Полная версия
His Ultimate Demand
Narciso continued to play with her nipple as they stared at each other. Her mouth, wet and slightly swollen, parted as she sucked in panicked breaths.
‘You like the way I make you feel?’ He brought his other hand up from her waist and cupped her other breast, attending to the equally stiff and aching peak. ‘I promise I will make you feel even better. Now take your hair down and show me how gorgeous you really are.’
* * *
The words pulled Ruby from the drugged stupor she was drowning in. Reality didn’t rush in, it trickled in slowly.
Blinking eyelids heavy with desire, she tried to focus on something other than his arrestingly gorgeous face—the part not covered by his mask.
First, she noticed the stunning chandelier. Then a repeat of that bold dragon motif from downstairs on the wall behind his shoulder. Reality rushed in faster. Stunningly designed black velvet sofas, including an authentic French chaise longue perfect for reclining in...
Then her focus drew in closer. She glanced down at the powerful hands cupping her breasts.
The sight was so erotically intoxicating it nearly knocked her off her feet.
Sensation shot between her thighs, stinging so painfully, she wanted to place her hand there, seek some sort of relief.
‘Take your hair down for me,’ he insisted again.
She came plunging back down to earth. ‘No!’
Telling herself she didn’t care about the jaw that tightened in displeasure, she took several steps away from his hot, tempting body.
Focus, Ruby!
The last time she’d mixed business with pleasure, she’d almost ended up becoming the one thing she despised above all else—a participant in infidelity. It didn’t matter that she hadn’t known Simon was married. The very thought of what could’ve happened made shame lodge in her belly.
She was here to get Narciso Valentino to honour his deal with her, not to get pulled into the same dangerous vortex of emotions that led to nothing but pain and heartache.
Her father’s inability to limit his sexual urges to his marital bed and her mother’s indecision whether to fight or turn a blind eye had made her childhood a living hell. It’d been the reason why she’d slept most nights with her headphones on and music blaring in her ears. Even then she’d been unable to block out the blistering rows or her mother’s heart-wrenching sobs.
And after her experience with Simon, there was no way would she allow herself to jump on that unpredictable roller coaster.
She took another step back, despite the magnetic pull of desire dragging her to Narciso. Despite the soul-deep notion that sex with him would be pulse-poundingly breathtaking. Despite—
Despite nothing!
Her treacherous genetic make-up didn’t mean she would allow herself to fall into the same trap as her mother just because an unrepentant, unscrupulous playboy like Narciso Valentino crooked his wicked finger.
But she couldn’t risk alienating him before she got what she’d come here for. Licking tingling lips, she forced her brain to track.
She cast her gaze around the large, luxuriously appointed suite. Seeing the extensive, well-stocked bar on the far side of the room, she made a beeline for it. ‘Here, let me get you another drink.’
‘You don’t need to get me drunk to have your way with me, amante.’
She flushed and stopped, whirling to find him directly behind her. The sheer size of him, the arousal stamped so clearly in his eyes, made her breath fracture. ‘Stop calling me that.’
A small smile played around his exquisite mouth. ‘You know what it means.’
She nodded. ‘Yes, I’m Italian.’
‘And I’m Sicilian. Big difference, but we will speak your language for now.’
‘Whatever language we speak, I don’t want you referring to me as a...as your...’
‘Yes. I don’t like it.’
‘What do you want me to call you?’
‘Just call me Ruby.’ She didn’t mind telling him her name. In order to explain her presence here, she would have to disclose who she was.
So no harm done.
Definitely lots and lots of harm done. The way he said her name—wrapped his mouth and tongue around it in a slow caress—made her pulse leap crazily.
‘Ruby. It suits you perfectly,’ he murmured.
Against her will, his response drew her interest. ‘How do you mean?’
‘Your name matches the shade of your mouth after I’ve thoroughly kissed it. I imagine the same would apply to other parts of your body by the time we’re done.’
Her flush deepened. ‘Seriously?’
He laughed but the hunger in his eyes didn’t abate. ‘Too much?’
‘Much too much.’
He shrugged and nodded to the bar. ‘I’ll give you the reprieve you seek. But only for a little while.’
