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A Cowboy in Manhattan
Her sweaty clothes were in a heap on top of the hamper, while her fresh clothes were still folded in her suitcase in the guest room. She was going to have to cross the hallway wrapped in nothing but a towel. There wasn’t even a robe she could borrow hanging anywhere in the bathroom.
Resigned, she wrapped the biggest towel firmly around her body, tucking in the ends between her breasts. She rubbed a spot in the steamed mirror, turning and coming up on her toes to make sure the towel covered the necessities, just in case she met someone on the way. Then she gathered her wrinkled exercise outfit and her underwear, rolling them into a neat ball before cracking the bathroom door to make sure the hallway was all clear.
She listened carefully but couldn’t hear a sound. The guestroom door was about ten feet down the hallway in the opposite direction of the stairs. It was open, and it would only take her about five seconds to make it there.
She took a breath, opened the bathroom door wide, listened one last time, then scampered across the hardwood floor, scooting safely into the guest room, quickly closing the door behind her. She closed her eyes with a heartfelt sigh, and leaned solidly up against the door.
“Katrina?” Reed’s voice made her eyes fly open.
She gave a little shriek. The towel slipped, revealing her breasts for a brief moment until she grasped the corners, struggling to form a coherent word. “Wha—”
“Sorry.” He quickly averted his gaze. “Mandy asked me to bring you some fresh sheets.”
“I …” She could feel her face flush hot. The rest of her body flushed, too. Desire zipped from one extremity to the other, settling in a slow burn at the base of her abdomen.
She swallowed. She had to say something. But she couldn’t for the life of her figure out what that might be.
Reed moved toward her, keeping his gaze studiously on the floor in front of him. “I’ll get out of your way.”
She told herself to move, unblock the door so the man could leave already. But her feet were glued to the floor, her heart pumping deep and slow inside her chest.
He came closer and closer, and all she could do was stare.
A knock on the door behind her nearly made her jump out of her skin.
“Katrina?” Mandy called. “You in there?”
The absurdity of the situation suddenly hit her. And Katrina recovered her sense of humor. What was she expecting Reed to do here? Make a move with Mandy and Caleb downstairs? Ridiculous. She quickly found her voice.
“I’m naked in here,” she called out to Mandy. “And Reed’s remaking the bed.”
There was a stunned silence on the other side of the door.
“You shouldn’t have done that,” Reed intoned. “Get out of the way.”
Mandy stammered from outside. “I’m … Uh …”
Reed snagged Katrina’s bare shoulder, moving her off to one side. His warm, callused palm left a distinct tingle in its wake. He quickly swung the door open.
“Mix-up,” he told Mandy. “Your sister thinks she’s funny.”
“He was lying in wait for me,” Katrina countered, still feeling breathless.
“I thought you’d take longer in the shower,” Reed protested.
“Why? Because I’m from New York City?”
“Because you’re a girl.”
“I’m a woman.”
Mandy’s attention was flying back and forth between the two.
Reed’s nostrils flared as he sucked in a deep breath. “And now you have fresh sheets.”
“Thank you,” Katrina returned breezily.
She was scrambling to tamp down her powerful sexual reaction to him. It was strange and more than a little unsettling to have her hormones run amok like this.
Maybe it was brought on by the stress of the afternoon. He had rescued her, after all. He’d lent her his shirt and brought her back here to where she was safe and warm. Had his white-knight behavior tripped some anthropological hormonal switch, making him seem like mate material? She sure hoped it was temporary.
“Caleb’s pouring the wine,” Mandy offered, watching her closely.
“Then I’ll get dressed,” said Katrina, pasting on an unconcerned smile.
These things were obviously mind over matter, and she was a very disciplined person. Reed was just a man. And a stubborn cowboy at that. She preferred her men more urbane and refined, a guy who could pull off a tux and discuss literature, fine cuisine and world events.
Mandy stepped backward into the hall, obviously intending to wait there until Reed joined her.
“It was an accident,” Reed told Mandy with firm conviction.
“I know.” She nodded. “Could have happened to anyone.”
Reed set his jaw in annoyance and moved through the doorway.
Once in the hall, he turned back to glare his annoyance at Katrina.
“You’re not funny,” he admonished. But a split second later, his frank, heated gaze slid from her towel-covered hair to her bare feet and back again.
