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Sleigh Bells in the Snow
“Apart from the fact her mother had another baby and decided Jess was getting in the way of her new family and that this would be a good time to remember I exist?” Tyler’s voice hardened. “What the hell did I ever see in Janet Carpenter?”
“You were young. Shallow. She had an impressive rack.”
“There was that.” Tyler stared at the bottle in his hand. “And I was flattered. Older woman and all. I thought it was birthday and Christmas rolled into one when she got me in that barn. All I ever got from that encounter was trouble.”
Jackson watched as the snow bunting flew off over the lake. “You got Jess.”
“Yeah—” Tyler’s voice softened. “Yeah, I got her. And she’s the best. You should see her on skis. Great balance, no fear. And that worries me. She’ll ski down anything with a gradient.”
“You were the same.”
“Maybe I was, but that doesn’t stop me wishing she’d show caution. She’s lived most of her life in Chicago. She doesn’t know mountains.”
“If you’re worried, take her out with you.”
“And give Janet something to use against me? No way.”
“Hell, Ty, she virtually sent the kid away. She’s hardly in a position to challenge your parenting skills.”
“Maybe, but I’m not taking the risk. I’ve finally got her back and I’m not going to screw this up.”
Jackson knew his brother was still tormented by the fact he hadn’t been given custody in the first place. It had been a hideous, ugly time, and he was one of the few who knew the truth of it.
Maybe it wasn’t surprising Tyler hadn’t noticed how Brenna felt. He hadn’t just been hurt, he’d been scarred.
“Have you talked to Jess about it?”
“She won’t talk to me.” Tyler sounded tired. “I even tried asking her straight-out what’s wrong. First time in my life I’ve asked a woman if she wanted to talk about what was bothering her. I even stayed around long enough for her to answer.”
“And did she?”
“She gave me a look and told me I wouldn’t understand.” Tyler stared at the bottle in his hand. “Wasn’t going to argue with that one. Truth? I don’t think she wants to be here. She wants to be back with her mother.”
“She’s always loved being here.”
“A visit is different to living somewhere permanently. Janet hated it here.”
“Jess isn’t her mother.”
“But she’s lived with Janet long enough, and we both know Janet hates me.”
Jackson didn’t argue. Knowing Janet Carpenter, he thought it unlikely she’d held back from expressing her views on Tyler. “Jess loves you, Ty.”
“Does she?”
“I know she does. She’s confused.”
“She’s not the only one.”
“You’re entering the realm of the teenage girl.”
“Does that realm include multiple door slamming and hours spent alone in her room? If so, I’m already there.” He shook his head. “I thought women were meant to be the communicators of the species.”
“Maybe you should talk to Mom about it. At least having Jess back will give her something to focus on.”
“You’d think so, but Jess is shutting her out, too. She’s transformed overnight from sweet kid to reclusive teen.”
“Give it time. She’s only been back with you for a month.”
“This was always her favorite time of year. She’s spent every Christmas here since Janet took her away. What sort of mother doesn’t want her kid around at Christmas? Not that I’m complaining about that part.” There was an edge to Tyler’s voice that only ever happened when he talked about his ex-wife. “But normally I can’t get Jess out of their kitchen in the holidays. If she’s not decorating Santa cookies, she’s gluing snowflakes, cutting out reindeer, or singing ‘Jingle Bells’ all over the house at the top of her voice. When I asked her this morning if she wanted to go and bake with Grandma, she told me she’s not a baby anymore.”
“That’s true. Twelve. Hell, how did that ever happen?”
“It happened, and all she wants to do now is ski vertical slopes. Do you think she’s suicidal?” For once Tyler wasn’t smiling or making light of life, and Jackson lowered his beer.
“No, I don’t. What I think is that you need to chill.”
“That’s why I’m drinking your beer.” Tyler glanced at his watch. “What time are we gathering to hear your woman?”
“If you’re talking about Kayla, I’m picking her up from the lodge at six. You don’t have to be there.”
“A mad moose wouldn’t keep me away. I have to watch how she handles Gramps. Think she’ll cope with it, or is he going to walk all over her?”
Jackson couldn’t imagine anyone walking over Kayla Green, but he was under no illusions. She was going to need all her skills to win over Walter Mont-gomery O’Neil.
