Sweet Spot
Sweet Spot

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Sweet Spot

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“Raoul asked me to come watch him play.”

Hawk looked unconvinced.

“I’m telling the truth,” she insisted. “He says he doesn’t have any adults come watch him. Why is that?” “He’s in foster care. Has been for a long time. It’s nice that you could take an interest.”

He sounded sincere, which made her feel guilty about complaining about coming.

“It’s no big deal,” she mumbled.

“It is to him. I gotta go. Enjoy the game.”

Hawk ran off. Nicole tried not to stare at his butt as he moved, although it was difficult to ignore any part of him. Weird, because she’d never been that superficial before. She was always far more interested in a guy’s mind.

It was because of where she was in her life, she told herself as she turned back to the bleacher seats and started to climb, using her cane for balance. Under any other circumstances, she would barely be able to remember Hawk’s name.

“He’s damn pretty,” a woman said.

Nicole looked at her.

“The coach. He’s the best part of the game, although my two boys would be humiliated if they heard me say that.” She smiled. “I’m Barbara.”

The woman scooted over to make room.

Nicole sat next to her. “Hi. I’m Nicole.”

“You’re a little young to be a mom,” Barbara said. “You here for Hawk?”

“No,” Nicole said quickly. “I own a bakery. One of the guys on the team works for me. He asked me to come.”

“That’s nice of you. I’m not sure I’d be here if I didn’t have to be. Of course I’ve been sitting on hard seats for years now. My boys are twins and they’re into sports. We’ve done it all. Little League, soccer, football, baseball. My husband travels a lot so it’s up to me to show up at the games.”

“It’s great that you want to see them. I’m sure they appreciate the support.”

Barbara wrinkled her nose. “They never say anything unless I can’t make a game. Then they won’t stop complaining. But I’m used to it by now.”

Family, Nicole thought sadly. That’s what people did for each other in a family.

“So,” Barbara said, her voice low. “How do you know Hawk?”

“I, ah, met him through Raoul.”

“Dating him?”




“Because you’re dating someone amazing?”

“Not really.”

Barbara smiled. “So you’re either into girls or you’re lying.”

Nicole laughed. “How are those my only choices?”

“I don’t believe any woman can be around Hawk and not wonder what it would be like to have her way with him. He’s got that body of his. Plus, he’s actually nice. I know it seems unfair, but there we are. He’s single and he likes to play. Rumor has it he’s a real gentleman out in public and a wild animal in the bedroom. They say he can go for hours.”

Barbara fanned herself. “Not that I have any personal experience. He doesn’t get involved with married women and I wouldn’t cheat. At least I don’t think I would. No one’s ever asked.”

Nicole didn’t know what to say. This definitely fell in the category of too much information.

“He used to play professionally,” Barbara continued.

“I’d heard that.”

“It’s an amazing story. He got his high school girlfriend pregnant. Everyone said they wouldn’t make it, but they got married anyway. They lived on macaroni and cheese while he was in college on a scholarship. Had the baby, were blissfully happy. Then Hawk got drafted into the NFL and started making big money. Instead of living on a golf course somewhere, they bought an average house in a regular neighborhood here, in Seattle. Raised their daughter.”

This was the expanded version of what Raoul had told her, Nicole thought. Although she hadn’t known about a child. Hawk was a father? He seemed too flashy and sexually charged for that.

“Then Serena, that’s the wife, got cancer. It was maybe six or seven years ago. Hawk quit the NFL to stay home with her. She died and he became a single dad. He took the high school coaching job because he wanted to give back. He sure doesn’t need the money.”

Barbara pointed to the pretty blonde Raoul had introduced Nicole to earlier. “That’s his daughter.”


Barbara looked at her. “You know her?”

“We met earlier. She’s dating Raoul, my employee.”

“That’s her. She’s absolutely perfect. Good grades, head cheerleader, interested in saving the planet. Loves her dad. I console myself that even if I was single and Hawk was desperately in love with me, Brittany would be a challenge to any relationship. She’s a real daddy’s girl. But who can blame her?”

