Полная версия
One Unforgettable Night: Wild at Heart / From This Moment On / Her Last Best Fling
She drew away from his kiss. “See? You’re starting to enjoy yourself.”
“Some. Kiss me again.”
“Sure.” Sliding around to face him, she held his head and really began to kiss him with enthusiasm.
That helped enormously because now he could fondle both of her plump breasts at once, and as he toyed with her nipples, he felt the most incredible miracle happen. Even in water cold enough to chill a beer keg, his cock began to rise.
She nibbled on his lower lip. “I’m getting hot. How about you?”
“I wouldn’t say I’m hot, but I’m hard.”
“You are?” She reached under the water, swishing her hand around until she found him. “Oh, my goodness.”
“They said it couldn’t happen.”
“Let’s see what else might happen.” She began to stroke him.
“Naomi, no.” But he didn’t pull away.
“Why not? Aren’t men more potent in the morning? Let’s take the edge off.”
“I can’t believe you’re doing this.” Still he didn’t stop her. His balls tightened and his breathing grew shallow.
“You want me to. I can tell.” Her tongue traced the curve of his lower lip as her hand moved faster. Then she caught his lip in her teeth and fondled the tip of his cock, squeezing, stroking… .
He groaned. “Yes…ah…yes.” He came, spurting into the cold water that no longer felt cold at all.
Her chuckle was rich with triumph. “Wasn’t that great?”
He gasped, but not because he was cold. She’d taken care of that in fine fashion. “Great.” He wondered if she was spoiling him for anyone else. Now, there was a truly scary thought.
NAOMI HAD ENJOYED her first week alone in the forest with the eagle family. But her second week had taught her more about herself than about the nesting habits of eagles. She’d spent her days studying and recording the raptors’ behavior, but she’d spent her nights with Luke.
His arrival had depended on his duties. Sometimes he’d show up before sunset and they’d make love on her observation platform, surrounded by fiery hues and the twitter of birds settling in for the night. Other times he’d ride into her camp after dark, when she’d already built a fire in preparation for dinner.
On those nights, he’d swing down from the saddle and pull her into his arms with an impatient oath, as if he’d been gone for days instead of hours. The first time that had happened, he’d been so desperate that he’d backed her up against a tree. Thrilling though that encounter had been, she’d chosen to have a sleeping bag conveniently positioned by the fire the next time he’d arrived after dark.
Sharing her work space and her campsite with Luke was the closest she’d ever come to living with a man. Because she’d fared so well on her own, she’d always wondered how well she’d tolerate such an arrangement. She not only tolerated Luke’s presence, she craved it.
With Luke she lost any lingering sexual inhibitions. Having sex with him every night had taught her how responsive she could be. She vowed not to lose that information after he was no longer inspiring her to enjoy her body to the fullest.
Luke had also raised the bar for any guy she would ever become involved with. Although she couldn’t dream of a forever-after with Luke, she wouldn’t settle for less than someone with his vibrancy. No more underdogs for her.
She was grateful that Luke Griffin had ridden under her tree nearly a week ago. As she swept the meadow with her binoculars around noon, she foolishly wished that he’d appear. He wouldn’t, though, not for several hours.
She might have worried about her eagerness to see him, except that she could guarantee he was thinking of her at this very moment, too. Somehow he’d managed to perform his duties to Emmett’s satisfaction, even though he’d told her that his thoughts were always on her. He’d described some of those thoughts, and they were all X-rated.
So were hers. Whenever she remembered all they’d shared this past week, she grew moist and achy. Sitting on the camp stool, she took off her hiking boots and socks, even though she knew for a fact he wouldn’t be riding out into the clearing until the sun went down.
Standing barefoot on the platform, she still felt restricted by her clothing, so she stripped everything off. She’d love to walk around the platform naked, but after Jack’s surprise visit, she wasn’t comfortable doing that. She put her shorts and shirt back on, but going without underwear felt risky and fun. No doubt about it, Luke had changed her outlook.
Too bad he wouldn’t be here for a sexy picnic. After checking the eagles and typing more notes, she snapped off a few shots with her digital camera. Then she grabbed an energy drink and paced the platform as she sipped it. She pictured what Luke might be doing right now.
