A Baby And A Betrothal
A Baby And A Betrothal

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A Baby And A Betrothal

Язык: Английский
Год издания: 2019
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“That’s fair,” she answered softly. “We will get through this.”

“I need to go potty,” Davey announced. The boy stood just a foot away from them, his arms straight at his sides, his gaze fixed on the linoleum squares of the hospital’s tiled floor.

“Let’s go, then, little man.” She glanced at Noah with a halfhearted smile.

“I’ll be in the waiting room.” He watched his sister guide Davey around the corner toward the restrooms, and then he turned and made his way down the hall to the surgical waiting area.

A man stood as he approached. “What are you doing here?” Noah asked.

Jason Crenshaw shrugged. “Where else would I be?” He stepped forward and gave Noah a quick hug. “Meg is the closest thing to a mom I had. You’re like a brother to me. Of course I’m here.”

Jase had been Noah’s best friend since they started second grade, assigned to sit next to each other alphabetically. Noah hated to admit how many tests he’d passed by looking over his friend’s shoulder. Jase had been smart, motivated and intent on doing the right thing all the time—a perfect teacher’s pet and the exact opposite of Noah. But the two had forged an unlikely bond that had seen them through both good times and bad.

Like Katie, Jase saw past his good-old-boy act. Unlike Katie, most of the time he let Noah get away with it. Although Jase hadn’t been athletic as a kid, he’d grown into his body and now stood an inch taller than Noah’s own six foot two. Whenever Noah was in town, he and Jase would find time for some type of extreme outdoor activity—rock climbing in the summer and fall or backcountry snowboarding in the winter. With Jase’s dark hair and glasses covering his hazel eyes, they didn’t look like family, but Jase had always felt like a brother to Noah.

But he’d purposely kept his communication with Jase to texts and voice mails this trip. Jase had been raised by an alcoholic single father and had spent many afternoons, most weekends and even one extended stay with Noah’s family when his dad had finally ended up doing jail time after too many DUIs. Noah knew their close relationship should have made him reach out to Jase, but instead the idea of sharing his pain with his friend had been too much.

Now he realized he’d probably hurt Jase by not including him—another fence to mend during his time in Crimson.

“I’m sorry I haven’t—”

“No apologies,” Jase interrupted. “You get to deal with this however works for you. But I’m going to be here one way or another.”

Noah bit the inside of his cheek and nodded. “I’m glad.”

“How’s your mom holding up?” Jase asked as Noah sat in the chair next to him. The waiting room was almost empty at this early hour, only an older man in a far corner reading the newspaper. That should be his father, Noah thought with a sense of bitterness. His dad should be here now, and the old loss tugged at him again.

“She’s a trouper, like always. She’s happy to have Emily and me under her roof again, even if it’s for such an awful reason.”

“Emily’s here, too?”

Noah glanced up at his friend’s sharp tone. “She came in last week with her son.”

“What about her husband? The politician, right?”

“I hear you’re the local politician now.” Both men looked at Emily, who walked up to where they sat, Davey following close at her heels but still not touching her.

Jase scrambled to his feet. “Hey, Em.” He shoved his hand forward and ended up poking Emily in the stomach as she leaned in to hug him.

Noah hid a smile as his sister grunted, rubbed at her belly and stepped back.

“Sorry about that,” Jase mumbled, reaching one of his long arms to pat her awkwardly on the shoulder. “It’s good to see you, but I’m sorry this is the reason for your visit.” He continued to thump her shoulder until Emily finally pulled his arm away.

Noah cringed for his buddy. Jase’s crush on Emily was well-known to everyone but Noah’s sister. She’d never seen him as anything but one of Noah’s annoying friends.

He thought about Katie and how feelings could change in an instant. Still, he couldn’t imagine his lively, sophisticated sister with a hometown boy like Jase. Emily had always wanted more than Crimson could offer, even more so after their father died. But life didn’t always pan out the way a person expected. The gauzy circles under his sister’s eyes were a testament to that.

“It’s nice of you to be here, Jason,” Emily said in a tone Noah imagined her using at fancy society dinners where she’d lived with Henry in Boston. “And congratulations on your success in Crimson. I’m sure you’ll make a great mayor.”

