without looking ridiculous. “Mmm. Much better.”
Expression warm, his touch light and easy, he bent to kiss her mouth. “God,” he whispered, “you’re beautiful.”
Natalie smiled. “I was about to say the same.”
Eyes so dark they looked black in the dim light of his bedroom glittered with amusement. On other men, such long, black lashes might look effeminate; on Jett, they only emphasized his rugged masculinity.
He put his forehead to hers. “If you think I’m beautiful, then you must have come harder than I thought.”
She chuckled. Now this talk she was used to; they often indulged in silly sexual banter before she slipped away from his apartment.
Natalie looped her arms around his neck. “You are beautiful, Jett Sutter. All over.” She touched his jaw and realized she hadn’t given him time to shave before coming over to knock. “It’s a rugged beauty made up of oh-so-sexy eyes, a rock-solid bod and tons of irresistible charm.”
“Irresistible, huh? I like the sound of that.” He lowered himself down against her, and that sort of squished her boobs, leaving them plumped up high on her chest. He bent to kiss the top of each one. “Trust me, honey, I have no complaints about your body, either.”
A safe enough topic. Being philosophical, she said, “Most men like big boobs.”
He didn’t smile when he looked into her eyes. “I like you, so your bra size wouldn’t matter.”
“I see. So…” Natalie tried not to grin at him as she shimmied her shoulders, making her breasts jiggle. “These aren’t something you noticed right off?”
Still too serious, he said, “I did, sure. You, Natalie Alexander, are extraordinarily stacked.” He toyed with her hair, letting one long ringlet twine around his finger. “But I also noticed your reserve and the way your incredible hair sort of dances when you walk.”
Her hair was like dandelion fluff on humid days, but she enjoyed the compliment all the same.
“I noticed your smile and your pretty brown eyes that are always so sincere. How you greet every neighbor in the building and how you talk to yourself when you’re trying to remember things.”
Wow, that sounded as though he’d been plenty observant. “I talk to myself?”
He traced her lips with a fingertip. “You do, usually when you first get home. You come across the parking lot, arms loaded down with books and bags, and you say things to yourself, like Check the mail, get the chicken out of the freezer, call Molly, sort the tests.” As if he couldn’t resist, he bent to her mouth for a soft but sensual kiss. “Things like that. Mental note-taking, I guess.”
“I had no idea.” But it sounded like the things she worked to remember each and every day.
“Molly is your sister, right?”
He’d admitted to snooping into her background, and now she knew he’d listened to her inane mumblings. Her defensiveness came crawling back in on her, but she tried to sound playful rather than offended. “You mean a supersleuth like you doesn’t already know the answer to that?”
Sighing, he eased away from her and sat up.
Natalie realized that, without the use of a condom, she was on the…messy side. It was a novel thing for her. She’d never had sex without a rubber. She’d never before wanted to.
Being a sensible woman, she took responsibility seriously, and from the day she’d wanted to become sexually active, she’d been very cautious.
It went beyond that, though.
Jett was the first man she’d been with long enough, and trusted enough, to want to forgo condoms. Other men had asked, but her answer was always a resounding “no.” Without the use of a condom, she didn’t have sex.
Until now. Until Jett.
With his back to her, Jett asked, “Are you going to keep taking jabs at my profession?”
“What? No!” She hadn’t meant it that way at all. “I wasn’t ridiculing your work.”
“Yeah, you were.”
That annoyed her. “Wrong, Sherlock.”
He eyed her.
“Sorry. Figure of speech.” Natalie sighed. “I just don’t like having anyone snoop into my business without permission.” She looked beyond him to the open bathroom door. This was going to be tricky.
Why had no one ever told her about cleanup?
His gaze turned speculative, intent. “Hang around awhile and I’ll explain about that.”
Hang around—to be with Jett, to just talk, to learn more about him.
Oh, she wanted to, she really did.
But before she could even think about that… “Jett, I, ah…need to make a dash into the bathroom.”
As her meaning sank in, his expression lightened. He smiled at her. “Stay put, honey. I’ll take care of it.”
Appalled, Natalie watched as he went into the bathroom. Through the open door she saw him dampen a washcloth under running water.
No way.
When he came back to her side of the bed, Natalie snatched up the sheet to cover herself. “What do you think you’re going to do?”
“Clean you.”
“Oh no, you are not.”
As if she hadn’t spoken at all he sat beside her, one hand on her thigh, his demeanor one of pure masculine possession. “I don’t skip condoms, Natalie. Ever.”
They had that in common. “Me, either.”
He coasted his hand up and down her thigh. “Even though you’re on the pill?”
With the washcloth held in his free hand, concentrating on the conversation took effort. “Doubling up is safer, and besides, pregnancy is only one concern these days.”
“True enough.”
And honestly, she hadn’t been with that many men. For a twenty-seven-year-old woman, her sexual experiences were few and far between.
He studied her with lowered brows and grave intensity. “But you let me.”
They both knew they’d just crossed some boundaries into new intimacy. Very softly she replied, “Yes.”
Still holding her captive in his gaze, Jett whipped the sheet away from her, causing her to yelp. “I think you and I are going to share a lot of firsts together.”
She tried to block his hands, but he laughed until he got her pinned down then coaxed her, saying softly, “Let me.”
And she caved.
Jett didn’t realize it, but he’d already been her first in many ways. Her first fling. Her first orgasm—at least through intercourse. Her first spontaneous encounter. Her first time being tied.
And now this.
It unnerved her, the complete and varied ways she enjoyed him. But it also felt so right.
She didn’t fight him as he cleaned her body. She didn’t look away from him either. What she’d expected to be horribly awkward just…wasn’t.
Not with Jett.
He was so earthy, so comfortable with all things sexual, that he put her at ease with his attitude alone.
When he finished, he kissed the inside of her thigh then cupped his hand over her. “I like taking care of you.”
Natalie wanted to touch him, to go to her knees and kiss him.
To have him again.
She started to move and he said, “Be right back.” He returned to the bathroom but was gone only a few minutes.
Natalie stared at the ceiling, attempting to sort her thoughts, to order her priorities.
He returned to his side of the bed, sitting with one leg bent on the mattress, his gaze all over her body again. Neither of them could ever deny the physical attraction—it showed whenever they were together, in the way they watched each other, how they touched and that sharp level of awareness.
“Before we get sidetracked again, tell me that you’re going to stay.”
She wanted to pull him down to her, but she held herself in check. “How long?”
At her reply, his shoulders stiffened. “Is it really asking so much?”
Of course it wasn’t. She felt like a heel. “Sorry. As you said earlier, old habits die hard.”
One brow rose up. “Meaning you’re used to deflecting guys in bed after they’ve just had sex with you?”
That brought her to her knees. She poked a finger at his chest. “Don’t you dare judge me, Jett Sutter! You can’t very well claim inexperience.”
He eyed her breasts. “No.” Catching her finger, he tugged her closer. “But you’re different from every other woman I’ve been with, so I sure as hell don’t want to be the same as every other guy.”
Oh, God. He wasn’t. Molly gave an exasperated sigh. “What I meant is that I’m not used to letting anyone get close, regardless of the circumstances.”
“Not even family?”
She didn’t want to explore the possibility, but if Jett did have any illusions about easy money, she could set him straight right now. “Especially not family. Well, except for Molly.”