He’d mentioned teaching roping tricks to the eight boys who were spending the summer at the ranch as part of Pete Beckett’s youth program for troubled kids. Naomi smiled at the thought of Luke working with those boys. He had such an adventurous spirit that he probably had them eating out of his hand. He certainly had her eating out of it.
A movement on the far side of the clearing caught her attention. Quickly setting her energy drink on the folding table, she grabbed her binoculars and her pulse leaped. As if she’d willed him to be there, Luke was riding in her direction on Smudge. What a glorious sight.
Capping her energy drink, she gave in to what was probably a ridiculous impulse. She tugged on her hiking boots, leaving the socks off, climbed down the ladder and started across the meadow to meet him. He’d ridden this path so often that he’d worn a little trail she could follow through the ankle-high grass and wildflowers.
She knew the minute he’d spotted her, because he urged Smudge into a canter. Laughing, she started to run. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d run without a bra, and her breasts jiggled under her shirt. This was crazy, but crazy was how he made her feel.
When they were about ten yards apart, she stopped running so she could catch her breath before they met. He slowed Smudge to a trot and then to a walk.
His grin lit up his entire face as he approached her. “I liked that.”
“Which part?”
“You being so excited to see me that you had to race out here gave my ego a boost, and the fact that you’re not wearing a bra made it even more fun to watch.” He tipped back his hat with his thumb. “What’s the occasion?”
“I felt like staying loose today.”
“That sounds promising. Can I hope it was for my benefit?”
“Let’s say it’s for our benefit.”
“Works for me.” He drew alongside her. Sliding his booted foot out of the stirrup, he held out his hand. “Come on up.”
“Is there room for me up there?”
“Plenty of room if you sit on my lap.”
“Will Smudge be okay with that?”
“Smudge is so well trained you could do a lap dance and he wouldn’t spook.”
“Is that what you envision? Me doing a lap dance on horseback?”
“Nope. You don’t have to do a thing except enjoy the ride.” He wiggled his fingers. “Let’s go.”
She didn’t need to be asked again. The sight of him cantering toward her, his body moving in rhythm with the horse, had aroused her beyond belief. She wanted to feel all that manly coordination up close and personal.
Placing her hand in his firm grip, she put her foot in the stirrup and swung up and over the horse’s neck so she faced Luke. She marveled at the strength in his arm as he steadied her movements one-handed.
“Hold on to my shoulder.”
He circled her waist with his free arm and cinched her in tight against his crotch. “There you go.” He clucked his tongue and Smudge started walking down the trail. “How’s that? Comfy?”
“You have no idea.” She slipped her feet free of the stirrups and hooked her heels behind his knees so she could feel the hard ridge of his erection rocking against her as the horse moved. “I took off my panties, too.”
He groaned. “You are rapidly becoming the sexiest woman I’ve ever had the good fortune to meet.”
She wound her arms around his neck and lifted her face to his. “You’ve always been the sexiest man I’ve ever had the good fortune to meet.”
“Then you won’t be surprised if I put my hand up your shirt.” He held the reins and focused on the trail ahead, but he slid his free hand under the hem of her shirt and cupped her breast. “I like this decision of yours to ditch the undies.” Slowly he rolled her nipple between his thumb and forefinger. “I like it a lot.”
Sensation zinged straight to the spot being massaged by the bulge in his jeans. “Mmm.” She pressed against his fly and let the steady movement of the horse work its magic. “You can do that some more if you want.”
He kept his attention on the trail. “You’re trying to come, aren’t you?”
“You told me to enjoy the ride.”
He glanced down at her and his dark eyes glittered. “You realize what this means, right?”
“Yes.” She sucked in a breath as she felt the first twinge. “I’m going to run out to meet you more often.”
“It means that the minute we get off this horse, you and I will get very busy.”
She moaned softly and rocked a little faster. “Doing what?”
“Take a guess. Now go for it, you loose woman.” He pinched her nipple faster. “We’re almost there.”
“So am…I.” When the spasms hit, she pressed her face against his shirt to muffle her cries. She didn’t want to scare the horse. But, oh, this was fun. Before meeting Luke, she would never have dreamed of doing such a thing.