Nicole studied the teenager urging the crowd to cheer, then turned her attention to Hawk. He paced along the sidelines, a clipboard in his hands.

“So he’s not a jerk,” she murmured.

“Not even close. You still not interested?”

“He’s just someone I know,” she said. “Nothing more.”

Not that she wanted more. He was the kind of trouble she didn’t have time for.

She watched him point to a couple of kids and send them into the game. He was totally focused and intense, and he never once glanced in her direction, damn him.

NICOLE SPENT the rest of the game watching the plays and trying to figure out what was going on while listening to Barbara fill her in on everything from which teachers might have a drinking problem to which parents were divorcing. It was an information dump that made her head spin.

When the game ended, Pacific High School had beaten the other team 38 to 14. Even her untrained eye had told her that Raoul was an outstanding quarterback with an arm that never seemed to get tired.

She stood and thanked Barbara for sharing her section of bench, then rubbed her numb butt as she made her way to the railing. Raoul and Brittany stood close together, talking intently. The blonde reached up and touched his face. Then Raoul saw Nicole and hurried over to the railing.

“What did you think?” he asked.

“You’re great,” she said honestly. “I was incredibly impressed. Even knowing nothing about the game, I could tell you did really well. How far can you throw a football anyway?”

Raoul grinned. “We were awesome tonight. The whole team really pulled together. No one player can make or break a game.”

“I see you’re already training for your sports interviews,” she teased.

Hawk joined Raoul and gave him a high five. “Great job,” he said, then turned to Nicole. “Our boy’s going all the way.”

She ignored the implied connection. “I’m happy to hear it.”

“So how many can you take in your car?” Hawk asked.


“Kids. How many can you take in your car?”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” she said.

“She drives a Lexus Hybrid,” Raoul said. “So four, but the three in the back can’t be huge. They won’t fit.”

Hawk nodded. “I’ll have them meet you in the parking lot.”

She made a T with her hands. “Who are they and why are they meeting me anywhere?”

“Pizza,” he said. “We get pizza after the game. The players, their girlfriends, a few kids from school. It’s a tradition. I like to keep them busy while the adrenaline is still pumping. Hanging out at a pizza place is safer than just cutting them loose where they could do something stupid and hurt themselves. Not all the kids drive, so we need rides.”

She was aware of Raoul standing right there. For some reason she wasn’t comfortable refusing in front of him. Maybe it was because she knew he didn’t have anyone on his side. But if she agreed, she knew she would feel as if she’d been manipulated into doing something she didn’t want to do. Worse, Hawk would probably assume she was only hanging out on the off chance she got to spend time with him.

Why did everything have to be a complication?

“I’ll be waiting in the parking lot,” she said, her teeth clenched.

“I’ll have the guys look for you. They know where we’re going. I’ll see you there.”

“Not if I can help it,” she muttered.

JOE’S HOUSE OF PIZZA was one of those great neighborhood places with plenty of tables, a jukebox and delicious smells of fresh garlic, peppers and tomato sauce.

Nicole hadn’t eaten dinner before the game but didn’t think she was starved until she walked into the building and took a breath. Suddenly she was weak with hunger and desperate for the recipe.

The four boys she’d brought with her drifted away as soon as they arrived. They’d been polite, but obviously terrified that she would want to join them for the evening. She’d thought about explaining that she wasn’t interested in interfering with their good time when she realized she didn’t really know anyone here. The only parent she knew was Barbara, who hadn’t come. The only other adult of her acquaintance was Hawk and she was confident he would be holding court with his players. Not that she wanted to sit with him.

It would probably be best if she just left, she told herself. Maybe she could order a pizza to go.

She was already in line at the counter, leaning on her cane, when something large and warm settled on the small of her back. She’d never felt the touch before, but she recognized it. Recognized it and melted from the inside out.

How was it possible for her body to react so strongly to one man? What combination of chemistry and cosmic humor made her want to turn around, pull Hawk close and demand that he prove all the things Barbara had said about him weren’t just cheap talk?

She carefully sidestepped his touch. Instead of taking the hint, he grabbed her hand.