She dived behind the bar and gathered the first bottles that came to hand. Almost on automatic she replicated one of her favourite creations and slid it across the shiny surface.
He picked it up and sipped without taking his eyes off her. He rolled the drink in his mouth before his eyes slowly widened. ‘You’re very talented.’
Pleasure rushed through her. ‘Thank you.’
‘Prego.’ He threw back the rest of the drink and set the glass down with a decisive click. ‘But enough with the foreplay, Ruby. Come here.’
Heart pounding, with nowhere to hide, she approached him.
‘Give me what I want. Now.’
She debated for a tense few seconds. Then, figuring she had nothing to lose, she complied.
Her hair was thick, long and often times unmanageable. She’d spent almost an hour wrestling it into place tonight and in the end had chosen to wear it up. Her effort to straighten it would’ve worn out by now, and she couldn’t help but fidget when his gaze raked over the golden-brown tresses once, twice and over again.
‘You’re exquisite,’ he breathed after an endless moment during which her stomach churned with alien emotion. ‘Your skin is flawless and I want to drown in your eyes, watch them light up with pleasure when I take you.’
Ruby couldn’t believe mere words could create such heat inside her. Hell, everything about him made her hot and edgy.
She needed to nip this insanity in the bud before it went any further. ‘I’m sorry if I gave you the impression that something more was going to happen between us. You won’t be...taking me.’
‘Will I not?’ he asked silkily, his finger drifting down her cheek to settle beneath her chin. ‘And what makes you say that?’
‘Because you don’t really want me.’
His laugh was rich, deep and incredibly seductive.
‘Every nerve in my body disagrees with that statement. But if you need proof...’ He bent low, scooped her up and threw her over his shoulder.
His laughter increased at her outraged squeal. ‘Put me down!’
The hallway passed in a blur as he took her deeper into the suite. Her hair entangled with his long legs as he strode with unwavering purpose.
‘I don’t know what the hell you think you’re doing but I demand you put me down right—’ Her breath whooshed out of her lungs as she was dumped on a bed. A very large emperor-size bed with slate-coloured sheets and over a dozen pillows.
‘You were saying?’
She brushed her hair out of her eyes and saw him tugging off his shoes. When he unhooked his belt, she scrambled off the bed.
He caught her easily and placed her back in the centre. ‘Are you going to be a good girl and wait for me?’ Silver eyes speared her.
‘Wait for... Hell, no!’
He stepped forward and caught her chin in his hand. When his head started to descend, she jerked away. ‘What the hell do you think you’re doing?’
‘Capturing your attention for a moment. You don’t need to be frightened, dolce mia. Nothing will happen in this room without your consent.’
Oddly, she believed him. ‘You don’t need to kiss me to capture my attention.’
Slowly he straightened and dropped his hand. ‘Shame. Let me remind you of some ground rules before we proceed. We’re not supposed to reveal ourselves to each other. However, since you’ve done me the honour of revealing your name to me, I’ll grant you the courtesy of removing my mask. But you’ll give me your word that it will stay between us, sì?’ He started unbuttoning his shirt, revealing mouth-watering inches of golden skin.
Heat slammed into her chest and she sucked in a gulping breath.
Crunch time. Time to get this dangerously bizarre situation over and done with.
‘There’s no need. I already know who you are. You’re Narciso Valentino. You’re the reason I’m here in Macau.’
HE FROZE AT her announcement. A second later, he drew the mask over his head, and Ruby got her first full glimpse of Narciso Valentino.
He was breathtakingly gorgeous. With a definite edge of danger that sent her already thundering pulse straight into bungee-jump mode.
She watched his face grow taut. Watchful...condemning.
‘You know who I am.’ His words were icily precise, the warmth in his tone completely gone.
Licking dry lips, she nodded. His other hand dropped from his belt, leaving her curiously disappointed.
‘You’re American.’
‘Yes, I live in New York, same as you. That’s where I came from.’
‘And you followed me all the way to Macau. Why?’ The clipped demand came with eyes narrowed into cold slits.
A mixture of anger and trepidation rushed through her, propelling her from the bed.
He caught her easily. ‘Move again and I’ll be forced to restrain you.’