True to his word, Luke had her out of the saddle the minute they reached the shade of her pine tree. She was feeling pretty mellow, so she didn’t mind when he laid her down on the pine-needle-and-leaf-strewn ground. His expression was so intense that she figured this would be an epic coupling.
He had her shorts off in a flash, but he wasted no time on his clothes. Hooking his hat on the saddle horn, he unbuckled his belt and wrenched down his zipper so he could free his cock and suit up. He didn’t bother with foreplay, either. Moving over her, he spread her legs and drove in deep.
She expected him to pump fast and come quickly, but he surprised her. Once they were securely locked together, he propped himself up on his forearms and shifted so he could cradle her head in both hands. They stayed like that as he gazed down at her without moving. He seemed to be studying her.
Wrapping her arms around him, she looked into his eyes. They were still hot, but his expression had lost some of its desperation. “I thought you were in a hurry,” she said.
“I was. To get here.” Although he’d seemed to be up to the hilt, he managed to slide in a fraction more. “Right here.”
“I thought I wouldn’t see you until later.”
“I switched afternoons with Shorty.” He eased back and shoved home again. “I’ll work for him tomorrow afternoon.”
“I needed this.” And he began a slow, steady rhythm as he held her gaze. “I needed…you.”
The walls she’d carefully constructed around her heart began to weaken. He shouldn’t say things like that. He didn’t mean it the way another man might, but…how sweetly he was loving her. How easy to look into those warm brown eyes and imagine that something more than lust had captured him.
“I’m glad you’re here.” She grasped his hips and lifted to meet him. “I needed you, too.”
He smiled as he continued the lazy back-and-forth movement. “Guess so. Running around the place without underwear. What were you thinking?”
“Yeah? You wanted to have sex on the ground?”
“No. I just…wanted you inside me.”
“That’s nice to hear, but how about a side order of a nice juicy orgasm?” He leaned down and brushed his mouth over hers. “I know you’ve already indulged, but…”
“I’ll take another, please.”
“I thought you might. FYI, don’t yell. Smudge is a calm horse, but let’s not push it.”
“I won’t yell.”
“You might want to.” Nibbling on her lower lip, he increased the pace slightly. “How’s that feel?”
Tension coiled within her. “Good.”
He moved a little bit faster. “And that?”
She gasped. “Better.”
“Wrap your legs around me. We’re going for best.”
Once she did, opening to him completely, he took command, his rapid thrusts bringing her quickly to the edge and hurling her over.
As sensations brilliant as diamonds cascaded through her, she started to cry out. He kissed her hard, capturing her cries as he continued to pump again and again. At last, wrenching his mouth from hers, he groaned and plunged once more.
His body shook and he gulped for air. “Hope I didn’t…hurt your mouth.”
Her words were forced out as she panted. “No…sorry…forgot the horse.”
“I’ll take that…as a compliment.”
“Ah, Naomi.” He leaned his forehead against hers. “You’re every man’s fantasy.”
“I like the sound of that.”
“And I like the feel of you…under me, on top of me, riding in front of me on my saddle while you give yourself a climax… .” He lifted his head and smiled down at her. “You know what we should do now?”
“I can’t imagine, but whatever it is, I’m up for it.”
“See, that’s what I’m talking about. You’re ready for whatever.”
“I am, if I can do it with you.”
“Then let’s go skinny-dipping in the stream. I’m all sweaty after that little episode. You, of course, are perfect and only a bit moist, but—”
“Liar. My hair’s plastered to the back of my neck. But I thought you didn’t like cold water.”
“I think I’d like it better in the heat of the day than first thing in the morning.”
She laughed. “Luke, it’s still cold in that water, even at this time of day.”
“Not as cold, I’ll bet, and I want to prove to you I’m not a wuss. Also, I want to talk to you about something.”
“Nothing earthshaking, or at least I hope it’s not, but I want your opinion. Let’s go get in the water and talk. Unless you need to check on the eagles.”
“The webcam’s babysitting the eagles and I changed the batteries this morning. We can skinny-dip.”
