Playing With Desire
Playing With Desire

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Playing With Desire

Язык: Английский
Год издания: 2019
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At the jazz club, the ten-piece band crowded the small stage. The vocalist belted out a song over the blare of the horns and the rhythm of the bongos and congas. The dense Friday night crowd, comprised mostly of tourists, pressed in all around them. However, Liam’s focus was on only one thing: Maya.

She was stunning in that strapless red dress. Released from the knot, her loose curls grazed her bare shoulders as she swayed her hips to the music in ways that made portions of his anatomy sit up and take notice. She was relaxed. Openly flirtatious.

The alcohol she’d consumed no doubt contributed to her relaxed state of mind. Yet, she wasn’t drunk. She was less guarded. More comfortable in her own skin.

On the dance floor, she owned her beauty. Embraced her sensuality. When they first met, she almost seemed embarrassed by it.

The band took a break and the female vocalist started singing a slow romantic ballad accompanied only by the guitarist and keyboardist.

Maya turned to leave the dance floor, but Liam caught her hand in his. Turning back to him, she smiled. One arm slung low across her back, he pulled her against him. He gripped her hand, intoxicated by her soft, floral scent and the delicious sensation of her body nestled against his as they swayed to the beat.

Her initial tension gave way. She relaxed, leaning in to him. “So what got you interested in jazz?”

“My best mate, Wesley. He’s an American expat. We met in boarding school at thirteen and eventually became roommates. His dad was a jazz musician. Took off when he was around ten. Sometimes Wes would play the old classics. Music his dad listened to when he was growing up. His way of holding on to the good memories, I guess.”

“I listened to jazz with my dad every Saturday morning while he tinkered in his workshop in the garage. Miles Davis, Charlie Parker, Thelonious Monk, Ella Fitzgerald, Etta James. Seems like one of them was the soundtrack to every important conversation I’ve ever had with my dad.” A wistful smile lit her brown eyes.

“Does your sister like jazz, too?”

“No.” The warm smile in her eyes was gone. “Kendra hates jazz for the same reason I love it. It reminds her of our father. She tolerates it on special occasions like my birthday.”

“Then she is a very good sister, indeed.”

“She is. I couldn’t ask for a better one.”

He pulled her closer and they continued to dance in companionable silence. The night had turned out different than he expected. Then again, so had she. Maya was opinionated, yet charming. Astute, yet amusing. She possessed a curious sensuality she seemed terrified to acknowledge, let alone explore. There was nothing he wanted more than to help her do just that. His desire for her coursed through his veins like adrenaline.

She broke the silence between them. “I have to admit, you are a pretty good dancer.”

“Pretty good?” He scoffed. “You haven’t seen the half of what I can do.”

Liam twirled Maya, pulled her in close, then dipped her, his face inches from hers as he held her in his arms. Her eyes widened in surprise. His gaze dropped to the little O her mouth formed as her breath came in short bursts. He returned his gaze to hers and slowly brought her vertical again, neither of them moving.

His heart pounded. There was something in her eyes. Something he couldn’t explain. Liam pulled her closer and pressed his lips to hers. Maya went completely still, then slowly relaxed, slipping her arms around his waist, beneath his suit jacket.

She tasted sweet and rich like a decadent dessert you couldn’t get enough of but knew you would regret in the morning. His mind raced, wanting to taste her skin. To be enveloped in her scent.

Her kiss, raw and hungry, evoked a reaction from his body. He wanted her. But not here, not like this.

He tore his mouth from hers, despite his body’s insistence for more.

Maya shuffled backward, fingers pressed to her parted lips.

The kiss had taken them both by surprise. He wasn’t in the habit of snogging in the middle of a crowded dance floor. He should apologize for being so forward. Still, he wasn’t sorry he’d done it. “I don’t know what came over me.” That much is true. “But—”

Before he could finish his sentence, one man swung at another man who stood directly behind Maya. Only the man was ducking out of the way.

Liam pulled Maya to him. The man’s fist just missed the back of her head. He shoved her behind him, his vision blurred with rage.

“Hey, asshole!” He snatched the man by his collar. “You nearly struck my date.”

