The Morning After
The Morning After

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The Morning After

Язык: Английский
Год издания: 2019
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“You look like you want to gobble me up.” She leaned forward to place her hand over his crotch and squeezed gently, then slowly pulled down his zipper.

“Well, that was the plan, but…” he said, his voice rough.

He settled back, letting the hammock rock as she peeled aside his shorts. With deft movements she worked his erection free of his briefs, her fingers hot around him. His breath caught as she glided her hand up his length.

“Maybe I’ll gobble you up instead.” A streak of sunlight danced across her dark hair, picking up red highlights. Her breath was warm against his abdomen, her hair brushing his thigh as she moved down his body.

She circled one hand tightly around the base of his cock while the other slipped inside his briefs to cup him.

Her sweet lips closed over him and he groaned, unable to look away from the sight of his erection disappearing into her mouth.

Her tongue circled his tip, tracing the rim, then darting over the sensitive head. As if he were a rare delicacy, she savored him. Heat raced outward from his center.

When he thought he could stand it no longer, she released him, her eyes gleaming with a naughty light. But instead of moving away, she nuzzled him playfully, then kissed him. Starting at the base, she worked her way up his length, her lips and tongue working havoc over his flesh. Only after covering every inch did she at last feast on the head, dipping her tongue to lick the salty drops from the tip.

“You are a witch.” He reached out to her. “How’s a man supposed to take all that?”

“With a smile.”

“I only have so much control.”

“Sorry. I was really enjoying myself.”

“Don’t apologize. We can find other ways for you to enjoy yourself.”

“I’m sure we can.” She kissed him and he stretched back, pulling her with him.

Nikki settled herself on top of Dylan, straddling him and nestling her cleft against his hardness. Her body hummed with wanting. It was as if his desire fed hers, intensified it. And he desired her. His need radiated out to her, drawing her as no man ever had.

His lips were soft, but demanding, his tongue relentless in its pursuit. Her breasts grazed his smooth chest and he took her nipple between his fingers, rolling it, tugging it. The sensation rippled down to her sex. Liquid heat seeped from her.

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