Twenty minutes later, Luke had staked Smudge to his grazing spot and they stood by the stream like Adam and Eve. Their clothes lay on the bank, along with Naomi’s beach towel.
“I’m going first.” Luke started down to the water. “To prove I’m a manly man.”
“You don’t have to prove that to me, cowboy.” She drank in the sight of his tight buns, muscled back and strong thighs. Talk about a fantasy.
He stepped into the water and his breath hissed out.
“Want to change your mind?” Naomi couldn’t help smiling. He was a baby about cold water. “We could put some water in a saucepan and let it warm in the sun. Then you could take a sponge bath.”
“Nope. I’m doing this.” Taking a deep breath, he plunged in, sending water splashing as he plowed over to the deepest part, which was still less than three feet. Then he sat down with another loud splash and a strangled groan.
“That was quite a production.”
“It’s cold as hell.”
“I told you.”
“Shouldn’t it be warmer by now?”
“Did you happen to notice there’s still snow on the mountains?”
“That’s where this water comes from. It’s snowmelt.”
“Oh.” He glanced over at her. “You’re coming in, right?”
“Of course. I do this every day.” She stepped into the water.
“How come you’re not shivering?”
“I have this mental trick. As I’m immersing myself in cold water, I visualize it being warm.” She made her way over to him and sat down.
“You can do that?”
“Sure. So could you. Don’t think about the water as being cold. Tell yourself it’s like bathwater.”
He gazed at her. “I’m going to visualize having sex with you, instead. That should heat me up really fast.”
“If you keep looking at me like that, you’ll heat me up, too. And then what?”
His slow smile hinted at watery pleasures. “We’ll do something about it.”
Despite what they’d already shared today, her body responded. “I thought you wanted to talk. But if you’d rather get friendly instead, you’re headed in the right direction.”
He sighed. “Right. I do want to talk. It’s just that you’re so beautiful. I can’t seem to get enough of you.”
“Then talk fast.”
He chuckled. “Okay. It’s about my dad.”
“YOUR DAd?” Naomi stared at him, clearly startled.
He should have led up to it more gradually, but they’d become so close in the past week that he’d forgotten she didn’t know anything about his parents. Yet why would she? He’d never told her. But now he needed a friend’s advice. He would have gone to Nash, except Nash was involved in wedding and honeymoon plans. And besides, this was the sort of touchy-feely situation that he sensed Naomi would understand. He trusted her.
“Let me back up.” He gazed down at the water and trailed his fingers through it. “It’s been easier to focus on the fun you and I are having. I’m not into deep analysis of my past anyway.”
“So what about your dad?”
Luke looked out across the water tumbling over rocks and gathered his thoughts. “He always claimed he wanted to travel and see the world, but because he married my mother, who hates travel, and he has the responsibilities of a home and his job, he’s never gone anywhere.”
“That’s too bad.”
He took a deep breath. “I talked to Emmett about it last week, and he started me thinking. My dad could travel, if he’d allow himself to. If my mom doesn’t want to go, that’s up to her. But I’m considering calling him and asking him to come out here, maybe even for the Fourth of July. He’d have a little time off then.”
Luke had never done anything like this before, and he was surprised he hadn’t. Maybe all that his dad needed was someone to say, “Hey, come on, let’s go.” On the other hand, if Luke invited him and he refused, that rejection would be tough to take. It might also mean his dad’s spirit was truly crushed, assuming he’d ever really had a vagabond spirit in the first place.
“I think that sounds wonderful, Luke.”
He looked over at her, drawing strength from the certainty in her blue eyes. “So I should do it?”
“Definitely. Where do your parents live?”
“New Jersey. He’d have to fly out, but he could. They have money. Hell, I’d pay for his flight if necessary.”
She opened her mouth. Closed it again.
“If you have advice, please give it. That’s why I asked you about this before I did anything. I want to make sure I’m not crazy to consider it.”
“Okay. I wonder…maybe it would be better if you let him pay.”
“You think so?” Luke thought about his mother, who could raise an objection about the cost of a plane ticket, especially at the last minute.
“It would mean he’s making more of a commitment to traveling, which you said he’s always wanted to do.”
Luke nodded. “You’re right. But it could be pricey.”