Just like that. Palm against palm, fingers lacing. As if he owned her. As if they belonged together. Worse, he wasn’t even looking at her. He was talking to some father.

She wanted to pull her hand free and demand that he stop touching her. She wanted to tell him that they weren’t together, they would never be together, and ask him what the hell was he thinking. She wanted to see if that bench seat in his truck was big enough for the two of them.

The father walked away and Hawk turned to her. “You don’t have to order,” he said. “They know we’re coming. I called ahead to let them know when the game was over. Technically you can get a beer, but I’d rather you didn’t. I don’t like anyone drinking in front of the kids on game night. It’s probably dumb, but there it is.”

His eyes were dark, as if they could absorb all the light in the room. She had the weirdest feeling she could get lost in his eyes, which just went to show that she’d moved past being hungry and was well into low blood sugar delusions.

“You’re holding my hand.”

One corner of his mouth turned up. “It’s all I can do in a crowd, but once we’re alone I’ll crank up the heat.”

She jerked free of him. “I have no idea what you’re talking about, but let me be clear. You and I are never—”

“Hey, Coach, did you order salads?” one of the cheerleaders asked. “You know some of us don’t want pizza.”

“I ordered salads,” he said, sounding tired, then he turned back to her and grabbed her hand again. “What is it about women and their damn weight? Okay, yeah, carrying around an extra thirty or forty pounds is bad. But women today are obsessed with every fat cell and teenagers are the worst.”

“She’s a cheerleader. What did you expect?”

“That she should be happy she’s healthy and athletic and get off me about salad.”

“Doesn’t your daughter worry about her weight?”

One eyebrow raised. “You’ve been talking about me.”

“Not on purpose. The mothers are all too willing to chat about you. I’m confident you totally love their interest and do whatever you can to fan the flames.”

It was as if he didn’t hear anything she’d said. “You were asking questions.”

“Did you listen at all? I didn’t ask. It wasn’t necessary. Information was offered.”

He smiled, a slow, sexy, self-confident smile that made her both want to hit him and crawl inside of him. “I’m getting to you. I can tell.”

“Someone just shoot me now,” she muttered.

One of his players came up and asked him a question about the game. As Hawk answered, Nicole tried to pull away, but he didn’t let go. Short of a tugging match, she seemed trapped and couldn’t decide if that was good or bad.

She glanced around the place and saw several mothers glaring at her. When she caught their eyes, they turned away and whispered to each other.

“The fan club isn’t happy,” she murmured to Hawk. “I don’t know you well enough to be risking life and limb.”

“I’m worth it.”

“You know, if we could harness your ego, we could solve the energy crisis.”

Just then several servers walked out carrying massive pizzas. All the kids milling around dove for tables. Hawk kept hold of her hand as he moved to a large booth in the corner, one apparently reserved for him.

At his urging, she slid in. He followed. She found herself shifting closer and closer to make room for players and their girlfriends. Despite her efforts to keep at least six inches between them, they ended up touching from hip to knee. She tried to find a good place for her cane, but there wasn’t one.

“I’ll take that,” Hawk said, pulling it out from under the table and placing it along the back of the booth. “What happened to your knee?”

“I fell and tore it up.”

“Are you getting better?”

“It’s a slow process.”

“I had knee surgery,” he told her. “We should compare scars.”

A simple statement, but the way he said it, the words sounded dirty.

“Maybe another time,” she murmured as three pizzas were placed on the table. Plates were passed out and pitchers of soda poured.

“Coach, whatcha think of that last play in the first quarter?” one of the guys asked. “That block came out of nowhere.”

“You handled him,” Hawk said. “Good job with the footwork. The extra practice is paying off.”

The kid, at least six feet three inches of solid muscle, beamed.

Nicole reached for a piece of pizza as Hawk was bombarded with question after question. The players didn’t just want to talk about the game—they wanted to make sure their coach knew they’d worked hard and done well.

It was probably a very healthy dynamic, one responsible for immature teenagers blossoming into responsible, productive citizens. She should be listening attentively, or at least taking notes, but all she could think about was how she and Hawk were touching.

