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Riding Home
“I mean, sure, I can understand wanting to leave L.A. if you were burned out from that lifestyle, but you could set up shop somewhere else, especially if you have savings.”
“Just can’t get excited about doing that.”
“So you became a ranch hand, instead. Why?”
He sipped his wine as he thought how to answer without sounding starry-eyed. “I’ve been around Hollywood enough to know that the cowboy fantasy is a myth created by books and movies. But it’s a good myth, and it has some basis in fact.”
“Maybe it does.” Her green gaze became thoughtful. “Regan once said the guys he met at the Last Chance lived up to the image of what a cowboy should be—brave, honest, protective. I’m not surprised he’s happy to be part of that mystique. He’s all of those things.” Regret shone in her eyes. “He didn’t deserve—”
“Hey.” He leaned toward her. “He didn’t deserve ending up with the wrong person, either. Because of your actions, he didn’t. I propose a moratorium on guilt, at least for tonight.”
“Okay, but that goes for you, too. I hope you’re not still feeling guilty about the money you won for that actor.”
He thought about that. “I am, but you’re right. I need to lose the guilt. It’s over. Can’t do anything about it now.”
“Anyway, the reason I wanted to become a ranch hand is that cowboys are considered heroic, and I wanted to feel like that.” He shrugged. “Stupid, huh?”
She shook her head. “No,” she said softly. “Sweet.”
“Ugh. No man wants to be called sweet. The sweet guy is the best friend of the dude who gets the girl. Everybody who watches movies knows that.”
“That depends. Sometimes the sweet guy has a very good chance of gettin’ the girl.”
“He does?” Zach tried to read her expression to see if she was teasing him or not. The light had faded outside and the restaurant was lit by little candles that cast shadows everywhere.
“I’d say so.” She drained her wineglass and put it down carefully on the table. “I’ve been under a lot of stress lately, but bein’ with you is the most fun I’ve had in a long, long time.”
“Then I’m glad I suggested this.”
“Life’s not so fun when you don’t like yourself very much. Sometimes I don’t know if people really are disapproving of me or if I’m projecting my own feelings onto them. But I’ve never sensed disapproval from you.”
“Like I said, it’s not my place to judge.”
“Yes, but not judging is a neutral position. You go beyond that to offer support to the person with difficulties—namely, me.”
“Maybe because I know what it’s like to live with regrets, especially for those of us who expect a lot of ourselves.”
She took a deep breath. “It sucks.”
She regarded him silently for a moment. “I’ve only known you for a little while, but I think we have a lot in common. The lawyer thing took me by surprise, but now it makes even more sense that we click.”
“Yeah.” He grimaced. “Rotten timing for two people to click.”
“Tell me about it.”
He looked into her eyes, and his breath caught as he recognized longing...and heat. Oh, yeah, lust simmered just beneath the surface, and he responded, despite himself. A wise man would look away, pick up his wineglass, change the topic.
But he’d been a fool for less important things. His heart pumped faster. “Or maybe it’s the perfect time.” He reached across the table and took her hand. She sucked in a breath. Clasping her hand between both of his, he massaged her soft skin. “If you could have anything you wanted right now, what would it be?”
“Oh, Zach. Don’t ask me that.”
“I am asking. Tell me.”
She took a shaky breath. “I would love...a break from all of this drama...with someone who’s not a part of it.”
“Like me.” His body warmed, tightened.
“Yes, but—”
“I can do that. Let me give you that tonight.”
Her eyes glowed with excitement for a brief second, and then she closed them and shook her head. “I don’t want to make another mistake.”
“How can it be a mistake? You’re free. I’m free. No one ever has to know.”
She opened her eyes and met his gaze.
“This is between you and me.” He tightened his grip on her hand. “It’s our business. Nobody else’s. I’m a lawyer. I understand confidentiality.”
Her smile trembled. “I’m sure you do.” She sounded breathless.
“Just say yes and leave the rest to me.”
“I’m so tempted....”
“Let yourself be tempted. Let yourself go.”
She stared at him for a long time as a blush crept over her cheeks. “Okay.”
“Okay.” Now he was starting to shake. “Are you still hungry?”