“We’ll see how she does.” He picked up his jacket. “I plan on getting through the ‘meeting’ and then buying her dinner in the restaurant as compensation. I figure after an hour with our family, she’s going to need a drink. Probably ten drinks.”
Tyler lifted his eyebrows. “But this isn’t a date, right?”
“It’s work.” Ignoring the look his brother gave him, Jackson scooped up his keys. “Buy some beer. That way there might be some in my fridge next time you open it.”
IT WAS JUST a meeting.
She’d been to hundreds of meetings, and this one wasn’t any different.
Energized after a hot shower, Kayla pulled another pencil skirt off a hanger and put it on the bed next to her black cashmere sweater. Smart and warm. Wearing it would show she could be practical when the need arose.
Grabbing her suitcase, she picked out her favorite pair of black heels. She’d walk over in her boots and then change into her shoes.
Wrapped in a towel, cheeks still pink from the heat of the hair dryer, Kayla mentally ran through the way she intended to play the meeting.
They’d be skeptical, so she’d show them what PR could do for them.
They’d assume she didn’t know anything about their business, so she’d prove to them she’d memorized all the statistics and facts. That she knew Snow Crystal.
Finally, she’d show them what she’d achieved for other clients.
She’d show Jackson O’Neil that she might be useless at walking on ice, but when it came to understanding marketing there would be no slips. Her traction would be perfect.
She wondered why he was so concerned about the meeting.
Apart from my brother, you’re the only person I have in my corner. It’s in my interests to keep you alive.
The irony didn’t escape her. She’d never met a man’s family before. Never got to that point in a relationship, and here she was about to meet Grandma.
Kayla straightened her hair until there was no sign of her encounter with the snow, livened up the severe black sweater with a silver scarf covered in tiny stars and added a pair of silver hoops to her ears before checking her reflection quickly in the camera on her phone.
Go, Kayla.
By the time Jackson rapped on the door, she was confident she was ready for anything they threw at her.
He parked outside the main house. Tiny lights hung along the eaves and were twisted into the trees.
It could have been worse, she thought. At least there were no grinning Santas or illuminated reindeer with flashing antlers.
Jackson unclipped his seat belt. “Nervous?”
Yes, she was nervous, but she had a feeling that had more to do with the man sitting next to her than the prospect of the meeting. All he’d done was drive, but there was a tight knot in her belly and all she could think about was sex. Her gaze slid to the sensual curve of his mouth and then away again.
What the hell was wrong with her? Stacy was right. She needed to get out more. “I’m excited. You have a business issue to solve and that’s what I do.” What she didn’t do was stare at her client and wonder how it would feel to be kissed by him.
“I hope you still feel the same way by the end of the meeting.”
Anxious to get away from him, Kayla slid out of the car and stared at the path, weighing up her chances of making it to the door without falling over. “I might hold your arm this time.”
“Good to know you learn from your mistakes.” There was laughter in his voice and something else, something rougher and more dangerous that told her he was feeling exactly the way she was feeling.
Her gaze met the deep blue of his, and the sudden flash of chemistry punched the breath from her lungs.
It was like falling on an electric fence.
She grabbed his arm. “First thing tomorrow I’m buying proper footwear.”
She held his arm for as little time as possible and then paused in the doorway to tug off her boots and slide on shoes that gave her at least another three inches in height.
Pushing her boots into her bag, she smoothed her hair. “I’m ready.”
Jackson stared down at her feet. His gaze traveled slowly up her legs and finally ended up at her mouth. He hadn’t touched her but suddenly her lips tingled and her throat felt dry.
“We should—”
“Yeah, we should—” His tone was thickened and then he frowned slightly and turned to push open the door.
Sleigh bells jangled, breaking the spell. Kayla stared at the pretty cluster of bells tied to the door handle below a glossy wreath made of juniper and spruce.
“What are those?”
“My father proposed to my mother in a horse-drawn sleigh. She kept the bells as a memento and hangs them on the door at Christmas.”
Oh, great. That was all she needed. “Your mother loves Christmas?”
“Yes. She loves decorating for the holidays. Be warned—our tree is usually bigger than the one outside the Rockefeller Center.”