The man smelled as if he’d bathed with a bottle of gin. He swung at him, but Liam blocked his punch and shoved the man backward. The second man took the opportunity to land a sucker punch that connected with the first man’s jaw. A third man—a friend of the first—landed a punch that connected with Liam’s cheekbone. A throbbing pain exploded behind his left eye.

It’d been a long time since he’d taken a hit like that.

He drew his fist back to hit the man, but froze when Maya shrieked his name. He wasn’t alone and things were going sideways fast.

Liam grabbed Maya’s hand. “I’m going to get you out of here. Stay close to me, all right?”

They made their way through the crush of bodies. Some headed toward the exit. Others pressed toward the growing fight.

The house lights came on and the club owner announced that the police were on their way. Bouncers made their way toward the ruckus and tried to pull apart the drunken brawlers.

By the time Liam and Maya made their way outside, police cars had arrived and were blocking the exit of the lot where his car was parked. They kept walking until they were in front of a little gift shop around the corner. Head throbbing, Liam pressed his back against the brick wall. He winced as he forced a grin. “Hadn’t planned quite this much excitement.”

Maya placed a gentle hand on his jaw and tried to get a good look at his cheek under the streetlight. “We need to get some ice on that. Wait here. I’ll get some from the bartender.”

“You can’t go back in there.” His voice reverberated in his brain. “Who knows how insane things have gotten? Besides, technically, I was involved in the brawl that got this whole melee started.”

The headlines back home would scream “Westbrook family heir arrested in beachside barroom brawl. Again.” Way to show his father he was focused and serious about succeeding him as CEO of the company.

“We need to get ice from somewhere or this side of your face is going to be three times the size of that one.”

Liam nodded down the street. “I live in that building. It’s a couple of blocks from here.”

Maya surveyed the glass-and-steel structure. Head tilted, she shifted her gaze to him. As if trying to decide whether this was part of some dodgy plan to bed her.

It was.

Though he’d planned a smoother transition that didn’t include some bloke’s fist connecting with his cheekbone. One of his best features, if he was to believe the magazines back home.

Liam grimaced as he reached into his pocket. “The address is on my li—”

Maya held her hand up. “Just c’mon before the buzz wears off and I change my mind.” She pursed her pink lips. “By the way...thank you. That’s twice in one night you’ve rescued me.”

“Self-preservation, love. I wasn’t saving you. I was afraid that guy was going to knock you into me.” Liam tried to suppress a smile, but his cheeks rose. He winced.

Maya laughed. “Well, whatever the case, it’s time I return the favor.”

He stood, his head throbbing. He draped an arm around her shoulders as they made their way the two blocks to his flat.

Chapter 5

An uneasiness grew in Maya’s chest as they approached the twelve-story structure. It wasn’t fear. She felt comfortable with Liam.

Too comfortable.

They barely knew each other. Yet, something in his penetrating stare made her feel as if he knew her intimately, in ways she didn’t quite know herself.

He instinctively seemed to know what she wanted. The most unnerving part? So far he’d been right.

Until the brawl at the club cut their night short, they’d been having a fabulous evening. Magical even. Maya cringed. That last martini must’ve gone straight to her head. She was a grown-ass woman who knew from experience there was nothing magical about love and relationships. Not that this was either.

Still, she couldn’t shake the heightened sensation that vibrated through her body, making it harder to breathe as her mind returned to the kiss they’d shared. The roughness of his beard. The way he held her in his arms. Nor could she escape the unrelenting desire to experience it again.

Everything about her night with Liam was a dreamy indulgence that might never come again.

“You’re quiet.” His voice, low and warm, seemed to apologize for intruding on her thoughts. “Haven’t changed your mind, have you?”

“And abandon you midrescue? No way.” She stopped and pulled out her phone. “This is a beautiful building. Mind if I take a picture of it?”

He smiled knowingly. “Of course not. Only when you tell your sister about the brawl, make me look good, will you?”

Maya laughed as she snapped a photo of the building, which included its name, The Jameson, highlighted in tall neon letters. She dashed off a quick text to Kendra with a brief note: Hanging out at Liam’s place. Don’t get the wrong idea. Long story.

They entered the large, bright lobby of the newly renovated industrial building and took the elevator to the penthouse level. Glass windows in the corridor rose another full story.