“No.” She swallowed. “To be honest, I haven’t wanted a man this much in...I don’t know how long.”
“Then let’s get—” Belatedly he remembered the original reason for this trip. “Wait. You still need those clothes.”
“I’ll be a power shopper.”
“Sounds good. Let’s head out.” He reluctantly let go of her hand and signaled for the waitress.
She hurried over. “Your order should be ready any minute. We’re a little backed up in the kitchen.”
“Actually, we’re going to have to leave.”
“I can have it packaged to go, then.”
“Fine.” He hadn’t figured out the details of the evening yet, so maybe that would work.
“Just give me a few more minutes.” The waitress left.
Jeannette scooted back her chair. “I have an idea. You wait for our dinner and the check and I’ll head on over to the Western-wear store you pointed out. No need to bore you with the shopping.”
He couldn’t imagine being bored as long as she was around. But she was right about conserving time. “All right.”
She reached for her purse. “Dinner’s still on me, so I’ll just—”
“You will not leave money for the bill.”
She paused in the middle of digging for her wallet and gave him a tiny smile. “Okay, I won’t. And FYI, your take-charge attitude is very sexy.”
Lust slammed into him so hard it was a wonder he didn’t gasp out loud. Getting through the shopping would be tough, but if they didn’t handle that now, they never would.
“Meet you at the store.”
“See you then.” The minute she walked away from the table he pulled out his phone. He’d made the transition from mover and shaker to good ol’ boy, but that didn’t mean he’d forgotten how a mover and shaker handled situations like this. If Jeannette liked his take-charge attitude, she was gonna love the idea he’d just come up with.
Because of the number of tourists in town, he had to make several calls, but within ten minutes he’d booked a luxury suite at one of Jackson’s finest hotels. He hadn’t experienced that brand of pampering since leaving L.A. and he hadn’t missed it at all. But then, he hadn’t entertained a woman since then, either.
When the waitress arrived with their takeout order, he paid for the meal they wouldn’t be eating and returned the bag with his apologies. He gave her an extra large tip and hoped she’d find a home for that food. He wasn’t going to haul doggie bags into a five-star hotel with excellent room service.
By the time he left the restaurant and started toward the clothing store, he was feeling in control of the proceedings. A gorgeous woman had agreed to spend the night with him and that was reason to celebrate.
Oh, hell. He stepped to the edge of the sidewalk so he wouldn’t block traffic and pulled out his phone again, doing a quick web search. Fortunately there was a drugstore a couple of blocks away. He made the journey in record time and tossed the small bag into the truck before heading back toward the Western-wear store.
Jeannette was checking out when he walked in. She glanced up. “Hi. I was beginning to think I’d lost you.”
“Not a chance.”
She handed her credit card to the clerk. “What took so long?”
“I’ll tell you on the way.” He joined her at the checkout counter. “Find everything?” Looked like it, judging from two large bags sitting there.
“I did.”
“I love my hat. It’s white straw. I think you’ll like it.” She signed the credit-card slip and tucked the receipt in the bag. “Ready?”
“More than you know.” He was on fire for her. “I’ll take those bags.”
“Thank you.” She hesitated. “So now...”
“You said you liked my take-charge attitude.”
“I do.”
“So I’ve taken charge.”
JEANNETTE FELT ENERGY pouring from Zach as he helped her into the truck. Then he took her bags and stowed them in the covered truck bed. Finally he climbed into the driver’s seat and closed the door.
But instead of buckling himself in, he laid his hat on the dashboard, turned toward her and unfastened her seat belt.
She gasped at the unexpected move. “Aren’t we leavin’?” She thought he was as eager to get on with the evening as she was.
“In a minute.” He cupped her cheek in one large hand. “I need to do something first.”
She looked into his eyes, warm with emotion. He planned to kiss her, and how she longed for that. But she was afraid once they started kissing, they would never stop. “Maybe we shouldn’t...” She lost track of what she’d meant to say as he stroked his thumb gently over her cheekbone. His touch was heaven.
“Yes, we should. We’re about to become lovers, but we haven’t even kissed.”
“Except we’re in the middle of the town square.”
