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All Roads Lead to Texas
Callie glanced up. “Yes,” she answered, wondering how he knew that.
As if he was clairvoyant, he added, “I’m on the Home Free Committee so I know about your situation.”
Chills trickled down her spine and she resisted the urge to bite her nails. “My situation?”
“Yes. Your husband passing away and your desire for a fresh start in a small town to raise your children.”
It took all of her effort not to show relief. Of course, he would have read her application—an application that was all lies. She had to concentrate on who she was supposed to be and not who she really was. And she definitely had to stop acting so guilty.
She put an arm around Brit and Adam. “We’re looking forward to our new life.”
He looked at her with a strange glint in his eyes. “I was surprised you applied for that house.”
Did the man ever stop with the conversation? She wanted to leave, but she couldn’t do that until the sheriff was satisfied. “Why?” she asked abruptly.
The good sheriff didn’t seem to notice her annoyance. “Because it’s very run-down and needs a lot of work. Miranda said she explained all that to you and you still wanted it.”
“Yes.” Her backbone stiffened. “I plan to fix it up.”
“We had the gas, water and electricity turned on, but I’m not sure it’s livable.”
What business is it of yours? she wanted to ask, but bit her tongue. “We’ll manage,” she said instead.
“I’ll just drive over there with you and make sure. Follow me.”
“There’s no…” Her words trailed away. The sheriff was already strolling to his car.
“Let’s go,” Callie said to the kids.
“Can we take Rascal?” Mary Beth asked, stroking the dog.
“Rascal belongs to Buddy,” Callie reminded her.
“Oh.” Mary Beth’s bottom lip quivered.
“I’ll bring him over to see you,” Buddy said. “How’s that?”
“’Kay.” Mary Beth nodded and climbed into the Suburban. “Bye, Rascal. Bye, Buddy.”
As they drove away, Adam whispered, “What are we going to do?” Fear was evident in his every word.
“For one thing, we’re going to act normal and stop being so nervous and tensing at the sight of every police officer. We’re here now and it’s time to start our new life.”
“But he’s the sheriff,” Adam stated, in case she wasn’t aware of that.
“Relax, Adam. This is Homestead, Texas. No one has heard of us or even cares for that matter. We have a new beginning. Is everyone ready?” She held up her hand for a high five.
Reluctantly, Adam raised his hand and gave her a high five. “Ready,” he said.
“Ready,” Brit and Mary Beth chorused from the backseat.
“I want a horse,” Brit said.
“I want a dog,” Mary Beth added.
Adam turned to glare at his sisters. “Will you two grow up?”
“Shut up,” Brit snapped back. “You’re not our boss and I’m nine and I don’t want to grow up just yet. So there, you big bully.”
“You’re stupid,” Adam told her.
“You’re stupider.”
“Time out,” Callie intervened. “Everybody quiet. Not one more word.”
She didn’t need them arguing right now. She had to keep her focus on the sheriff. As she took a ragged breath, she wondered if she was ever going to breathe normally again.
Following the sheriff’s car toward the business district of Homestead, she hoped something would jog her memory from her childhood, but nothing looked familiar. The large yellow stone courthouse with granite columns was in the center of a town square shaded by big live oaks with drooping branches. Inviting benches were nestled beneath them. Several older men were sitting there chatting, whiling away the pleasant summer day.
Callie glanced up at the imposing clock tower and the scene triggered something in her mind, but for the life of her she didn’t know what it was.
Soon her attention was diverted by the town itself. Many businesses were boarded up. The town had a deserted feel and she could see what Miranda was talking about. People were leaving, looking for better jobs, a better life. It was a sad scenario for a small town. Hence the Home Free Program—a way to bring people back.
Miranda knew that Callie didn’t plan to stay forever, but she’d promised her a year and to fix up the house. Callie intended to do that. Her lawyer had told her it would probably take a year for her to gain custody of the children. At that time, a judge would decide if Callie would face any charges for abducting them. That part she didn’t want to think about.
She turned from Main Street onto Bluebonnet and the feel of bygone days was very evident. There was no Gap or Starbucks, just a kolache shop, a hardware store, a general store called Tanner’s and a dollar store that was the closest thing she saw to a clothing store. The storefronts looked old, but their bricks and mortar had stood the test of time. Their occupants had not.