Her toes curled into the soft carpet, and her stomach rolled anxiously. Hoo boy.
Katrina woke up in the Terrells’ guest room in the early, dark hours of the morning and couldn’t seem to get back to sleep. Bothered by the time-zone change, her nagging ankle, and the fact that Reed was sleeping on the other side of the thin bedroom wall, her brain couldn’t seem to relax.
Since Mandy had brought all of Katrina’s sister’s clothes to the Terrells’ house, she had options. She changed into a simple black-and-white leotard, then searched her way through the house for a suitable space to exercise. She found a big rec room in the basement that was perfect. It had a smooth Berber carpet, a big open space in the middle and a ledge that ran the length of the room at a height where she could brace her hand for balance.
She plugged in her earbuds, turned on her player and made her way through a low-impact aerobic workout, getting the blood flowing and warming up her muscles. Then she ran through a familiar stretching routine, easing down into the splits, bending sideways first, then forward at the waist, stretching out her arms.
After a few minutes, she paused, sensing someone watching.
She turned toward the door to find Reed leaning laconically against the doorjamb.
“I saw the lights.” He straightened and ambled into the room, dressed in jeans and a white T-shirt, hair tousled, muscles bulging everywhere.
She pulled her legs beneath her and rolled to her feet. “I couldn’t sleep. Time-zone change.”
“Yeah, me, too. Not the time-zone thing. But I couldn’t sleep.” He pointed above his head. “I’m cooking sausage and eggs. You hungry?”
She shook her head. “I’m not much of a breakfast eater.”
Reluctant to stop while her muscles were warmed up, she crossed to the edge of the room, bracing her hand on the ledge. Facing Reed, she raised one leg behind her, gently gripped her toes and stretched out her quad.
“You don’t seem to be much of an eater at all,” he observed.
“Weight’s an issue in my profession.” Not only was a sleek form vital to her look on stage, but she had her partners to think about.
“How much do you weigh?”
She shot him a look of disbelief. “Do you really expect me to answer that?”
He shrugged and moved farther into the room. “Why not? I must weigh two, three times what you do.”
“Reed, you don’t ask a lady her weight.”
“Say that again.”
“You don’t ask a lady her weight?”
“No, the Reed part.”
She gave him a frown. What was that? Was he flirting? Why would he flirt?
He stared back in silence for a long moment. Then he said, “I made you something.”
Though the words took her by surprise, she rolled with it, telling herself it was better to move on. If Reed started flirting with her, she’d have to decide how to react. She knew how she was supposed to react, but it was completely different from the way she wanted to react.
She pulled her feet together and bent forward, putting her hands flat on the floor. “What did you make me?”
“It’s a surprise.”
“You want me to guess?” She stood again and raised her leg to the ledge, stretching her body along its length.
“No, I …” He paused. “How do you do that?”
“Do what?”
“Go all pretzel-like.”
“Practice.” She’d started when she was ten years old, when everything about her body had been extraordinarily flexible. “Is it something to eat?” she asked him. “If it is, you should know I like fruit and whole grains.”
“Is that why you skipped the brownies last night?”
“I noticed you ate mine.”
“Always happy to help a lady in distress.”
She couldn’t help laughing at that. “Ever the gentleman.”
“Yes, I am.”
She straightened. “Okay, I’ll admit, you’ve got me curious.”
His eyes warmed. “You want to come and see?”
“Depends. Where are we going?”
“The barn.” His gaze scanned her body. “You’ll have to put on something warmer than that. And remember, the hands are working out there.”
She glanced down at her simple leotard set. “You know I go up on stage in less than this.”
“Not in Colorado, you don’t.”
“Fine.” She started for the door, passing by him and calling over her shoulder. “You got any more of those cotton shirts? That’ll cover up everything that counts.”
“What’s mine is yours.” He started in behind her. “In fact, I’ve got a nice set of pajamas you might like. Red-and-gray plaid, very boxy. You take the tops.”
And he’d take the bottoms.
Oh, he was definitely flirting. She stopped abruptly in the doorway and he almost barreled into her.
He raised a hand and braced himself on the doorjamb. “What?”
She turned. “You shouldn’t do that.”
“Do what?”
