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Midnight Thunder
“At the very least, he probably picked up on your relief.”
“I am relieved. I had no idea if this would work, if I could transport him from hell to heaven.” He glanced at Lexi. “Thanks for making it possible.”
She shrugged. “Don’t thank me. I’m only doing what Herb and Rosie would have wanted.”
“I appreciate it, all the same.” He looked around the barn as if noticing his surroundings for the first time. “Wait, why are there three other horses in here? I thought they were only planning to keep Navarre and Isabeau.”
“I have the same question. The last time I came out to see them, they only had those two, but that was a couple of months ago. When Herb called tonight, he wasn’t all that coherent, but I gathered they’re boarding.”
Cade frowned. “Boarding? Why?”
“You’ll have to ask him. I have no clue unless they need something more to take care of. That would fit.”
He repositioned his hat in a typical Cade gesture. “I suppose so. They love to be of service, thank God. If they hadn’t come along...”
Her heart squeezed. “I know.”
“Yes, you do.” He held her gaze. “You know that more than anyone. Lexi, I—”
“Go see Rosie.” She wasn’t ready for a heart-to-heart. “We’re both tired. We’ll talk later.”
He nodded. “All right. But let me say this much. I’ve missed you every single day.”
She swallowed her instinctive response. She’d missed him every single day, too, but she wasn’t going to admit it. “Go see Rosie.”
He turned as if to walk out of the barn. Then he swung back and reached for her. Before she could protest he’d pulled her into his arms and brought his mouth down on hers. It was a hard kiss, a kiss filled with frustration. There was no tenderness, only heat and confusion. It was over before she could respond.
He left the barn without looking back. Heart pounding, she pressed her fingers to her mouth. She still loved him with every fiber of her being. And he still loved her. But as she’d learned five years ago, love wasn’t enough.
CADE WASN’T A fan of hospitals, especially this one. His mother had died here when he was barely thirteen, before he’d had a firm grasp on the concept of cancer. Years later he’d concluded that the actual cause of death had been hopelessness. But that wasn’t a medical term, so cancer had been listed instead.
Coming back here took some white-knuckled determination on his part, but Rosie lay in one of these rooms, so that meant he had to slay his dragons. Everyone he met on his way to her room was wonderful. It wasn’t their fault that he dreaded walking these halls with his mother’s ghost at his side.
When he came into the room, the sight was terrifyingly familiar. Rosie appeared to be asleep in that sterile white bed, and she was hooked up to a bunch of monitors. Herb rose from a chair and came over to enfold him in a fierce, silent hug. The guy was more bony and fragile than Cade remembered.
For the first time he realized that these people who had been the seawall standing between him and drowning were now vulnerable and in need of protection. That thought focused him more than any other. He could do this.
Herb released him and motioned for them to go into the hall. “She’s finally asleep,” he murmured. “I’d hate to wake her up, although she’ll be excited to see you. Did Lexi call you?”
“She did.”
Herb nodded. “Not surprised. She’s good that way. You sure didn’t waste any time getting here.”
“I started out right after she called.”
“Your boss is okay with you taking time off?”
“I quit.” Technically he’d been fired, but better not to get into the full story right now.
“Not because of this, I hope.”
“No, no. I was headed over to another possible job when Lexi called. It’s fine, Dad. I can stay as long as you need me.”
Emotion welled in Herb’s gray eyes, and he glanced away in obvious embarrassment. “That’s...that’s mighty nice to hear. But we’ll be okay.” He cleared his throat and bravely met Cade’s gaze. “Just a little bump in the road.”
“Of course it is. I never thought anything different. But since I was between jobs, I figured I’d come on up for a visit.”
“I’m real glad you did. It’s good to see you, son.” He turned back toward the room where Rosie continued to sleep. “I should get back in there. I don’t like leaving her alone in case one of those monitors does something funky. But if you drove all night, you must need food or at least a cup of coffee.”
“Just coffee. Can I bring you some?”
“Sure. That’d be great.” He reached in his hip pocket for his wallet.
“Put your money away. Coffee’s on me. But listen, I wanted to ask something.”
“What’s that?”
“What are those three extra horses doing in the barn?”
Herb looked startled. “How do you know about that?”
“I have a horse now, and I had to drop him off when I got to Thunder Mountain.”