“I know.” He leaned closer. “We’ll be fine.”
“What if we get carried away?”
The corners of his beautiful mouth tilted. “I won’t.”
“You might. I’m a pretty awesome kisser.”
“Prove it.”
She never could resist a challenge. She craved the feel of those sculpted lips on hers even if they were taking a risk making out in a public place. “All right.” She grasped his head in both hands. His hair was exactly as soft and silky as she’d imagined. “Come here, you.”
He was extremely obliging. In the very next second he covered her mouth with his. Too late, she discovered that she might be the one who would get carried away. She was in the presence of a master.
From that first velvet contact, he was fully in charge. Her world narrowed to the pressure of his lips, the glide of his tongue, the warmth of his breath. His kiss tasted like all the decadent pleasures she’d dreamed of having with a man and had never quite had.
And she wanted those promised pleasures. Her body ached for them. She tried to get closer and came up against the console. She moaned in frustration and writhed against the supple leather of the seat. She needed...more.
Slowly, with obvious reluctance, he eased away. But then he returned to nibble and lick as if he couldn’t make himself abandon her mouth. She didn’t want him to, either.
“We have to go,” he murmured between quick kisses.
“Not yet.” She pulled him back for another deep, passionate round that left her panties wet and her heart racing.
When he finally broke away, he was breathing hard. “We really have to go.”
“I know, but...” She tried to tug him down again. “One more for the road.”
He resisted her efforts and loosened her grip. “Buckle up. We’re getting out of here.”
With a sigh, she leaned back and buckled herself in as instructed.
“You were right, by the way. You’re a pretty awesome kisser.” He started the truck, checked his mirrors and backed out of the parking space.
“Ditto. Um, I suspect you have everything figured out, but where are we going?”
“I booked us a room.” He said it casually as he navigated through traffic with practiced ease.
She shivered in excitement. “I should help you pay for—”
“Don’t even think about it.”
“Okay.” She wanted to ask where this room was, but figured he wanted to surprise her. Considering his previous job and the luxury of his truck, she didn’t think they’d end up at the cheap sleep.
Watching him drive the huge truck with quiet confidence was very arousing, as was this latest gesture of his. She’d made a veiled request for a sexy time-out, and he’d handled the details. In doing that, he’d increased his hotness by at least a thousand percent.
“That’s what took me so long while you were shopping. Well, that and my own shopping.”
“Right.” She had trouble making casual conversation when her body was humming with anticipation, but she gave it her best effort. “You said you had to pick up a few things, but I thought you meant clothes from the Western-wear store.”
“Not clothes.”
“Then what...? Oh.” The electricity arcing between them was almost visible. “Is there anything you haven’t thought of?”
“You’ll have to do without makeup in the morning.”
In the morning. They’d make love all night. She had trouble sitting still. “That’s what you think.” She always kept an emergency makeup kit in her shoulder bag.
Judging from the looks of the entrance where he turned in, they were staying in a luxury resort. “You sure know how to dazzle a girl.” If she sounded a little breathless, she figured she had cause.
“I’m under a time constraint. If I don’t dazzle you now, I might never get a chance.”
“Trust me, you’re way up there on the dazzle meter.”
“Good to know.” He pulled under the portico for valet parking.
While a doorman helped her out of the truck, Zach retrieved her shopping bags from the back. She’d never checked into a hotel with only two shopping bags, but Zach treated the experience calmly, as if he did it all the time. She suspected he was giving her a glimpse of the L.A. lawyer he used to be.
He might be used to swanky one-nighters, but she wasn’t. She’d certainly stayed in plenty of hotels like this, though. Her parents wouldn’t accept anything less when they traveled.
But tonight she was checking in with a guy wearing jeans, boots and a Stetson. He was an irresistible combination of sophistication and down-home earthiness. His assumption that this was all perfectly normal made her wonder about his past.
Maybe she’d ask him. Then again, maybe she wouldn’t. It didn’t matter. This was one night, not the start of something significant.
Once she and Zach stepped into the glittering elevator, he transferred both shopping bags to one hand so he could pull her close for a quick kiss. “Is this working for you?”
“If you mean am I impressed out of my mind, yes, it’s workin’ for me.”