A truck pulling a horse trailer was parked parallel at the hardware store, blocking traffic. The sheriff stopped to speak with the driver. A cowboy stepped out of the truck in worn boots and jeans.
“Look, Callie, there’s a cowboy,” Brit shouted. “Wow! He’s got boots. I need boots. Can I get boots?”
“Me, too,” Mary Beth chimed in.
“We’ll see,” Callie answered absently, her thoughts on other things.
She was glad when the sheriff got back in his car and continued on his way. When he stopped at the large three-story Victorian house, Callie caught her breath. It was exactly like she knew it would be. Of course, she’d seen a photo, but seeing it in person was so much better. The paint was peeling and a leaning pillar supported the first- and second-floor wraparound verandas. Some of the gingerbread trim was missing. The windows had cobwebs and weeds grew to the windowsills. The house was not in good shape. But she fell in love the moment she saw it.
Getting out, she waited as Wade strolled toward her, his badge glinting in the sunlight, reminding her of who he was. Her first thought was to run and to get as far away from Wade Montgomery as she could. He could end their new life as quickly as it had begun. She couldn’t let that happen. No way was she letting the sheriff take her and the kids back.
She had to get rid of him.
WADE’S MIND KICKED into overdrive as he walked toward Callie Austin. She wasn’t what he was expecting—something about her wasn’t quite right. She was defensive, nervous and way too attractive, with blond flaxen hair, blue eyes and a nicely packaged body that had curves in all the right places. He was surprised he noticed that. After his son’s death and his subsequent divorce, that part of his nature had taken a vacation. He wasn’t sure whether to be happy or not that it was back.
Looking at Callie’s blond beauty, he had a feeling she could be trouble—to his peace of mind. Something he’d fought very hard to achieve in the past four years.
“I called Miranda and she’s on the way over,” he told her as he reached her side. “The house is open so you can take a look around.”
The kids tumbled out of the car.
“Thank you,” she replied. “I’m sure you’re a very busy man so I can handle it from here.”
He lifted an eyebrow. “Are you trying to get rid of me?” God, she had the most beautiful eyes and he couldn’t resist teasing her.
“Of course not. I just don’t want to impose.” He got a frosty reply for his efforts.
“Since I’m on the Home Free Committee, you’re not imposing. Consider it part of my job.”
“Okay, then.” She gave in ungraciously and Wade wondered why she was so anxious for him to go. It was probably nothing—just his lawman’s instincts. Callie was in a new town so she had a right to be apprehensive and cautious.
“It’s gross,” the boy remarked, staring at the house.
“Is it haunted?” the bigger girl with the cowboy hat asked in an eager voice.
“I want my mommy,” the smaller girl cried, clutching a doll.
Callie pulled the child close to her side and he could see that all her defenses were out of love—like his had been for his son.
“Yes. The house needs work,” Wade said, looking at the kids. They all had blue eyes and blond hair like their mother, except the younger girl’s was a shade lighter. “And what are your names?”
Callie introduced them.
“Well, Brit, to my knowledge the house is not haunted.”
“Oh.” Her face fell in disappointment.
“But if you see a ghost, you call me and I’ll come arrest him.”
“Cool.” She smiled, then quickly asked, “Do you have a horse?”
“Sure do. I live on a ranch with my dad and we have several horses.”
“Do you let kids ride them?” She tapped her hat. “See, I got a hat.”
“We better look at the house.” Callie pulled Brit toward the walkway.
It didn’t escape Wade’s notice that Callie didn’t want him talking to the children. That fueled his instincts further.
“We forgot Fred,” Mary Beth cried and ran back to the car. Callie followed more slowly.
Wade was thinking dog. A goldfish was the last thing on his mind.
Callie carried a fishbowl in both arms.
Wade frowned. “You brought a goldfish from Chicago?”
“Yes,” she answered in a clipped tone, almost daring him to ask anything else. She was the prickliest woman he’d ever met. And the most attractive. Not one more word was said about Fred.
They walked through the spot in the white picket fence where a gate used to be. Much of the fence now lay in the overgrown weeds, as did the gate. The walkway and steps to the house were made of brick. They stood on the veranda.