“Oh.” Herb rubbed the gray stubble on his chin. He was only five years older than when Cade had seen him last, but he appeared to have aged considerably more than that. “Rosie and I figured we shouldn’t let the space sit idle.”
Cade smiled. “Getting a little bored maybe?”
“I guess you could say that.”
“Just wondered. I’ll get us some coffee. Be back in a flash.” Moments later, he located a coffee machine in the waiting room, and, as the first cup began to fill, he blew out a breath. So far he’d held himself together, but he could use backup. Good thing he’d called Damon and Finn.
That reminded him to check his phone. Sure enough, he had a text from Damon. He’d be landing at the Sheridan airport around one and wondered if he should rent a car. While the second cup of coffee filled, Cade replied that he’d pick him up.
Immediately Damon texted back.
How’s Mom?
It wasn’t much, but it was all Cade knew. He felt a rush of gratitude for Damon, who obviously was worried, too. Having him here, along with Finn, would mean a lot to Rosie and Herb but also to Cade.
By the time he returned with the coffee, Herb was outside the room talking to a fiftyish brunette. A couple of nurses bustled around in Rosie’s room, and the curtains had been drawn around her bed. The brunette hadn’t noticed him yet, so Cade paused to get his bearings. Yep. Janine Simmons, Lexi’s mom.
Then Herb glanced his way. “Here’s Cade. The nurses kicked us out, son. Taking vital signs and such.”
Janine looked as if she’d rushed over without putting on makeup or fixing her hair. She had Lexi’s eyes, something that had always made her seem accessible and familiar. But there was nothing friendly about her expression now. “Hello, Cade.”
“Good to see you again, Mrs. Simmons.” He handed one of the cups to his dad and offered her the other one. “You’re welcome to this if you want it.” As a peace offering it wasn’t much. Five years ago he’d broken her daughter’s heart. A cup of coffee from a vending machine probably didn’t make up for that.
“Thanks, but I need to get going. Lexi called me a little while ago to tell me Rosie was in the hospital, so I threw on some clothes and came over. Aaron’s at a dental conference in Billings so I have to go home and feed the dogs.” She gave Herb a quick hug. “I’ll be back in a couple of hours. Call if you need anything in the meantime.”
“Thanks, Janine. I will.”
Her gaze flicked to Cade. “It’s good that you’re here.”
“I know.” He accepted the rebuke in her voice. He deserved it for...many reasons.
As she walked away, Herb put a hand on Cade’s shoulder. “Don’t let her lay a guilt trip on you.”
“But I am guilty. First I disappointed her daughter, and then I let my issues with Lexi keep me from coming to see you and Mom.”
“Water under the bridge. You’re here now, and that’s all that counts. No point in dwelling on the past unless you’re remembering good stuff.”
Cade absorbed the wisdom of that. “I’ve really missed you.” He hadn’t realized how much.
“I missed you, too, but I don’t ever want you or any of the boys to feel obligated to come and see us. That’s not how we roll.” He took a sip of the coffee and grimaced.
“Sorry. It’s what I could find.”
“Never mind. You’re supposed to get bad coffee in these situations. I think it’s a rule.”
Cade smiled, relieved to see some of Herb’s spunk returning. He drank his coffee, and sure enough, it was awful. “By the way, I heard from Damon. I’ll pick him up from the airport at one this afternoon.”
Herb’s bushy eyebrows rose. “Lexi called him, too?”
“No, I did.” He sipped the coffee because he needed the caffeine. “Finn, too.”
“You’re starting to scare me, boy. Rosie’s not about to die, you know. It could be nothing more than indigestion.”
If Cade hadn’t experienced the desperate hug when he’d first walked in, he might have believed Herb wasn’t concerned. But the little speech was pure bravado.
Cade wasn’t going to call him on it, though. “I realize that. We’re all just looking for a good excuse to pester you guys.”
“Cade?” Rosie’s voice caused them both to turn toward the open door. “Is that you out there?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Rosie made an impatient noise and addressed the nurses who were still in the room. “Hey, you two, I’d surely appreciate it if you could put me back to rights and open the curtains. I need to hug my son.”
Both of them laughed. “Rosie, are you going to be a difficult patient?” one asked.
“Only if this blood-pressure business takes all blessed morning, Sally.”