“Good.” He gazed down at her as the elevator kept climbing. “In case I forget to say it, thank you for deciding you’d like to spend the night with me.”
“You’re welcome, but I have the feeling I’ll be the one feeling thankful when this is all over.” The elevator pinged to a stop and she noticed they were on the top floor. “You rented the penthouse?”
“It was all they had.”
“Zach!” She stepped out of the elevator and her wedge heels sank into thick carpet. Ahead of her, double doors stood open and she walked into a living area furnished in sleek leather and polished wood. The lamps may have been on a dimmer switch since the light was muted and atmospheric. Floor-to-ceiling windows looked out on the lights of Jackson and shadowy mountains in the distance. “This must have cost a fortune.”
“I don’t care.”
She glanced at a wet bar on the far side of the room. Champagne sat in an ice bucket on the granite counter, along with two crystal flutes and an elegantly arranged cheese-and-fruit platter. She turned back to him. “Seems a shame it’s only for one night,” she said softly.
He dropped the bags at his feet and sent his hat twirling toward a lamp. It landed precisely on the finial. He walked toward her, his gaze intent. “Then we’d better make the most of it.”
If she’d been prone to swooning, she might have done it then. No man had ever treated her like this, as if she were everything he ever wanted, as if every moment they were together was more precious than his next breath. Such a fantasy couldn’t last, of course, but it might hold up for a few hours. Then she’d have her unspoiled memory to relive as she reentered the real world.
She spread her arms. “I’m yours for the night. What do you want to do first?”
He laughed. “If you have to ask, then you haven’t been paying attention.”
“I don’t have to ask.” If he could act with flair, so could she. “Stop right there.”
He paused. “I had in mind something involving bodily contact.”
“Me, too, but let’s build up to it.”
“I’ve been doing that ever since you agreed with me in the restaurant that this is the perfect time. Before that, if I’m being honest. When you came into the barn this morning you mentioned that Regan and Drake wouldn’t notice if you ran around naked.”
“I guess I said something like that.”
“You said exactly that, and immediately I pictured you that way.”
The luxurious setting, the stress of the past eight months and the gorgeous man standing before her made for an electric combination. She was ready to kick over the traces. “Then let me make that picture a reality, cowboy.”
He started forward. “I can help.”
“No.” She held up her hand to stop him. “You’ll get the full effect if you stay where you are and watch.”
He swallowed and clenched his fists, as if he had to do that to control himself. “Okay.”
Knowing how much he wanted to touch her gave her courage to put on a show for him. She’d never felt inclined to do that for a man. But Zach, with his classy ideas and his passionate kisses, inspired her to new heights of sensuality.
Standing in the living room of this expensive suite made the adventure even more exotic. She wasn’t in a bedroom doing this, but in an elegant living area with floor-to-ceiling windows. They were too high up for anyone to see in, but stripping down here felt much more risqué than if she were in a smaller room with the drapes closed.
She started by untying her shirttails. She didn’t rush it, either. From there she unfastened the mother-of-pearl buttons down the front. Although she’d had the blouse for a long time, she’d never appreciated the sensuality of sliding those buttons free, one by one.
Zach’s chest rose and fell more rapidly with each button. When at last she slipped the blouse from her shoulders and let it drift to the carpet, he moaned. That sound caused her nipples to tighten.
Instinct made her touch herself through her black lace bra. She stroked in a circular motion and watched his eyes darken to the color of storm clouds as he focused on her lazy caress. Then she cupped her breasts and in one dramatic gesture, opened the front clasp and shrugged out of the garment. It, too, fell to the floor at her feet.
The sound of his ragged breathing filled the silence, but he stayed where he was, muscles rigid and hands fisted at his sides. The material of his fly strained over his growing erection, and his gaze was so very hot.
She’d never felt so powerful in her life. She nudged off her shoes and unbuttoned her pants. Her hands trembled, not from nervousness, but from the adrenaline rush of knowing she was driving Zach crazy.
She was no expert at this striptease routine, but it didn’t matter. For one night she could do anything and be anything she wanted. Just as he’d said in the restaurant, it was their business. Nobody else’s. That kind of freedom was a whole new experience for her, but she was catching on fast.