“I thought the penthouse was always on the top floor.” She surveyed the space, mesmerized by the view of the water.

“These units occupy the two top floors.” He opened the door and stepped inside, holding his hand out to her. “I’ll show you.”

Last chance to change your mind.

Fighting the jittery sensation that turned her stomach inside out, she inhaled deeply, put her hand in his and stepped inside.

The dim lighting enhanced the view of the skyline along the waterfront. The windows spanned the entire length of one wall, affording a view of the Atlantic Ocean.

“What an amazing view.” She slipped her heels off and left them by the entrance. An instant relief after a night of dancing and the walk to Liam’s place.

“I don’t need to put raw steak on my face, do I?” His voice echoed across the hardwood floors from where he stood in the kitchen.

Maya padded toward the kitchen and stood beside him. She plucked a bag of frozen peas out of the open freezer drawer, then positioned them on his swollen cheek. “You must have a hell of a headache. You should sit down.”

He shifted his jaw from side to side and winced. “Nothing a stiff drink can’t rectify. Can I get you anything?”

“I drank more tonight than I have in the past six months. Just water, please.”

Liam stepped behind his well-stocked bar and handed her a bottle of sparkling mineral water from the mini fridge. He filled his glass with an amber-colored liquor. “I admire your restraint. I don’t share it, but I do admire it. Should you change your mind and decide to join me, let me know.”

“I’m impressed.” Maya sank onto the sofa.

“Why?” He sat beside her.

“You didn’t put the peas down once. You’re pretty proficient with one hand.”

“I am indeed.” Waggling his brows, he flashed a smile that warmed her nearly as much as the kiss had.

Heat spread through her cheeks. “About that headache...” She stood, putting space between them. “Can I get you something for it?”

“Yes, please.” He repositioned the bag. “In the cabinet over the kitchen sink.”

Maya grabbed the pills from the cabinet and a bottle of water from the fridge. She handed both items to him, then knelt on the couch beside him. Lifting the bag of frozen peas, she inspected his face.

“What’s the verdict, doc?”

“The swelling is subsiding, but now bruises are forming on your cheek and underneath your eye.”

“Bugger. No chance that’ll resolve itself by eight a.m. on Monday. Better concoct a tall tale. I was attacked by two hooligans while defending an intriguing young woman whose extraordinary beauty had me completely mesmerized.” He grazed her cheekbone with his thumb, his fingers resting gently on her neck.

Maya shuddered inwardly. His gaze was filled with a white-hot heat as tantalizing as a flame to an unsuspecting moth. She could see it as clearly as the sun in a cloudless sky. Yet, she couldn’t turn away.

Her skin flamed beneath his touch. Heat crawled down her neck and into the beaded tips of her breasts, culminating at the simmering junction between her thighs. Liam glided his thumb across her lower lip. Her heart skipped a beat, her breathing shallow. The hungry look in his dark eyes went straight to her head, making her dizzy with desire.

Liam tightened his grip on her neck, pulling her closer until his lips met hers. Maya’s lids drifted closed as he placed soft kisses on one side of her mouth then the other. Her skin vibrated with alternate sensations. The contrast of his beard grazing her skin with the delicate caress of his lips like butterfly wings whispering against her skin. Gentle and sweet, yet surprisingly erotic.

She was playing a dangerous game.

Her brain understood this. Every other part of her anatomy disagreed.

Maya dropped the frozen peas and tangled her chilly fingers in his dark curls. Her other hand braced his shoulder, enjoying the delicious feeling of the hard, taut muscles there.

Liam slid one hand to her waist, his fingers pressing into her spine, pulling her closer as he deepened the kiss. He sucked her lower lip between his, then glided his tongue along the ridge between her lips. God help her, she made a noise reminiscent of a purr as she parted her lips, granting him access.

He glided his tongue against hers, then gently grazed her palate. Liam’s mouth tasted of the liquor he’d just consumed. A smoky, rich flavor. Chocolate with the slightest hint of berries. He let out a low hum that vibrated in her throat as his hand glided down her side, and then down her leg. Wrapping his fingers around her thigh, he pulled her onto his lap so she straddled him.

The pressure of his steely length pressed against her swollen folds sent a shock of bliss throughout her body—already wound as taut as a violin string. She gasped, breaking their kiss, as she tried to catch her breath and coax her traitorous body back to reality.

