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Baby for the Greek Billionaire: The Baby Project / Second Chance Baby / Baby on the Ranch
“Yes.” He glanced up at her, obviously confused. “But he didn’t bring a wife to the funeral.”
“Do you think he’s the type to leave his wife at home?”
Darius shrugged. “Who knows? A man who says ‘sticks in my craw’ could do just about anything.”
“Should we plan for a wife?”
“Nope, if he didn’t mention bringing a guest, I’m not planning for her.”
“Okay.” She went back to her reading, then had a change of heart. “Maybe we should plan for a guest.”
“We have plenty of extras. If we need something Mrs. Tucker will find it.”
“You’re sure?”
He pierced her with a look. “Positive.”
“Maybe we should check?”
“No. He should have told us he’d be bringing a guest. Since he didn’t, I’m not going out of my way. If he wants to be inconsiderate that’s his choice.”
At his snippy tone, Whitney laughed. “I see that hits a nerve.”
He set the paper down again. “It doesn’t hit a nerve. I think he has the right to behave however he wants to behave, but if the tables were turned I’d be more considerate. That’s why I don’t expect a lot out of him. Frankly, I’m surprised he’s interested in Gino. He’s busy with his oil company. He’s got a ranch so big I’m not sure even he knows how many acres he has. And he doesn’t really like people.”
“He’s going to be our tough nut to crack then.”
Darius merely snorted a “Humph.”
“Says here in Nick’s report that he owns a factory.” She shuffled through the papers. “His net worth is about one quarter of Cade’s.”
“Yeah, considering Cade’s net worth, that brings Nick in at around half a billion dollars.” Darius caught her gaze. “Don’t ever underestimate Nick. He’ll come here all Southern-gentleman charm and manners and he’ll leave with the silver.”
Her eyes widened. “He’s a thief?”
“No, he’s a sweet-talker.”
Whitney couldn’t help it; she laughed. “So you have a sweet-talker and a grouch for half-brothers?”
“Yeah, great, isn’t it? I’ve got a grouch, a sweet-talker and a baby.” He snorted in derision. “Which makes me crazy to think I can unite them.”
“Or a tower of strength.”
“Oh, come on. You know you’re strong.”
He gave her a confused look, then a grin bloomed on his face and he nudged her playfully. “You think I’m strong.”
She sucked in a breath. Even casual contact with him sent her senses reeling. But she understood why. Not only was she needy, but he was awfully good-looking. Now that they were getting to know each other, it was sometimes difficult not to simply fall into what seemed to be happening between them.
But, remembering Gino, remembering how difficult it was just to be able to hold him without thinking of Layla, she knew getting involved in a sexual relationship would be every bit as traumatic. She couldn’t risk this newfound peace between her and Darius.
She got up from the sofa and walked to the fireplace. “Don’t get too excited. I’m just saying that anybody who runs a company as big as yours has to have his attributes.”
“Like what?”
“Like you’re vain and arrogant.” She smirked at him. “Do you really want the list to go on?”
He rose from the sofa and ambled over. “I like the other list better. The one where you talk about the good things.” He paused and studied her eyes as if he’d been thinking the same thing she had been while sitting beside him on the sofa—how easy it would be to fall into whatever was happening between them.
Trying to get them back on point, she said, “Okay, you’re strong. You’re a good leader. And when push comes to shove, you always try to do the right thing.”
He grinned. “See. I knew you could come up with a better list.”
“You’re making me want to go back to the one that starts with vain and arrogant.”
His features shifted, his expression became serious again. “Don’t.”
Awareness bubbled through her. She wanted to believe it was only their sexual attraction, something she could deal with by always staying a few feet away. But gazing into his eyes, that excuse didn’t work. In a few short weeks, she’d come to see what a good man Darius Andreas was. Were she not wounded, were she not afraid, she would be falling head over heels in love with him because he was the kind of man a woman couldn’t help loving.
She sighed playfully as if put upon. “All right. I’ll stick with the list that reminds me that you always try to do the right thing.”
“I’d appreciate that.”
His expression was so intense she suddenly wondered if he wasn’t telling her something more. That he seriously wanted her to see his good points because he wanted her to like him.
Her heart leapt with hope. But she squelched it. No matter how good he was, she was weak. She was broken. He deserved better.