Peeling down her pants, she eventually kicked them aside and stood before him wearing only a tiny scrap of black lace. His attention was riveted on that lacy triangle. She knew he wanted it off, but she had other ideas.
She’d never done this, either. But she’d never have a better reason than now, in this luxury suite with this fascinating man who was almost a stranger. She slipped her hand inside her panties.
Zach sucked in a breath.
“I won’t make myself come.” She hardly recognized her own voice. It was low and sultry, the voice of a temptress. “I’ll let you do that.”
“Please.” He sounded desperate.
She continued to fondle herself. “Tell me what you want.”
“You know.” The words came out tight and hard.
“Tell me.”
“I want to put my mouth where your hand is. I want to make you come. God, Jeannette...”
“That could be nice.”
His jaw tightened. “I promise it will be.”
She withdrew her hand and deliberately licked her fingers. “Will I get to return the favor?”
He groaned. “Yes, so now can I—”
“Yes, you may.” And she slipped off her drenched panties and kicked them away.
He wasted no time. In two strides he was there, kneeling at her feet, splaying his hands over her bottom as he nuzzled his way to the epicenter of all her pleasure. She’d known from the way he kissed that he’d be amazing at this, too.
But as he loved her, as her legs threatened to give way and she clutched his shoulders for support, the word amazing didn’t begin to describe the sensations rocketing through her. He took charge once more, and she was helpless to control her response.
Her gasps became whimpers, and her whimpers grew in volume. When he paused, she wailed in frustration. His soft laughter told her he was teasing her, testing her. She failed the test because she shamelessly begged for more.
He gave more, of course. He was only giving as good as he’d gotten, gently torturing her as she’d tortured him. But in the end, he finished what he’d started and she came in a glorious cascade of pleasure. So good. So very good.
He guided her trembling body down to the thick carpet. Dazed by the force of her climax, sounds traveled to her as if she were underwater. She vaguely registered the clink of his belt buckle, the rasp of his zipper and the crinkle of foil.
His mouth found hers, and he tasted of sex. He kissed her for a long time before raising his head. “You don’t have to do anything,” he murmured. “Just lie there. But I need...” He eased between her thighs and the blunt tip of his cock sought the hot, quivering spot he’d loved so thoroughly with his mouth. “This.” He slid deep with a heartfelt sigh. “Oh, yeah. This.”
Little shock waves of delight zinged through her as he locked himself in tight. Then he began to stroke in and out and she didn’t even have to think about it. She wrapped her arms around him and lifted to meet each thrust.
“Ah, Jeannette,” he murmured in her ear as he increased his speed, “you’re with me.”
“Yes.” She matched his pace and felt another orgasm building.
“I can’t... I don’t think I can wait.”
“Don’t wait.” Sliding her hands down, she gripped his firm buns, pressing her fingertips into his solid muscles as he pumped steadily. His rhythmic movements excited her even more. “I’m right behind you.”
He began to pant. “Damn, you feel incredible. If you didn’t feel so great I could hold off, but I...I can’t... I have to... I’m...” With a soft curse, he moved faster yet.
His excitement fueled hers. She kept up with him as he pounded into her, and when at last he cried out and drove home, she erupted at the moment his spasms hit. She held on tight as his body shook in time with hers. His groan of satisfaction brought her overwhelming joy, the kind of incandescent happiness that made her toes curl.
She had no idea how long they lay on the floor, but she had no inclination to move. She’d slept on beds that weren’t as cushioned as this carpet.
Eventually Zach propped himself on his forearms and gazed down at her with a smile. “You know, this is funny.”
She reached up and traced that smile with her fingertip. “Why?”
“I booked this room so our first time together could be on a high-end mattress on a king-size bed. And look at where we are.”
“Are you complaining?”
“Never.” He leaned down and kissed her on the nose. “But since we’ve had the floor experience, I vote we conduct the next round in bed.”
“And when do you anticipate the next round will start?”
Levering himself higher, he swept a glance down her naked body. He rested on one arm and cupped her breast. Her nipple responded to the lazy brush of his thumb. “Might not be long.”