Holiday with a Stranger
Holiday with a Stranger

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Holiday with a Stranger

Язык: Английский
Год издания: 2019
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‘Ah, the Corporate Opening,’ Connor joked as Josie moved her first piece.

‘Always works for me,’ she said, looking up at him through her eyelashes.

Connor didn’t hesitate before moving his first piece.

‘Hmm, the Nomad Defence. Daring,’ Josie said, an eyebrow raised in jest.

‘They don’t call me Crazy-eyed Connor for nothing.’

‘Do they really?’

‘Actually, no.’ He pretended to look sad.

‘So, how else do you entertain yourself when you’re travelling?’ She tapped her fingers against her leg whilst studying the board for her next move. She was determined to win this game.

‘When I get the chance I go mountaineering—sometimes ice climbing.’

Josie raised both eyebrows this time. ‘Action man, huh?’

‘Got to get my kicks somehow.’

‘Right.’ She moved another piece, holding on to it for a few seconds before releasing it.

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