She swallowed. Scrambling to get them out of their personal conversation, she pulled away. “I’ll bet it seems odd for you to have brothers who are so different.”
Watching her walk back to the sofa, apparently accepting her return to their original topic, he said, “Yes and no. We never met until we were adults, so I spent most of my life growing up as an only child. When we did meet, we didn’t like each other. I was the product of a marriage. They resented me because our father didn’t marry either of their moms. And Nick’s mom had a long-term relationship with our dad. It was a surprise when he walked away rather than marry her.”
“That is kind of awful.”
He took the poker from beside the fireplace and stirred the logs, creating a shower of sparks.
“If you dislike that story, you’ll really hate Cade’s. His mom was a one-night stand. Stephone simply refused to return her calls until she got a court order for a DNA test after Cade was born.” He shook his head. “He didn’t think enough of Cade’s mom to call her back. I don’t know Cade, but if someone treated my mother that badly, I’d hate him, too.”
“No wonder they’re bitter.”
“And don’t forget, our different mothers taught us different things. Mine always loved our dad. She taught me to respect him.” He shook his head. “I wanted to hate him.” He caught her gaze. “Not for me, but for her. He loved her, yet he couldn’t stop cheating.”
She understood Darius’s anger, but she’d handled enough divorces to be a realist. “For some men, fidelity is impossible.”
He looked at the ceiling. “Do you really believe that?”
“Yes.” She answered unequivocally, knowing that would bring some sort of meaning to his childhood suffering. It didn’t exactly smooth it over, but it did somewhat explain it and take the burden off the women who bore the Andreas brothers and put it where it belonged. On Stephone.
“With some men an affair is the best a woman will get. Lots of women go into them with their eyes open.” She shrugged. “I know Missy did. She hadn’t expected anything from your dad but what they had in the moment. I’ll bet she never spent a sorry day because her expectations were real, honest.”
Darius turned to face her and his gaze slid over to hers. His dark eyes held hers, as if there was something else he wanted to say, but instead he turned away and headed for the bar.
“So we get beer and steak,” she said, snatching the opportunity to return them to their intended subject because the silence in the room was strained. Awkward. And she wasn’t sure why. Especially since they had been getting along, relating normally, for several days.
She couldn’t risk losing that. “Since Nick is from the South, I’d say some Tennessee whiskey would probably also be in order.”
“Some shrimp.”
“And crab legs.”
Darius laughed. “Are you still trying to please Cade’s potential mystery wife or yourself?”
“Hey, if I have to be here, I’m making the most of your money and connections to get some really good fresh fish.”
Chuckling, he pulled a bottle from beneath the bar. “How about a glass of wine?”
“Actually, if our work here is done, I want to go talk with Cook and then call my dad.”
“I have a fabulous recipe for jambalaya and my father has the name of a whiskey I think both your brothers will like.”
“You don’t have to do that.”
She smiled. “I want to.”
The funny part of it was she did. She liked taking charge. She liked the spike of adrenaline that formed when she had a plan to work and was working a plan. She’d been hiding in the background for so long she’d almost forgotten what a formidable force she could be. After a brief smile, she left the room.
Darius watched her leave, not missing one sway of her soft hips, one step of her long, curved legs. He leaned on the bar and rubbed his hand across his mouth. He wasn’t sure if it was wishful thinking on his part, but could she have just told him that she wouldn’t mind an affair?
Could it be that in the same way she’d gotten comfortable with her role in his house, she was also getting comfortable with their attraction?
He replaced the wine on the rack and poured himself two fingers of whiskey.
There was only one way to find out.
* * *
Saturday afternoon, after the baby had awakened from his nap, Darius and Whitney set him on the nursery floor. Strong, happy Gino crawled to a stray block that had missed being put into the toy box.
“Did you see that? He crawled!”
Whitney laughed. “You need a video camera.”
Darius pulled his cell phone out of his jeans pocket. “Until I get one, this will do.”
He aimed the camera at the little boy who slapped the block on the floor by the toy box. Whitney slipped behind him, lifted the toy-box lid and began tossing other soft plastic toys to Gino, who giggled with delight. Darius moved his cell phone to her.
She held up her hand. “Don’t!”
“Why not? You look great.”
