Loving The Princess
Loving The Princess

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Loving The Princess

Язык: Английский
Год издания: 2019
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They made a striking couple, Rafe with his dark and foreboding looks standing tall and formidable beside the curly haired, pretty-faced American. They photographed well and, so far, were forming a very romantic alliance between the United States and Grand Serenity. Already, the president was scheduling a visit to the island. Gary was working with the Secret Service to figure out the safest and most opportune time for that meeting.

Still, Gary could picture the headline on the front page of global gossip papers and the reputable international press: President of the United States, First Lady, Prince Rafferty and Soon-to-be Princess Malayka. The caption, he was sure, would read “A beautiful union of diversity in a time when the world needs to see it most.”

To that end, Gary had made another discovery, one he was sure the DeSaunters children had not considered. Prince Rafferty was also in love with Malayka Sampson.

At first, Gary had been alarmed that he could see it so clearly, especially considering his own epic fail in the love department. He attributed both his awareness and failure to his mother. He’d married to please Maggie Montgomery and thus learned more about what true love looked and felt like because of her memories with his father. His divorce, which came only three months after his mother’s death, had been a direct result of what he knew love to be and what he was certain he never had in his union with Tonya. That and a slew of gossip and lies that had begun to work every one of Gary’s nerves.

Still, even with a failed marriage under his belt, Gary was certain of what he saw between the prince and his bride-to-be. They were in love. Which meant that the suspicions Kris had brought him there to confirm were slowly unraveling before Gary’s eyes.

“What are you looking at? Is she getting on your nerves, too?”

Gary didn’t answer but glanced at Landry, who was now standing beside him, then back to where Malayka and Rafe stood across the room. He kept his arms folded over his chest and his thoughts on the couple to himself.

“She’s happy to have her friends here,” Landry continued.

“The two over there, bridesmaids,” he said, nodding to his left where a tall woman wearing a very short green dress and another woman with long, curly hair and large-framed glasses sat.

“I wouldn’t exactly call them friends,” Landry replied. “They’re more like opportunists.”

“Why do you say that?”

Gary knew she was right, but still wanted to hear Landry’s insights on the matter.

“Last month, when I was back in LA—” Landry tilted her head slightly toward the tall woman “—she was hanging on every word of an R&B singer that I had styled for an awards show. This is what she does for a living—cozy up to the rich and famous. It’s a very lucrative career.”

“It’s degrading,” he snapped.

Landry chuckled. “I wholeheartedly agree.”

Gary shook his head. “The one over there has been using her phone for the last ten minutes. My guess is she’s Tweeting or Snapchatting everyone in this room,” he stated.

“You’re probably right. Which leads to my next question. Why did you and Kris allow all these people to come here for the weekend? With all that’s going on, this seems to contradict the tightening of the security plan we should be promoting.”

She was right. Again. The new princess of Grand Serenity was astute.

“Let me guess, you want to observe them all up close,” she continued. “Weed out the good ones from the bad, possibly?”

At that moment, across the room, Samantha walked up to her father. She leaned in to whisper something in his ear. Malayka frowned at the action, clearly not pleased with her soon-to-be stepdaughter.

“How do they get along?” he asked Landry. “Samantha and Malayka. I mean, really? You and Samantha seem pretty friendly, so she would tell you if she didn’t like Malayka.”

Landry made a tsking sound.

“A lot of people don’t like Malayka. And you’re right, Sam and I do talk. I have one blood sister and now one by marriage. So I’m not about to betray her trust by telling you how she feels about her father’s impending nuptials. Besides, that has nothing to do with our security.”

It had everything to do with their security, Gary thought.

“What did Sam have for dinner tonight?”

Gary answered the question reflexively. “There were two entrées offered tonight in honor of the American guests. Filet mignon and cheeseburgers. Samantha had the cheeseburger with mustard, lettuce and bacon. To appease the healthy portion of her conscience, she chose broccoli instead of fries and lemon water instead of sweetened iced tea. Which, by the way, was very well done. Tasted more like a glass of Southern iced tea than some I’ve had in Georgia or South Carolina.”

“My, my, but you are paying attention to details tonight,” Landry replied.

Gary heard the laughter in her tone as she patted him on the arm before heading over to the two ladies they’d previously discussed.

He could have cursed himself for falling so easily into Landry’s trap, but his ego wouldn’t allow it. He’d prefer to think she hadn’t trapped him into revealing anything he hadn’t wanted to reveal. Yes, he’d paid close attention to Samantha at dinner. He’d also paid attention to the way Malayka had eyed her future husband’s daughter. Gary wanted to know why.

* * *

“Dance lessons begin promptly at ten-thirty tomorrow morning. Lunch is at noon. Then you will be leading us on a tour of the battle ruins from two to four-thirty.”

Sam turned at the sound of her voice. She took a moment to resist saying the first response to run through her mind. Instead she clasped her hands in front of her and took a steadying breath. “I am aware of tomorrow’s schedule, Malayka.”

With a nod of her head, the gold hoops at Malayka’s ears brushed over her cheeks. The black-and-white floral maxi dress she wore was the perfect blend of sexy but casual. Landry was no longer styling Malayka and Sam knew that no one new had been hired. Now Malayka’s private staff consisted only of one maid, Onyae, who had been part of the palace staff for years, and Cheryl, who was originally her makeup artist but now pulled double duty as her hair stylist, as well. Observing Malayka’s casual style had Sam wondering if the woman possessed a bit of style and class of her own.

“I wanted to be sure you weren’t trying to change any of the arranged plans with your whispers to your father,” Malayka replied.

“My conversations with my father are private. In the event that I have something to say regarding scheduling with you, you can be assured that I will come directly to you,” Sam stated evenly.

Malayka gave another slow nod. “That would be preferable.”

“You should go back in to bid your guests good-night,” Sam told her and began to turn away.

“And we should further discuss relinquishing of duties around here. In the future, I will take care of directing the staff and planning the meals for events in the palace. Despite what you may have read in a magazine, not all Americans are in love with beef. Tonight’s dinner should have been more inclusive.”

“Tonight’s dinner was a nod to my mother’s hometown and one of her great loves as an American. Beef and Texas often go hand in hand,” Sam countered.

“I wasn’t raised in Texas,” Malayka snapped back. “If there is any woman residing in this palace that a dinner menu will honor, it will be me.”

“Is that so? Well, tell me this, Malayka, where are you from? Where did you grow up? What are some of the things you liked doing in America? You see, it’s kind of hard to do things to honor someone you know so little about. How about you and I set aside some time to get to know each other better? That way, when I plan for palace events, I can be sure to include things that more closely represent the person you are.”

“What I think will work better, Samantha,” Malayka said as she took a step toward Sam. “Is if you would stop acting like a spoiled brat and step aside like a good daughter should. I am going to be the princess of Grand Serenity and believe me when I say I do not need any assistance from you to do my job.”

“She knows that, Malayka,” Roland said. “We all know that you’re going to be a damn fine princess. Isn’t that right, Sam?”

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