More laughter and teasing followed. Cade should have anticipated that Rosie would be on a first-name basis with the hospital staff. She’d had a long career in social services and knew nearly everyone in town.
Eventually the curtain was pulled back, and both nurses headed for the door. The short, stocky one smiled at Cade as she came out of the room. “She’s all yours, cowboy.”
“And tell her to stop scaring us like that,” said the taller one.
“Yes, ma’am.” Cade polished off his coffee and looked around for a trash can.
“Cade?” Rosie sounded pretty strong for a sick woman. “Get a move on, son!”
“Give me that.” Herb lifted the empty cup from his hand. “You go on in.”
Cade took off his hat and made sure he had a smile on his face as he walked into the room. “You’ve been instructed to—”
“Yeah, yeah, I heard.” Rosie looked a little pale, and her hair, which she’d started coloring a light blond, wasn’t styled the way she normally did it. But her blue eyes were bright and filled with love. “Come over here, you big galoot.”
His breathing stalled. She was so important to him. Herb was right that guilt didn’t do anyone any good, so he’d work on eliminating that. But he might not be able to erase the regret over staying away so long.
Being careful of the IV, he leaned down and gave her a cautious hug. He breathed in the antiseptic smell that reminded him of bad times, but Rosie’s signature floral scent was there, too, which he associated with good times. “I love you, Mom.”
“I love you, too, but I hope you didn’t jeopardize your job to come see me.”
“Nope.” He kissed her cheek and moved back. “Your timing was perfect.”
“Glad to be so accommodating, but why was it perfect?”
“He quit last night,” Herb said as he walked into the room. “I think there’s a story there considering that he brought a horse with him.”
“And a cat. I hadn’t planned on the cat.”
Rosie smiled. “It’s like old times when you boys used to haul home every stray for miles around. So where are these animals now?”
“At the ranch. Lexi’s watching them for me.”
Speculation filled Rosie’s gaze. “So you’ve talked to her, then.”
“Yes, ma’am.” He wondered if she could tell by his expression that he’d also kissed Lexi. Whenever he wasn’t worrying about Rosie and what might be wrong with her, he was thinking about Lexi. He’d forgotten how good her mouth felt, and now he wanted to kiss her some more.
“How’d that go?”
“Fine.” This wasn’t the conversational direction he favored. “But enough about that. I want to know about you.”
“You wouldn’t be trying to change the subject, would you?” She gave him a knowing smile.
“Maybe. But seriously, what do the doctors think is going on?”
“They aren’t sure yet, although I’ll bet it’s just a bad case of indigestion.” Rosie’s jaw firmed as if she wouldn’t tolerate any other diagnosis.
“They have to run more tests,” Herb said. “We should know something in another day or so. Like she says, it’s probably nothing, but better to be safe than sorry.”
Cade nodded. “Agreed.”
“Anyway,” Rosie said, “you can see I’m in good hands. Judging from the way you look, I’ll bet you drove all night to get here. I appreciate you doing that, but now you should go back to the ranch and get some sleep.”
“I’m okay.”
“You’re dead on your feet. Herb, talk him into going home. In fact, you should go with him. I’ll be fine here.”
Herb glanced at Cade. “I’m going to hang around a little longer, but she’s right. Go home and rest. You can come back later, after you pick up Damon.”
“After he does what?” Rosie pushed a button that adjusted the bed, letting her sit up a little more. “Damon’s coming in?”
“At one today.” Belatedly Cade realized that having them all descend might be alarming rather than comforting. “And Finn’s coming, too, but that doesn’t mean we think—”
“That I’m about to croak? I hope not! Unless Herb knows something he’s not telling me.”
“I swear I don’t.” Herb held up both hands. “I had nothing to do with this. Lexi called Cade, and Cade called the other two.”
“And it might boil down to indigestion,” Rosie repeated, shaking her head. “What in heaven’s name did Lexi say to you, Cade, that started this frantic race to my bedside?”
“It’s my fault.” Herb scrubbed a hand over his face. “You showed all the classic signs of a heart attack. For all we know, you actually had one. When I called Lexi and asked her to come over and watch the place for us, I might have been a little...upset.”
“Oh.” Rosie’s expression softened as she looked at her husband. “I guess I scared you worse than I thought.”