Hooking up with random guys was for pretty young coeds, not for single moms. She was sensible, reliable. The woman who shuttled her daughters to their soccer games, made brownies for the bake sale and sewed sunflower costumes for the school play. She wasn’t this person: rash and bold. Passionate and daring.

Not anymore.

She’d buried that girl years ago. Right around the time her first daughter was born. No matter how handsome and charming Liam Westbrook was, and despite the fact that he’d mastered the art of the orgasmic French kiss, it was time to say goodbye.

He planted soft, wet kisses on her jaw and down her throat that rendered her speechless. She wrapped her arms around his neck and let out a quiet moan. He gripped her bottom and squeezed the flesh there.

It hurt.

Yet the pain sent a corresponding jolt of pleasure straight to her aching core. She ground her pelvis against his, desperate to intensify the feeling building at her center.

Liam pressed a hand to her back. The other slid along her thigh and underneath her dress, cupping her sex through her silky underwear, damp with her arousal. She shuddered and sighed.

You’re playing with fire, girl. You know what happens when you play with get burned.

The little voice in the back of her head was the equivalent of an icy shower.

She clutched his wrist and dragged it from underneath her dress.

Liam’s handsome face was etched with concern. “Have I upset you?”

She shook her head, lowering her eyes as she climbed off him and scrambled to her feet.

“No, it isn’t you. It’s me. I...I can’t do this, I’m sorry.” Maya paced the floor. “I wasn’t thinking. I shouldn’t have allowed things to get this far.”

Liam sprang to his feet. He winced, the agonizing pain evident in his eyes. He gathered himself, placing gentle hands on her shoulders. His forced smile nearly masked his disappointment. “No apology necessary. Really.”

He stepped out onto the terrace. After peering over the railing, he returned, his face pinched with a frown.

“The police are still there.” He picked up the peas and put the bag to his cheek. “We still can’t reach my car.”

Maya scraped her teeth over her lower lip. The muscles in her abdomen tightened.

Liam held one hand up, palm facing her. “Not to worry. We’ll grab a cab, and I’ll escort you back to your car.”

She walked toward him, her hand out, fingers wriggling until he handed over the bag of peas. “These aren’t cold anymore.” She didn’t acknowledge his offer. Instead, she went to the kitchen, tossed the bag inside the freezer and retrieved a bag of brussels sprouts. Maya stepped close enough to position the bag on his face. He watched her without comment.

“Your head is pounding. I can see it in your eyes.” She nodded toward the couch. “Stay here and lie down. I can take a cab back on my own.”

“Unescorted? At this time of the morning?” He lowered the bag and stared at her in disbelief. “Surely you’re joking. I would never forgive myself if something were to happen to you.”

“I’m a big girl.” She stepped toward him. “I’ll be fine.”

“If you don’t want me in the cab with you, that’s fine. I’ll follow in another to make sure you get off safely.”

“You need to sit and rest.” She guided his hand so that the frozen vegetables were on his cheek again. “And keep this on your face if you want the rest of that swelling to go down.”

“Either we both go or... Never mind.”

“Or what?” She was almost afraid to ask, but something inside her wanted to know.

“You’re welcome to spend the night in my guest suite.” He raised his free hand in response to the objection forming on her face. “The door locks internally, and there isn’t a key from the outside. You’ll be completely safe, I assure you.”

Maya studied his dark eyes. The usual levity gone, his offer felt sincere. “I’ll stay under one condition. You need to understand this doesn’t change anything between us.”

“Duly noted.” The look of mild amusement returned to his handsome face. “I’ll show you to your room whenever you’re ready.”

Chapter 6

Maya’s eyes fluttered open. Her cell phone blared, each note a rubber mallet hammering her skull.

Heavy drapes filtered the light coming in through the large windows of what clearly wasn’t her tiny, dark apartment bedroom. She lay tangled in a soft blanket, cashmere maybe. Her dress lay neatly across a chair in the corner, and she was wearing an oversize T-shirt.

Maya rolled toward the sound of Kendra’s ringtone. Her cell phone—perched on the nightstand—stopped ringing, giving her pounding head a reprieve. She’d had a lot to drink. No wonder she felt like hell. Probably looked it, too.