“Talk about sharing pajamas.”
His lips curled up in the barest of smirks. “Is that what you thought I meant?”
“You know you did.”
There was a silent pause.
“Okay,” he admitted.
He stared down at her, and a pulse pounded in her temple, while heat coiled in the center of her body.
He leaned almost imperceptibly in, and his voice went husky. “You should get dressed.”
“I know.”
He blinked. “Now,” he muttered.
He was absolutely right. They’d taken this as far as they dared. She quickly turned and mounted the staircase.
She felt him behind her as far as the main floor. Then, she noted thankfully, he broke off to return to the kitchen.
Back in the guest room, she forced the sexy exchange from her mind, firmly telling herself to get it under control. She changed to some casual clothes and went back downstairs.
Together, they crossed to the main barn, traversing its length to a quiet corner behind a half wall. There she stared in astonishment at the contraption he’d made out of the bicycle.
“How did you do this?” she asked him. “When did you do this?”
The mountain bike was propped up on a rack, with the front wheel removed and rollers pressing against the back wheel. The rollers were attached to a long bolt with a butterfly screw that could be used to change the tension.
“This morning,” he answered. “I told you, I couldn’t sleep.”
“I didn’t think you were serious.”
“About not sleeping?”
“About—” She gestured. “About disabling my bike.”
“It’s what you wanted.”
“It’s not what I wanted. It’s what you offered.” She didn’t know why she was annoyed. Maybe because he hadn’t given her a choice. Maybe she was touchy today when it came to men telling her what to do. Or maybe anger was just the easiest emotion for her to deal with right now when it came to Reed.
“It’s too dangerous for you to be cycling around the ranch,” he informed her.
“In your opinion.”
“In everybody’s opinion.”
“So you decided to stop me?”
He nodded sharply. “I did.”
“Don’t you think that might be a little high-handed?”
“What? Keeping you safe?”
“I’m a grown woman, Reed.”
“And it’s not up to you to decide how to keep me safe.”
He gave a grunt of disbelief. “I’m the one who has to come rescue you.”
“Nobody asked you to rescue me.”
“Mandy did.”
“Well, I didn’t.”
“So, I should have left you there?”
“You should have asked me before disabling my bicycle.”
She wasn’t sure why she was drawing this out. Truth was, it was going to be a whole lot easier to bike in here where it was smoother on her ankle and she didn’t have to watch for obstacles and worry about breakdowns.
“Do you want me to take it apart?”
She caught a glimpse of hurt in his tightening expression and instantly regretted her reaction. “No. No, I don’t.”
“Good enough, then.” His tone was sharp. He turned on his heel, leaving Katrina alone.
No good deed ever went unpunished. Reed banged a frying pan against the stovetop, wondering if he was just too stupid to remember that fact.
He was up to here with being criticized and having his efforts go unappreciated. It was one of his father’s favorite head games, pretending to want one thing, then changing the rules at the last minute and acting as though Reed had misunderstood the instructions.
He turned the sausages in the big skillet and cracked a couple of more eggs into a glass bowl.
“Smells good,” came Caleb’s voice as he entered the room, making a show of sniffing the air. “I can’t believe you’re such a good cook.”
“I can’t believe you’re such a hopeless cook,” Reed returned.
His brother had spent the past ten years building up his business, Active Equipment, while living in downtown Chicago. If it weren’t for restaurants and take-out food Caleb would have starved to death years ago.
“I thought you’d be out working by now.” Caleb crossed to the coffeemaker, snagged a cup from the lowest shelf and poured himself some coffee.
“Guess I’m just lazy.”
“Whoa,” Caleb drew back at the tone of Reed’s voice. “What’s up?”
“Nothin’.” Reed took a fork and beat the dozen eggs into a scramble, adding onions, peppers and a dollop of milk.
Caleb settled back against the countertop. “It’s just you and me here, bro. He’s gone.”
Reed drew a breath and forced his features to neutral. “I know he’s gone. Corby says the parts are in for the irrigation system on the oat field. Thought I’d start up there.”
“Get one of the hands to do it.”
“No need.” Reed wasn’t about to become an armchair rancher. The irrigation system needed fixing, and he knew how to fix it.
Caleb took a long sip of the black coffee. “Did you get a chance to look at the ranch manager résumés?”