Herb shrugged. “I, um...” He paused to clear his throat. “Yeah, I was scared.”
Her voice was gentle. “You still are.”
“A little. But you’re looking lots better, and I’m sure you’re right that it’s nothing to be concerned about. Anyway, the boys will be here. That’s good news, right?”
“Yes, it certainly is.” Rosie glanced at Cade. “But when you talk to them, could you let them know I’m not at death’s door? And don’t let them bring flowers. That would really freak me out, if I thought I’d be in here long enough to need flowers.”
“Got it.” Cade hadn’t thought about flowers, mostly because nothing had been open when he’d driven into town, but Damon and Finn might have insisted they bring her some. Good thing Rosie had said something or she likely would have ended up with three monster bouquets.
About that time his cell chimed, indicating a text. “That could be Finn.” He pulled out his cell. “Yep. He’ll be in a little after three.”
Rosie sighed. “I don’t want to think about what those plane tickets must have cost, but what’s done is done, and I’ll be tickled to see you all together again.”
“I’m sure they don’t care what the tickets cost.” Just like Cade hadn’t worried about giving up a potential job opportunity. Some things were more important.
“No, they probably don’t care.” Rosie gave him a fond smile. “That’s the kind of guys you all are. I suppose you’ll want to stay in your old cabin, but the beds aren’t made and the place hasn’t been dusted in months.”
“Doesn’t matter.” Cade had assumed that’s where they’d bunk. “Do you still keep the sheets and blankets in that big hall closet?”
“Yes, but if you all just sleep in the house, it’ll mean less work for you.”
“But it wouldn’t be as much fun.”
“I suppose not.” She gazed at him. “Maybe Lexi would be willing to help you get that cabin ready.”
“Nah, I can handle it.” He wasn’t sure how to approach the situation with Lexi, but he didn’t want to start out by asking her to do chores that were rightly his.
“Go on home, Cade.” Rosie made a shooing motion with her hand. “You have things to take care of.”
“Okay.” He gave her another peck on the cheek and left the room. Yes, he had several things to take care of, including his broken relationship with Lexi. When he’d been hundreds of miles away, he’d convinced himself to let her go. But that kiss had changed everything.
LEXI HAD SHOWERED and changed clothes by the time Cade’s truck pulled up outside. Her frequent trips out of town for riding clinics had turned her into a speed packer, so when Herb had called to ask if she’d housesit, she’d only needed five minutes to pack a bag before heading for Thunder Mountain Ranch.
Thank goodness she hadn’t been on a trip when Herb had called. Her next gig was more than a week away, and by then— But she didn’t really want to project too far ahead. Despite hearing from her mother that the situation seemed to be under control, Lexi couldn’t erase the memory of Herb’s frantic phone call.
He was an animal vet, not a people doctor, but if Herb had been scared, Lexi figured there’d been a reason. She was eager to hear Cade’s opinion now that he’d actually seen Rosie. But that wasn’t why her heart hammered and her breathing pattern changed when she heard his boots on the porch as he crossed to the front door.
It was unlocked because Herb and Rosie never bothered locking up during the day when they were home. Although at one time Cade had enjoyed the freedom to walk right in, Lexi didn’t think he’d assume that he could do it now. Rather than wait for his knock, she crossed to the door and opened it.
He looked even sexier than he had earlier. Or maybe that hard, desperate kiss had affected how she viewed him. His day’s growth of beard was unusual, or it had been five years ago. He’d always said he kept his chin silky-smooth for her.
The prickle of his beard this morning had startled her because she wasn’t used to that with Cade. But his lips had felt achingly familiar. Beard or no beard, she wanted to kiss him again.
He walked through the door and set down a battered duffel bag. “Thought I might as well bring this in so I can shave and shower at some point.”
“Good idea.” Her brisk tone covered a zing of awareness. It had been a natural thing for him to say, yet now she was thinking of stroking his freshly shaven cheek and breathing in the scent of soap. “How’s Rosie?”
“Yeah?” That surprised a chuckle out of her. “How so?”
He walked over to the couch and sank down on it. “She let me know that if I’d called the Brotherhood together because I thought she was going to croak, that I’d seriously miscalculated. And she really doesn’t want any of us bringing her flowers, FYI.”