Two old rockers set there as if waiting for someone. Callie touched one, shifting the bowl in her arms. “These are beautiful.”
“They’ve been here as long as I can remember,” he said.
“I’m surprised someone hasn’t stolen them.”
“Try picking one up.”
She handed the bowl to Adam and tried to lift a rocker. She staggered under the weight. “Oh, my goodness.”
“Solid wood and steel. It would be hard for anyone to carry them away, but Homestead is a place where everybody knows everybody. If someone took them, I’d know in a matter of minutes where to go look. It’s a close-knit town—not much crime here.” He didn’t tell her about some of the mischief the newcomers were experiencing. Little incidents that couldn’t be explained.
“I’m glad they’re here,” she said, lovingly touching the rockers. “They go with the house.” She had a faraway look in her eyes that Wade didn’t understand, but he decided to let it go for now.
He pointed to the right. “Don’t walk on that end of the porch. The pillar is rotted at the bottom and the floorboards are weak. And do not even think about going out onto the veranda upstairs.” He looked at the kids. “Do you understand?”
“Yes, sir,” Adam replied. “We won’t go anywhere our mother tells us not to.”
Wade took that as a backhanded reply. The boy was as defensive as his mother, and again his instincts told him something was wrong. He’d read through her application and everything checked out, but still…
He’d keep a close eye on the Austin family.
CALLIE COULD SENSE the sheriff’s uncertainty, so she had to be very careful and not send up any red flags. How she wished Miranda had been here to meet them.
Wade opened the door and she noticed the beautiful beveled glass. “Is this the original door?”
“I believe it is. Frances Haase, the librarian and a member of the Home Free Committee, has all the information on the house. It was built in 1876 by Herman Hellmuth and it stayed in the Hellmuth family until about ten years ago. Agnes Hellmuth, a spinster, died and left it to the city and it’s been sitting here in disrepair ever since. We put it in the Home Free Program hoping it would catch someone’s eye.”
He smiled a crooked smile and Callie felt her heart do a tap dance. “You found someone,” she replied, and forced herself not to smile. “I love this old house.”
“Then you’re in for a treat. Some of the furniture is still inside. Miss Hellmuth gave away a lot of pieces to friends in her will, but a few items are still here.”
As she stepped in, an eerie feeling came over her—the same feeling she’d had looking at the courthouse and touching the old rocker. It was as if she’d been here before…. It was possible she’d come here as a small child, but she didn’t have time to ponder that thought as she took in the house.
The large entry had hardwood floors, as did the rest of the house. There were parlors to the left and right and a winding staircase curled to the top floors. The wood staircase showed off ornate craftsmanship and the mahogany crown molding around the ceilings reflected the same delicate work and was at least twelve inches wide. The woodwork alone was spectacular. She couldn’t believe that no one wanted this piece of history.
Decorative inlaid tile made the fireplaces one-of-a-kind. The original brass wall sconces and chandeliers were still hanging. Two bedrooms were downstairs, as was a bath. The rooms contained beautiful beds with headboards that reached almost to the ceiling. Callie ran her hand over the exquisite wallpaper, a delicate pink floral print. It hadn’t faded and she wondered how long it had been in the house.
“Is this the original wallpaper?” she asked.
“I suppose. The Hellmuths redid the house in the early fifties, installing plumbing and updating the wiring. I believe Frances said the paper was in such good shape that they kept it.”
“It’s absolutely beautiful.”
In the dining room, one wall was decorated with a mural of a summer country scene, with oak trees, a pond, wildflowers and the Texas Hill Country in the distance.
“Oh, my.” It was so beautiful she could only stare at it.
“That is gorgeous, isn’t it?” Wade remarked. “That slight yellowing in spots is from eggs. Some teenagers broke in here and threw eggs around as a joke. You could paint over it if you wanted to.”
She shook her head. “No way.”
He smiled slightly, touching one of the dining room chairs. “This old set is still here. The chairs are wobbly and need some work, but they’re usable.”
The kitchen was a big mess. The cabinets were falling apart and all the appliances had been removed, leaving gaping holes. A large butcher block in the center of the room caught her eye. It was old and had been used a great deal, evident by the cuts in the wood.