Shrugging off the cover, Maya pressed a palm to her forehead and grunted. Kendra called again. She pulled herself upright and reached for the phone.

“Yeah?” was all she could manage.

“Maya, I’ve been calling you all morning.” Kendra was in full panic mode.

“Sorry. Lost track of time,” she mumbled, pulling the phone away from her ear. Asking Kendra to tone it down would have the same effect as poking a bear in the eye. “What time is it?”

“After noon. You were supposed to call two hours ago. I was one more unanswered call away from sending the cops to see your friend, Liam. That’s where you are, I assume.”

“Yes.” I think so. Maya opened her eyes again and glanced around the room. “It’s not what you’re thinking. I didn’t sleep with him.”

“I’m not angry because you spent the night.” Kendra drew in a deep breath. “I’m upset because you promised to call so I’d know you were okay, but then you didn’t. It’s not like you. I was worried.”

“I overslept, that’s all. I promise you, everything is fine. All right?”

Kendra huffed in relief. “As long as you’re...wait, what do you mean you didn’t sleep with him? You’re just camping out at his house having a slumber party?”

“Something like that.” Maya glanced toward the door. Footsteps approached. “Look, I gotta go. I’ll call you when I get home, okay?”

“And exactly when will that be?” Kendra prodded.

There was a knock at the door. “Hold on a sec,” Maya whispered into the phone, and then pressed it to her chest. “Yes?”

“Is it okay if I come in?” Liam’s voice sounded huskier than it had the night before.

Maya ran a hand through her hair and wiped her face. Hopefully, she didn’t look half as bad as she felt. She opened the door and let him in.

He stepped inside, hovering inside the doorway. The ice had worked. His cheek looked better. The fitted T-shirt and slim navy khakis he wore accentuated his athletic build. “Wanted to check on you. Did you sleep okay?”

“Yes, thank you. Can’t believe I slept so late.”

“You probably don’t usually have a night like last night either.”

“A night like what?” Maya could hear Kendra’s muffled voice coming from the phone.

“Oh geez.” She held up a finger. Liam nodded. “Kendra, I’ll call when I’m back home.”

“What did he mean by—”

Maya ended the call and tossed the phone onto the bed. “That was my sister. I was supposed to call this morning.”

“She must’ve been worried.”

“She was, but everything is fine now. Sorry I slept so long. I’ll be out of here in a few minutes. Mind if I use your restroom?”

“Of course not. I left fresh towels for you. In the meantime, I’ll make some espresso. That always makes me feel better after a late night out.” He turned to leave, calling over his shoulder, “Let me know if you need anything else.”

Maya cleared her throat. “You wouldn’t have an extra toothbrush, would you?”

He grinned. “Already on the counter. See you in a bit.”

“Thanks for understanding about last night, and for not taking advantage of the situation. I don’t do my best thinking after a night of drinking.” She cringed at the rhyme, hoping he didn’t think she was trying to be funny.

He nodded and closed the door behind him.

* * *

What did she think he was, an ill-bred barbarian? He wanted her, certainly. But he’d never take advantage of any woman. He was pretty straightforward about what he wanted.

Well, not always.

He hadn’t been forthcoming regarding his real objective in bringing her back to his place last night, but she was no naive teenager. He hadn’t minced words where his desire for her was concerned. After that kiss they shared on the dance floor, it was clear she wanted him, too.

Liam grabbed the coffee filter and ground his favorite organic espresso roast. He locked the filter into place and watched as the thick, fragrant espresso streamed into two shot glasses. The kiss they shared on his sofa replayed in his mind nearly as vividly as when it happened.

“Smells fantastic.” Her voice startled him out of his daze.

“Wait until you have a sip.” He turned to face her. Stripped down to a hint of lip gloss, her face was still luminous and her skin was practically flawless. “What can I get you? Espresso? Latte? Mocha latte?”

“You can do that?” She glanced around the kitchen, with its expensive, professional-grade appliances. The only items he used were the espresso machine and the microwave.

“I can, and you’re going to love it.”

“A mocha latte, then, please.” She placed her clutch on the counter and climbed onto the stool.

“Coming right up.” He grabbed the milk from the fridge and poured it into the frothing pitcher.

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