Color rose to Jase’s neck. “The campaign’s just started, but I’m cautiously optimistic.”

Emily glanced at Noah. “We know that feeling.”

“Is this your son?” Jase crouched down to eye level with Davey. Noah saw Emily’s eyes widen and wondered what he’d missed. “What’s your name, buddy?”

“Davey, say hello to Mr. Crenshaw.” Her voice was wooden as she threw Noah a helpless look. Davey continued to hide behind her legs.

“Hey, Jase,” Noah said quickly. “Tell me more about your plans for the campaign. Maybe I can help while I’m home.”

Jase glanced up at Noah then straightened. Emily took the opportunity to duck away, leading Davey over to the far side of the waiting area and taking out a LEGO box from the shopping bag slung over her shoulder.

“She really doesn’t like me,” Jase muttered. “Something about me literally repels her. Always has.”

“It’s not like that.” Noah placed a hand on his friend’s back. “She’s dealing with a lot right now.”

Jase’s gaze turned immediately concerned. “Like what? Is she okay? Is that East Coast prick treating her right?”

Noah squeezed shut his eyes for a moment. This was the last conversation he wanted to have right now, and he couldn’t share Emily’s story with Jase anyway. It wasn’t his to tell.

He looked at Jase again, ready to offer an excuse and change the subject, when something made him glance down the hospital’s hall. Katie walked toward him, balancing a large picnic basket in her arms. She wore a pale blue sundress and a yellow cardigan sweater over it. A well-worn pair of ankle-high boots covered her feet, and the few inches of pale skin between the top of the leather and the hem of her dress were the sexiest thing he’d ever seen. Her hair was swept up, tiny wisps framing her face. He caught her eye and she gave him a sweet, almost apologetic smile.

He stepped forward, heart racing, to greet her.

“Sorry I wasn’t here earlier,” she said, lifting the basket. “I wanted to bring—”

Before she could finish, he grabbed the picnic basket from her hands, set it on the ground and wrapped his arms tight around her. He buried his face in her hair, smelling the sugar-and-vanilla scent that was uniquely hers. With Katie in his arms, a sense of peace flooded through him. Suddenly he had hope—for his mom and for himself. Everything else melted away, from his sister’s hollowed eyes to Jase’s unwanted concern. He’d deal with everything. But all that seemed to matter at the moment was that Katie hadn’t given up on him.

* * *

Katie tried to keep her heart guarded as the warmth of Noah’s big body seeped through her thin sweater and dress. She hadn’t even been sure she should come to the hospital today after how their last conversation had ended.

But she’d known his family forever and she wasn’t the type of person to desert a friend in need, even if it took a toll on her emotions. Who was she kidding? She couldn’t possibly have stayed away. People in need were Katie’s specialty. She’d gone extra early to the bakery this morning to make fresh scones and sandwiches for later. Food was love in her world, and she was always ready to offer her heart on a plate—or in a picnic basket.

But Noah dropped the food to the floor as if it didn’t matter. Right now, he was holding on to her as though she was his rock in the middle of a stormy sea. Funny that for years she’d wanted to be that person for Noah, but he’d been unwilling to look at life as anything but a continual party. Now that she’d decided to give up on her unrequited love for him, he wanted her for something more.

For how long? she couldn’t help but wonder. Even as his breath against her neck made her stomach dip and dive, she could already see the ending. His mom would make it through the surgery—there was no question in Katie’s mind about that. And as soon as Meg recovered fully, Noah would go back to his party-boy ways and leave Katie and Crimson behind once again.

She knew he was friends with many of the women he’d dated over the years. In his heart, he loved women—all women—he just couldn’t commit to one. When things got serious, he’d move on. Yet Katie’d always been amazed at the warmth between him and most of his former flames. It was impossible to remain angry with Noah for long. He couldn’t help who he was. But Katie had to keep the truth about him fresh in her mind so she wouldn’t make what was happening between them into something more than it was.

When she caught both Jase and Emily staring at them, she pulled away, quickly picking up the picnic basket and holding it in front of her like a shield. “Is everything okay?” she asked, thinking maybe there was a reason for his uncharacteristic display of affection toward her. “Have you heard something?”

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