Panic flared through her. Tugging at his hands, she fought to free herself. Before she could fathom his intentions, her wrists were bound to the bedpost with velvet rope he’d pulled from the side of the bed.
She looked from her wrists to his face, unable to believe what was happening. He tossed his mask on the bed, whipped the unbound tie from his neck and flung it across the room, barely suppressed fury in the movement. ‘Okay, fine, you’ve made your point. But you can’t keep me prisoner for ever.’
‘Watch me.’
‘I could scream, you know.’
Nice, Ruby. Nice.
‘You could. And I can turn you over to the management and let them deal with what can only be regarded as a security breach. Trust me, breaches aren’t taken lightly.’
She tugged at her bound wrists. ‘I can’t believe you tied me up.’
‘You left me no choice. Now start talking before I call security.’
Her breath caught as images tumbled through her head of being stuck in a foreign prison. Aside from her roommate, Annie, no one knew her whereabouts. And even if Annie tracked her down to Macau, she wouldn’t have the first clue where to find her.
‘Tell me what you want to know,’ she offered in a rush.
‘Is Ruby really your name?’ he asked, his gaze dropping to her lips.
Remembering what he’d said about her mouth, she felt heat spike through her belly again.
‘And your earlier assurance that we hadn’t met before?’
‘Is true. Although we almost did...last week.’
One sleek brow shot upward. ‘How?’
‘I tried to find you at a nightclub—Riga—but you were leaving when I arrived.’
He prowled closer to the bed, and a fresh load of anxiety coursed through her system. Hands poised on lean hips, he stared down at her.
‘I’ve had women do...unexpected things to get my attention but I don’t think I’ve had the privilege of a full-blown crazy stalker before.’ His eyes raked her from head to toe. ‘Perhaps I should’ve made it happen sooner.’
‘I’m not a crazy stalker!’ She yanked at the restraints and only succeeded in tightening them.
‘Of course not. Because those ones readily admit to their charges.’
‘Look, I can explain. Just...untie me.’
He ignored her and leaned down, placing his palms flat on the bed so his face was level with hers. ‘We could’ve had so much fun, amante. Why did you have to spoil it?’ There was genuine regret in his tone, but bitterness had crept in with the iciness.
‘I have a genuine reason for being here.’
‘For your own sake, I hope so. I don’t take lightly to being manipulated.’
Her mind flashed to earlier in the evening. Watching him toy with his opponent had shown her just how dangerous this man was. Despite the outward charm and spellbinding magnetism, he could become lethal on the turn of a dime.
He turned and prowled to the window. With jerky movements, he tore off his expensive shirt, sending cufflinks she was almost certain were made with black diamonds pinging across the room.
Tossing the shirt the way his bow tie had gone, he shoved his hands into his pockets.
The movement contracted his bronzed, strongly muscled back. Among the electrons firing crazily in her brain came the thought that this was the first time she’d come this close to a semi-naked man worth looking at.
He turned and the sight of his naked torso was almost too much to bear. A light smattering of hair grew outward from the middle of his sculpted chest and arrowed down to disappear into his waistband.
Heat intensified as her gaze landed on his flat brown nipples. A decadent shudder coursed through her. She grasped the sturdy, intricately carved bedpost made of highly polished Chinese cedarwood, pulled herself closer to the edge of the bed and peered closer at the intricate knots that bound her.
‘Where do you think you’re going?’ he rasped.
‘I can’t stay trussed up like a Thanksgiving turkey all night long.’
‘Answer my questions and I’ll consider freeing you.’
‘You’ll consider it?’
‘Have you forgotten already that I hold all the cards here?’ He sauntered back and stopped in front of her.
Suddenly, Ruby wished she’d stayed put in the middle of the bed. This close the heat emanating from his satin-like skin blanketed her. The urge to move her fingers just that little bit and touch the skin covering his ribcage was immense.
‘Go ahead,’ he invited softly. Silkily.
Flames leapt through her bloodstream. ‘Excuse me?’
‘You want to touch me. Go ahead. We can pick up this conversation in a moment once you’ve satisfied your craving.’
‘I... You’re wrong. I don’t want to touch you. There’s no craving. What I want is to be set free—’
Her words froze when he placed large hands on her hips and pulled her into his body.