“Not yet.”
“Are you ever going to look at the ranch manager résumés?”
“Said I would.” Reed dumped the egg mixture into a sizzling pan. Caleb was the one who wanted to hire a full-time manager. Reed didn’t have a problem running the ranch himself.
“Who put the burr under your butt this morning?”
“Morning, Caleb,” came Katrina’s voice. Her soft footsteps sounded in the pass-through as she entered the kitchen from the living room.
Reed reached for a spatula, stirring the eggs without turning around. He could feel his brother’s gaze linger on him a moment longer.
“Morning, Katrina,” Caleb offered cheerfully. “Sleep well?”
“I did. Thank you.” Her voice was sweet, melodious, without a trace of upset. Obviously, she’d moved on. Well, he would, too.
He turned to face her. “Eggs?”
Puzzlement flicked through her blue eyes. “No, thank you.”
He knew he’d asked her that once already this morning. But what did she expect? That he’d own up to having spent the past hour with her? That he’d give Caleb the details of their argument?
Offering her some eggs was a perfectly ordinary thing to do in this circumstance.
“Fruit?” he continued, not quite masking the edge to his tone.
“Love some,” she responded, lips compressing ever so slightly.
“There are oranges on the table, grapes and plums in the fridge. Help yourself.”
Caleb moved into action. “Let me—”
“I’m sure she’s capable of opening a refrigerator door,” Reed told his brother.
“What is your problem?” Caleb demanded.
“It’s fine,” Katrina cut in, heading for the fridge. “He’s worried that I’m nothing but decorative.”
“She’s our guest,” Caleb exclaimed.
“Who’s a guest?” asked Mandy, breezing into the kitchen. “Me?” She beelined for Caleb, planting a kiss on his cheek. Her hair was damp, her face free of makeup, and she wore a cotton shirt with the sleeves rolled up to midforearm, a faded pair of jeans and no-nonsense boots. She was the kind of woman to whom Reed ought to be attracted.
“Me,” corrected Katrina, from behind the open fridge door. By contrast, she now wore a clingy pair of hunter-green slacks with rhinestones decorating the pockets and the hems. Her butter-yellow tank top was cropped, showing off smooth arms, a strip of skin above her waistband, her navel winking sexily every time she moved. Her earrings sparkled with tiny green stones while a silver medallion dangled above the scooped neckline of her top.
She was on a cattle ranch for goodness’ sake, not at a nightclub.
“Okay …” Mandy drawled, obviously waiting to be brought up to speed on the discussion.
Katrina straightened, a deep purple plum in her hand. “I was about to offer to do the dishes.” She pasted Reed with a challenging expression, then took a slurping bite of the plum.
He nearly dropped the spatula.
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Mandy quickly put in.
It took Reed’s lungs a moment to start functioning again. “If you gals need to head home right away …”
Caleb’s arm snaked out around Mandy. “I’m not letting this one go yet.”
“I have work to do at home,” Mandy admonished.
“Hire another hand. I’ll pay for it. You’re my fiancée, and I have dibs.”
Katrina’s gaze rested on Reed, making him feel guilty for his snarky attitude. But he’d done her a favor this morning, and she’d treated him like something nasty on the bottom of her shoe. She might get away with that back in New York City, but it wasn’t cutting it out here.
“Exactly how long do you expect me to stay?” Mandy teased Caleb.
His voice went deep, communicating more emotion than a single word. “Forever.”
Realizing he’d nearly burned the eggs, Reed twisted the burner control to the off position and moved them to one side.
“Cute.” Mandy patted Caleb’s cheek, seeming completely unaffected by his staunch declaration.
“Well, I should get back,” said Katrina.
“Oh, no.” Mandy walked forward toward Katrina before coming up against the tether of Caleb’s hand in hers. “Stay.”
Katrina turned to her sister. “Why would I stay?”
Stay and ride your bicycle, Reed found himself fuming. The least she could do was give it a try.
“You might as well be here as down there,” said Mandy. “We haven’t had a chance to talk.” She tugged playfully at Caleb’s hand, while he held her fast. “And I don’t think this one’s going to let me leave.”
Out of the corner of his eye, Reed saw Katrina glance his way.