His skin was hot against hers, as if he had a higher body temperature than mere mortals. She was aware of the muscles bunching and releasing—amazing, rock-hard muscles. Hawk was a big guy. Drew, her cheating bastard of an almost ex-husband, had only been a few inches taller than her and not much heavier. Hawk had massive hands, which made her think about old wives’ tales and possibilities.

“Earth to self,” she muttered. “Stay focused on reality.”

Hawk looked at her. “Did you say something?”

“Not me.”

The football recap continued. In an effort to distract herself from Hawk, Nicole glanced around the restaurant. There were a few parents sitting at one of the tables. Raoul and Brittany cuddled together in a booth across the room.

The kid had set himself up with a serious challenge, she thought. Dating his coach’s daughter. She wasn’t sure if she should admire Raoul for being willing to take on the task or question his sanity. Either way, she liked him.

As the pizza disappeared, conversation slowed. The kids drifted away until she and Hawk were the only ones left at their table. She eased back, putting some distance between them.

“Thanks for coming,” he said.

“You’re welcome. I’m still not sure how it happened. One minute I was minding my own business, the next I was here.” She picked up her paper napkin and began folding it. Anything to avoid staring at Hawk.

She hated how aware she was of him, how she missed the heat of his body next to hers. She was only twenty-eight so she couldn’t blame her reaction on swinging hormones. Maybe it was just the recent string of disasters in her life. Maybe it was cosmic humor.

“You wanted to be here,” he told her.

Which might be right, but she wasn’t going to admit it. “You don’t actually know that.”

“Yeah, I do.”

Time for a subject change. “Your daughter is lovely.”

Pride brightened Hawk’s dark eyes. “Brittany turned out great. I want to take all the credit, but a lot of it was her mom.”

“You must have been pretty young when she was born.”


“That’s not an easy life choice.”

He shrugged. “We managed. There were some long, scary nights. Serena’s family didn’t want anything to do with us once we decided to get married and keep the baby. My mom was supportive but sick, and she didn’t have any money. We made it on our own.”

“You were lucky.”


“How long have she and Raoul been dating?”

“A few months. Despite what happened in the bakery, he’s a good kid.”

“I know.”

“I trust him with my daughter.” He hesitated. “I’m trying to trust him. What can I say? She’s my baby girl. Of all the guys around, he’s the one I’d choose for her.” He looked at her. “Do you trust me?”


“You should,” he told her. “I’m very trustworthy.”

“Not even for money.”

Nicole looked so serious as she spoke, Hawk thought, holding in a grin. He liked that about her. He liked the way her long, blond hair swung as she moved, and the way she always seemed to be on the verge of glaring at him. He liked that he made her nervous.

“You look nice tonight,” he said.

She blinked. “Why would you say that?”

“Because it’s true.”

She didn’t believe him. He expected that. He was going to have to work for her and he planned to enjoy every second of the hunt.

“We should go out.”

She pressed her lips together. “No.”

“Why not? You like me.”

He watched the battle raging in her eyes. On the one hand, she wanted to tell him that she didn’t like him, wouldn’t ever like him, and yell at him for assuming she did. But she wouldn’t want to hurt his feelings, because despite how she pretended to be tough, he knew she was a total girl on the inside.

“I’m amazed you need to date at all,” she finally said. “Doesn’t your ego give you enough company?”

“It doesn’t keep me warm at night.”

“Perhaps a heated blow-up doll.”

“I’d rather have you.”

She muttered something under her breath, then slid out of the booth. “I need to get home.”

He grabbed her cane. “I’ll walk you out.”

“Not necessary.” She took back the cane and started moving. She probably thought paying for the pizza would slow him down. She didn’t know that Joe billed him.

When they were outside, Hawk slowed his steps to match hers. The parking lot was mostly deserted.

“No kids to take home?” she asked.

“The ones that don’t drive get picked up here by their parents. Or friends take them home. You don’t have any responsibilities, Nicole. Want to rethink that date?”


They were by her car, a Lexus 400 Hybrid. A girl car, he thought with a grin. Cute and curvy, with attitude. Just like her.