Digesting that less-than-welcome news, Kayla stared gloomily at the bells.
They were just decorations, she reminded herself. And at least her cabin was a Christmas-free zone.
She walked into the house and stopped in surprise as she took in the details of the room and saw the number of people crowded around the large table.
“Oh, I—This is—” She turned to look at Jackson, confused. “This is the kitchen.”
“That’s right.”
“The kitchen leads to your meeting room?”
The kitchen is our meeting room.” He closed the door on the cold and Kayla felt a flash of panic as she turned back to face her audience.
They were holding this meeting in the kitchen?
She glanced around and saw shiny saucepans and stainless steel. Bunches of herbs hung drying above the range. Surfaces gleamed, but this was no showroom kitchen. It was lived-in and loved. There were boots of various sizes lined up by the door and shelves stacked with recipe books. It was easy to imagine the three O’Neil boys rushing in from the snow, hoping to grab some freshly baked treats.
A woman hefted a large blue casserole dish into the oven and gave them a welcoming smile.
“You must be Kayla. We’ve heard so much about you. I’m Elizabeth O’Neil, Jackson’s mother. Alice and Walter, his grandparents—” she nodded her head in their direction “—and Tyler, Jackson’s brother. Jess might join us later but I’m sure you won’t mind that. Now come on in and let me take your coat.” She closed the oven door and hurried over, the smile still on her face, her arms outstretched.
Kayla took a hasty step backward, and the sharp heel of her stiletto drove hard into Jackson’s foot.
He swore under his breath and then his hands closed around her arms and he steadied her. “Do you have a license for that weapon?”
She didn’t answer. Terrified she was about to be hugged, Kayla thrust her hand out, almost winding his mother in the process. “Pleased to meet you.”
Jackson released her. “My mother is British, so you have that in common.” He smoothed over the potentially awkward beginning. “Thirty-five years ago she arrived to cook for a winter season and never left.”
“Why would I leave? I never saw anywhere more perfect than this place, and I’m sure Kayla agrees.”
Kayla was ready to agree to anything in order to get out of this Christmas grotto as fast as possible. “Absolutely. It’s stunning. Good to meet you, Mrs. O’Neil.”
“Call me Elizabeth, dear. We’re not formal.” Warm and friendly, his mother took Kayla’s coat, frowning as she hung it up. “It’s wet. Is it snowing again?”
“No. I fell.”
“You let her fall?” Elizabeth O’Neil turned reproachful eyes on her eldest son. “You didn’t hold her arm? Shame on you, Jackson.”
“It was my fault,” Kayla said stiffly. “I’m not used to walking on ice, but it won’t happen again.”
Elizabeth nodded approval. “Because next time you’ll hold his arm.”
“No.” Kayla had already promised herself she was going to keep physical contact to a minimum. “Next time I’ll be wearing better boots. I’m going to sort that out first thing tomorrow.”
Jackson’s grandmother made a sympathetic noise. “I’m not surprised you fell. It’s so icy. I’m afraid to go out in winter since I had my hip done and as for the cold—” Alice O’Neil peered at Kayla from across the table. “Are you wearing thermal underwear under that sweater? The wool looks thin. And your skirt is quite short. We don’t want you catching cold while you’re here. Jackson, you should take Kayla to buy underwear.”
Kayla felt heat rush into her cheeks. “I—” How was she supposed to respond to that? She was used to small talk that involved observations on the weather or the traffic in Manhattan. Occasionally people touched on the economy. No one ever mentioned underwear. “I’m warm, but thank you for your concern.” She shot Jackson a desperate look, feeling like a deer circled by a pack of hungry wolves. “Shall I begin my presentation?”
“Why do young girls wear so much black?” Walter O’Neil added his contribution from the far end of the table. “When I was young, black was for funerals.”
“I love color. You’d look pretty in green, Kayla.” Alice held out a ball of yarn to Kayla, who stared at it as if she were being offered a grenade.
Jackson’s brother gave a slow, wicked smile. “We’re very pleased to meet you Kayla. And I love the skirt. Don’t change anything about it, especially not the length—unless you want to make it shorter.”