“Yeah, but I don’t want to be in your pictures.”
“Why not?”
“Because we’re … we’re …” She wanted to say they were only co-guardians. She wasn’t family and didn’t really have to be a part of his life. But that was wrong. They were working together for Gino. Both were committed to raising him right and well. Like it or not, they were connected. Maybe for the rest of their lives.
She threw her hands up in defeat. “Whatever. Get me in the video if you want.”
He laughed. “Such enthusiasm, right, Gino?” He said, catching the baby’s attention. Gino patted his thighs and spouted a bit of gibberish.
“Wish we could get him to crawl again.”
Whitney stooped beside the toy box and tossed a colorful ball a few feet away from the baby. “Hey, Gino. See the ball?”
He slapped his chubby hands on his thighs.
Whitney tossed another toy over by the ball.
Gino screeched.
This time she tossed a little stuffed frog she knew was one of Gino’s favorites. Finally, he rolled to his knees and crawled after it.
Darius’s face blossomed into a broad smile. “Got it.”
She lifted herself from the floor. “You need a real video camera. Come on. We’ll take Gino to your office, get on the Internet and have one delivered.”
Darius scooped Gino from the floor. “Sounds good to me.”
They trooped to the second-floor office Darius used. Whitney was not surprised to see he had a second swing set up beside his office chair. When Gino wasn’t napping, Darius usually kept his baby brother with him.
He slid the baby into the swing and turned the knob at the top that not only set the swing in motion but also activated the music box. Then he dropped to the chair behind the desk, hit a few buttons on his keyboard and brought his monitor to life.
At first they went on a generic search that led them to the websites of a few well-known brand names of cameras.
When bending down to view the screen became awkward, Whitney leaned her hip on the arm of Darius’s chair, half sitting so she could see better. After reviewing the websites for the brands with five-star recommendations, Darius ordered the camera he wanted and clicked off the website.
“We should have it tomorrow.”
He looked up at her and she suddenly realized how close they were. At first she was surprised their attraction hadn’t sprung up. Then she realized something amazing. She was sitting so close their arms had brushed yet she hadn’t panicked. Hadn’t noticed, really. She was blessedly comfortable with him. Relaxed. Content. Almost … happy.
No. She was happy. She liked him. And not just as a friend or co-guardian. She liked him.
She bounced from the arm of his chair. “Okay. Now that that’s settled,” she said, trying not to sound confused or angry or even weepy and scared. Liking him, seriously liking him, meant taking steps, doing things.
Kissing for real.
Getting to know each other.
Making love.
The thought caused her heart to stop. She could see them making love. And why not? They were attracted and they were already getting to know each other. They’d flirted. They worked together. Hell, they’d already kissed.
How had they gotten beyond her barriers?
It didn’t matter. She wouldn’t couldn’t get involved with another man again, especially not someone to whom she was committed because of a baby.
FOR THE FIRST TIME since getting Gino, Darius felt his world righting. He had grown more than comfortable with his role as Gino’s father. Plus his feelings for Whitney had taken a sudden, unexpected turn. Now that he realized she might be agreeable to an affair, their attraction no longer seemed wrong. It was just part of the picture. Part of who they were. And if they continued to grow in friendship as they had been, pretty soon he was going to act on it.
As they drove home from the city the following Tuesday evening, he realized “pretty soon” might come sooner rather than later. There she sat, long lean legs crossed, her soft yellow hair tumbling over her shoulders as she worked, tempting him. Over the past few weeks, she’d slowly changed the way she dressed from oversize suits to simple sweaters and skirts. She’d also relaxed her hairstyle, as if she was returning to her normal self. And she was captivating. Gorgeous. If he didn’t stop staring at her, he’d be in sad shape by the time they reached the estate. So he did the only thing he could to get his mind on something else. He started talking.
“Nick’s flight has been moved up. He’ll be at the house on Friday afternoon of the weekend he and Cade are staying, instead of Friday evening.”
Whitney looked up. Her pretty Persian-cat eyes warmed with humor. “So are we going home early to meet him, or are you risking the silver?”
“I told you. I’m not worried about the silver, but I’m not so sure I want to leave him alone with Liz.”
She burst out laughing. “Oh, come on.”
“No, you come on. He’s a womanizer.”
Her head tilted. “Really?”