“Reed’s not going to care,” said Mandy.
“I don’t want to get in the way.”
Reed turned to face her full-on. “This isn’t a country club.”
Her head jerked back, eyes going wide, as if he’d wounded her, and he immediately felt like a heel.
“Reed!” Caleb admonished. “What the hell?”
“It’s okay,” said Katrina, setting down the half-eaten plum. “Obviously, I should—”
“No, you shouldn’t,” Mandy shot Reed an annoyed glare. “He’s in a bad mood, that’s all. Terrell men get that way.”
“Excuse me?” Caleb was obviously affronted at being lumped in unfavorably with his brother.
Katrina seemed to be at a loss. She suddenly struck Reed as a fragile, frightened bird. And he had to struggle against an overpowering urge to reach out and reassure her. He wanted to draw her into his arms and apologize for anything he’d ever done, thought of doing or might do in the future to hurt her.
But the rational side of him knew that would be ridiculous. She’d trounced all over his best intentions this morning, and now she was using those big, gorgeous blue eyes to bring the world onto her side.
Well, he wasn’t falling for it.
“You’re more than welcome to stay,” Caleb told her staunchly.
Katrina looked to Reed, and he felt his defenses melting like spring snow. He fought against it, but stubborn as he was, she won the battle without lifting a finger.
“You’re welcome to stay,” he echoed his brother’s invitation.
Then he determinedly turned his attention back to breakfast. The sausages were overdone, as were the eggs. He’d forgotten to push down the toast, and he couldn’t seem to remember what the hell he’d done with the strawberry jam.
Katrina felt as though she was ten years old again, trailing along behind Mandy through the Terrell barn, feeling out of place, her nose wrinkling at the smell, making sure she steered clear of anything with hooves and teeth.
“There’s a gorgeous meadow up by Flash Lake,” Mandy was saying. She stopped beside a stall to scratch the nose of a chestnut mare. “It’s really not that far to ride. The fireweed’s up, and the lilies and columbine. You should see something more than the ranch yard while you’re here.”
“You don’t remember, do you?” Katrina asked.
“Remember what?”
“That I don’t know how to ride.”
Mandy turned. “That’s ridiculous.”
“No, it’s not.”
“Of course you know how to ride.”
Katrina shook her head, then tucked her loose hair behind her ears. “You guys used to put me up on a horse a lot. But I could barely hold on. I sure couldn’t control it.” If her horses hadn’t willingly followed her sisters’ and brothers’ animals back home, she’d have been permanently lost in the wilderness.
“I can teach you,” Mandy broke in.
Katrina laughed at that, deciding it was time to come clean. It had to be better than riding. “I’m afraid of horses, Mandy.”
Her sister’s forehead wrinkled. “What are you talking about?”
“They scare me half to death.”
“Because they’re big. They’re strong. They’re unpredictable, and one of them bit me once.”
Mandy shook her head. “You can’t put up with that. You have to show them who’s boss.”
“Does that sound like me?”
Mandy crossed her arms over her chest, leaning back against a stall fence and lifting one heel to brace it on the bottom rail, while the mare nudged at her ear. “I guess not,” Mandy allowed, firmly pushing the horse’s head away.
Katrina gave a self-deprecating grimace. “I can’t even boss around five-foot-two male ballet dancers.”
Mandy laughed at that. “I really could teach you.”
“To boss my ballet partners around?”
“To ride horses.”
Katrina took an involuntary step backward. “I don’t think so.”
“It’s easy.”
“Maybe so, but I don’t want to learn how.”
“I’m only going to be here for a week, and there aren’t a lot of horses in New York City.”
Mandy’s eyes narrowed. “But you’ll come back, though, especially once Dad’s home.”
Katrina felt a familiar knot form in her stomach. Maybe it was because she’d left home so young and she didn’t really know her father. Or maybe it was because she’d always sensed his disappointment in her. But the thought of being in the same room, of coming under his scrutiny, of dealing with the walking-on-eggshells feeling she got whenever he looked her way, made her want to turn and run.
“Katrina?” Mandy prompted.
“My schedule’s pretty busy.”
“But you do get time off.”
“I do. But there are rehearsals. I’m doing a little teaching now.” Katrina turned and started walking, not wanting to face her sister while she stretched the truth.