The Millionaire's Royal Rescue
The Millionaire's Royal Rescue

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The Millionaire's Royal Rescue

Язык: Английский
Год издания: 2019
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“It appears he’s already a part of it. He at least knows what happened, which is more than I do.” The King turned back to him and gestured for Grayson to spill the details.

Grayson swallowed hard. “It really isn’t that big of a deal.”

“If it involves my niece, it’s a very big deal.”

Grayson glanced down at the small plate filled with sweets. He suddenly lost his appetite. He launched into the details of his first meeting with Annabelle. He tried to downplay the events, realizing how much the king worried about her. And Grayson knew what happened when a high-profile person didn’t heed safety protocols.

When Grayson finished reciting the events as best as he could recall them, the king gestured for the phone. He announced that he was going to speak with the police.

“Uncle, I have everything under control.”

The man sent her a pointed look. “It doesn’t sound like it. You don’t have your purse and you don’t know what’s going to happen to that thief.” He shook his head as he accepted the phone that had already been dialed for him. “What is this world coming to when you can’t even walk down the street without being accosted?”

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