‘Well, despite you ruining my evening, I still have a craving for you.’
He smothered her protests by capturing her mouth again. It was as potent as before but this time there was a rough demand in his kiss that spoke of his fury beneath all that outward calm.
But rough didn’t mean less pleasurable. Her lips parted, welcoming the jagged thrust of his tongue and the domineering pressure of his kiss.
She moaned before she could stop herself, flexing fingers that wouldn’t obey their order to stay put, and touching the velvety smoothness of his neck and collarbone.
By the time he lifted his head, they were both panting. He slowly licked his lips, savouring her taste. The sight of his wet tongue sent liquid fire straight to that raging hunger between her thighs.
Ruby shut her eyes in shuddering despair and opened them to find him sliding off her shoes.
‘God, will you please stop doing things like that?’ she snapped.
‘I’m into kinky when the occasion calls for it, but I don’t generally risk puncturing a lung with stiletto heels unless the payback is worth it.’ He flung her shoes away. ‘Do you need help with your dress?’
‘No! Why on earth would I want that?’ She edged away from him, the fear that her emotions wouldn’t be as easy to control around this man spiking through her.
‘It’s nearly two a.m. And we’re yet to have our little tête-à-tête. But if you want to keep cutting off your circulation in that restricting dress, suit yourself. Tell me why you’re here,’ he bit out, as if he wanted to be done with the conversation.
‘Release me first,’ she insisted.
‘I released you three minutes ago.’
Shocked, Ruby glanced down at her wrists. Sure enough, the velvet rope was loose enough to free herself. She’d been too spellbound by his kiss to notice.
She met his hard, mocking gaze. Rubbing her right wrist, she encountered his watch. She pulled it off and held it out to him.
He didn’t take it. ‘I’m waiting for an answer.’
‘My name is Ruby Trevelli.’
He continued to stare at her. ‘Should that mean anything to me?’
Despite knowing how self-absorbed he was, that flippant question hurt. She flung his watch on the bed. He calmly retrieved it, took hold of her wrist, slipped it back on, and returned to his predator-like position.
‘Answer me. Should your name mean anything to me?’
‘Yes. I was recently voted Élite Chef.’
His lips twisted. ‘My apologies. I don’t keep up with pop culture,’ he said.
‘Well, you should. Your TV company sponsored the show.’
He frowned. ‘I have over sixty media companies scattered all over the world. It would be impossible to keep up with every progamme that’s aired through my networks. So you’re here to collect some sort of prize—is that it?’ The disappointment she’d heard earlier was back, accompanied this time by a flash of weariness that disappeared as quickly as it’d arrived.
‘You make it sound like a whimsical endeavour. I assure you, it’s not.’
‘Enlighten me, then, Miss Contest Winner. Why have you flown thousands of miles to accost me?’
Put like that it did sound whimsical. Except this was her life and livelihood they were talking about, the independent life she’d worked hard for so she wouldn’t be pulled into her parents’ damaging orbit. The life that was being threatened by a loan shark.
‘I want your company to honour its agreement and pay me what I’m owed.’
His face hardened into a taut, formidable mask of disdain. ‘You came after me because of money?’ His sneer had thickened.
Ruby couldn’t really dwell on that. She needed to state her purpose and leave this room, this suite. He was close, so tantalisingly close, the warmth of his skin and the spicy scent of his aftershave made stringing words together an increasingly difficult task. He smelled like heaven. And she wanted to drown in it.
‘Prize money, yes.’
His eyes narrowed. ‘But why come after me? Why not go after the man I’ve put in place to head NMC?’
‘You think I haven’t tried? No one would take my calls.’
‘Really? No one in a company with over a thousand employees?’
‘No. Trust me, I have the phone bill to prove it.’
‘Well, clearly, I need to hire better staff.’
‘I don’t like your tone,’ Ruby snapped. She sidled towards the edge of the bed.
He caught her and placed her back in front of him, keeping her captive with one large hand on her waist.
‘What tone do you mean?’ Silver eyes gleamed with cynical amusement.
With every breath she took, the imprint of his hand seared her skin. ‘You obviously don’t believe me. Why would I travel thousands of miles unless it was because I’d hit a brick wall?’