He touched her cheek with his fingers, lightly brushing her skin. Her quick intake of air told him she wasn’t as immune as she pretended.

“Want to skip the preliminaries and go right to bed?” he asked.

She held up her cane. “How about if I just beat you with this.”

“I’m not into pain. Are you? Should I be offering to spank you?”

Even in the dim light of the parking lot, he saw her blush.

“No,” she sputtered. “I can’t believe you said that.”

“Just trying to figure out what you like and how I can provide it.”

“You think you’re really smooth, but you’re not.”

“Sure I am.”

“Go away.”

“You don’t mean that.”

“Yes, I do,” she told him.

“Prove it. This is your chance. I’m going to kiss you. I’m warning you so you have plenty of time to get in your car and drive away. I’ll even count to ten if you want. To give you a head start.” He touched her face again, rubbing his thumb across her bottom lip.

“I don’t have a problem admitting you get to me,” he murmured. “I like that you get to me.”

Indecision flickered in her eyes. He could feel the battle raging inside of her. Pride versus need. He knew which side he wanted to win.


NICOLE KNEW that the sensible choice was to bolt for the safety of her car. Instead she gave in to temptation, put her hand on Hawk’s shoulder and asked, “Are you ever going to stop talking?”

“Right now,” he said, just before he kissed her.

She didn’t know what to expect. A strong, demanding kiss that made her feel practically unnecessary to the process? Feeling completely weirded out because she hadn’t kissed a strange man in years? Icky? Excited? Ra—

His mouth brushed against hers with a tender, erotic brush that took her breath away. Hawk didn’t just kiss—he invited, teased, aroused and promised, all with barely more than a chaste whisper of skin on skin.

Her brain shrieked, sighed, then completely shut down. Her body went from “fight or flight” to “take me now” in an eighth of a second. Heat poured through her, making her weak and shaky, something she usually disliked, but not right this second.

He put one hand on her waist, tilted his head and pressed more firmly on her mouth.

The moment was amazing. Sparking jolts of desire exploded all around them, landing on her skin and practically burning through her clothes. Without meaning to, she eased forward until they were almost touching. Almost…but not quite.

She told herself she should break the kiss—pull back, act mature, or at least indignant. Instead she stayed there, taking in the warmth radiating from him, and the promise of so much more.

He licked her lower lip, the tip of his tongue barely caressing her sensitized skin. She did her best not to jump, wanting to act casual and sophisticated. It was tough, considering the liquid desire that began to pour through her.

What was up with that? Until a couple of months ago, she’d been married and living with her husband. It wasn’t as if she was a sex-starved matron who hadn’t gotten any in years. Yet that was how it felt. As if she’d never really known what it was like to be with a man.

She told herself Hawk wasn’t all that different. That there was something chemical making her react this way, but it was meaningless. He wasn’t special. Which sounded great, but didn’t stop her from parting for him, or nearly gasping in pleasure when his tongue touched hers.

He moved inside, taking her with a sureness that made the trembling worse. He kissed her deeply, thoroughly, as if he had all the time in the world and planned to use every second to please her.

He explored and stroked, withdrawing, then plunging inside. He kept one hand on her waist and settled the other on her hip. Slowly, achingly slowly, he moved it down, over her rear, cupping the curve, then squeezing. Instinctively she arched against him, thighs touching, her breasts nestling against the rock-hard muscles of his chest.

Then her belly came into contact with something big and thick and …

She pulled back and stared into his fiery dark eyes. He was aroused. She’d felt his erection. Which meant he was excited by what they were doing.

Nicole liked to think she had herself pretty together. That she was confident and capable and finding her husband having sex with her baby sister hadn’t totally destroyed her self-worth. Still, it was something of a shock to realize that a few minutes of kissing had turned on a sex machine like Hawk. A good shock.

“Kiss me again,” she told him.

“You’re demanding.”

“Is that a problem?”

“Hell no.”

He pulled her hard against him, then claimed her with a kiss that made her insides clench. She rubbed her stomach against his erection, which turned out to be a bit of a mistake as it made her think about his offer to take her to bed. He moved his hands up and down her back, but didn’t shift them anywhere interesting.

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