“I didn’t say it wasn’t a nice skirt,” Alice said stoutly. “I said it was short and with the weather like this—”
“She’s warm, Grams. Don’t worry.” Jackson put his hand on Kayla’s back and urged her into the room. “And she looks smart in black. If people would listen for a moment, you’d discover she’s smart in other ways, too.” He pulled out a chair and offered it to Kayla, who sat gratefully.
They’d done the small talk now, so hopefully they could move on to business.
“I’m really excited to be working with you.” She thought she heard a snort from Walter O’Neil, but when she looked at him he was handing a fresh ball of yarn to Alice. “I’ve prepared a presentation that will give you a better picture of some of the ways in which we can help build your business.” She pulled her computer out of her bag. Just touching the smooth surface helped her relax. It was like suddenly discovering there was a trusted friend in the room. “I’ll start by going through a few of the campaigns we’ve run for other people.”
Glancing up she noticed the photographs lining the walls of the kitchen.
There was Walter O’Neil looking handsome with an ax clasped in his hands in a photo taken at least forty years earlier. One of the family dogs. Another of the three O’Neil boys dusted in snow after a snowball fight. There was Tyler standing on the podium collecting a gold medal, and a man she didn’t recognize—presumably the other brother—at his graduation. It was a visual record of the passage of time. The story of the O’Neil family.
Jackson followed her gaze. “My mother loves photographs. She also loves embarrassing us by displaying them for people to see.” There was amusement in his tone and something else. Love. This man loved his family. That was why he was here and not thousands of miles away in Europe, running his own business.
Realizing she was supposed to smile, Kayla smiled obligingly.
“The kitchen is where I spend my time.” Elizabeth turned on the heat under a pan. “Why wouldn’t I hang them in here? It makes me happy seeing Michael on that sledge. And I love that one of you boys taken right after that snowball fight. Look at their faces, Kayla—you can see what a handful they were. They loved the snow. Show them a slope of any sort and those boys of mine would ski down it. Didn’t matter what was at the bottom. They couldn’t play together without fighting but nor could they bear to be apart. Turned me gray prematurely.” But her face was all smiles, and she was clearly a woman whose life was fed and nurtured by family.
Feeling like an alien from another planet, Kayla hunted for something to say that wasn’t “get me out of here.” “They’re lovely photographs.” There was a thickness in her throat that hadn’t been there a few moments before.
It was this damn place, she thought. This lovely, cozy kitchen all prepared for Christmas. There were bowls of pinecones and vases filled with long branches of forest greenery. Candles flickered on shelves next to handmade decorations and Christmas cards with scrawled messages of love.
She thought about her apartment in Manhattan. Sleek, stark and without a single homey touch. No messages of love.
“Kayla?” Jackson’s prompt cut through her thoughts. “Are you all right?”
“Yes.” But it was a lie. She wasn’t all right.
Blocking out her surroundings, she tried to put her laptop on the table and discovered there was no room.
“Move your knitting, Alice.” Elizabeth O’Neil swept a small pile of yarn out of the way. “Have you seen Kayla’s computer? It’s so small. Isn’t technology fantastic?”
Kayla stared transfixed at the neat rows of gingerbread Santas waiting patiently in line to be iced.
A memory, long buried, awoke in her brain.
Despite the warmth of the kitchen, the chill spread through her. She felt horribly cold.
“Are you hungry, honey?” Alice carefully lifted a Santa onto a plate and pushed it toward her. “Aren’t they beautiful? Try one. They taste as good as they look.”
“No, thank you.”
Alice clucked with disapproval. “You young girls are always dieting, but of course that’s why you’re so lovely and slim.”
“I’m not dieting. I’m just not hungry right now.” There was a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach.
Jackson’s grandmother reached across and patted her hand. “You don’t need to be nervous, honey. And we’re just so grateful to you for giving up your holidays to help us.”
The kindness almost finished her.
“Why are you doing that?” Walter narrowed his eyes suspiciously. “Why aren’t you at home with your family?”
Elizabeth frowned. “Walter!”
“I’m just asking myself what sort of person chooses to work rather than spend Christmas with their family.”
The sort of person whose family didn’t want them.
Kayla gripped her laptop. “I’ve prepared a presentation for you. I hope it will help show some of the ways Innovation can help you with your business.”
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