“It probably will be. But if he’s been saying all his life that he wants to travel and he never has, then he’s saved a lot of money by not traveling.”
“That’s a good point.”
“The biggest thing is whether he can move that fast, but maybe choosing a last-minute vacation is better. Still, this is…My gosh, it’s July 1 already, Luke. You should call him right away.”
He knew that, too, and he’d wanted her support while he did that, but her location didn’t help matters. “I don’t know if my cell phone will work out here. It’s an older one. Sometimes it gets a signal in this area and sometimes it doesn’t.”
“Did you bring it?”
“Yes.” That was a huge admission because he never brought his phone, first of all because his reception was dicey and second of all because he didn’t want to be interrupted when he was with her.
She stood. “We need to go back to camp so you can try to call.”
He gave her a rueful smile. “You’re right, but we just got here. I’m not sure we’ve dipped enough skinny.”
That made her laugh. He loved it when she laughed, because she seemed to glow with happiness.
“The stream’s not going anywhere,” she said. “We’ll have more chances. The phone call can’t be postponed.”
No, it couldn’t, unless he abandoned the idea. But now that the concept had penetrated his thick skull, he wanted to act on it, especially if Naomi thought he should. He put a lot of faith in her opinion.
So they took turns using her beach towel to dry off. She dressed more quickly than he did now that she’d decided to dispense with underwear. He got such a kick out of that. She was turning out to be quite a seductive woman.
He figured that their week together had something to do with that. Oh, hell, he had something to do with that. Might as well admit that he’d coaxed her into becoming less inhibited.
And now what, genius? Will you go off and leave her, so that some other yahoo can reap the rewards? Or does that stick in your craw a little bit?
It did. But unless he planned to stay in Shoshone and make things permanent between them, which he didn’t, then he had to live with the fact that she’d bestow her newly discovered sexuality on some other lucky slob. Better not to think about that.
Back in camp, wearing his jeans and boots with his shirt left unbuttoned, he pulled his cell phone out of his saddlebag and turned it on. As he’d feared, the signal was weak. It would be better in town or back at the ranch, but he didn’t want to leave Naomi so he could make a damned phone call.
He turned his phone around to show her the bars, or lack of them. “I can call tomorrow.”
“Or you can ride back.”
“No.” He didn’t like that scenario at all. He’d always been able to slip away from the ranch without attracting any notice, but if he went back to make a phone call, someone would see him, and leaving again would be problematic.
Besides, he wanted Naomi’s moral support, and he couldn’t very well take her back with him. If he had to call tomorrow without her, so be it, but he wasn’t leaving her tonight to make that call, no matter what she said.
She slapped her forehead. “Luke, we should try your phone from the observation platform. That might make all the difference. The signal is stronger for my laptop, so it should be stronger for your phone, too.”
“Sure, okay. We can climb up there. Let me get the cold fried chicken I brought.”
“You brought chicken? Why haven’t I heard about this before?”
“Sorry. I’ve been a little preoccupied.”
“No kidding. I love fried chicken. If I’d known that you brought some, I would have—”
“Wanted that instead of sex? Then I’m glad I didn’t mention it.” He crouched down and pulled the plastic container out of his saddlebag. “Remind me never to make you choose between sex with me and fried chicken.”
She gave him a saucy smile. “Why can’t I have both?”
“Oh, you can. I’m just worried about how you order your priorities. I want to be at the top, but I have a feeling that when it comes to fried chicken, I’m not. And I—oof!” He nearly fell over as she launched herself at him.
“Listen here, my friend.” She wound her arms around his neck. “I don’t know how many times I have to say this before it makes an impression, but sex with you is the best thing that’s ever happened to me in my entire life. Yes, I love fried chicken. And beautiful sunsets and baby eagles and the sound of the wind through the pines. But I would forgo them all for an hour alone with a naked Luke Griffin.”
He couldn’t have wiped the grin off his face if someone had offered him a million dollars to do it. She’d laid it on pretty thick and he wasn’t sure he could believe all of it, but he appreciated the effort more than she’d ever know.
He cleared his throat. “Thank you. I’ll probably still be thinking about that speech when I’m a white-haired old geezer who can’t get it up anymore.”