Adam opened a cabinet door. “Look, Callie. What is this?’
As Adam said her name, a fleeting look of surprise crossed Wade’s face. But he didn’t question why her son had called her by her given name. A man of tact. She liked that. And against every sane thought in her head, she was beginning to like Wade Montgomery.
Focus. Focus. Focus.
She hurriedly inspected the cabinet. Inside was a tray and a rope that hung down.
“That’s kind of like a dumbwaiter,” Wade told them, standing close to her. Tangy aftershave wafted to her nostrils and she stepped back, feeling a little out of breath.
“The rope is on a pulley and when you pull the rope, it takes that tray to the second floor.”
“Cool,” Brit said. “Let’s try it.”
“I’m not sure it still works.” Wade pulled the rope and the tray traveled upward. “Well, I’ll be damned, it does.”
“Let’s go see where it went.” Brit headed for the stairs with Adam behind her.
“Wait,” Wade shouted. “Let me make sure those stairs are safe.” He turned to Callie. “There’s also a staircase off the kitchen.”
The bare wood steps appeared rickety so they took the big staircase. Wade walked up first and they followed. Callie was glad for some distance. What was wrong with her? She was acting as if she’d never been around a man before. She worked with men and had had her share of dates, so what was making her so aware of this man? This Texas sheriff. That was it. Sheriff. Her sensory antenna should read: avoid at all costs. But the woman in her was getting another signal.
The kids darted off to find the tray and Callie took a moment to get her head straight and look around. Everything was coated with dust and there was a musty smell in the air. There were four bedrooms and another parlor that contained bits and pieces of old furniture. A magnificent claw-foot slipper tub occupied the bathroom. Grime and grit coated the surface. It would take a lot of scrubbing to remove, but it would be lovely to lie in and relax, and she intended to scrub until she had it sparkling. The third floor was an open attic cluttered with more old furniture and junk. They slowly made their way back to the main floor.
The house needed a lot of work, especially the kitchen, but Callie was optimistic about the project ahead of her. This was a good place to live.
A good place to hide.
Now it was time to get rid of the friendly sheriff. The signal this time was very clear.
Adam and Brit were trailing each other from room to room, but Mary Beth was attached to her side. They needed some privacy. She wrapped an arm around Mary Beth and looked at Wade.
“Thank you for showing us here. I really appreciate it, but…”
The phone on his belt rang and he reached for it saying, “Excuse me.” Turning away, he spoke into the receiver. In a second, he turned back. “I’ve got to go. Miranda should be here any minute.”
“Of course. Thank you.”
Callie let out a long breath as he walked out of the house.
“I thought he’d never leave.” Adam sighed.
“Is he gonna arrest us, Callie?” Mary Beth looked up at her.
Not if I can help it.
Callie stroked her hair. “No, baby. Now let’s get settled into our new home.”
“Fred doesn’t like it here,” Mary Beth said, leaning against her.
Adam had set the goldfish bowl on the floor and Fred looked content. At least he was still swimming. Mary Beth always used Fred’s name when she was upset.
“I don’t like it either.” Brit pulled off her hat. “It’s spooky.”
“And the house is dirty,” Adam complained.
To Callie, the house was everything she’d been expecting. To the kids, it was just a strange place. They really wanted to be back in the brownstone with John and Glynis. She had to give them a sense of security. A sense of home.
“Time for a meeting.” Callie sat on the floor and the kids flopped down beside her. “When we talked about this, I told you it would be a hardship. Did you not understand what that meant?”
Brit and Mary Beth had blank looks.
“I just didn’t realize it would be like this.” Adam scowled.
Callie decided to try from another angle. “Let’s look at this like camping out. We’ve done that before.”
“Yes,” Adam mumbled.
“We have a roof over our heads, electricity and running water. There’s two bedrooms downstairs with a bathroom. We can sleep there until I can get started on the renovations. And the beds are so beautiful. We’ll feel like Cinderella sleeping in them.”
“I want to be Cinderella.” Mary Beth brightened.
“I don’t,” Brit said. “I want to be a cowgirl.” She reached for her hat.
“You’re so stupid,” Adam taunted. “You’re going to get us in trouble always asking about horses. We don’t have a horse, stupid, so forget about being a cowgirl.”