‘Or you’d hoped an extra tight dress and body that won’t quit would get you an even better deal?’
The image his words conjured up made blood leach from her face. It was one she’d vowed never to portray. ‘I understand you don’t know me, Mr Valentino, but I’ve never used sex or my sexuality to further my career. You can be as offensive and as delusional as you want. The simple fact is Nigel Stone never took my call in the two dozen times I tried to reach him.’
His eyes narrowed at her furious words but he kept silent.
‘We can resolve this very quickly. Call him now, get him to talk to me. Then I’ll get out of your hair.’
‘It’s Saturday morning back in the States. I make it a point never to disturb my employees during the weekend.’
Anger stiffened her spine. ‘Yeah, right.’
His cynical smile widened. ‘You don’t believe me?’
‘I believe you do exactly what you want when you want. If it suited you, you’d be on the phone right now.’
His shrug outlined sleek muscle beneath his skin. He moved with an innate grace that made Ruby’s pulse race shamefully. ‘Fine. I admit I ride my employees hard when I have to. But I also recognise their need for down time the same way I recognise the need for mine.’
‘You’re telling me you need your beauty sleep to function?’ she snapped.
‘Down time doesn’t necessarily mean sleep, amante. Tonight, I was counting on wild, unfettered sex,’ he delivered smoothly.
She flung herself away from him, from the temptation his words dredged up inside her, before that Trevelli gene she so feared could be fully activated.
Far too often since she’d clapped eyes on him, she’d found herself imagining what sex would be like. Her roommate had referred to the best sex as sheet-clawing, toe-curling. At the time Ruby had silently scoffed at how anything besides the best, decadently prepared dessert would feel that great.
Now she couldn’t stop herself from wondering...
Disgust at herself propelled her off the bed. She refused to sink into the quagmire of rampant promiscuity.
Her feet hit the luxurious carpet, bringing a much-needed return to reality. She darted out of the door and hurried along the long hallway towards the main suite doors.
With relief, she grasped the door handle and yanked it down. Nothing happened. She pulled harder.
Glancing around wildly, she spotted the electronic panel and pressed the most obvious-looking button.
‘You can’t get out unless I allow you out.’
She whirled. He casually leaned one shoulder against the hallway wall. The sight of him standing there, looking sexily tousled and half naked, made panic flare anew inside her.
‘Then let me out.’
‘I could. But once I do, any hope of a discussion about why you’re here ends. My company, if it’s liable as you say, owes you nothing the minute you walk out of here.’
‘That’s preposterous! I signed a contract. You signed a contract. You can’t just back out on a whim.’
‘Think about it, Ruby. You’ve travelled thousands of miles to get my attention. I intend to give you that attention. Do you think it prudent to walk out now, when you could be so close?’
‘I...’ She sucked in a breath as overwhelming feelings swamped her. ‘Why can’t we discuss it now?’
‘Because I don’t like to discuss business without a clear head. And since you’ve plied me with exquisite cocktails all evening, I’d be making those decisions under severe influence.’ He tilted his head again in that alarmingly endearing way and a lock of hair fell over his eyes.
Dear God. This man was truly lethal. He oozed sex and sensuality without so much as lifting a finger.
‘You didn’t ply me with all those drinks in order to take advantage of me, did you? Because that would be horrifyingly disappointing.’
Outraged, she gasped. ‘I most certainly did not.’
Slowly, he extended a hand to her. ‘In that case, Ruby Trevelli, there’s no earthly reason not to stay. Is there?’
* * *
Narciso was doing his best to stop his fury from showing. The same way he was doing his best to keep from kicking himself for ignoring the alarm bells.
Usually he could spot chancers and gold-diggers a mile away, be they tuxedo-clad or dressed in designer gowns that looked too small for them.
For a moment he wished she’d kept her mouth shut until after he’d slept with her to make her avarice known. He would’ve been a lot more generous than he was feeling now.
He would also have felt used.
Fury mounted and his frustrated erection threatened to cut him in half as she stayed out of his reach. Out of his arms.
Recalling her responsiveness, the gut-clenching potency of her kiss, he nearly growled.
She kissed as if she were born for it. Narciso wondered how many men she’d kissed like that in the past and felt a red haze wash over his fury.