“That’s funny.” Lexi chose an easy chair that was at a right angle to the couch. “Any word from her doctors?”
He shook his head. “You know how that goes. They’ll want to run a bunch of tests before they say anything definitive. Mom’s convinced herself it’s a false alarm, but...”
“You aren’t so sure?”
He took off his hat and propped it on his knee. “No.” Leaning his head against the back of the couch, he closed his eyes. “I want to be convinced, but when I first got there and hugged Dad, I could feel his fear. And he has a medical background, so it’s not like he’s clueless about what’s going on.”
“I thought the same thing.” The way Cade leaned back and closed his eyes made her wonder if he had a headache. He used to get them when he was stressed. Having her massage his temples used to help, but the only surefire cure had been a round of hot sex.
“Anyway, they sent me home to get some sleep, but there’s no time.”
“Why not?”
He sat up and glanced at her. “Too many things to handle. By the way, I noticed you’d turned the horses out and put Hematite in the little paddock.”
“I thought you’d want him isolated at first.”
“You did exactly right. We need to see how he settles in here before turning him out with the others. But did he behave himself?”
“Sure did.”
“Great. That’s great. How about Ringo?”
“He’s fine. I found a litter box in the storage shed along with half a bag of litter and a cat bed. You know Rosie and Herb, always figuring another stray will show up.”
“Thanks for taking care of him for me. Damn. I should have stopped for cat food. I’ll get some when I go back. He usually sleeps during the day, so I might as well leave him in the bathroom until I get the cabin ready.”
She should have guessed he’d want to bunk there. “Have you heard from the guys?”
“I’m picking up Damon at one and Finn at three.”
She checked the grandfather clock ticking away in the corner. “That gives you time to take a nap in one of the guest rooms. I’ll get the cabin ready.” He did have a headache, poor guy. She could see it in his eyes.
“Thanks, but I wouldn’t feel right about that. My brothers, my job.” He put on his hat and stood. “Mom said the sheets were still in the hall closet.”
“They are, but I can do it.” She followed him out of the living room.
“Not as well as I can. I’ll bet you wouldn’t think to stick a rubber snake in Finn’s bed.”
“Please tell me you’re not going to do that.”
He glanced at her and grinned.
“This isn’t the time or place. Don’t be an idiot.”
“Too late.” He chuckled as he opened the bifold doors and pulled sheets and pillowcases from a shelf labeled Bunk Beds.
“I’m not going to do it, but it’s good to know I can still get you riled up. Hold these while I pull out the blankets.”
“And then you’ll let me finish the job while you take a nap, right?”
“What if you fall asleep at the wheel because you’re exhausted?” She was caretaking, but she couldn’t help it. If he pushed himself too far and something happened to him or the other two, then where would they be? The thought was unacceptable on so many levels, especially the deepest one, where Cade would live forever in her heart.
“I won’t fall asleep at the wheel.” After hauling blankets out of the closet, he folded them over his arm.
“Right. I keep forgetting that you’re Superman.”
“I keep forgetting that you have a smart mouth.” He closed the closet doors and turned to her. “I’ll take the sheets now.”
She held on to them and stepped back. “Look, I don’t want to tell you how to do this, but—”
“But you’re about to.”
“It’s just that the cabin should be vacuumed before you take these out there or they’ll get all dusty.”
He paused. “Damn. You’re right. Okay, we’ll just pile this stuff on the couch until I’m ready for it. I wasn’t thinking.”
“Which is why—”
“Don’t start with me.” He glared at her as he walked back into the living room. “I’ll be fine as long as I keep moving. Where’s the vacuum cleaner?”
“You have a headache.”
He laid the blankets on the couch. “You don’t know that.”
“Yes, I do. You have that squinty look.” She deposited the sheets on top of the blankets. “You should at least lie down for a while.”
He turned to her with a sigh. “Let up on me, okay? I’m doing the best I can with a shitty situation.”
Remorse hit her. She’d allowed fear for his safety to turn her into a nagging pest, which wasn’t getting either of them anywhere. “I’m sorry. I just—”
“I know.” His voice gentled. “And you’re right about everything. I’m sure you’d be more efficient at getting the cabin ready. I should accept your generous offer and get some sleep. But I doubt I could sleep. I’m way too keyed up about Mom, and—” he paused “—about you.”