“You can’t tell me what…”
All of a sudden everything came down on Callie. She buried her face in her hands and the room became very quiet. The kids were tense and fighting. The house needed so much work. Was she crazy for coming to Texas? There were so many other places she could have gone. Had she made the right choice?
“Callie,” Adam whispered.
She raised her head.
“We’re sorry.” His face was lined with worry.
All three threw themselves at her and she held them tight. “I love you guys. That’s why I’m doing this. I know this isn’t the brownstone or the house in the Hamptons, but this is our home for now. So what’s your decision? Stay or leave?” She was giving them a choice when there really wasn’t one, but she could do no less. They had to be united or it wasn’t going to work.
“I’m staying,” Brit said.
“Me, too,” Mary Beth added.
Adam looked around then stuck up his hand for a high five. “I’m in.”
Callie gave him a high five as did Brit and Mary Beth.
“We’re home.”
“Anybody here?” a voice called from the front door.
They scrambled to their feet and met Miranda Wright, the mayor and the driving force behind the Home Free Program, at the door. She was tall and Callie always felt dwarfed by her height, but Miranda’s warm, outgoing personality took away any awkwardness.
They’d met at the University of Texas, both business majors. The moment Miranda had said she was from Homestead, Callie had felt drawn to her, wanting to know all about the town she was born in. But most of all, she wanted to know about her father.
Not once, though, in all the times they’d talked, had Callie mentioned her father. She recognized that for what it was—a defense mechanism. Her father had signed over his rights to Glynis when Callie was five years old. As a child, she didn’t quite understand what that meant, but as an adult she knew. Her father didn’t want any connection to her. As a child that had hurt. As an adult it hurt even more.
She’d told Miranda that her family had moved away when she was five and Miranda hadn’t pried into her family affairs.
So now here she was in Homestead and she could find out if her father was dead or alive. Callie had a lot of conflicting emotions about her father and it was time to sort through them. And she would not involve Miranda in that part of her life. Miranda had done enough for her.
Miranda and Callie hugged. “Glad you made it,” Miranda said, looking at the children.
Callie introduced the kids again.
“And that’s Fred,” Mary Beth said, pointing to the fish.
“A very nice goldfish,” Miranda commented.
“He wants to go home,” Mary Beth whimpered.
Callie and Miranda exchanged glances.
Callie picked up Mary Beth, her heart breaking at the pain she was going through. “It’s all right, sweetie. This is our home now.”
“I know,” Mary Beth mumbled into her shoulder. She rubbed her head against Callie and saw the dog squatted at Miranda’s feet.
Mary Beth raised her head. “What’s your dog’s name?”
“Dusty.” Miranda patted the yellow Lab mix.
“Can I pat her?”
Mary Beth slid to the floor, stroking Dusty, happy again.
“Has Wade given you a tour?” Miranda asked after a moment.
“Yes,” Callie replied.
“I had Ethel Mae Stromiski clean out the two bedrooms and bath downstairs and they’re livable until you decide about the renovations. Her son June Bug will be over to start work on the rotted column.”
“June Bug?” Callie’s eyebrow arched.
“Don’t ask.” Miranda smiled. “He’s a very good carpenter and he’ll be able to help with a lot of the work.”
“As we talked about, this is an old house and needs lots of work. Frances Haase, the librarian, has all the info on it if you’re interested. I have all the paperwork at my office, so if you’re ready we can go over there and you can sign all the necessary forms to become a part of the Home Free Program.”
“Thank you, Miranda.”
A message passed between them. Her secret was safe with Miranda. In return, Callie would live up to her end of the bargain.
But a lot could happen in a year and Callie fervently hoped that it was all for the best. She just had to stay hidden and keep from getting arrested.
That meant avoiding the local sheriff.
WADE WALKED INTO the Lone Wolf Bar and spotted his father, Jock Montgomery, immediately. He’d gotten a call that his father was causing trouble. Jock sat at a table with a bottle of scotch and an almost empty glass in front of him, hurling curse words at Herb, the bartender and owner. The bar was empty—evidently Jock had gotten rid of the rest of the customers.
“He came back here and got the bottle, Sheriff,” Herb said. “I couldn’t stop him.”