He scuffed the toe of his shoe in the limo carpeting. He’d just called his brother a womanizer as if it was a bad thing when he intended to try to get Whitney into bed.
“He’s got thirteen years on her.”
She nudged his shoulder. “Stop acting like an old man.”
He glanced up, caught her gaze. “I am an old man.”
“At thirty-eight?”
The question came out on an airy giggle and everything inside of Darius thundered to life. He hadn’t flirted with anyone in weeks. Maybe months. But there was something about flirting with Whitney that was more fun than normal. Maybe because only a few weeks ago this kind of conversation would have been foreign to her. And he’d helped her get to this place.
Surely that meant he could be allowed to enjoy it?
“Maybe I’m not so old as I am experienced.”
She snorted and glanced down at her papers again. “I’ll bet you are.”
He knocked the toe of her high heel with the toe of his oxford. “Wanna find out?”
She looked up, her eyes filled with fear. But in a blink the fear was gone, replaced by curiosity.
Oh, yeah. She wanted to find out.
The mild tingle of arousal in his gut suddenly became a raging river. He could have ravaged her right there in the limo.
And not been sorry.
That shocked him. He really wouldn’t have been sorry. In his mind’s eye he saw nothing but pleasure with her. No sadness or fear for her. No guilt or recrimination for himself.
This really was going to happen.
Finally, she said, “Don’t flatter yourself,” and returned her attention to her paperwork, but he knew she was lying. She wanted him as much as he wanted her.
It was a milestone for her. One he wouldn’t take lightly. He would make sure the moment was right when he seduced her. But he would seduce her. Not just for his own pleasure but for hers, and to bring her wholly back to the woman she was supposed to be. He couldn’t bring back her child. Couldn’t change her memories. But he’d been helping her take steps to recovery all along. He could help her take the next one.
After dinner, he would lure her into the den and they’d have ‘the’ conversation. He wouldn’t risk any misunderstanding. They both had to be clear about this or it wouldn’t work.
Because they were now getting down on the floor with Gino, Whitney changed into jeans before she went to the nursery to play for the hour before dinner. After they ate, Darius rose from the table and immediately walked to her chair, which he pulled out for her. “Can you spare a few minutes to talk with me in the den?”
He led her back down the hall. Once in the den, he pointed to the sofa as he headed for the bar. “Wine?”
Because she still had two hours of reading to do, she shook her head. “No. Thanks.”
“I was kind of counting on you having a glass of wine before our talk.”
“Really?” She laughed. “You want me tipsy?”
“Yes. No.” He winced, then pulled out a bottle of wine and popped the cork. “I want you relaxed.”
She laughed again. “I thought we were past being nervous around each other.”
“Not quite. There’s one more thing we haven’t discussed. Something we need to discuss and then we’ll have everything out in the open between us.”
“I’m ready.”
He sucked in a breath. “Okay, Whitney, I don’t have to tell you that we’re attracted to each other.”
That was the last thing she’d expected him to say. Rather than sit on the couch as he’d indicated, she took a step back toward the door. “And?”
“And I know I told you that I wouldn’t kiss you again, but I’ve changed my mind. I now think we should do something about this thing between us.”
Looking at his full lips, the gleam in his dark eyes, she felt a longing that she hadn’t felt in years. Oh, she was tempted, but she’d already worked all this out in her head and decided it was trouble. She laughed nervously and, as casually as possible, took another two steps back. “I’m not ready for a committed relationship.”
Unfortunately, he came out from behind the bar and easily caught up with her. He stepped close, toyed with a strand of her hair. “Who says that’s what I want?”
Her breath froze in her lungs. Temptation rose up like the morning sun, bright and full of promise. But they weren’t the only two people in this equation.
“Have you forgotten, we’re parents … raising a child together for the next eighteen years?”
“We’re also mature adults who understand ourselves.
You were hurt, nearly destroyed by a man you trusted. I had a father who couldn’t remain faithful if he tried. I saw how he hurt my mom. I won’t hurt a woman that way.”
“And you think having affairs doesn’t leave women hurt?”
“Not if you go into the relationship knowing the score. You said yourself Missy was fine with what she had with my dad.”
“I know but—” Though that was true, she hadn’t meant it in the context he’d taken it. “That’s different.”
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